• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2010

Earthly Paradise, Part 2 (1873) by Morris, William
Madonna Sistina (1899) by Jelinek, Ludwig
Mural Paintings: In The Executive Chamber, State Capitol Building, Madison, Wisconsin (1913) by Ballin, Hugo
Johan-Barthold Jongkind, 1819-1891 (1891) by Besson, George
Éloge De M. Falconet, Sculpteur (1791) by Robin, Jean-Baptiste-Claude
Exposition Paul Vayson: Ouverte Du 11 Au 25 Mai, 1907 (1907) by Petit, Galerie Georges
The Well At The World's End V2 (1913) by Morris, William
Die Regel Vom Goldenen Schnitt Im Kunstgewerbe (1886) by Matthias, J.
Sur L'Ideal Dans Les Arts Du Dessin (1805) by De Quincy, Quatremere
Catalogue Descriptif Et Historique De La Galerie Royale Des Uffizi, Part 1-2 (1886) by Rigoni, A. Cesare
La Foire Aux Artistes (1858) by Scholl, Aurelien
Antiquites De La Bretagne: Monumens Du Morbihan (1834) by Freminvil, Christophe-Paulin De La Poix
ObservationsV1: Pittoresques Sur Differentes Parties De L'Angleterre (1801) by Gilpin, William
Der Farbenreiz Im Druckwerk (1921) by Engel-Hardt, Rudolf
Catalogue De La Collection De Pieces Sur Les Beaux-Arts (1881) by Duplessis, Georges
Notice Historique Et Analytique Des Peintures, Sculptures, Tapisseries, Miniatures, Emaux, Dessins, Etc. (1879) by Jouin, Henri Auguste
Paysages Introspectifs (1904) by De Visan, Tancrede
Taschenbuch Zur Ehre Alter Und Neuer Moden Und Methoden (1806) by Eberhard, Christian August Gottlob
Der Kupferstich (1896) by Lippmann, Friedrich
Le Musee De Versailles, Ses Principaux Tableaux Et Statues Graves Par Reveil (1837) by Hostein, Hippolyte, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Les Portails Lateraux De La Cathedrale De Rouen (1907) by Pillion, Mademoiselle Louise
Van Dyck's Landleben (1821) by Kind, Friedrich
Magaud L'Artiste, Le Chef D'Ecole, L'Homme (1908) by Servian, Ferdinand
Monographie De Notre-Dame De Lescar (1863) by Laplace, Paul Lucien
Voyage Au Pays Des Peintres: Salon De 1877 (1877) by Proth, Mario
Denkmale Des Alterthums: Und Der Alten Kunst Im Konigreich Wurttemberg (1843) by Statistisch Topographisches Bureau
Moderne Meister: Charakterstudien Aus Kunst Und Leben (1883) by Duncker, D.
Denkmaler Der Renaissance-Sculptur Toscanas: In Historischer Anordnung (1905) by
Roelant Savery Sein Leben Und Seine Werke (1908) by
Le Cicerone, Guide De L'Art Antique Et De L'Art Moderne En Italie, Part 1: Art Ancien (1885) by Burckhardt, Jacob
L'Art Ochlocratique: Salons De 1882 Et De 1883 (1888) by Peladan, Josephin
De La Conservation Et De La Restauration Des Tableaux (1851) by Deon, Horsin
Monographie Des Parrocel: Essai (1861) by Parrocel, Etienne
Descripcion Historico-Artistica De La Catedral De Cadiz (1843) by De Urrutia, Javier
Au Chili: Ouvrage Illustre De 109 Gravures (1899) by De Cordemoy, Camille
Francisco De Goya Katalog Seines Graphischen Werkes (1907) by Hofmann, Julius
Historia De La Arquitectura Cristiana (1904) by Romea, Vicente Lamperez y.
Neuerworbene Antike Denkmaler Des Koniglichen Museums Zu Berlin, Book 1-3 (1836) by Gerhard, Eduard
Bilder Aus Italien (1869) by Paulus, Eduard
Les Amours De Psyche D'Apres Raphael, Et Les Amours Des Dieux (1832) by Phalary, Lemolt, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Aus Deutschen Meisterwerken (1899) by Stern, Sigmon Martin
Les Monuments Romains D'Orange (1908) by Chatelain, Louis
Ara Pacis Avgvstae (1902) by Niemann, George, Petersen, Eugen
Hans Hoffmann: Sein Lebensgang Und Seine Werke (1908) by Ladendorf, Otto
Dans La Vie (1901) by Steinlen, Theophile Alexandre
Le Fils De L'Homme (1867) by Coulin, Franck
Dans L'Oratoire (1888) by Lorrain, Jean
Historie De La Peinture Decorative (1890) by De Champeaux, A.
Aime Steinlen: Notice (1864) by Vulliemin, Louis
Das Alexandrinische Museum (1838) by Parthey, Gustav
Choix de Monumens Primitifs de L'Eglise Chretienne (1837) by Buchon, Jean Alexandre C.
Histoire De La Tapisserie (1886) by Guiffrey, Jules
Histoire De La Sculpture Grecque V2 (1897) by Collignon, Maxime
Histoire De P. P. Rubens (1840) by Van Husselt, Andre
Tableau Historique Et Pittoresque De Paris V2 (1830) by De Saint-Victor, Jacques Benjamin
Das Italien Des Rokoko (1915) by Chledowski, Casimir V.
Deutsche Maler (1888) by Becker, Hermann
Das Wesen Der Malerei (1851) by Unger, Manesse
La Noblesse Artiste Et Lettree (1863) by Heuschling, Xavier
Biografia Degli Artisti V1, Part 1 (1840) by De Boni, Filippo
Galerie Des Peintres Celebres V1-2 (1821) by Lecarpentier, Charles
Lettres Et Pensees D'Hippolyte Flandrin (1865) by Delaborde, Henri
I Maestri Comacini V2 (1893) by Merzario, Giuseppe
Filippo Brunelleschi (1892) by Fabriczy, Cornelius Von
Das Frommel-Gedenkwerk V2 (1901) by Frommel, Emil
Histoire De L'Art Chretien Aux Dix Premiers Siecles (1891) by Salmon, Francois Rene
Le Perigord Illustre (1851) by Audierne, Francois Georges
La Peinture En Europe: Rome Le Vatican, Les Eglises (1903) by Lafenestre, Georges Edouard, Richtenberger, Eugene
Das Zeitalter Der Romantik, 1800-1820: Nebst Einem Anhang (1908) by Benzmann, Hans
Le Musee Revue Arlesienne Historique Et Litteraire (1877) by Bertet, P., Fassin, Emile
Kunstgeschichte Der Edlen Metalle (1909) by
Les Rues D'Aix V1 (1846) by Roux-Alpheran, Francois Ambroise
Lettres D'Un Antiquaire A Un Artiste (1835) by Letronne, Antoine Jean
Critiques D'Art Et De Litterature (1862) by De Ris, Louis Clement
Notes Et Causeries Sur L'Art Et Sur Les Artistes (1881) by Timbal, Charles, Delaborde, Henri
Die Kirchliche Baukunst Des Abendlandes V1: Hierzu Ein Bilderatlas Von 300 Tafeln In Funf Mappen Oder Drei Banden (1884) by Dehio, Georg Gottfried, Bezold, Gustav Von
Recherches Sur Les Costumes, Les Moeurs, Les Usages Religieux, Civils Et Militaires Des Anciens Peuples V2 (1809) by Malliot, Joseph
Le Chef-D'Oeuvre Dun Inconnu V1 (1807) by Mathanasius, Chrisostome, Leschevin, Philippe Xavier
Histoire De L'Art: L'Art Moderne (1920) by Faure, Elie
Le Chateau D'Amboise (1852) by Vatout, Jean
Les Salons De Paris Et La Societe Parisienne Sous Louis-Philippe I (1866) by Beaumont-Vassy, Edouard Ferdinand
Le Salon De 1834 (1834) by Laviron, Gabriel
Adam Und Eva In Der Bildenden Kunst Bis Michel Angelo (1887) by Buttner, Frans
Das Kloster Oliva: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Westpreussischen Kunstbauten (1850) by Hirsch, Theodor
Notes Iconographiques Sur Le Saint-Suaire De Besancon (1884) by Gauthier, Jules
Catalogue Des Tableaux De La Galerie De Feu Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur Le Prince Eugene (1845) by Mey Et Widmayer Publisher
Beitrage Zur Geschichte Der Dekorativen Skulptur In Den Niederlanden (1889) by Graul, Richard
Apercu General Sur Les Catacombes De Rome (1867) by De Rossi, Giovanni Battista
Le Musee National Du Luxembourg (1907) by Cassell Et Cie Publisher
Der Ubergangsstil Im Elsass, Part 1 (1894) by Polaczek, Ernst
Der Tausendjahrige Rosenstock Am Dome Zu Hildesheim (1892) by Roemer, Hermann
Description Des Tableaux, Qui Constituent Le Musee Du Royaume Des Pays-Bas (1838) by Anonymous
Der Meister Der Bergmannschen Officin Und Albrecht Durers Beziehungen Zur Basler Buchillustration (1896) by Weisbach, Werner
Le Musee Des Thermes Et De L'Hotel De Cluny (1882) by Lenoir, Albert
Le Diable (1890) by De Neuville, Lemercier
Uber Die Lade Des Kypselos V6: Mit Einer Tafel (1865) by Overbeck, Johannes Adolf
Exhibition Of Works By Van Dyck, 1599-1641 (1900) by Clowes and Sons Publisher
Der Anteil Der Periegese An Der Kunstschriftstellerei Der Alten (1890) by Bencker, Max
Drei Kunstlerleben: Tilmann Riemenschneider Erwin Von Steinbach Michelangelo (1900) by Paulus, Eduard
Monacologie: Illustree De Figures Sur Bois (1844) by Rue de Seine Publisher
Die Bildenden Kunste Am Hof Herzog Albrecht's V. Von Bayern (1895) by Zimmermann, Max Georg
Architectur Und Ornamentik Der Antiken Sarkophage (1902) by Altmann, Walter
Der Kruzifixus In Der Bildenden Kunst (1908) by Schonermark, Gustav
Esquisses Sur Nature Impressions Et Evocations (1922) by Germain, Alphonse
David Teniers The Younger (1907) by Teniers, David
Sketches Of Printers And Printing In Colonial New York (1895) by Hildeburn, Charles R.
Scenery And Thought In Poetical Pictures Of Various Landscape Scenes And Portraits (1880) by Lees, Edwin
Remarks On Antiquities, Arts And Letters: During An Excursion In Italy In The Years 1802 And 1803 (1835) by Forsyth, Joseph
Illustrations Of Old English Literature V2 (1866) by
Italian Gardens Of The Renaissance And Other Studies (1914) by Ady, Julia Mary Cartwright
Perspective For Beginners: Adapted To Young Students And Amateurs In Architecture, Painting, Etc. (1884) by Pyne, George
Raphael, His Life And Works V2: With Particular Reference To Recently Discovered Records, And An Exhaustive Study Of Extant Drawings And Pictures (188 by Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, Crowe, Joseph Archer
Holbein's Icones Historiarvm Veteris Testamenti (1869) by Holbein, Hans
The Russian School Of Painting (1916) by Benois, Alexandre
Reminiscences Of A Portrait Painter (1894) by Healy, George Peter Alexander
Masks, Heads, And Faces: With Some Considerations Respecting The Rise And Development Of Art (1891) by Emerson, Ellen Russell
Raphael Santi: His Life And His Works (1866) by Wolzogen, Alfred Von
Notes On The Liber Studiorum Of J. M. W. Turner (1885) by Turner, Joseph Mallord William, Brooke, Stopford Augustus
The Russian Sketch Book V2 (1848) by Golovin, Ivan Gavrilovich
Pictures Of Old England (1861) by Pauli, Reinhold
Portraits And Backgrounds (1917) by Blashfield, Evangeline Wilbour
Stories In Stone From The Roman Forum (1904) by Lovell, Isabel
The Book Of The Art Of Cennino Cennini: A Contemporary Practical Treatise On Quattrocento Painting (1899) by
Tiresias (1886) by Woolner, Thomas
Tints From An Amateur's Palette: Or A Few Stray Hues Of Thought (1849) by Jackson, Alfred
Valentine Green (1902) by Whitman, Alfred
Woman And Artist (1900) by O'Rell, Max
The Romance Of Leonardo Da Vinci: The Forerunner (1903) by Merejkowski, Dimitri
The Representative Significance Of Form: An Essay In Comparative Aesthetics (1909) by Raymond, George Lansing
The Art Of The Italian Renaissance: A Handbook For Students And Travelers (1903) by Wolfflin, Heinrich
Patchwork (1879) by Locker, Frederick
Picture Posies: Poems Chiefly By Living Authors And Drawings (1874) by North, J. W., Houghton, A. B., Walker, F.
Le Realisme (1857) by Champfleury
Bookplates: Little Books On Art (1908) by Almack, Edward
A Treatise On Painting (1844) by Cennini, Cennino
Some Account Of The Life And Works Of Hans Holbein, Painter, Of Augsburg (1867) by Wornum, Ralph Nicholson
Proletcult: Proletarian Culture (1921) by Paul, Eden, Paul, Cedar
The Man Of Ten Thousand: A Comedy, As It Is Acted At The Theater Royal, Drury Lane (1796) by Holcroft, Thomas
Visual Representations Of The Trinity: A Historical Survey (1917) by Macharg, John Brainerd
Views Of Ports And Harbors: Watering Places, Fishing Villages, And Other Picturesque Objects On The English Coast (1838) by Finden, Edward, Finden, William
Trattato Dell' Arte Della Pittura Scultura Ed Architettura V3 (1844) by Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo
The Witness Of Art: Or The Legend Of Beauty (1878) by Bayliss, Wyke
The Life Of Queen Henrietta Maria V1 (1905) by Taylor, Ida Ashworth
The Picturesque Antiquities Of Spain: Described In A Series Of Letters, With Illustrations Representing Moorish Palaces, Cathedrals, And Other Monumen by Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong
This Work-A-Day World V3 (1875) by Lee, Holme
The Leofric Missal, As Used In The Cathedral Of Exeter: During The Episcopate Of Its First Bishop, 1050-1072 (1883) by Warren, Frederick Edward
The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings Manual (1882) by Trouvelot, Etienne Leopold
The Ceramic Art: A Compendium Of The History And Manufacture Of Pottery And Porcelain (1879) by Young, Jennie J.
The Grammar Of Painting And Engraving (1873) by Blanc, Charles
Visions Of A Night: Or Gallery Of Letters (1848) by Lely, Peter
The Life Of Sir Martin Archer Shee V1: President Of The Royal Academy (1860) by Shee, Martin Archer
The Nemesis Of Mediocrity (1917) by Cram, Ralph Adams
What Is Art? Studies In The Technique And Criticism Of Painting (1910) by Van Dyke, John Charles
The Life Of J. M. W. Turner (1879) by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
The High Priest's Dress: Or Christ Arrayed In Aaron's Robes (1850) by Jarman, David Fenton
The History Of The Royal Academy Of Arts V1: From Its Foundation In 1768 To The Present Time (1862) by Sandby, William
The Wild Flower: A Gift Book For The Holidays, For 1852 (1852) by
The Lifework Of George Frederick Watts (1903) by MacMillan, Hugh
The Painter In Oil: A Complete Treatise On The Principles And Technique Necessary To The Painting Of Pictures In Oil Colors (1903) by Parkhurst, Daniel Burleigh
The Works Of George Cruikshank: Classified And Arranged With References To Reid's Catalogue And Their Approximate Values (1903) by Douglas, Richard John Hardy
Under The Lens V1: Social Photographs (1885) by Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville
William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, And Philosopher (1866) by Sala, George Augustus
The Printers' Handbook Of Trade Recipes, Hints, And Suggestions Relating To Letterpress And Lithographic Printing, Bookbinding, Stationery, Engraving, by Jacobi, Charles Thomas
Villa Mirafiore (1912) by Crowninshield, Frederic
The Devil's Hat: A Sketch In Oil (1887) by Philips, Melville
The Poor Artist: Or Seven Eye-Sights And One Object (1850) by Horne, Richard Henry
Views Of The Seats Of Noblemen And Gentlemen V3: In England, Wales, Scotland And Ireland (1826) by Neale, John Preston
British Mezzotinters: Thomas Watson, James Watson, Elizabeth Judkins (1904) by Goodwin, Gordon
Verrocchio (1904) by Cruttwell, Maud
Women Artists In All Ages And Countries (1859) by Ellet, Elizabeth Fries
The Face Of Clay: An Interpretation (1906) by Vachell, Horace Annesley
Two Banks Of The Seine: Les Deux Rives (1919) by Vanderem, Fernand
The Life And Works Of Thomas Sully, 1783-1872 (1921) by Biddle, Edward, Fielding, Mantle
The Tomb Of Perneb (1916) by Lythgoe, Albert Morton, Williams, Caroline Ransom
The Works Of James McNeill Whistler (1907) by Cary, Elisabeth Luther
Beschreibung Der Gemalde-Galerie Des Freiherrn Von Brabek Zu Hildesheim, Mit Kritischen Bemerkungen Und Einer Abhandlung (1792) by Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius
Antike Bildwerke In Rom: Mit Ausschluss Der Grosseren Sammlungen (1881) by Matz, Friedrich, Duhn, Friedrich Karl Von
Croquis A La Plume (1858) by Monnier, Henry
Catalogue Raisonne De L'Oeuvre De Feu George Frederic Schmidt (1789) by Crayen, Auguste Guillaume
Darstellungen Aus Italien (1792) by Meyer, Friedrich Johann Lorenz
Arrows Of The Chace V2: Being A Collection Of Scattered Letters (1880) by Ruskin, John
Anecdotes Of William Hogarth: With Essays On His Life And Genius, And Criticisms Of His Works (1833) by Hogarth, William
Ornament Und Form Der Attischen Grabstelen (1886) by Brueckner, Alfred
Breaking Home Ties (1904) by Ehrmann, Max
An Explanation Of Several Of Mr. Hogarth's Prints (1785) by Felton, Samuel
An Alphabet Of Emblems (1844) by Murray, Thomas Boyles
Angelico Da Fiesole (1906) by Wingenroth, Max
Die Philostratischen Bilder: Ein Beitrag Zur Charakteristik Der Alten Kunst (1860) by Friederichs, Karl
Federzeichnungen Aus Dem Amerikanischen Stadtleben (1885) by Rittig, Johann
Chien-Caillou (1879) by Champfleury
La Vie De Pierre Mignard Premier Peintre Du Roy (1731) by Moliere, De Monville, Simon Philippe Maziere
Dissertation Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Fameux Peintres (1681) by de Piles, Roger
Beauties Of The Dulwich Picture Gallery (1824) by W. Wetton
Caricaturas (1892) by Taboada, Luis
An Essay On Painting: In Two Epistles To Mr. Romney (1781) by Hayley, William
Middle-Breton Hours (1876) by Stokes, Whitley
Arabesques (1899) by Rette, Adolphe
How To See The New York Crystal Palace, Part 1: General View, Sculpture, Paintings (1854) by G. P. Putnam and Company
Last Letters Of Aubrey Beardsley (1904) by Beardsley, Aubrey
Arte E Artistas Contemporaneos (1903) by Arthur, Ribeiro
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