• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2009

Christopher Wool by
Art Now! Vol. 3 by
Making American Art by Sheldon, Julie, Meecham, Pam
Eland's People: New Perspectives in the Rock Art of the Maloti-Drakensberg Bushmen Essays in Memory of Patricia Vinnicombe by
African American Visual Arts: From Slavery to the Present by Bernier, Celeste-Marie
Last Call: Sweat, Tears, and Beers: Thirty Years at the Firehouse by Rice, Charles E.
People of the Eland: Rock Paintings of the Drakensberg Bushmen as a Reflection of Their Life and Thought by Vinnicombe, Patricia
Digital Baroque: New Media Art and Cinematic Folds Volume 26 by Murray, Timothy
The Paintings in the Studiolo of Isabella d'Este at Mantua by Verheyen, Egon
Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World by Brook, Timothy
The Physiognomy of a Renaissance Ruler Portraits and Descriptions of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary (1458-1490) by Békés, Enikő
The Harley Psalter by Noel, William
Achille Et Cie (1922) by Vallotton, Benjamin
Babel-Bibel In Der Modernen Kunst (1905) by Pudor, Heinrich
Arnold Bocklin (1903) by Meissner, Franz Hermann
A Picture Of The Isle Of Wight: Delineated Upon The Spot, In The Year 1793 (1794) by Wyndham, Henry Penruddocke
Advice To Proprietors, On The Care Of Valuable Pictures Painted In Oil (1835) by An Artist
A Hand Book Of Dorking: With Numerous Illustrations On Wood And Steel (1855) by John Rowe
A Strange And Terrible Wonder: Wrought Very Late In The Parish Church Of Bongay (1820) by Fleming, Abraham
A Brief Guide To The Department Of Fine Arts (1915) by Williams, Michael
A Group Of Theatrical Caricatures (1897) by Gladding, W. J.
Adam Friedrich Oeser: Ein Beitrag Zur Kunstgeschichte Des 18. Jahrhunderts (1879) by Durr, Alphons
An Alphabet Of Emblems (1844) by Murray, Thomas Boyles
Abraham's Sacrifice (1903) by Janson, Gustaf
A Pintura Portugueza: Nos Seculos XV E XVI (1881) by Vasconcellos, Joaquim de
Fertility Experiments in Auschwitz-Birkenau by Weinberger, Ruth Jolanda
A New Guide To Blenheim Palace, The Seat Of The Duke Of Marlborough: Containing An Accurate Account Of The Paintings, Tapestry, And Furniture, Accordi by Eccles, William
A Key To Proportions Of The Parthenon (1855) by Jopling, Joseph
Visual Impact: Culture and the Meaning of Images by Wright, Terence
A Room of Their Own: The Bloomsbury Artists in American Collections by
Arnold Bocklin (1903) by Meissner, Franz Hermann
Oeuvres Posthumes De Girodet-Trioson V2: Peintre D'Histoire (1829) by Girodet-Trioson, Anne-Louis
2008 by
Kunstproduktion in den Franziskanerklöstern zu Korbach und Meitersdorf by Meier, Esther
Arte E Artistas Contemporaneos (1903) by Arthur, Ribeiro
Angelico Da Fiesole (1906) by Wingenroth, Max
La Vie De Pierre Mignard Premier Peintre Du Roy (1731) by De Monville, Simon Philippe Maziere, Moliere
Anton Graff (1881) by Muther, Richard
Arabescos: Notas E Perfis (1880) by Carvalho, Maria Amalia Vaz De
An Explanation Of Several Of Mr. Hogarth's Prints (1785) by Felton, Samuel
Antike Bildwerke In Rom: Mit Ausschluss Der Grosseren Sammlungen (1881) by Matz, Friedrich, Duhn, Friedrich Karl Von
Darstellungen Aus Italien (1792) by Meyer, Friedrich Johann Lorenz
The Arts of Democracy: Art, Public Culture, and the State by
Modernism and Iraq by Shabout, Nada M., Bahrani, Zainab
Northern Renaissance Art by Nash, Susie
The Reception of Blake in the Orient by
Art in a City Revisited by
Glenn Brown: Etchings (Portraits) by
Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: Over Thirty Years of Conversations with Robert Irwin by Weschler, Lawrence
risus sacer - sacrum risibile: Interaktionsfelder von Sakralitaet und Gelaechter im kulturellen und historischen Wandel by
Aspekte der Musik, Kunst und Religion zur Zeit der Tschechischen Moderne- Aspects of Music, Arts and Religion during the Period of Czech Modernism by
Good Talking And Good Manners: Fine Arts (1887) by Huntington, Frederic Dan
Die Philostratischen Bilder: Ein Beitrag Zur Charakteristik Der Alten Kunst (1860) by Friederichs, Karl
Carnet D'un Combattant: Soixante-Quarte Dessins A La Plume De Carlegle (1917) by Tuffrau, Paul
Good Talking And Good Manners: Fine Arts (1887) by Huntington, Frederic Dan
FreeHand and Perspective Drawing: A Manual of the Principles of Artistic Perception and the Art of Correct Graphic Delineation (1908) by Everett, Herbert Edward, Lawrence, William Henry
Bath And Bristol: With The Counties Of Somerset And Gloucester, Displayed In A Series Of Views (1829) by Britton, John
Beauties Of The Dulwich Picture Gallery (1824) by W. Wetton
Die Philostratischen Bilder: Ein Beitrag Zur Charakteristik Der Alten Kunst (1860) by Friederichs, Karl
Croquis (1880) by Greville, Henry
Arrows Of The Chace V2: Being A Collection Of Scattered Letters (1880) by Ruskin, John
Euripides Und Die Bildende Kunst: Ein Beitrag Zur Griechischen Litteratur-Und Kunstgeschichte (1871) by Kinkel, Gottfried
Disblair, 1634-1884: Or An Old Oak Panel And Something Thereon (1884) by Walker, Alexander
Arturo Sierra (1884) by Llanos, Julio
Croquis A La Plume (1858) by Monnier, Henry
Federzeichnungen Aus Dem Amerikanischen Stadtleben (1885) by Rittig, Johann
Catlin's Lament: Indians, Manifest Destiny, and the Ethics of Nature by Hausdoerffer, John
Tabula: Figuren Der Ordnung Um 1600 by Siegel, Steffen
Chicana and Chicano Art: ProtestArte by Jackson, Carlos Francisco
Colorado Abstract: Paintings and Sculpture by Paglia, Michael, Chandler, Mary Voelz
The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope: How Renaissance Linear Perspective Changed Our Vision of the Universe by Edgerton, Samuel Y.
The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope: How Renaissance Linear Perspective Changed Our Vision of the Universe by Edgerton, Samuel Y.
Paint Made Flesh by
Greek Art and the Orient by Gunter, Ann
Bibliotheque Des Sciences Et Des Beaux Arts: Pour Les Mois De Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, 1770 V33, Part 1 (1770) by Pierre Gosse Junior
Catalogue De L'Oeuvre De Ch. Nic. Cochin Fils (1770) by Jombert, Charles-Antoine
Capriccios (1898) by Leeds, Katherine Frances
Caricaturas (1892) by Taboada, Luis
Beschreibung Der Gemalde-Galerie Des Freiherrn Von Brabek Zu Hildesheim, Mit Kritischen Bemerkungen Und Einer Abhandlung (1792) by Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius
Last Letters Of Aubrey Beardsley (1904) by Beardsley, Aubrey
Manuel De L'Amateur D'Estampes (1884) by Dutuit, Eugene
Cobergher: Peintre, Architecte, Ingenieur (1875) by Bortier, P.
How To See The New York Crystal Palace, Part 1: General View, Sculpture, Paintings (1854) by G. P. Putnam and Company
Last Letters Of Aubrey Beardsley (1904) by Beardsley, Aubrey
Dissertation Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Fameux Peintres (1681) by de Piles, Roger
Dissertation Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Fameux Peintres (1681) by de Piles, Roger
Middle-Breton Hours (1876) by Stokes, Whitley
Abstract America by
The Madonna of Humility: Development, Dissemination and Reception, C.1340-1400 by Williamson, Beth
The History of Tattooing by Hambly, Wilfrid Dyson
Roy Lichtenstein by
The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry by Pater, Walter
The Idol in the Age of Art: Objects, Devotions and the Early Modern World by
Nine Lives: Visionary Artists from L.A. by
Matisse, Picasso, and Modern Art in Paris: The T. Catesby Jones Collections at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and the University of Virginia Art Mus by Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Sarah Lucas & Olivier Garbay: The Mug by
Minnesota Prints and Printmakers, 1900-1945 by Crump, Robert L.
Art/Porn: A History of Seeing and Touching by Dennis, Kelly
Art Theory: An Historical Introduction by Williams, Robert
Seeing Witness: Visuality and the Ethics of Testimony by Blocker, Jane
Eulenspiegel. Eine Auswahl aus tiefenpsychologischer Sicht Ins Neuhochdeutsche übertragen von Roland F. Lukner by Bote, Hermann
Francis Baudevin: Hello Spiral by
Palestinian Art: 1850-2005 by Boullata, Kamal
Defaced: The Visual Culture of Violence in the Late Middle Ages by Groebner, Valentin
A History of Painting in Italy - Umbria Florence and Siena from the Second to the Sixteenth Century - Vol V - Umbrian and Sienese Masters of the Fifte by Crowe, J. a.
Jean Petitot Et Jacques Bordier: Deux Artistes Huguenots Du Dix-Septieme Siecle (1905) by Stroehlin, Ernest
Jomfru Pegelau: Interieurer, 1750-1770 (1907) by Koren-Wiberg, Christian
Die Renaissancearchitektur In Italien (1912) by Frankl, Paul
Etudes D'Art Etranger (1906) by Ritter, William
Domenico Fetti (1914) by Endres-Soltmann, Mary
Impressionisten: Guys, Manet, Van Gogh, Pissarro, Cezanne (1907) by Meier-Graefe, Julius
Egypt: Three Essays On The History, Religion And Art Of Ancient Egypt (1891) by Brimmer, Martin
Impressions Photographiques Aux Encres Grasses (1892) by Trutat, Eugene
Gedanken Uber Die Schonheit Und Den Geschmack In Der Malerey (1771) by Mengs, Raphael
Jean Jacques Boissard Poete Latin, Dessinateur Et Antiquaire Enfant De Besancon Et Citoyen De Metz (1875) by Castan, Auguste
Fors Clavigera V1: Letters To The Workmen And Laborers Of Great Britain (1871) by Ruskin, John
David Maclagan (1884) by Walker, Norman Lockhart
Goethe Und Die Bildende Kunst (1895) by Volbehr, Theodor
Illustrations Of Smollett, Fielding, And Goldsmith (1832) by Cruikshank, George
Essai D'Un Catalogue De L'Oeuvre D'Etienne De La Belle, Peintre Et Graveur Florentin (1772) by Jombert, Charles Antoine
Echoes Of The Great Exhibition (1851) by Turner, Joseph
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Et Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Excellens Peintres V3 (1705) by Felibien, Andre
From Their Galleries (1918) by Douglas, Archer Donald
Excursions In Art And Letters (1891) by Story, William Wetmore
Romantic Paris: Histories of a Cultural Landscape, 1800a 1850 by Marrinan, Michael
Romantic Paris: Histories of a Cultural Landscape, 1800a 1850 by Marrinan, Michael
Writing About Art by Munsterberg, Marjorie
The Cradle of Humanity: Prehistoric Art and Culture by Bataille, Georges
Painting a Hidden Life: The Art of Bill Traylor by Sobel, Mechal
American Art to 1900: A Documentary History by
Death in Florence by Wilson, Kathryn J.
Edward the Confessor: The Man and the Legend by
Meister Bertram: Tatig In Hamburg, 1367-1415 (1905) by Lichtwark, Alfred
Quinten Metsys (1907) by De Bosschere, Jean
Holiday Papers, Original Series, Part 1 (1891) by Jones, Harry
Les Enluminures Du Fameux Almanach Des Pp. Jesuites, Intitulue, La Deroute (1683) by Sacy, Isaac Louis Le Maistre De, Arnauld, Antoine, Daucour, Jean Barbier
Les Manteaux, Part 1-2: Recueil (1746) by Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe
Portrait De Philippe II, Roi D'Espagne (1785) by Mercier, Louis-Sebastien
Peter Von Cornelius, Theil 1: Ein Gedenkbuch Aus Seinem Leben Und Wirken (1874) by Forster, Ernst
Histoire Du Costume En France (1875) by Quicherat, J.
Harry Furniss At Home (1904) by Furniss, Harry
In Plain Air (1897) by Cabot, Elisabeth Lyman
Supplement A La Galerie De L'Assemblee Nationale (1789) by Crance, Edmond Louis Alexis DuBois De
Quinten Metsys (1907) by De Bosschere, Jean
Sacred Themes And Famous Paintings (1885) by Davies, David
Lettres Inedites De Pierre-Paul Rubens (1840) by Rubens, Peter Paul
I Delinquenti Nell'Arte (1896) by Ferri, Enrico
The Indian Craze: Primitivism, Modernism, and Transculturation in American Art, 1890-1915 by Hutchinson, Elizabeth
Dada 1: Miscellany of Art and Literature by Lüthy, O., Janco, M., Meriano, F.
Symbolist Art in Context by Facos, Michelle
Outside in: Chinese X American X Contemporary Art by
Jeff Koons by Siegel, Katy, Schneider, Eckhard
American Quilts in the Modern Age, 1870-1940: The International Quilt Study Center Collections by
The &-Files: Art & Text 1981-2002 by Chambers, Ross, Foss, Paul, Butler, Rex
The Crimes of Paris: A True Story of Murder, Theft, and Detection by Hoobler, Dorothy, Hoobler, Thomas
The Female Sublime from Milton to Swinburne: Bearing Blindness by Maxwell, Catherine
Pictorial Narrative in the Nazi Period: Felix Nussbaum, Charlotte Salomon and Arnold Daghani by Schultz, Deborah, Timms, Edward
Johann Winckelmanns Briefe An Einen Seiner Vertrautesten Freunde (1781) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Jean-Louis Hamon: Peintre, 1821-1874 (1903) by Hoffmann, Eugene
Peintres Genevois, 1766-1849: Topffer, Massot, Agasse (1904) by Baud-Bovy, Daniel
Johann Winckelmann, G. Ephraim Lessing: Klassische Schonheit (1906) by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Kant, Art, and Art History: Moments of Discipline by Cheetham, Mark A.
Johann Winckelmanns Briefe An Einen Seiner Vertrautesten Freunde (1781) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Leisure Hours (1878) by Sandys, M. A. T.
The Manuscripts Of The Earl Of Ashburnham: Report To The Minister Of Public Instruction And Fine Arts (1884) by Delisle, Leopold
James Ensor: Peintre And Graveur (1899) by Rousseau, Blanche, Baes, Edgar
La Perspective Curieuse Du Reverend P. Niceron Minime: Divise'e En Quatre Livres (1652) by Niceron, Jean Francois, Mersenne, Marin
Joyeles Bizantinos (1902) by De Zayas, Antonio
Javaansche Tafereelen (1829) by Nagel, G. H.
Gallerie Der Touffel Bestohend In Einer Auserlosenen Samlung Von Gemahlden (1776) by Cranz, August Friedrich
Phantasien Uber Die Kunst: Fur Freunde Der Kunst (1799) by
Francois Bacon (1893) by Fonsegrive, George
Gold And Frieze (1875) by
Lancashire Illustrated (1831) by Pyne, W. H., Allen, Thomas
Selected Works 1989-2009 by Bouchet, Mike
Rembrandt: The Painter at Work by Van de Wetering, Ernst
Church Woodwork in the British Isles, 1100-1535: An Annotated Bibliography by Faleer, Robert a.
Magritte's Imagination by Rubin, Susan Goldman
In Celebration of an Undiscovered American Artist, Hodé Frankl by Deley, Jacqueline
Gender and the Written Word in Recent Art by Vasa, Melanie
The Life And Discourses Of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1853) by Reynolds, Joshua
The Principles Of Greek Art (1914) by Gardner, Percy
Sir John Everett Millais: His Art And Influence (1899) by Baldry, Alfred Lys
The Living Frieze (1921) by Turbyfill, Mark
Old Hanging Ditch: Its Trades, Its Traders, And Its Renaissance (1910) by Wilkinson, Henry Broadhurst
The Principles Of Harmony And Contrast Of Colors: And Their Applications To The Arts (1855) by Chevreul, Michel E.
The Secret Of The Old Masters (1906) by Abendschein, Albert
Modern Art Education: Its Practical And Aesthetic Character Educationally Considered (1875) by Langl, Josef
Nordmanna-Mystik: Bilder Fran Nordens Forntid (1898) by Baath, A. U.
The Problem Of Form In Painting And Sculpture (1907) by Hildebrand, Adolf Von
Modern Art And Living Artists (1839) by Strang, John
On Imitative Art: Its Principles And Progress, With Preliminary Remarks On Beauty, Sublimity, And Taste (1882) by Dyer, Thomas Henry
Nicolas Poussin: His Life And Work (1899) by Denio, Elisabeth Harriet
Some Account Of The Monuments In Hackney Church (1881) by
Nollekens And His Times V1: Comprehending A Life Of That Celebrated Sculptor (1829) by Smith, John Thomas
Opere Filosofico-Pittoriche (1797) by Revelli, Vincenzo Antonio
Wyndham Lewis and the Art of Modern War by
Old Hanging Ditch: Its Trades, Its Traders, And Its Renaissance (1910) by Wilkinson, Henry Broadhurst
Litteratura, Musica E Bellas-Artes V1-2 (1871) by Ferreira, Jose Maria De Andrade
Memoirs Of Antonio Canova: With A Critical Analysis Of His Works, And A Historical View Of Modern Sculpture (1825) by Memes, John Smythe
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