• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2011

What Is a Picture?: Depiction, Realism, Abstraction by Newall, M.
The Secret Earpiece: A Romantic Mystery Novel by DuBois, Caroline
Edgar Degas Sculpture by Sturman, Shelley G., Lindsay, Suzanne Glover, Barbour, Daphne S.
Letters on Landscape, Paintings (1855): Asher B. Durand by Gallati, Barbara Dayer
Philadelphia Before You Were Born: Art and Artists of the Philadelphia Press by Glantz, Joseph
Behind the Picture: Art and Evidence in the Italian Renaissance by Kemp, Martin
The Realisms of Berenice Abbott: Documentary Photography and Political Action Volume 2 by Weissman, Terri
Ruins of the Rhine, Their Times and Traditions. Edited by C. White ... with ... Engravings, Etc. by White, Charles, Reumont, Alfred Von
Neo-Mexicanism: Mexican Figurative Painting and Patronage in the 1980s by Eckmann, Teresa
A Guide to the Classical Collections of Cornell University by Kuniholm, Peter I., Ramage, Nancy H., Ramage, Andrew
How to Read Greek Vases by Mertens, Joan R.
Spanish Art in Britain and Ireland, 1750-1920: Studies in Reception in Memory of Enriqueta Harris Frankfort by
Traces: Mapping a Journey in Textiles by Ennis, Lynn Jones, Manley, Roger, Turchi, Peter
Alien Among Anxious Artists by Parks, Dennis
Alien Among Anxious Artists by Parks, Dennis
Medieval Naples: An Architectural & Urban History, 400-1400 by Bruzelius, Caroline, Tronzo, William
Medieval Naples: An Architectural & Urban History, 400-1400 by Bruzelius, Caroline, Tronzo, William
Francis Bacon: Painter of the Invisible by P. T. Miles
Doing Da Vinci For Kids by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Dialectical Conversions: Donald Kuspit's Art Criticism by
Gender and Activism in a Little Magazine: The Modern Figures of the Masses by Schreiber, Rachel
Carnivals and Dreams: Pieter Bruegel and the History of the Imagination - Monochrome Edition by Milne, Louise S.
Marcel Duchamp and the Forestay Waterfall by
The Gentleman Dancing-Master. a Comedy, Etc. in Five Acts and in Prose. by Wycherley, William
The Natural Son: A Comedy, Etc. by Cumberland, Richard
The Lame Lover; A Comedy in Three Acts [And in Prose]. by Foote, Samuel
The Noble Peasant; A Comic Opera in Three Acts [In Prose, with Songs]. by Holcroft, Thomas
Calypso; A Masque: In Three Acts, Etc. by Cumberland, Richard
The Bath; Or, the Western Lass. a Comedy, in Five Acts and in Prose. by D'Urfey, Thomas
A Cure for the Heart-Ache; A Comedy, in Five Acts [In Prose], Etc. by Morton, Thomas
Vertue Betray'd: Or, Anna Bullen. a Tragedy, Etc. [In Verse.] by Banks, John
The Unhappy Favourite: Or, the Earl of Essex. a Tragedy. [Inverse.] Etc. by Banks, John
The Sicilian Romance: Or, the Apparition of the Cliffs, an Opera [In Three Acts]. by Siddons, Henry
Subjects for Painters. by Peter Pindar, Esquire. by Pindar, Peter
Speed the Plough: A Comedy ... the Second Edition. by Morton, Thomas
Venice Preserv'd, Or, the Plot Discover'd. a Tragedy, Etc. [In Five Acts and in Verse.] Ms. Note. by Otway, Thomas
Generations: The Helen Cox Kersting Collection of Southwestern Cultural Arts by Nottage, James H.
Twentieth-Century Egyptian Art: The Private Collection of Sherwet Shafei by Abaza, Mona
Citizen Spectator: Art, Illusion, and Visual Perception in Early National America by Bellion, Wendy
Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era by Bryan-Wilson, Julia
Scottish Art Since 1960: Historical Reflections and Contemporary Overviews by Richardson, Craig
Rodin by Grautoff, Otto
The Representation of Monkeys in the Art and Thought of Mediterranean Cultures: A new perspective on ancient primates by Greenlaw, Cybelle
Pacific Island Artists: Navigating the Global Art World by
Glamour: Women, History, Feminism by Dyhouse, Professor Carol
Florizel and Perdita. a Dramatic Pastoral, in Three Acts. Altered from the Winter's Tale of Shakespear. by Garrick, David, Shakespeare, William
Aerostation; Or, the Templar's Stratagem. a Farce, in Two Acts. by Pilon, Frederick
Oscar Wilde and the Influence of John Ruskin and Walter Pater by Van Cruyningen, Rosanne
Historical Dictionary of Neoclassical Art and Architecture by Palmer, Allison Lee
The Romance of an Hour. a Comedy of Two Acts [in Prose]. by Kelly, Hugh
Retaliation, a Farce, in Two Acts [and in Prose], Etc. by Macnally, Leonard
Private Worship, Public Values, and Religious Change in Late Antiquity by Bowes, Kimberly
The Fish-Tailed Monster in Greek and Etruscan Art by Shepard, Katharine
Flower Symbols: The Language of Love by Karlsen, Kathleen Marie
Site-Writing: The Architecture of Art Criticism by Rendell, Jane
Industry in Art: Pittsburgh, 1812 to 1920 by Youngner, Rina
Words for Pictures: Seven Papers on Renaissance Art and Criticism by Baxandall, Michael
The Invasion: Or, a Trip to Brighthelmstone. a Farce of Two Acts. by Pilon, Frederick
Art, Theory, and Culture in Sixteenth-Century Italy: From Techne to Metatechne by Williams, Robert
Nation-building in the Guatemalan Countryside by McKinnon, Devon
Interpreting Ancient Figurines by Lesure, Richard G.
The Albion Queens, Or, the Death of Mary Queen of Scotland. by Banks, John
The Modern Prophets: Or, New Wit for a Husband. a Comedy [in Five Acts and in Prose]. by D'Urfey, Thomas
The Rover, Or, the Banish't Cavaliers. [A Comedy in Five Acts and in Prose, by Aphara Behn. Part the First.] by Behn, Aphra
Der Japanische Holzschnitt by Kurth, Julius
2009 by
Geschichte der Griechischen Kunst - Erster Band: Die Griechische Kunst bis Myron by Klein, Wilhelm
Alchemy in Contemporary Art by Szulakowska, Urszula
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Just in Time: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts [In Prose, with Songs]. by Hurlstone, Thomas
The Patron, a Comedy in Three Acts [And in Prose]. by Foote, Samuel
The Gamester: A Comedy. [By Susanna Carroll, Afterwards Centlivre. Based on "Le Joueur" of Jean Fran OIS Regnard. by Centlivre, Susanna
The Devil Upon Two Sticks; A Comedy, in Three Acts [And in Prose] ... Published by Mr. Colman. by Foote, Samuel, Colman, George
A Widow and No Widow, a Dramatic Piece of Three Acts [And in Prose], Etc. by Jodrell, Richard Paul
Venice Preserv'd, Or, the Plot Discover'd. a Tragedy, Etc. [In Five Acts and in Verse.] Ms. Note. by Otway, Thomas
The Triumphs of Love and Honour, a Play in Verse. to Which Are Added, Considerations on the Stage, and on the Advantages Which Arise to a Nation from by Cooke, Thomas
The Felon's Track: A Narrative of '48. Embracing the Leading Events in the Irish Struggle from the Year 1843 to the Close of 1848 ... Sec by Doheny, Michael, Doheny, Mary Jane
Sex in Art: Pornography and Pleasure in the History of Art by Hughes, Cassidy
Mark Rothko: The Art of Transcendence by Davis, Julia
Brice Marden by Garrard, Laura
Frank Stella: American Abstract Artist by Pearson, James
The Development of the Art Market in England: Money as Muse, 1730-1900 by Page, John R., Bayer, Thomas M.
Painters Eleven: The Wild Ones of Canadian Art by Nowell, Iris
Let Us Face the Future: Art Britanic 1945-1968 by
Mark Rothko: The Art of Transcendence by Davis, Julia
Frank Stella: American Abstract Artist by Pearson, James
Basque Aspen Art of the Sierra Nevada by Earl, Jean Moore, Earl, Phillip
Ink-Stained Hands: Graphic Studio Dublin and the Origins of Fine Art Printmaking in Ireland by Lalor, Brian
Visualizing Boccaccio: Studies on Illustrations of the Decameron, from Giotto to Pasolini by Ricketts, Jill M.
Subject to Display: Reframing Race in Contemporary Installation Art by Gonzalez, Jennifer A.
Global Design History by
Modernism and the Museum by Arrowsmith, Rupert Richard
Artwork and Images from historyofcuba.com by Sierra, Jerry a.
From Aryana-Khorasan to Afghanistan: Afghanistan History in 25 Volumes by Alikuzai, Hamid Wahed
Reconstructing Francesco di Giorgio Architect by
Decorative Games: Ornament, Rhetoric, and Noble Culture in the Work of Gilles-Marie Oppenord (1672-1742) by Bédard, Jean-François
A New Theory and Method for the Study of Tourist Art by Zilberg, Jonathan
The Art of Building in the Classical World by Senseney, John R.
A Peep Behind the Curtain; Or, the New Rehearsal. [A Farce in Two Acts a ND in Prose and Verse, by David Garrick.] by Garrick, David
Blue-Beard; Or, Female Curiosity! ... the Seventh Edition. by Colman, George
The Devil Upon Two Sticks; A Comedy, Etc. by Colman, George, Foote, Samuel
Bridget Riley: Paintings and Related Work 1983-2010 by
Die gesamte Geschichte der deutschen Baukunst bis ins 19. Jahrhundert by Dohme, Robert
The Minor, a Comedy [In Three Acts and in Prose], Etc. by Foote, Samuel
The Wedding Ring, a Comic Opera. in Two Acts, Etc. [based, in Part, on Il Filosofo Di Campagna by Carlo Goldoni.] by Dibdin, Charles
Maintenant 5: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art by
Vertue Betray'd: Or, Anna Bullen. a Tragedy, Etc. [In Verse.] by Banks, John
Writing the Lives of Painters: Biography and Artistic Identity in Britain 1760-1810 by Junod, Karen
Rembrandt's Zeichnungen by
Introductory Lessons with Familiar Examples in Landscape for the Use of Those Who Are Desirous of Gaining Some Knowledge of the Art of Painting in Wat by Roberts, James
Artists' Sessions at Studio 35 (1950) by
The Maid of the Oaks: A New Dramatic Entertainment in Five Acts and in Prose. by J. Burgoyne by Burgoyne, John
The Lady's Revenge: Or, the Rover Reclaim'd. a Comedy [In Five Acts, in Prose], Etc. by Popple, William
Love's Frailties: A Comedy in Five Acts in Prose, Etc by Holcroft, Thomas
An Occasional Prelude, Performed at the Opening of the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. on the Twenty-First of September, 1772 by Colman, George
The Wedding Day; A Comedy in Two Acts and in Prose by Inchbald, Mrs
Die Geschichte der römischen Fassadenmalerei im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert by Hirschfeld, Werner
The Franciscans and Art Patronage in Late Medieval Italy by Bourdua, Louise
Life's Rich Tapestry by Potter, Derek G.
Chinese Bronze Ware by Li, Song
Chinese Calligraphy by Chen, Tingyou
Chinese Ceramics by Fang, Lili
Early Medieval Bible Illumination and the Ashburnham Pentateuch by Verkerk, Dorothy
Visionaire No. 59: Fairytale by
Marxist Aesthetics: The Foundations Within Everyday Life for an Emancipated Consciousness by Johnson, Pauline
The Spectacular of Vernacular by
Henry Rushbury Prints: A Catalogue Raisonne by
Visual Culture in Spain and Mexico by Brooksbank-Jones, Anny
Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte by Knackfuß, H., Zimmermann, Max
A New Introduction To Salvador Dali by Morse, Albert Reynolds
On Art and War and Terror by Danchev, Alex
A Dictionary Of Symbols by Cirlot, Juan Eduardo
Das Tropaion von Adamklissi: und provinzialromische Kunst by Furtwängler, Adolf
Mirrors with Memories by Scheiwiller, Staci Gem
Terror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory: From Auschwitz to Hiroshima to September 11 by Ray, G.
Deutsche Kunstgeschichte by Knackfuß, Hubert
Dresden und seine Kunststätten by Schumann, Paul
Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte by Zimmermann, Max, Knackfuß, Hubert
Sun Setting Over Victoria by Head, Clive
Canal Zone Richard Prince YES RASTA: Selected Court Documents from Cariou v. Prince et al by Hayes, Steven M., Prince, Richard, Bart, Hollis Gonerka
Deutsche Kunstgeschichte by Knackfuß, Hubert
Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte by Knackfuß, Hubert, Zimmermann, Max
Art Versus Nonart: Art Out of Mind by Avital, Tsion
Spondylus in Prehistory: New data and approaches. Contributions to the archaeology of shell technologies by
Elizabethan Embroidery by Anon
Archaeology, Art and Ethnography of Bronzes of Nepal by Malla, Mala
Les Transformateurs Duchamp/Duchamp's Trans/Formers by Lyotard, Jean-François
Maurice Denis Et La Belgique, 1890-1930 by Verleysen, Cathérine
The Heart of Wisdom: Studies on the Heart Amulet in Ancient Egypt by Sousa, Rogério
Beiträge zu Dürers Weltanschauung: Eine Studie über die drei Stiche Ritter Tod und Teufel, Melancholie und Hieronymus im Gehäus by Weber, Paul
Historical Dictionary of Rococo Art by Milam, Jennifer D.
Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte by Kugler, Franz
Meisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunstgewerbes und ihre Schöpfer by Joly, Hubert
Atlas der Weltbilder by
Le Monde Est Une Peinture: Jesuitische Identität Und Die Rolle Der Bilder by
Brief Guide to Persian Embroideries - Victoria and Albert Museum Department of Textiles by Anon
Art In The Light Of Mystery Wisdom by Steiner, Rudolf
The Case of Salvador Dali by Cowles, Fleur
Dali On Modern Art: The Cuckolds Of Antiquated Modern Art by
Islamic Art and Visual Culture by
Islamic Art and Visual Culture by
Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book Of The War V2 by Gardner, Alexander
From Aryana-Khorasan to Afghanistan: Afghanistan History in 25 Volumes by Alikuzai, Hamid Wahed
I Sold Andy Warhol (Too Soon): A Memoir by Polsky, Richard
The Art Detective: Adventures of an Antiques Roadshow Appraiser by Mould, Philip
The Guyuan Sarcophagus by Bradford, Rosalind E.
Art as Witness by Fogliani, Amy
Watteau and the Cultural Politics of Eighteenth-Century France by Plax, Julie Anne
Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art by Gao, Minglu
French and Spanish New Orleans: The Pen and Inks of Lola Legier Maduell by Maduell, Andree' M., Maduell, Rita, Maduell, Lola Legier
Ewan Gibbs: America by
Antonia Hirsch: Komma: After Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun by
Custer on Canvas: Representing Indians, Memory, and Violence in the New West by Denzin, Norman K.
Willi Sitte - Lidice: Historienbild Und Kunstpolitik in Der Ddr by Schirmer, Gisela
Fabulous Finds: How Expert Appraiser Lee Drexler Sold Wall Street's Charging Bull, Found Hidden Treasures and Mingled with the Rich & by Cohen, James R., Drexler, J. Lee
Portraits of the Prairie: The Land That Inspired Willa Cather by Schilling, Richard
Max Liebermann and International Modernism: An Artist's Career from Empire to Third Reich by
Globalization and Contemporary Art by
Molten Color: Glassmaking in Antiquity by Wight, Karol B.
Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte by Kugler, Franz
The Artwork of Luis Carlos Vel Squez by Velasquez, Luis Carlos
Anguis in herba: Gartenpädagogik und Weltveredlung im Lebenswerk des schwedischen Agitators Olof Eneroth by Schnitter, Joachim
Artists And Illustrators Of The Old West, 1850-1900 by Taft, Robert
The Italian Renaissance by Kennedy, Ruth Wedgwood
A Decade of American Sporting Books and Prints by the Derrydale Press, 1927-1937 by Connett, Eugene V., III
Antonio Gaudi by Collins, George R.
Architecture, Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries: The Pelican History Of Art by Hitchcock, Henry Russell
Modernist Painting and Materiality by Staff, Craig G.
Rocks, Riddles and Mysteries: Folk Art, Inscriptions and Other Stories in Stone by Lenik, Edward J.
Hitler's Holy Relics: A True Story of Nazi Plunder and the Race to Recover the Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire by Kirkpatrick, Sidney
Egyptian Servant Statues: Photographic Reproductions by Breasted, James Henry, Jr.
A History of the Study of South Italian Black- and Red-Figure Pottery by Higginson, Ronald
Montana's Cowboy Artist, C. M. Russell: The Art Of Charles Marion Russell, 1880-1926 by McCracken, Harold, Dobie, J. Frank, Russell, Charles M.
Civil War Photographs, 1861-1865 by
From Pella to Gandhara: Hybridsation and Identity in the Art and Architecture of the Hellenistic East by
George Grosz. Grossstadtbilder 1915 - 1918 by Nabholz, Mirjam
Die M Nnlichen Privatportr Ts by Cain, Petra, Fittschen, Klaus, Zanker, Paul
Kewpies and Beyond: The World of Rose O'Neill by Armitage, Shelley
Medieval Wall Paintings in English & Welsh Churches by Rosewell, Roger
El Planeta X y La Conexion Con La Biblia Kolbrin: El Motivo Por El Cual La Biblia Kolbrin Es La Piedra Rosetta del Planeta X by Jenner, Greg
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