• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2009

Renoir. Painter of Happiness by Néret, Gilles
Embattled Avant-Gardes: Modernism's Resistance to Commodity Culture in Europe by Adamson, Walter L.
The Medieval Stained Glass of Lancashire by Hebgin-Barnes, Penny
Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus by Pfeiffer, Stefan, Hoffmann, Friedhelm, Minas-Nerpel, Martina
The Bayeux Tapestry: New Interpretations by
Deena by Sutton, A. R.
DeeNA by Sutton, A. R.
The Paris Letters of Thomas Eakins by Eakins, Thomas
Greek Vase-Painting and the Origins of Visual Humour by Mitchell, Alexandre G.
A Philosophy of Computer Art by Lopes, Dominic
Madonna Sixtina (1908) by Lessing, Theodor
Leben Michelangelo's V1 (1905) by Grimm, Herman Friedrich
The Van Eycks And Their Followers (1921) by Conway, Martin
The Uses Of Symbolism In Greek Art (1922) by MacDonald, Janet M.
The Development Of British Landscape Painting In Watercolors (1918) by Finberg, Alexander Joseph, Taylor, E. A.
Wood Carving As An Aid To The Study Of Elementary Art (1902) by Jackson, Frank G.
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1878) by Witte, Leopold
Uitlegginge Van De Wyd-Beroemde En Vermaarde Glazen: Binnen De Voortreffelyke En Vermaarde St. Jans Kerk Te Gouda (1764) by Anonymous
Museum Schoepflini (1770) by Oberlin, Jeremias Jacob
La Tauromaquia O Arte De Torear (1796) by Delgado, Josef
Le Cose Piu Notabili Di Padova: Principalmente Riguardo Alle Belle Arti (1791) by Brandolese, Pietro
Le Siege De Hesdin (1639) by Ville, Antoine De
Lord Curzon In Indian Caricature: Being A Collection Of Cartoons (1903) by Talcherkar, Harischandra A.
Painted Wall Cloths In Sweden (1900) by Murray, Frances
Les Tombeaux Des Hommes Illustres, Qui Ont Paru Au Conseil Prive Du Roy Catholique (1673) by Christyn, Jean Baptiste
Sacrarum Antiquitatum Monumenta (1577) by Hillessemius, Ludovicus
Transcriptions From Art And Nature (1902) by Struthers, William
Lebhaffte Abbildungen Und Grund-Risse Der Thorheit Und Klugheit (1715) by Anonymous
Pitture E Scolture Che Si Trovano Nelle Chiese, Luoghi Pubblici, E Sobborghi Della Citta Di Ferrara (1770) by Barotti, Cesare
Selections From Irving's Sketchbook (1907) by Irving, Washington
Stichtelyke Zinnebeelden Gepast Op Deugden En Ondeugden In Lvii Tafereellen (1723) by Brit, Gezine, Houbraken, Arnold
Parnas, Of De Zang Godinnen Van Een Schilder (1724) by Van Swaanenburg, Willem
The Poets Of America: Illustrated By One Of Her Painters (1840) by
Ueber Mahlerei Und Bildhauerarbeit, Part 2: In Rom, Fur Liebhaber Des Schonen In Der Kunst (1787) by Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius Von
Pharus Galliae Antiquae (1644) by Labbe, Philippe
Versuch Einer Brandenburgischen Pinacothek, Oder Bildergallerie Der Beyden Nunmehr Koeniglich-Preussischen Furstenthumer In Franken (1792) by
The Dutch School Of Painting (1885) by Havard, Henry
Marseille Ancienne Et Moderne (1786) by Guys, Pierre Augustin
The Ministry Of Art (1897) by Bristol, Frank Milton
Monumenta Typographica Quae Exstant In Bibliotheca Collegii Canonicorum Regularium (1787) by Strauss, Andreas
Traite De Perspective: Ou Sont Contenus Les Fondemens De La Peinture (1701) by Lamy, Bernard
Traite Des Pratiques Geometrales Et Perspectives (1665) by Bosse, Abraham
Monimenta Hassiaca V3 (1750) by Schmincke, Friedrich Christoph
Museo Novarese (1701) by Cotta, Lazaro Agostino
Lectures On Painting And Design: Origin Of The Art (1844) by Haydon, Benjamin Robert
Sententiae Artis: First Principles Of Art, For Painters And Picture Lovers (1886) by Quilter, Harry
Recueil De Ces Messieurs (1745) by Pinot-Duclos, Charles, Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe, Maurepas, Jean-Frederic Phelypeaux
Lectures On Sculpture (1838) by Flaxman, John
Storia Delle Arti Del Disegno V2 (1783) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, Fea, Carlo
La Verona Illustrata (1771) by Maffei, Scipione
Nuova Guida Di Milano: Per Gli Amanti Delle Bele Arti E Delle Sacre, E Profane (1787) by Bianconi, Carlo
Fabii Columnae Lyncei Minus Cognitarum Rariorumque Nostro Coelo Orientium Stirpium Ekphrasis (1616) by Colonna, Fabio
Thoughts On Art And Autobiographical Memoirs Of Giovanni Dupre (1886) by Dupre, Giovanni
Recueil De Differentes Pieces Sur Les Arts (1786) by Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
Verzeichniss Typographischer Denkmaler Aus Dem Funfzehnten Jahrhundert (1789) by Grass, Franz Xaver
Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata (1612) by Horace, Veen, Otto Van
Petri Zornii Historia Bibliorum Pictorum Ex Antiquitauvs Ebraeorum Et Christianorum (1743) by Zorn, Peter
Nuova Raccolta Di 100 Vedutine Antiche Della Citta Di Roma V1-2: E Sue Vicinanze (1795) by Pronti, Domenico
Villa Benedetta (1680) by Mayer, Matteo
Les Tableaux: Suivis De L'Histoire De Mademoiselle De Syane Et Du Comte De Marcy (1771) by De Pezay, Alexandre Frederic J. M.
Memorial Exhibition Of The Works Of The Late J. McNeill Whistler: A Catalogue (1905) by Pennell, Joseph, Lavery, John, Ludovici, A.
Landscape And Figure Painters Of America (1917) by Sherman, Frederic Fairchild
Millais And His Works: With Special Reference To The Exhibition At The Royal Academy, 1898 (1898) by Spielmann, Marion Harry
The Injured Islanders: Or The Influence Of Art Upon The Happiness Of Nature (1779) by Fitzgerald, Gerald, Wallis, John Samuel
The Treasure Of The Oxus: With Other Objects From Ancient Persia And India (1905) by Dalton, Ormonde Maddock
Paul Gustave Dore (1883) by Norton, Frank Henry
Wilhelm Von Oranse (1774) by Bodmer, Johann Jacob
Paul Huet (1869) by Huet, Paul, Burty, Philippe
Misprysinghe Ende Miserie Des Hoefs Ende Der Hoocheyt, Met Lof Van Cleynen Ende Leeghen State (1573) by Van Dungen, Henricus Syberts, de Guevara, Antonio
Modern Watercolor: Including Some Chapters On Current Day Art (1917) by Fedden, Romilly
Stella, Pedro Schemihl (1896) by Salazar, Ramon A.
The Newleafe Discourses On The Fine Art Architecture: An Attempt To Talk Rationally On The Subject (1846) by Kerr, Robert
Lord Leighton Of Stretton (1906) by Staley, Edgcumbe
Le Gemme Antiche Figurate (1686) by Agostini, Leonardo
Le Tombeau Des Delices Du Monde (1632) by Serre, Jean Puget De La
Maniere De Bien Juger Des Ouvrages De Peinture (1771) by Laugier, Marc Antoine
Les Regles Du Dessein Et Du Lavis (1754) by Buchotte, Charles-Antoine Jombert
Stirpium Rariorum in Imperio Rutheno Sponte Provenientium Icones Et Descriptiones (1739) by
L'Aquitaine Historique Et Monumentale (1890) by Taillebois, Emile Marie, Camiade, Georges, Dufourcet, Eugene
Memoire Raisonnee Des Tableaux Du Roy V1: Avec Un Abrege De La Vie Des Peintres (1766) by Lepicie, Francois Bernard
Versi E Prose Sopra Una Serie Di Eccellenti Pitture Posseduta Dal Signor Marchese Filippo Hercolani Principe Del S. R. I. (1780) by Calvi, Jacopo Alessandro
Views From The Gardens Of Rome And Albano (1848) by Vivian, Georg
Wider Frankreich: Altes Un Neues (1870) by Grosse, Julius
Notes On Early Christian Symbolism (1884) by Allen, J. Romilly
Notices Of Sculpture In Ivory: Consisting Of A Lecture On The History, Methods, And Chief Productions Of The Art (1856) by Wyatt, Matthew Digby
Prodromo Delle Antichita D' Ercolano: Alla Maesta Del Re Delle Due Sicilie Carlo (1752) by Bayardi, Ottavio Antonio
Notices Generales Des Graveurs Divises Par Nations, Et Des Peintres Ranges Par Ecoles (1787) by Huber, Michel
L'Art D'Observer V1-2 (1775) by Senebier, Jean
Varias Antiguedades De Espana, Africa Y Otras Provincias (1614) by Aldrete, Bernardo Jose
Neues Journal Zur Litteratur Und Kunstgeschichte, Part 1-2 (1798) by Murr, Christoph Gottlieb Von
Modern Pen Drawings: European And American (1901) by
Pantographia: Containing Accurate Copies Of All The Known Alphabets In The World (1799) by Fry, Edmund
Herrn Le Pileur D'Apligny, Richtige Und Vollstandige Beschreibung Aller Farbmaterialien (1781) by D'Apligny, Lepileur
Memoires Of The Early Italian Painters: And Of The Progress Of Painting In Italy (1880) by Jameson, Anna
Traite De Mecanique: Ou L'On Explique Tout Ce Qui Est Necessaire Dans La Pratique Des Arts (1695) by Hire, Philippe De La
Neues Schweitzersches Museum 1795: Zweyter Jahrgang (1795) by Anonymous
Modern Spanish Painting: Being A Review Of Some Of The Chief Painters And Paintings Of The Spanish School Since The Time Of Goya (1908) by Temple, Alfred George
Ungaricae Sanctitatis Indicia: Sive Brevis Quinquaginta Quinque Sanctorum, Beatorum, Ac Venerabilium Memoria Iconibus Expressa (1737) by Hevenesi, Gabriel
Peter Paul Rubens' Masterpiece: The Feast Of Herod (1904) by Stearns, Frank Preston
Memoirs Of Emma Lady Hamilton: With Anecdotes Of Her Friends And Contemporaries (1891) by Hamilton, Emma
Sancti Stanislai Kostka Vita Iconismis, Symbolis, Doctrinis Moralibus Illustrata (1727) by Kostka, Stanislaus, Zettl, Paul
Le Pubbliche Pitture Di Piacenza (1780) by Carasi, Carlo
Museum Virorum Lucernatum Fama Et Meritis Illustrium, Quorum Imagines (1777) by Balthasar, Joseph Anton Felix Von
Le Bellezze Della Citta Di Firenze (1677) by Cinelli, Giovanni, Bocchi, Francesco
Recueil D'Antiquites Dans Les Gaules: Enrichi De Diverses Planches Et Figures, Plans, Vues, Cartes Topographiques Et Autres Dessins (1770) by Sauvagere, Felix Francois De La
Notizia Delle Pitture, Sculture, Ed Architetture V1 (1776) by Bartoli, Francesco
Venus: To The Venus Of Melos (1912) by Rodin, Auguste
L'Art D'Observer V1-2 (1775) by Senebier, Jean
Le Pubbliche Pitture Di Piacenza (1780) by Carasi, Carlo
The Glasgow School Of Painting (1897) by Martin, David
Maniere De Bien Juger Des Ouvrages De Peinture (1771) by Laugier, Marc Antoine
The Life Of An Artist: An Autobiography (1890) by Breton, Jules
Versuch Einer Brandenburgischen Pinacothek, Oder Bildergallerie Der Beyden Nunmehr Koeniglich-Preussischen Furstenthumer In Franken (1792) by
Lebhaffte Abbildungen Und Grund-Risse Der Thorheit Und Klugheit (1715) by Anonymous
Pantographia: Containing Accurate Copies Of All The Known Alphabets In The World (1799) by Fry, Edmund
Lord Leighton Of Stretton (1906) by Staley, Edgcumbe
Materials, Methods, and Masterpieces of Medieval Art by Benton, Janetta
Winckelmann Und Die Mythologie Der Klassik: Narrative Tendenzen in Der Ekphrase Der Kunstperiode by
Rainer Fetting: Return of the Giants by
The Making of Art by
Stass Paraskos by Lynton, Norbert, Haste, David
Bauhaus Construct: Fashioning Identity, Discourse and Modernism by
American Visual Culture by Rawlinson, Mark
American Visual Culture by Rawlinson, Mark
Aftershock: The Ethics of Contemporary Transgressive Art by Cashell, Kieran
Loot: The Battle Over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World by Waxman, Sharon
Art and the British Empire by
Damien Hirst: Requiem I by
Damien Hirst: Requiem I by
Damien Hirst: Requiem II by
The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by Edsel, Robert M.
The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists by Chilvers, Ian
Self-Portraits by Women Painters by Russo, Kathleen Lucey, Cheney, Liana De Girolami, Faxon, Alicia Craig
Art and Society in Cyprus from the Bronze Age into the Iron Age by Smith, Joanna S.
Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture, Painting, Architecture by Wallace, William E.
Speed Limits by
Doctor Thomas Monro: Physician, Patron and Painter by Abell, Mora
Art of More Lists by Nieman, John
Nature and Culture: Objects, Disciplines and the Manchester Museum by Alberti, Samuel
Icon of Loss: The Haunting Child of Samuel Bak by Phillips, Gary A., Fewell, Danna Nolan
Harper's Fine Arts Series - A History of Architecture by Kimball, Fiske
Conceptual Revolutions in Twentieth-Century Art by Galenson, David W.
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Vol. 81 by Supreme Council of Antiquities
Antoine's Alphabet: Watteau and His World by Perl, Jed
Graecomania: Der Europäische Philhellenismus by
Paracelsus Und Die Bilder: Über Glauben, Magie Und Astrologie Im Reformationszeitalter by Möseneder, Karl
The to Z of Renaissance Art by Zirpolo, Lilian H.
Bauhaus Construct: Fashioning Identity, Discourse and Modernism by
The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs by Andrianou, Dimitra
Material Culture and Social Identities in the Ancient World by
The Origins of the Greek Architectural Orders by Barletta, Barbara A.
The Vestige of Resistance by Kim, Hee-Young
Analysis Of The Cartoons Of Raphael (1860) by Norton, Charles Benjamin
Art For Life's Sake: An Application Of The Principles Of Art To The Ideals And Conduct Of Individual And Collective Life (1913) by Caffin, Charles Henry
An Inquiry Into The Chronological Succession Of The Styles Of Romanesque And Pointed Architecture In France (1850) by Inkersley, Thomas
Alexandre Lenoir V1: Son Journal Et Le Musee Des Monuments Francais (1878) by Courajod, Louis
A Printed Specimen Of Caslon Old Style Type: With Appropriate Ornaments (1921) by Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Company
American Water Colorists (1922) by Gallatin, Albert Eugene
Filippo Buonarroti (1902) by Romano-Catania, Giuseppe
Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1903) by Meyenburg, Ernst Von
Camille Mauclair (1905) by Aubry, Georges Jean
Carlo Rainaldi: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschiche Des Romischen Barocks (1919) by Hempel, Eberhard
Ceremonies And Processions Of The Cathedral Church Of Salisbury (1901) by
Fatum V1 (1907) by Wasner, Georg
A Pictorial Commentary On The Gospel According To Mark (1881) by
Antoine Wiertz: Etude Biographique: Avec Les Lettres De L'Artiste Et La Photographie Du Patrocle (1866) by Labarre, Louis, Wiertz, Antoine
Analysis Of Female Beauty (1834) by Flagg, Wilson
Chats On Japanese Prints (1917) by Ficke, Arthur Davison
Camera-Lucida (1845) by Nisard, Charles
The New Tendency In Art: Post Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism (1913) by Poore, Henry Rankin
Antoine Wiertz: Etude Biographique: Avec Les Lettres De L'Artiste Et La Photographie Du Patrocle (1866) by Wiertz, Antoine, Labarre, Louis
Giorgio Vasari: Discorso (1855) by Guasti, Cesare
A Description Of The Picture Of The Home Of Washington After The War (1859) by Rossiter, Thomas Prichard, Mignot, Louis Remy
A Synopsis Of The Family Of Naiades (1836) by Lea, Isaac
Art In Decoration (1889) by Haberstroh, Albert
A Book Of Glamorganshire's Antiquities (1825) by Merrick, Rice
A Book Of Pictured Carols (1893) by Gaskin, Arthur
Development Of Painting In The Sixteenth Century (1885) by Stone, Mary Amelia Boomer
A Familiar Treatise On Drawing, For Youth: Being An Elementary Introduction To The Fine Arts (1823) by Taylor, Charles
Ary Scheffer: Ein Charakterbild (1870) by Groot, Petrus Hofstede De
A Catalogue Of Etchings And Dry-Points (1908) by Cameron, D. Y.
An Introduction To The Study Of Colour Phenomena: Explaining A New Theory Of Colour Based Entirely On Experimental Facts (1905) by Lovibond, Joseph Williams
A Collection Of Paintings Owned By George C. Thomas, Philadelphia (1907) by Thomas, George Clifford
Another Annapolis Alphabet: Pictures And Limericks (1907) by Stevens, William Oliver
Exhibition Illustrative Of Turner's Liber Studiorum: Containing Impressions Of The First States, Etchings, Touched Proofs, And Engraver's Proofs (1872 by Burlington Fine Arts Club
Exhibition Of Paintings And Drawings By Fragonard (1914) by Fragonard, Jean Honore
Exhibition Of The Works Of James McArdell (1886) by Burlington Fine Arts Club
An Analytical Study Of Visual Perceptions: Thesis (1917) by Roberts, Anna Sophie
An English Interpreter: A Sketch Of Frederic James Shields And His Work At Eaton Hall Chapel (1882) by Scudder, Horace Elisha
A Day Dream In Japan (1916) by Burton, Percy
An Artist's Journey (1871) by Reinhardt, C.
The Theory And Practice Of Linear Perspective: Applied To Landscape, Interiors, And The Figure For The Use Of Artists, Art Students (1873) by Pellegrin, V.
Albert Durer And Lucas Van Leyden: Burlington Fine Arts Club Catalogue, 1869 (1869) by Burlington Fine Arts Club
A Few Remarks On The Chandos Portrait Of Shakespeare (1849) by Rodd, Horatio, Forster, Henry Rumsey
A Treatise On Perspective, In Which The Whole Of That Art Is Reduced To One General Rule: With Directions For Drawing From Models (1828) by Howlett, Samuel Burt
The Church And Art (1898) by Hatfield, J. T., Atchison, H. D., Gaggin, E. H.
Claude Lorrain, Painter And Etcher (1895) by Grahame, George
Buckinghamshire Sketches (1891) by Roscoe, Edward Stanley
A Reply To The Criticisms By J. N. Barker, On The Historical Facts In The Picture Of Philadelphia (1828) by Mease, James
Bajo-Relieves (1895) by Diaz, Leopoldo
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