• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2010

Il Genio E Le Opere Di Alessandro Bonvicino: Il Moretto (1898) by Papa, Ulisse
Janicke Woltmann: Interieurer, 1749-1801 (1905) by Koren-Wiberg, Christian
Coup D'Oeil Sur L'Enseignement Des Beaux Arts (1872) by De Boisbaudran, Horace Lecoq
Kaspar David Friedrich Ein Fuhrer Zur Friedrich-Sammlung Der National-Galerie (1921) by Justi, Ludwig
Beknopte Beschrijving Van De Kunstvoorwerpen: Tentoongesteld In Het Koninklijk Kabinet Van Schilderijen Te S Gravenhag (1875) by Gravenhage Publisher
Le Realisme Son Influence Sur La Peinture Contemporaine V45 (1884) by Hymans, Henri
L'Imagerie Et La Litterature Populaires Dans Le Comtat Venaissin, 1600-1830: Essai D'Un Catalogue (1883) by Cerquand, Jean Francois
Essai Sur La Restauration Des Anciennes Estampes Et Des Livres Rares (1846) by Bonnardot, Alfred
Le Songe De La Belle Au Bois (1892) by Trarieux, Gabriel
Le Petit Toutou, Part 2 (1748) by De Bibiena, Jean Galli
Dartmoor Illustrated (1900) by Falcon, Thomas Adolphus
Traite De Perspective: Ou Sont Contenus Les Fondemens De La Peinture (1701) by Lamy, Bernard
The Portraits Of Dante: Compared With The Measurement Of His Skull And Reclassified (1921) by Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr.
Ueber Mahlerei Und Bildhauerarbeit, Part 2: In Rom, Fur Liebhaber Des Schonen In Der Kunst (1787) by Ramdohr, Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius Von
Traite Des Plantes: Qui Servent A La Teinture Et A La Peinture (1785) by Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph
Wood Carving: Design And Workmanship (1903) by Jack, George
Medizinische Skizzen (1789) by Moore, John
Baldur The Beautiful (1910) by Litchfield, Grace Denio
Choir Stalls And Their Carvings: Examples Of Misericords From English Cathedras And Churches (1896) by Phipson, Emma
Histoires D'Art (1908) by Griveau, Maurice
Le Peintre Adrien Guignet Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre (1878) by Bulliot, Jacques-Gabriel
Das Neue Kunstgewerbe In Deutschland (1908) by Lux, Joseph August
Le Pausanias Francais Etat Des Arts Du Dessin En France A L'Ouverture Du XIX Siecle: Salon De 1806 (1806) by Chaussard, Pierre Jean Baptiste
Altniederlandische Und Altdeutsche Meister (1913) by Voll, Karl
Albrecht Altdorfer: Der Maler Von Regensburg (1891) by Friedlander, Max Jacob
Alfred Rethel: Blatter Der Erinnerung (1861) by Konigswinter, Wolfgang Muller Von
Des Odeurs Des Parfums Et Des Cosmetiques (1877) by Piesse, George William Septimus
Le Peintre Lorrain Claude Jacquard Suivi De Un Protecteur Des Arts Le Prince Charles-Alexandre De Lorraine (1896) by Jacquot, Albert
Essai Sur L'Histoire De La Peinture En Italie V1: Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'a Nos Jours (1823) by Orloff, Gregoire
Etude Sur Jean Cousin: Suivie De Notices Sur Jean Leclerc Et Pierre Woeiriot (1872) by Didot, Ambroise Firmin
Le Salon De 1846 (1846) by Thore, Theophile
L'Influence De St. Francois D'Assise Sur La Civilisation Et Les Arts (1907) by Germain, Alphonse
Leben Und Werke Des Bildhauers Dill Riemenschneider (1884) by Weber, Georg Anton
Die Personen Namen In Albrecht Durer's Briefen Aus Venedig (1870) by Lochner, Georg Wolfgang Karl
Leben Und Werke Des Landschaftsmalers Georg Von Dillis (1908) by Hohn, Heinrich
Foreign Portraits (1896) by Emmet, Thomas Addis
Beauty In The Household (1882) by Dewing, Maria Oakey
Le Ten O'Clock (1888) by Whistler, James McNeill
Etude Sur L'Etimacia: Symbole Du Jugement Dernier Dans L'Iconographie Grecque Chretienne (1867) by Durand, Paul
Le Port De Saint-Denis (1877) by De Cordemoy, Camille Jacob
Her Picture (1882) by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Le Programme Des Modernistes (1908) by Quadrotta, Guglielmo
Le Vignole Des Ouvriers, Part 2 (1825) by Normand, Charles Pierre Joseph
L'Iconographie D'Antoine Van Dyck (1877) by Wibiral, Friedrich
Livrets Des Expositions De L'Academie De Saint-Luc (1872) by Guiffrey, Jules
Churches: Their Structure, Arrangement, And Decoration (1850) by Poole, George Ayliffe
Das Interieur Wiener Monatshefte Fur Wohnungsausstattung Und Angewandte Kunst, Jahrgang Neun (1908) by
Der Kupferstecher Franz Hegi Von Zurich, 1774-1850 (1906) by
A New Guide To Blenheim Palace, The Seat Of The Duke Of Marlborough: Containing An Accurate Account Of The Paintings, Tapestry, And Furniture, Accordi by Eccles, William
Conferences de L'Academie Royale: de Peinture Et de Sculpture (1883) by Jouin, Henry Auguste
Le Salon De Josephin Peladan (1890) by Dentu Publisher
Abecedaire Francais-Anglais, Illustre (1870) by Zender, Joachim Denis Laurent
Die Kunstdenkmaler Des Reg. Bezirks Liegnitz (1891) by Lutsch, Hans
Elementargesetze Der Bildenden Kunst: Grundlagen Einer Praktischen Asthetik (1908) by Cornelius, Hans
Die Kunst Des Greco: Mit Einundsiebzig Tafeln (1914) by Kehrer, Hugo
Deutsche Kunsthistoriker (1921) by Waetzoldt, Wilhelm
Die Anfange Der Kunst In Griechenland: Studien (1883) by Milchhoefer, Arthur
Die Farbenlehre Im Hinblick Auf Kunst Und Kunstgewerbe (1874) by Bezold, Wilhelm Von
Grundbegriffe Der Kunstwissenschaft (1905) by Schmarsow, August
The Elder Peter Bruegel 1528-1569 by
El Greco (1908) by Cossio, Manuel B.
The Celebrated Hans Holbein's Alphabet Of Death (1856) by Holbein, Hans
Etudes Theoriques Et Pratiques Sur Le Beau Pittoresque Dans Les Arts Du Dessin (1874) by Laurens, Jean Joseph Bonaventure
The Life And Work Of Van Gogh by Nordenfalk, Carl
Denkmaler Der Renaissance-Sculptur Toscanas: In Historischer Anordnung (1905) by
Die Bau Und Kunstdenkmaler Von Westfalen (1895) by
Michael Pachers St. Wolfganger Altar (1919) by Stiassny, Robert
Done in the Open by Remington, Frederic
Die Bau Und Kunst-Denkmaler In Den Hohenzollern'schen Landen (1896) by
Lady Vere And Other Narratives (1897) by Elshemus, Louis M.
Promenades Of An Impressionist (1910) by Huneker, James
Illustrated New Mexico (1883) by Ritch, William Gillet
Silvio Bartholi Painter: A Story Of Siena (1896) by Bentley, Emma
Mementos And Sea Picture (1909) by Farnsworth, Edward Clarence
Our Sketching Club: Letters And Studies On Landscape Art (1874) by Tyrwhitt, Richard St John
The Church Restorers: A Tale, Treating Of Ancient And Modern Architecture And Church Decorations (1844) by Paley, Frederick Apthorp
The Country Sketch Book Of Pastoral Scenes And Memorable Places (1851) by Phillips, George Searle, Searle, January
The Ancient Use Of Liturgical Colors (1879) by Rolfe, Clapton Crabb
The Loves Of The Colors: With A Few Occasional Poems And A Trifle In Prose (1824) by Anonymous
The History Of The Art Of Tablesetting: Ancient And Modern, From Anglo-Saxon Days To The Present Time (1921) by Murphy, Claudia Quigley
The Essential Characteristics Of The Romantic And Classical Styles: With Illustrations From English Literature (1880) by Herford, Charles Harold
The Antiquarian And Topographical Cabinet V1: Containing A Series Of Elegant Views Of The Most Interesting Objects Of Curiosity In Great Britain (1807 by Storer, James Sargant, Greig, John
The Hudson-Fulton Celebration V1: Catalogue Of A Collection Of Paintings By Dutch Masters Of The Seventeenth Century (1909) by Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold
The Letters Of Paul Gauguin To Georges Daniel De Monfreid (1922) by Gauguin, Paul
The Portrait Collector's Manual: A Catalogue Of Prints Old, New, Curious, And Rare (1884) by Tiffin, Walter F.
The Principles Of Ornament (1896) by Ward, James
The Rambles And Reveries Of An Art Student In Europe (1855) by Watts, Thomas T.
The Noise Of The World (1921) by Spadoni, Adriana
The Science Of Painting (1892) by Vibert, J. G.
Adam Friedrich Oeser: Ein Beitrag Zur Kunstgeschichte Des 18. Jahrhunderts (1879) by Durr, Alphons
The Wanderings Of A Pen And Pencil (1846) by Crowquill, A., Palmer, F. P.
Time V1, New Series: A Monthly Magazine Of Current Topics, Literature And Art (1885) by Abdy-Williams, E. M.
Pictures For The Mind's Eye: Including Subjects Both Humorous And Grave (1861) by Davis, Edwin
William Adams, An Old English Potter: With Some Account Of His Family And Their Productions (1904) by
A Key To Proportions Of The Parthenon (1855) by Jopling, Joseph
A Hand Book Of Dorking: With Numerous Illustrations On Wood And Steel (1855) by John Rowe
The Wonders Of Engraving (1871) by Duplessis, Georges
Babel-Bibel In Der Modernen Kunst (1905) by Pudor, Heinrich
Annus Amoris (1876) by Inchbold, John William
The Illustrated Litany Of Loretto: Each Title Elucidated In A Meditation, And Illuminated By An Emblematical Scriptural Picture (1878) by
A New Guide To Blenheim Palace, The Seat Of The Duke Of Marlborough: Containing An Accurate Account Of The Paintings, Tapestry, And Furniture, Accordi by Eccles, William
The National Gallery Of British Art Catalogue: With Descriptions, Historical Notes And Lives Of Deceased Artists (1908) by National Gallery British Art
The Analysis Of Beauty (1908) by Hogarth, William
A Brief Guide To The Department Of Fine Arts (1915) by Williams, Michael
Achille Et Cie (1922) by Vallotton, Benjamin
Fors Clavigera V1: Letters To The Workmen And Laborers Of Great Britain (1871) by Ruskin, John
Letters Of Sarah Wyman Whitman (1907) by Whitman, Sarah
Jean Jacques Boissard Poete Latin, Dessinateur Et Antiquaire Enfant De Besancon Et Citoyen De Metz (1875) by Castan, Auguste
Esdaile's Rutland Monuments: With A Description Of Bottesford Church And Parish (1845) by Esdaile, Andrew
Lithographic Portraits Of Albert Newsam (1901) by Stauffer, David McNeely
Impressionisten: Guys, Manet, Van Gogh, Pissarro, Cezanne (1907) by Meier-Graefe, Julius
Goethe Und Die Bildende Kunst (1895) by Volbehr, Theodor
Excursions In Art And Letters (1891) by Story, William Wetmore
Illustrations To Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (1864) by Sheilds, Frederick James
David Maclagan (1884) by Walker, Norman Lockhart
Relics Of The Anglo-Saxon Churches Of St. Bridget And St. Hildeburga, West Kirkby, Cheshire: With Some Of Their Sepulchral Monuments (1870) by Smith, Henry Ecroyd
The Head Of Medusa (1880) by Fleming, George
The Wedding Day In Literature And Art: A Collection Of The Best Descriptions Of Weddings From The Works Of The World's Leading Novelists And Poets (19 by
Vies Des Premiers-Peintres Du Roi V1: Depuis M. Le Brun, Jusqu'a Present (1752) by Lepicie, Francois Bernard
Voyage D'Un Amateur Des Arts V1: En Flandre, Dans Les Pays-Bas, En Hollande, En France, En Savoye, En Italie, En Suisse (1783) by Roche, J. De La
Vita Barocca (1904) by Ricci, Corrado
Transactions Of The Apollo Association For The Promotion Of The Fine Arts In The United States 1839-1844 (1839) by Apollo Association
Siluetas Contemporaneas (1889) by Lascano, Pablo
Betrachtungen Uber Die Mahlerey (1762) by Hagedorn, Christian Ludwig Von
Claude Monet, An Interview: 1900 (1900) by Thiebault-Sisson, Francois
Abrege de La Vie Des Peintres: Avec Des Reflexions Sur Leurs Ouvrages (1715) by de Piles, Roger
Tableaux Sacrez De La Gaule Belgique (1610) by Gazet, Guillaume
Antiquites Nationales V1: Ou Recueil de Monumens (1790) by Millin, Aubin Louis
Tableau De L'Eglise De Liege (1782) by Heeswyck, Gaspard Franc De
Harvest Scenes Of The World (1913) by Buck, John Edward
L'Ecole D'Uranie, Ou L'Art de La Peinture (1753) by Du Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse, De Marsy, Francois-Marie
Fra Judaeas Og Galilaeas Egne: Ny Raekke Bibelillustrationer (1893) by Hall, Birger
De Prima Typographiae Hispanicae Aetate Specimen (1793) by Caballero, Ramon Diosdado
Herzensergieszungen Eines Kunstliebenden Klosterbruders (1797) by Wackenroder, W. G.
The Circuit Rider's Sketch Book (1907) by Wilkes, E. Alston
Marques Typographiques (1867) by Silvestre, L. -C
Plaidoyers En Faveur De La Poesie Et De La Peinture, Devant Le Public (1740) by Valleyre
Tablettes Mixtes, Part 2: Ou L'Inconnu A Londres, Avec Figures (1742) by Bickham, George
Vidas Ajenas: F. Rodriguez Marin, Joaquin Sorolla, Los Hermanos Quintero, Salvador Martinez Cubells Primo De Rivera Y Jose Maria Esc by Caballero, Francisco Martin
The Salon Of Madame Necker V2 (1882) by Haussonville, Comte D'
Seymour's Humorous Sketches: Comprising Eighty-Six Caricature Etchings, Illustrated In Prose And Verse (1888) by Crowquill, Alfred, Seymour, Robert
Reflexions Critiques Sur La Poesie Et Sur La Peinture V3 (1760) by Du Bos, Jean-Baptiste
Studies In Style (1900) by Helm, W. H.
William Holman Hunt (1907) by Schleinitz, Otto Von
Allgemeine Theorie Der Schonen Kunste V3 (1787) by Sulzer, Johann George
Cent Proverbes (1845) by Grandville, J. J.
Angelika Kauffmann (1903) by Engels, Eduard
Almanach Romantisch-Landlicher Gemahlde Fur 1799 (1799) by Schmidt, Friedrich Wilhelm August
Essai Sur La Vie Et Sur Les Tableaux Du Poussin (1799) by Cambry, Jacques
Das Neu Eroffnete Louvre (1724) by Mazarin, Jules
Vermischte Schriften Uber Christliche Kunst (1856) by Reichensperger, August
Sketches In City Churches (1886) by Robertson, John Ross
De L'Art De Voir Dans Les Beaux-Arts (1798) by Milizia, Francesco
Antiquites D'Herculaneum V2 (1780) by David, Francois Anne
Henri Regnault, 1843-1871 (1886) by Marx, Roger
Catalogue Des Objets Contenus Dans La Galerie Du Museum Francais (1793) by Musee Du Louvre
The Art Collection Of A New York Gentleman: Paintings, Rugs, Furniture, Bronzes, Pottery, Prints And Original Drawings (1921) by The Anderson Galleries
Aedes Pembrochianae: A New Account And Description Of The Statues, Bustos, Relievos, Paintings, Medals (1798) by Richardson, George
Abbrege Methodique Des Principes Heraldiques: Ou Du Veritable Art Du Blason (1672) by Menestrier, Claude-Francois
Anatole France Der Durre Kater: Mit Originallithographien (1921) by Grossmann, Rudolf
Les Beaux-Arts Au Palais De Monaco, Part 1: Les Princes Et Le Palais (1884) by Saige, Gustave
Philostrati Minoris Imagines Et Callistrati Descriptiones (1902) by Schenkl, Carolus, Reisch, Aemilius
La Cathedrale Du Puy: Histoire Et Archeologie (1897) by Prades-Freydier Publisher
Description De L'Ancienne Cathedrale De Saint-Omer (1839) by Wallet, Emmanuel
La Galerie Vandenschrieck (1840) by Wolffers, Francois Antoine
Recherches Sur Le Lieu de Naissance de Pierre-Paul Rubens (1861) by Dumortier, Barthelemy Charles
Der Papstesel: Ein Beitrag Zur Kultur Und Kunstgeschichte Des Reformationszeitalters (1891) by Lange, Konrad
Le Mvsee Fol Etudes D'Art Et D'Archeologie V1 (1874) by Fol, Walther
Le Christ, Aphrodite Et M. Pepin (1907) by Vivien, Renee
Analyse Critique Des Representations Zodiacales De Dendera Et D'Esne (1845) by Letronne, Antoine Jean
Andrea Sansovino Und Seine Schule (1881) by Schonfeld, Paul
Concepto Real Del Arte, En La Literatura (1905) by Quinones, Ubaldo Romero
Histoire De L'Ornementation Des Manuscrits (1880) by Denis, Ferdinand
Das Venezianische Skizzenbuch: Und Seine Beziehungen Zur Umbrischen Malerschule (1882) by Kahl, Robert
Das Fortleben Der Antike In Der Kunst V3: Des Abendlandes (1906) by Semper, Hans
Schnitzaltare In Schwedischen Kirchen Und Museen Aus Der Werkstatt Des Brusseler Bildschnitzers Jan Bormann (1903) by Roosval, Johnny
Das Germanische Nationalmuseum In Nurnberg (1890) by Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich
Della Vita E Delle Opere Certe Ed Incerte Di Antonio Allegri Detto Il Correggio (1880) by Bigi, Quirino
La Gravure Sur Pierre (1887) by Bureau Du Journal Publisher
La Cathedrale De Cologne (1835) by De Noel, Matthias Joseph
Catalogo Dos Retratos V8 (1905) by Machado, Diogo Barbosa
Das Fullhorn Gottes: Pastelle (1919) by Silbergleit, Arthur
Der Expressionismus (1920) by Fechter, Paul
Der Hunger Nach Kunst (1901) by Seemann, Artur
Donatello Und Die Reliefkunst (1904) by Fechheimer, Samuel Sigismund
Albrecht Durer's Tagebuch: Der Reise In Die Niederlande (1884) by
Bilder Aus Niedersachsen (1884) by Kohlrausch, Robert
Bocklin Und Thoma: Acht Vortrage Uber Neudeutsche Malerei (1905) by Thode, Henry
Bocklins Technik: Mit Dem Bildnis Des Meisters Nach Einem Relief Von S. Landsinger (1906) by Berger, Ernst
Florentinische Introduktion Zu Einer Philosophie Der Architektur Und Der Bildenden Kunste (1912) by Ziegler, Leopold
Platz Und Monument: Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Und Asthetik Der Stadtbaukunst In Neuerer Zeit (1908) by Brinckmann, Albert Erich
Les Tresors D'Art En Russie Sous Le Regime Bolcheviste (1919) by Polovtsoff, Alexandre
Das Problem Der Bindung In Der Bildenden Kunst (1908) by Krapf, Anton
Der Kupferstecher Franz Hegi Von Zurich, 1774-1850 (1906) by
Der Kampf Um Die Neue Kunst (1897) by Neumann, Carl
Beitrage Zur Kunstgeschichte (1885) by Urlichs, Ludwig Von
Bilder Aus Dem Western (1894) by Below, Ernst
Bilder Aus Der Suddeutschen Alpenwelt (1834) by Schottky, Julius Max
Memoires Sur La Vie De Nicolas Poussin (1821) by Graham, Maria
Skizzenbuch Griechischer Meister (1919) by Reichhold, Karl
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