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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2008

Handbook Of Painting, Part 2: The German, Flemish, And Dutch Schools. Based On The Handbook Of Kugler (1860) by Kugler, Franz Theodor
Historical Illustrations Of The Fourth Canto Of Childe Harold: Containing Dissertations On The Ruins Of Rome And An Essay On Italian Literature (1818) by Hobhouse, John
Descrizione Odeporica Della Spagna In Cui Spezialmente Si Da Notizia Delle Cose Spettanti Alle Belle Arti Degne Dell'Attenzione Del Curioso Viaggiator by Conca, Antonio
Forrester's Pictorial Miscellany For The Family Circle (1855) by
History And Methods Of Ancient And Modern Painting: From The Earliest Times To The Beginning Of The Renaissance Period (1914) by Ward, James
Catalogue Of Drawings By British Artists V2: And Artists Of Foreign Origin Working In Great Britain (1900) by Binyon, Laurence
A Guide To The Exhibition Illustrating Greek And Roman Life (1908) by
A Few Local Sketches By J. M. (1844) by J M
An Inquiry Into The Nature And Form Of The Books Of The Ancients: With A History Of The Art Of Bookbinding (1837) by Arnett, John Andrews
Art And Common Sense (1913) by Cortissoz, Royal
Art In The House: Historical, Critical, And Aesthetical Studies On The Decoration And Furnishing Of The Dwelling (1879) by Falke, Jacob Von
English Female Artists V2 (1876) by Clayton, Ellen Creathorne
Goethe's Theory of Colors: With Notes (1840) by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Early Typography (1872) by Skeen, William
A New History Of Painting In Italy: From The Second To The Sixteenth Century (1908) by Crowe, Joseph Archer, Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista
Catalogue Of Early Prints In The British Museum V2: German And Flemish Schools (1883) by Willshire, William Hughes
Landscape In Art Before Claude And Salvator (1885) by Gilbert, Josiah
A Holiday On The Road: An Artist's Wanderings In Kent, Sussex, And Surrey (1887) by Hissey, James John
History Of Painting V1: Ancient, Early Christian, And Mediaeval Painting (1880) by Woermann, Karl, Woltmann, Alfred
A Pictorial History Of England (1878) by Goodrich, Samuel Griswold
A Tour In Connaught: Comprising Sketches Of Clonmacnoise, Joyce Country, And Achill (1839) by Otway, Caesar
Etchings And Etchers (1905) by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
A Festival Of Art, Poetry And Song: Selections From The Greatest Poets Of The English Language (1880) by Saunders, Frederick
A Monograph On Privately Illustrated Books: A Plea For Bibliomania (1892) by Treadwell, Daniel M.
Handbook Of Young Artists And Amateurs In Oil Painting (1849) by Laughton Osborn
Handbook To The Antiquities In The British Museum: Being A Description Of The Remains Of Greek, Assyrian, Egyptian, And Etruscan Art Preserved There ( by Vaux, William Sandys Wright
A Gallery Of Literary Portraits (1845) by Gilfillan, George
Harm Jan Huidekoper (1904) by Tiffany, Francis, Tiffany, Nina Moore
Catalogue Of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, And Other Works Of Art, Part 2: Belonging To The Corporation Of London (1868) by Overall, William Henry
A Bibliography Of Printing (1884) by
Anecdotes Of Eminent Painters In Spain: During The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries, With Cursory Remarks Upon The Present State Of Arts In That Ki by Cumberland, Richard
Heads Of The People V2: Or Portraits Of The English (1878) by Meadows, Joseph Kenny
A Short History Of Engraving And Etching: For The Use Of Collectors And Students, With Full Bibliography, Classified List And Index Of Engravers (1908 by Arthur Mayger Hind
A Handbook Of The History Of Painting, Part 2: The German, Flemish, And Dutch Schools Of Painting (1846) by Kugler, Franz
Fifty Years Of Modern Painting, Corot To Sargent (1908) by Phythian, John Ernest
A Handbook Of Attic Red-Figured Vases V1: Signed By Or Attributed To The Various Masters Of The Sixth And Fifth Centuries B.C. (1919) by Hoppin, Joseph Clark
A Handbook Of Greek And Roman Sculpture (1905) by Mach, Edmund Von
Antique Furniture (1915) by Burgess, Frederick William
Assyria: Her Manners And Customs, Arts And Arms, Restored From Her Monuments (1852) by Gosse, Philip Henry
Allemagne V2 (1838) by Bas, Philippe Le
A General Dictionary Of Painters: Containing Memoirs Of The Lives And Works Of The Most Eminent Professors Of The Art Of Painting (1840) by Pilkington, Matthew
Henry G. Bohn's Cataloque Of Books V1: Containing Natural History, Books Of Prints, Science, Language, Bibliography, Oriental And Northern Literature, by Bohns, Henry G.
Christliche Symbolik (1854) by Menzel, Wolfgang
Some Particulars Contributed Towards A Memoir Of Mrs. Myddelton: The Great Beauty Of The Time Of Charles II (1864) by Steinman, G. Steinman
Catalogue Of Miniature Portraits, Landscapes, And Other Pieces Executed By Charles Fraser (1857) by Gilman, Samuel
Catalogue Of The Engraved Work Of Albert Durer (1893) by Middleton-Wake, Charles Henry
Charles William Sherborn: An Appreciation (1910) by Hopson, William Fowler
Classified And Descriptive Catalogue Of The Art Objects Of Spanish Production In The South Kensington Museum: With An Introduction And Notes (1872) by Riano, Juan Facundo
Every Man His Own Art Critic, Glasgow Exhibition, 1888: An Introduction To The Study Of Pictures (1888) by Geddes, Patrick
Exhibition Of Works By Van Dyck, 1599-1641 (1900) by Royal Academy of Arts
Gradiva: A Pompeiian Fancy (1918) by Jensen, Wilhelm
Tableaux Anciens Empruntrs Aux Galeries Particulieres, Palais Des Champs-Elysees (1866) by Schickler, M. F., Odier, M. A.
Guide To An Exhibition Of Drawings And Etchings By Rembrandt: And Etchings By Other Masters In The British Museum (1899) by Colvin, Sidney
Guide To An Exhibition Of Drawings And Sketches By The Old Masters: Principally From The Malcolm Collection (1894) by Colvin, Sidney
Anecdote Biography: William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Fuseli, Sir Thomas Lawrence And J. M. W. Turner (1860 by Timbs, John
Anecdotes Of Painting In England V1: With Some Account Of The Principal Artists And Incidental Notes On Other Arts (1849) by Walpole, Horace, Vertue, George
A Study Of Talent In Drawing (1919) by Manuel, Herschel Thurman
Gallery Of American Portraits (1836) by Watterston, George
Giotto And Some Of His Followers V1 (1917) by Siren, Osvald
Evelyn's Sculptura: With The Unpublished Second Part (1906) by
James McArdell (1903) by Goodwin, Gordon
Hamilton, The Young Artist: With An Essay On Sculpture And Painting (1852) by Browne, Augusta, Browne, Hamilton A. C.
Famous Beauties And Historic Women V2: A Gallery Of Croquis Biographiques (1865) by Adams, William Henry Davenport
Famous Beauties And Historic Women V1: A Gallery Of Croquis Biographiques (1865) by Adams, William Henry Davenport
Heraldic Notices Of Canterbury Cathedral, With Genealogical And Topographical Notes (1827) by Willement, Thomas
A Critical Account Of The Drawings By Michel Angelo And Raffaello In The University Galleries, Oxford (1870) by Robinson, John Charles
A Descriptive And Historical Catalogue Of The Collection Of Pictures At Woburn Abbey (1877) by Scharf, George
Correggio At Parma: Being Part 5 Of The Renaissance In Italian Art, A Series In Nine Parts (1905) by Brinton, Selwyn John Curwen
Criticisms On Art: And Sketches Of The Picture Galleries Of England (1856) by Hazlitt, William
Art In The Modern State (1888) by Dilke, Emilia Francis Strong
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Poet And Painter (1886) by Nicholson, Peter Walker
Catalogue Of The Museum And Gallery Of Art Of The New York Historical Society, 1873 (1873) by Abbott, Henry
Catalogue Of The Paintings In The Old Pinakothek Munich: With A Historical Introduction (1885) by Reber, Franz V.
Descriptive Catalogue Of Drawings By The Old Masters, Forming The Collection Of John Malcolm Of Poltalloch (1876) by Robinson, John Charles
Barye: Life And Works Of Antoine Louis Barye, Sculptor (1889) by de Kay, Charles
A Memoir Of Thomas Uwins V2: Keeper Of The Royal Galleries And The National Gallery Librarian Of The Royal Academy (1858) by Uwins, Thomas
Okygraphie (1801) by Blanc, Honore
Biographical Illustrations Of St. Paul's Cathedral (1843) by Smyth, George Lewis
A Renaissance Leaning Facade At Genoa (1902) by Goodyear, William Henry
Comic Sketches And Recollections V1 (1843) by Poole, John
Farewell To Life Or Lyrical Reminiscences Of British Peers In Art: With A Biographical Sketch Of The Late Patrick Nasmyth (1878) by Langley, Richard
Essays In The Study Of Sienese Painting (1918) by Berenson, Bernhard
Arts and Crafts Essays by Various
Bridget Riley: Retrospective by
Men's Fashion Reader by
Art and Communication in the Reign of Henry VIII by String, Tatianac
The Unknown Blakelock by
Steina: 1970-2000 by
The Social History of Roman Art by Stewart, Peter
What People Wore When: A Complete Illustrated History of Costume from Ancient Times to the Nineteenth Century for Every Level of Society by Leventon, Melissa
Symbolism in Rock Art Bar Is1793 by
Pleistocene Palaeoart of the World: Volume 19, Session C80 by
Women's Contributions to Visual Culture, 1918-1939 by
Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece by Barringer, Judith M.
Henrietta Maria: Piety, Politics and Patronage by
Private Worship, Public Values, and Religious Change in Late Antiquity by Bowes, Kim
The 1960s Body Through Sculptural Movement and Static Dance - The Works of George Segal, Allan Kaprow, and Yvonne Rainer by Bartel, Maya
Gewalt Im Bild: Das Phänomen Der Medialen Gewalt Im Athen Des 6. Und 5. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. by Muth, Susanne
Kunst = Art by Tegtmeyer, Henning
Bilder Machen Räume: Mythenbilder in Pompeianischen Häusern by Lorenz, Katharina
La Historia del Arte 16 Edición (Story of Art 16th Edition) (Spanish Edition) by Gombrich, Eh
Artists as Inventors-Inventors as Artists by Daniels, Dieter
Psycho Buildings: Artists Take on Architecture: Architecture by Artists by
sed Design: 1949-1989 by Ulrich, Ralf E.
Art: Histories, Theories and Exceptions by Geczy, Adam
Art: Histories, Theories and Exceptions by Geczy, Adam
Painterly Perspective and Piety: Religious Uses of the Vanishing Point, from the 15th to the 18th Century by Moffitt, John F.
How to Read Chinese Paintings by Hearn, Maxwell K.
Candice Breitz: Louisiana Contemporary by
The Secret Books of the Bogomils by Varzonovtseva, Milena
Pop L.A.: Art and the City in the 1960s by Whiting, Cécile
A Brief History of the Masses: Three Revolutions by Jonsson, Stefan
Asian American Art: A History, 1850-1970 by
Asian American Art: A History, 1850-1970 by
Damaged Romanticism: A Mirror of Modern Emotion by Gardner, Colin, Sultan, Terrie, Pagel, David
Correggio At Parma: Being Part 5 Of The Renaissance In Italian Art, A Series In Nine Parts (1905) by Brinton, Selwyn John Curwen
A Theory Of Fine Art (1874) by Torrey, Joseph
Catalogue Of The Exhibits In The Queensland Court: Colonial And Indian Exhibition, London, 1886 (1886) by
Catalogue Of Paintings And Drawings: With A Summary Of Other Works Of Art Exhibited On The Second Floor, Summer 1901 (1901) by Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Catalogue Of Prints V1: Modern Etchings Of The Foreign Schools In The National Art Library, Victoria And Albert Museum (1903) by Hardie, Martin
Archaeology In India: With Especial Reference To The Works Of Babu Rajendralala Mitra (1884) by Fergusson, James
Billy Bounce (1906) by Denslow, William Wallace, Bragdon, Dudley A.
Household Elegancies: Suggestions In Household Art And Tasteful Home Decorations (1877) by Williams, Henry T., Jones, C. S.
A Dictionary Of Spanish Painters, Part 2: Comprehending That Part Of Their Biography Immediately Connected With The Arts, From The Fourteenth Century by O'Neil, A.
Hegel's Esthetics: A Critical Exposition (1885) by Kedney, John Steinfort
Arts Of The World: Comparative Art Studies (1920) by Balch, Edwin Swift, Balch, Eugenia MacFarlane
Handbook To The Fine Art Collections In The International Exhibition Of 1862 (1862) by Palgrave, Francis Turner
Art In Egypt (1912) by Maspero, Gaston
Aubrey Beardsley (1921) by Ross, Robert Baldwin
A General Account Of The Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (1813) by Laskey, John C.
An Inquiry Into The Principles Of Beauty In Grecian Architecture: With A Historical View Of The Rise And Progress Of The Art In Greece (1860) by Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon
Historic Graves Of Maryland And The District Of Columbia (1908) by Ridgely, Helen West
Art In Theory: An Introduction To The Study Of Comparative Aesthetics (1894) by Raymond, George Lansing
A Few Words On Art: Which Are Also Words Of Advice And Warning (1887) by Gladwell Brothers
Elisabet Ney, Sculptor (1916) by Taylor, Bride Neill
Caprices D'Un Bibliophile (1878) by Uzanne, Octave
A Catalogue Of The Cyprus Museum With A Chronicle Of Excavations Undertaken Since The British Occupation, And Introductory Notes On Cypriote Archaeolo by Ohnefalsch-Richter, Max, Myres, John Linton
Early American Painters: Illustrated By Examples In The Collection Of The New York Historical Society (1920) by Morgan, John Hill
Aldershot, And All About It: With Gossip, Literary, Military, And Pictorial (1857) by Young, Marianne
Art Studies For Schools: Or Hints On The Use Of Reproductions Of High Art In The Schoolroom (1903) by Rydingsvard, Anna Maria Von
French Classicism (1920) by Wright, Charles Henry Conrad
A Memoir Of The Life And Works Of William Wyon (1837) by Carlisle, Nicholas
Beauty And Art (1897) by Heaton, Aldam
Remarks On Forest Scenery V1: And Other Woodland Views (1834) by Gilpin, William
English Female Artists V2 (1876) by Clayton, Ellen Creathorne
Historical And Descriptive Account Of The Caricatures Of James Gillray (1851) by Wright, Thomas, Evans, Robert Harding
Criticisms On Art: And Sketches Of The Picture Galleries Of England (1856) by Hazlitt, William
Landscape In Art Before Claude And Salvator (1885) by Gilbert, Josiah
Fine Art, Chiefly Contemporary (1867) by Rossetti, William Michael
French Prints Of The Eighteenth Century (1908) by Nevill, Ralph
A Handbook Of Greek And Roman Sculpture (1905) by Mach, Edmund Von
Fifty Years Of Modern Painting, Corot To Sargent (1908) by Phythian, John Ernest
Anecdotes Of Eminent Painters In Spain: During The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries, With Cursory Remarks Upon The Present State Of Arts In That Ki by Cumberland, Richard
Emblems, Divine And Moral: The School Of The Heart And Hieroglyphics Of The Life Of Man (1866) by Quarles, Francis, Harvey, Christopher
Franks Bequest V2: Catalogue Of British And American Book Plates Bequeathed To The Trustees Of The British Museum (1904) by Howe, Edward Russel James Gambier
Fishing With The Fly: Sketches By Lovers Of The Art, With Illustrations Of Standard Flies (1886) by A. Nelson Cheney, Orvis, Charles F.
Dedications And Patron Saints Of English Churches: Ecclesiastical Symbolism, Saints And Their Emblems (1914) by Bond, Francis
Dutch Landscape Etchers Of The Seventeenth Century (1918) by Bradley, William Aspenwall
A Glossary Of Terms Used In Heraldry (1894) by Parker, James
British Galleries Of Painting And Sculpture: Comprising A General Historical And Critical Catalogue (1824) by Westmacott, Charles Molloy
A Guide To The Exhibition Illustrating Greek And Roman Life (1908) by
Etching: And Other Graphic Arts, An Illustrated Treatise (1922) by Plowman, George T.
Catalogue Of Romanesque, Gothic And Renaissance Sculpture: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art (1913) by Breck, Joseph
1812: Napoleon I In Russia (1899) by Verestchagin, Vasilia Vasilevich
A Collection Of Etchings: From The Most Celebrated Ancient And Modern Productions In Painting, Sculpture, And Architecture Of The Italian And Fr by Landon, Charles Paul
Freehand Drawing, Light And Shade And Freehand Perspective For The Use Of Art Students And (1892) by Cross, Anson Kent
French Book Plates: A Handbook For Ex-Libris Collectors (1892) by Hamilton, Walter
Glimpses And Gleams (1884) by Heaphy, Musgrave
A Pictorial History Of The Thames (1889) by
A Manual Of Artistic Anatomy: For The Use Of Sculptors, Painters, And Amateurs (1852) by Knox, Robert
Gustave Courbet: With A Biographical And Critical Study (1913) by Benedite, Leonce
Art And The Formation Of Taste: Six Lectures (1885) by Crane, Lucy
Exhibition Illustrating The Technical Methods Of The Reproductive Arts: From The Fifteenth Century To The Present Time, With Special Reference To The by Koehler, Sylvester Rosa
Ghiberti And Donatello With Other Early Italian Sculptors (1882) by Scott, Leader
Catalogue Of The Special Loan Exhibition Of Spanish And Portuguese Ornamental Art, South Kensington Museum, 1881 (1881) by
Historic China And Other Sketches (1882) by Giles, Herbert Allen
Early Typography (1872) by Skeen, William
Art Out-Of-Doors: Hints On Good Taste In Gardening (1893) by Rensselaer, Schuyler Van
An Account Of Some Of The Statues, Bas-Reliefs, Drawings And Pictures In Italy, Etc., With Remarks (1722) by Richardson, Jonathan
Lemmi - Morelon by
Morels - Popov by
Christmas with the Postcard Artists 1898-1940 by Hawksworth, Peggy
The Arts and Crafts of Ancient Egypt by Petrie, Flinders W. M.
On the Mythology of the Ancient Bards by Jones, Dedwydd
The Creation of Gothic Architecture: An Illustrated Thesaurus. the Ark of God [2 Volume Set]: The Evolution of Foliate Capitals in the Paris Basin: Th by James, John
Byzantine Mosaic Decoration: Aspects of Monumental Art in Byzantium by Demus, Otto
The Paintings in the Studiolo of Isabella d'Este at Mantua by Verheyen, Egon
Clothing: A Global History by Ross, Robert
The Encompassing City: Streetscapes in Early Modern Art and Culture by Blumin, Stuart M.
One Hundred Fish Fountain by
Leonardo Da Vinci and the Ethics of Style by
Understanding the Rock Art of Sedona by Zoll, Kenneth J.
Identity Theft: The Cultural Colonization of Contemporary Art by Harris, Jonathan
Identity Theft: Cultural Colonisation and Contemporary Art by Harris, Jonathan
The Bayeux Tapestry: The Life Story of a Masterpiece by Hicks, Carola
Time by Goldsworthy, Andy
Dan Perjovschi & Nedko Solakov: Walls and Floor: (Without the Ceiling) by
Citizenship in Roman Greece by Nay, Jamie
Systems of Art: Art, History and Systems Theory by Halsall, Francis
Wie aktuell ist Erich Mühsam? by
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