• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2010

Companion Medieval Art by
Alchemy of Light by Conover, Mary
Picture This: World War I Posters and Visual Culture by
The Situationists and the City by
Art in Flanders by Rooses, Max
In Pursuit of Universalism: Yorozu Tetsugoro and Japanese Modern Art Volume 1 by Volk, Alicia
Athenian Lekythoi with Outline Drawing in Glaze Varnish On a White Ground by Fairbanks, Arthur
Es streift eine dunkle Flöte by Bauer, Ingeborg
Von Eierschwammerlhoehen zur D. H. Lawrence-Ranch: Oesterreichisches Literaturgeschehen in den Rockys?- Eine Begegnung by
Michelangelo in Print: Reproductions as Response in the Sixteenth Century by Barnes, Bernadine
Old Italian Lace - Vol. I. by Ricci, Elisa
Old Italian Lace - Vol. II. by Ricci, Elisa
Food in the Louvre by Pinard, Yves
Flowers in the Louvre by Vingtrinier, Beatrice
Paintings of the Lake District and Dentdale. by Cooke, John
Über Den Bronzekopf Eines Siegers in Olympia by Kekule Von Stradonitz, R.
A World Art History and Its Objects by Carrier, David
François Blondel: Architecture, Erudition, and the Scientific Revolution by Gerbino, Anthony
Private History in Public: Exhibition and the Settings of Everyday Life by Gordon, Tammy S.
Old World Lace - Or a Guide for the Lace Lover by Blum, Clara M.
The Culture of Diagram by Marrinan, Michael, Bender, John
Lace: Its Origin and History by Goldenberg, Samuel L.
Sport in Ancient Times by Crowther, Nigel B.
Christian Responses to Roman Art and Architecture: The Second-Century Church Amid the Spaces of Empire by Nasrallah, Laura Salah
The First Principles Of Perspective: Explained Theoretically And Practically, In A Course Of Easy Studies (1853) by Duffin, Felix
The Passing Of Mother's Portrait (1901) by Field, Roswell Martin
Town Moods (1907) by Davis, Oswald Harcourt
The Ephod: Its Form And Use (1902) by Foote, Theodore Clinton
Views Of The Lakes In The North Of England, From Original Paintings By The Most Eminent Artists: With Historical And Descriptive Illustrations (1833) by Robinson, John
Two Bas-Reliefs Of The Stupa Of Bharhut (1890) by Warren, Sybrandus Johannes
The Pavilion Fountain At Saratoga (1841) by McLaren, Daniel
The Knowledge And Restoration Of Old Paintings: The Modes Of Judging Between Copies And Originals (1847) by Fielding, Theodore Henry
Elgin And Phigaleian Marbles V1 (1833) by Coates, Thomas
Verzeichniss Der Bildlichen Darstellung Von Einrichtungen Zur Unfallverhutung (1900) by Hartmann, Konrad
Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty, On Picturesque Travel, And On Sketching Landscape, With A Poem, On Landscape Painting (1808) by Gilpin, William
The Complete Guide To The Fine Arts (1841) by W. Britain Publisher
Religio Pictoris (1899) by Merriman, Helen Bigelow
The Wonderful Workmanship Of The World (1578) by Daneau, Lambert
The Work Of Messrs. Cope And Stewardson (1904) by Cram, Ralph Adams
The Runic Crosses At Gosforth, Cumberland (1882) by Parker, Charles Arundel
The Trojan Sketch Book (1846) by
The Quarterly Illustrator V1: Contains January, February And March, 1893 And April, May, And June, 1893 (1893) by Harry C. Jones Publisher
The Son Of Man V2 (1892) by Brodrick, Harold
Travel Sketches (1913) by Lacey, Thomas James
The Book Of A Pageant Of The Northwest (1914) by Koch, Frederick Henry
Vies Des Fameux Sculpteurs Et Architectes V1: Depuis La Renaissance Des Arts, Avec La Description de Leurs Ouvrages (1791) by D'Argenville, Antoine Nicolas Dezallier
Whitney's Choice Of Emblems (1866) by Whitney, Geffrey
The Truth Of Revelation: Demonstrated By An Appeal To Existing Monuments, Sculptures, Gems, Coins, And Medals (1840) by Murray, John
The Historical Gallery Of Celebrated Men Of Every Age And Nation: Exhibiting A Splendid Series Of Authentic Portraits (1830) by Huish, Robert
The Women Artists Of Bologna (1907) by Ragg, Laura Maria Roberts
Ruskin On Pictures V2: Academy Notes, Notes On Prout And Hunt (1902) by Ruskin, John
Les Oeuvres Et Les Hommes: Sensations D'Art (1887) by D'Aurevilly, Jules Barbey
The Works Of Edward Dayes: Containing An Excursion Through The Principal Parts Of Derbyshire And Yorkshire (1805) by Dayes, Edward
The English School Of Painting (1891) by Chesneau, Ernest
The Fayoum Or Artists In Egypt (1873) by Lenoir, Paul
The Wrong Turning: And Other Sketches (1880) by Sargent, George Etell
Versailles: And The Trianons (1906) by Nolhac, Pierre de
The Flemish, Dutch And German Schools Of Painting (1822) by James, John Thomas
The Stones Of Venice V3: The Fall (1900) by Ruskin, John
The Monumental Brasses Of England (1849) by Boutell, Charles
The Life And Letters Of Charles Bulfinch, Architect: With Other Family Papers (1896) by Bulfinch, Charles
Tinsel And Gold (1910) by Calthrop, Dion Clayton
The Life And Letters Of Frederic Shields (1912) by Shields, Frederic
Visions Of The Times Of Old V3: Or The Antiquarian Enthusiast (1848) by Bigsby, Robert
The Philharmonic And The Muse V3: Devoted To The Modern Arts (1903) by
The Last Supper: Or Christ's Death Kept In Remembrance (1828) by Wright, Thomas
Exhibition Of Works By The Old Masters, And By Deceased Masters Of The British Schools (1883) by Eaton, Frederick A.
Woven Thoughts (1904) by Guerin, Agnes Carter
Forty Are Better Than One: Contemporary Art Production Munich New York 1969-2009 by
Candice Breitz: Same Same by
The Eye's Mind: Bridget Riley, Collected Writings 1965-2009 by
The Genesis of Early Christian Art: Syncretic juxtapostion in the Roman world by Suzawa, Yukako
Kurt Jackson by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
A History of Visual Culture: Western Civilization from the 18th to the 21st Century by
A History of Visual Culture: Western Civilization from the 18th to the 21st Century by
Amrita Sher-Gil: A Self-Portrait in Letters and Writings [Two-Volume Cased Set] by
Uneasy Communion: Jews, Christians and the Altarpieces of Medieval Spain by
Leonardo's Lost Princess: One Man's Quest to Authenticate an Unknown Portrait by Leonardo Da Vinci by Silverman, Peter
Papua New Guinea Headhunt - An Artist's Journey to Paint Indigenous People in the South Pacific by Mytinger, Caroline
The Eye of Greece: Studies in the Art of Athens by
Disability Aesthetics by Siebers, Tobin Anthony
The Emperors' Needles: Egyptian Obelisks and Rome by Sorek, Susan
The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art by Ataç, Mehmet-Ali
Caravaggio: Painter of Miracles by Prose, Francine
Gender Difference in the Balkans by Milevska, Suzana
Die Landschaft in Der Deutschen Kunst Bis Zum Tode Albrecht Durers by Kaemmerer, Ludwig
Plutarch's Lives, Volume 1 by Perrin, Bernadotte
The Female Portrait Statue in the Greek World by Dillon, Sheila
Follow the Sun: Robert Lougheed by Hedgpeth, Don
Salon de 1845: Analyse Critique de L'Exposition Des Beaux-Arts by Joly, Victor
The Knowledge And Restoration Of Old Paintings: The Modes Of Judging Between Copies And Originals (1847) by Fielding, Theodore Henry
The Complete Guide To The Fine Arts (1841) by W. Britain Publisher
Wood Carvings In English Churches, Part 1: Misericords (1910) by Bond, Francis
The Life And Letters Of Frederic Shields (1912) by Shields, Frederic
William Holman Hunt And His Works: A Memoir Of The Artist's Life, With Description Of His Pictures (1861) by Stephens, Frederic George
Paris Sketches, Part 1 (1890) by Nordau, Max Simon
Verzeichniss Einer Auserlesenen Sammlung Von Naturalien Und Kunstsachen (1774) by Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm
The New Industrialism: Industrial Art, The Future School, The Art And Craft Of The Machine (1902) by Triggs, Oscar Lovell, Jackman, Wilbur Samuel, Wright, Frank Lloyd
Fireside Scenes V1 (1825) by Anonymous
Opus Aureum Ornatu Omni Lapide Precioso Singulare Nouissime Editum V1 (1545) by Gislandi, Antonio
Celtica I V1 (1839) by Diefenbach, Lorenz
August Wilhelm Von Schlegel's Borlesungen Uber Dramatische Kunst Und Litteratur, Part 1 (1846) by Schlegel, August Wilhelm Von
Opus Aureum Ornatu Omni Lapide Precioso Singulare Nouissime Editum V2 (1545) by Gislandi, Antonio
Thoughts On Art And Life (1906) by Vinci, Leonardo Da
A Walloon Family in America - Lockwood de Forest and His Forbears 1500-1848 - Together with a Voyage to Guiana Being the Journal of Jesse de Forest an by Forest, Robert De
Worlds of Enchantment: The Art of Maxfield Parrish by Parrish, Maxfield
Wood-Engraving - Three Essays by Cole, Timothy
Catedral De Leon: El Retablo (1907) by Diaz-Jimenez, Juan Eloy
Gerhard Von Kugelgen Als Portrat Und Historienmaler (1901) by Kugelgen, Constantin Von
Das Kunstwerk Als Organismus: Ein Aesthetisch-Biologischer Versuch (1905) by Waetzoldt, Wilhelm
Anatole France Der Durre Kater: Mit Originallithographien (1921) by Grossmann, Rudolf
Darstellung Und Wirklichkeit: Ausgewahlte Antikenaufnahmen Als Spiegel Des Sehens (1907) by Wichert, Fritz
Das Deutsche Rathaus Der Renaissance (1906) by Grisebach, August
Der Naturalismus In Der Kunst (1891) by Reissmann, August
Der Erbauer Der Klosterkirche Zu Walkenried: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Fruhgotik In Sachsen (1912) by Giesau, Hermann
Das Leben Ferdinand Hodlers (1922) by Bender, Ewald
Der Anteil Der Periegese An Der Kunstschriftstellerei Der Alten (1890) by Bencker, Max
Neuester Orbis Pictus V2: Oder Die Sichtbare Welt In Bildern, Ein Universalbilderbuch () by Reichenbach, Anton Benedikt
Der Freiburger Hochaltar: Kunstgeschichtlich Gewurdigt (1904) by Baumgarten, Fritz
De Haarlemsche Hofjes: 26 Lichtdrukken Met Bijschriften (1904) by Craandijk, J.
Der Junge Durer: Drei Studien (1906) by Weisbach, Werner
Der Niederlandische Kunst-Handel Im 17 Und 18 Jahrhundert (1901) by Floerke, Hanns
Das Portrat An Grabdenkmalen: Seine Entstehung Und Entwickelung Vom Alterthum Bis Zur Italienischen Renaissance (1902) by Lichtenberg, Reinhold Freiherr Von
Das Venezianische Skizzenbuch: Und Seine Beziehungen Zur Umbrischen Malerschule (1882) by Kahl, Robert
Der Tanz Als Kunstwerk: Studien Zu Einer Asthetik Der Tanzkunst Mit 24 Kupferdruckstafeln (1920) by Thiess, Frank
Das Leben Der Niederlandischen Und Deutschen Maler V1: Mit 20 Bildertafeln (1906) by Van Mander, Carel
Der Farbenreiz Im Druckwerk (1921) by Engel-Hardt, Rudolf
Das Perspektivische Sehen: Beim Zeichnen Nach Der Natur (1898) by Schuster, Carl
De Watteau A Whistler (1905) by Mauclair, Camille
Das Axonometrische Zeichnen, Part 1, Theoretische Begrundung: Fur Technische Lehranstalten, Gewerbe Und Industrieschulen (1858) by Largiader, Anton Philipp
De Sandvigske Samlinger: I Tekst Og Billeder (1907) by Sandvig, Anders
Das Wesen Der Kunst: Abgeleitet Und Entwickelt Aus Dem Gefuhlsleben Des Menschen (1904) by Schmidt, C. W.
Comme Dans Un Conte: Axel (1905) by Franay, Gabriel
Der Rahmen (1913) by Gehler, Willy
Der Deutsche Und Seine Kunst: Eine Notgedrungene Streitschrift (1907) by Scheffler, Karl
Der Blendersaumschlag Und Sein System (1915) by Wagner, Christoph
Das Museum Vaterlandischer Altertumer In Stockholm (1908) by Montelius, Oscar
Der Blitz In Der Orientalischen Und Griechischen Kunst: Ein Formgeschichtlicher Versuch (1906) by Jacobsthal, Paul
Kunst, Religion Und Kultur (1901) by Thode, Henry
Le Genre Satirique Dans La Peinture Flamande (1907) by Maeterlinck, Louis
Historische Denkmaler In Den Klostern Des Athos (1850) by Muller, Josef
Norsk Billedkunst En Historisk Veiledning (1904) by Thommessen, Rolf
Magaud L'Artiste, Le Chef D'Ecole, L'Homme (1908) by Servian, Ferdinand
Neptune (1839) by Emeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard
L'Art Chez Les Fous (1907) by Reja, Marcel
Neue Ideale (1901) by Lienhard, Friedrich
Notes Sur Le Symbolisme (1908) by Bellot, Etienne
L'Art Et La Province (1901) by Jouin, Henry
L'Art Independant Francais: Sous La Troisieme Republique (1919) by Mauclair, Camille
Les Le Mannier (1901) by Moreau-Nelaton, Etienne
Historische Stadtebilder Aus Holland Und Niederdeutschland (1906) by Erbe, Albert
Onze Kunst, Derde Jaargang 1904: Part 1-2 (1904) by Buschmann Publisher
L'Art Russe De Pierre Le Grand A Nos Jours (1922) by Reau, Louis
Historia De La Arquitectura Cristiana (1904) by Romea, Vicente Lamperez y.
L'Art Russe Des Origines A Pierre Le Grand (1921) by Reau, Louis
L'Arte Mondiale Alla V Esposizione Di Venezia (1903) by Pica, Vittorio
Les Cathedrales De Come Et Bernardino Luini: Conference Donnee Le 12 Mars 1904 (1904) by Clausse, Gustave
Le Chateau De Ripaille (1907) by Bruchet, Max
Neue Moglichkeiten In Der Bildenden Kunst Essays (1903) by Obrist, Hermann
Le Guepier (1906) by Tissot, Ernest
Le Bernin En France Les Travaux Du Louvre Et Les Statues De Louis XIV (1904) by Mirot, Leon
Notes Sur Quelques Artistes Lavallois Du XVII Siecle: Les Constructeurs De Retables (1907) by Richard, Jules Marie
Le Palais De La Legion D'Honneur (1883) by Thirion, Henri
Kleinasien Ein Neuland Der Kunstgeschichte (1903) by Smirnov, J. I., Crowfoot, John Winter
Historia De Las Imagenes Del Senor Del Milagro (1901) by Toscano, Julian
Perfiles Y Relieves (1907) by Godoy, Federico Garcia
Le Palais Saint-Pierre (1874) by Niepce, Leopold
Nimes, Arles, Orange, Saint-Remy (1904) by Peyre, Roger Raymond
Le Forum Romain Et Le Palatin (1902) by Marucchi, Horace
Le Bienheureux Fra Giovanni Angelico De Fiesole, 1387-1455 (1906) by Cochin, Henry
Le Panier D'Argenterie (1895) by Vaucaire, Maurice
Monographie De La Cathedrale D'Angers (1901) by De Farcy, Louis
Die Mode: Menschen Und Moden Im Achtzehnten Jahrhundert, 1878-1914 (1919) by Boehn, Max Von
Le Livre D'Esquisses (1902) by Klingsor, Tristan
O Monumento De Mafra (1906) by Gomes, Joaquim Da Conceicao
Konstruierte Figuren Und Kopfe Unter Den Werken Albrecht Durers (1902) by Justi, Ludwig
Von Jan Van Eyk Bis Hieronymus Bosch (1903) by Schubert-Soldern, Fortunat Von
Von Monet Zu Picasso (1919) by Raphael, Max
Architectur Und Ornamentik Der Antiken Sarkophage (1902) by Altmann, Walter
Rembrandt Und Seine Zeitgenossen (1906) by Bode, Wilhelm
Aus Kunst Und Leben: Gesammelte Aufsatze (1904) by Kienzl, Wilhelm
Skamtbilden Och Dess Historia I Konsten (1908) by Laurin, Carl Gustaf
Psychologie D'Une Ville: Essai Sur Bruges (1901) by Fierens-Gevaert, Hippolyte
Skizzenbuch Griechischer Meister (1919) by Reichhold, Karl
Un Ancetre De La Gravure Sur Bois (1902) by Bouchot, Henri
Bocklins Technik: Mit Dem Bildnis Des Meisters Nach Einem Relief Von S. Landsinger (1906) by Berger, Ernst
Uber Die Wohlgefalligkeit Einfacher Raumlicher Formen: Eine Psychologisch-Asthetische Untersuchung (1906) by Segal, Jacob
Zeichnungen Von Albert Besnard: Zweiundfunfzig Tafeln Mit Licht-Drucken Nach Des Meisters Originalen (1912) by Singer, Hans Wolfgang, Besnard, Paul Albert
Roger Van Der Weyden Und Roger Van Brugge: Mit Ihren Schulen (1905) by Hasse, Carl
Philostrati Minoris Imagines Et Callistrati Descriptiones (1902) by Schenkl, Carolus, Reisch, Aemilius
Catalogo De La Exposicion General De Bellas Artes De 1876 (1876) by Imprenta Y F de M Tello Publisher
Pupazzi Et Statuettes (1908) by Brun, Pierre Antonin
Venezia E Il Turco Nella Seconda Meta Del Secolo XVII (1902) by Bernardy, Amy A.
La Teinture Au Dix-Neuvieme Siecle V1 (1908) by Grison, Theophile
Neu-Dachau: Ludwig Dill, Adolf Holzel, Arthur Langhammer (1905) by Roessler, Arthur
Le Neo-Realisme Americain (1920) by Kremer, Rene
Les Jeux Des Enfants (1905) by Queyrat, Frederic
Le Christ, Aphrodite Et M. Pepin (1907) by Vivien, Renee
L'Art Des Passions (1904) by Barriere, Marcel
Paysages Introspectifs (1904) by De Visan, Tancrede
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