• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2012

Olaf Nicolai: Escalier Du Chant by
Plato on Art and Beauty by Denham, Alison
Baubeschreibungen. Geschichtliche Erläuterungen by Delbrück, Richard
Art, Ethnography and the Life of Objects: Paris, C.1925-35 by Kelly, Julia
Darstellungen von Frauen auf antiken Gefäßen aus der Kasseler Antikensammlung im Schloss Wilhelmshöhe by Bojko, Olessja
Leitfaden für den Unterricht im Schiffbau by Ohne Autor
Art of the Dragon: The Definitive Collection of Contemporary Dragon Paintings by Spurlock, J. David, Wilshire, Patrick
Capitalism Comes to Mao's Mausoleum: An Indian Goes Around the World - I by Prabhakaran, M. P.
Capitalism Comes to Mao's Mausoleum: An Indian Goes Around the World - I by Prabhakaran, M. P.
Land Art and Land Artists: Pocket Guide by Malpas, William
Renoir: His Life and Works in 500 Images: An Illustrated Exlporation of the Artist, His Life and Context, with a Gallery of 300 of His Greatest Works by Hodge, Susie
Bullfight: Paintings and Works on Paper by Botero, Fernando
Investigating Sex: Surrealist Discussions by
Writing Design: Words and Objects by
Monument Du Costume Physique Et Moral de La Fin Du Dix-Huitieme Siecle: On Tableaux de La Vie. ...... by
Photography: History and Theory by Emerling, Jae
Il Riposo ...... by Borghini, Raffaello
Interpreting Art in Museums and Galleries by Whitehead, Christopher
Interpreting Art in Museums and Galleries by Whitehead, Christopher
Surrealism and the Visual Arts: Theory and Reception by Grant, Kim
Vision and Image in Early Christian England by Henderson, George
Confraternities and the Visual Arts in Renaissance Italy: Ritual, Spectacle, Image by Wisch, Barbara, Ahl, Diane Cole
Approaches to Byzantine Architecture and its Decoration: Studies in Honor of Slobodan Curcic by Johnson, Mark J., Papalexandrou, Amy
Wives, Widows, Mistresses, and Nuns in Early Modern Italy: Making the Invisible Visible through Art and Patronage by
An Archaeology of Images: Iconology and Cosmology in Iron Age and Roman Europe by Aldhouse Green, Miranda
Edgar Payne: The Scenic Journey by Shields, Scott A., Trenton, Patricia
Constantin Brancusi: Sculpting the Essence of Things by Pearson, James
Eric Gill: Nuptial of God by Hoyland, Anthony
Eric Gill: Nuptials of God by Hoyland, Anthony
Constantin Brancusi: Sculpting the Essence of Things by Pearson, James
Art: A Beginner's Guide by Adams, Laurie Schneider
Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit by
Archaeology of the Tarot by Duvall, Morgan
Companion to Spanish Colonial Art at the Denver Art Museum by Pierce, Donna
Ambiguous Locks: An Iconology of Hair in Medieval Art and Literature by Milliken, Roberta
A History of Armenia by Kurkjian, Vahan M.
The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt's Masterpiece, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer by O'Connor, Anne-Marie
Rezi Van Lankveld: At the First Clear Sight by
Fifty Key Texts in Art History by
A Guide to the Rock Art of the Matopo Hills, Zimbabwe by Parry, Elspeth
An Artist's Aiken: pictures and writing of a South Carolina town. by Vandervelde, Isabel
Les Maítres Ornamentistes: Dessinateurs, Peintres, Architectes, Sculpteurs Et Graveurs: Écoles Française, Italienne, Allemande Et Des Pays-bas .. by Guilmard, Désiré
Perspectives on Manet by
Exploring Art of the Ancient Americas: The John Bourne Collection by Reents-Budet, Dorie
Vulcan's Forge in Venus' City: The Story of Bronze in Venice, 1350-1650 by Avery, Victoria
Shore, Forest and Beyond: Art from the Audain Collection by Thom, Ian M., Arnold, Grant
Keep Cool: Go Ahead, and a Few Other Poems. by Light, George W.
The Old Masters and Their Pictures for the Use of Schools and Learners in Art by Tytler, Sarah
The Temple or the Tomb by Warren, Charles
The Early Renaissance and Vernacular Culture by Dempsey, Charles
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife: A Play. by Beaumont and Fletcher, Altered and Adapted to the Present Stage by E. Ranger... by Beaumont, Francis
Herren mit Chaperon: Eine Gesellschaft im Werdegang am Beispiel von Jan van Eycks Porträts by Deco, Marina
Architects, Angels, Activists and the City of Bath, 1765-1965: Engaging with Women's Spatial Interventions in Buildings and Landscape by Hammond, Cynthia Imogen
Nul = 0: The Dutch Nul Group in an International Context by
James Lee Byars: I Give You Genius by
Michelangelo Pistoletto: Serpentine Gallery by
Tony Cragg: It Is, It Isn't by
Heimo Zobernig: Ohne Titel, in Red by
Ansel Krut by
Julian Göthe: You Are Living in a World of Magic by
Dario Robleto: Survival Does Not Lie in the Heavens by
Isabelle Cornaro by
The Art of Social Critique: Painting Mirrors of Social Life by
Gillian Wearing by
The Art of Richard Long by Malpas, William
Jasper Johns by Poole, L. M.
Magicians & Charlatans: Essays on Art and Culture by
Fashion and Art by
Die kunstgeschichtlichen Bezüge in den Inszenierungen von John Galliano by Aydin, Nihan
The Wonder: A Comedy... by Centlivre, Susanna
The Aesthetics of Anarchy: Art and Ideology in the Early Russian Avant-Garde by Gurianova, Nina
Aesthetic Rivalries: Word and Image in France, 1880-1926 by Goddard, Linda
Richard, Coeur de Lion: Opéra-Comique En Trois Actes... by
The Fighting Temeraire: The Battle of Trafalgar and the Ship that Inspired J. M. W. Turner's Most Beloved Painting by Willis, Sam
Maintenant 6: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art by
End of an Era by Witte, Sparky
Die Stifter des Neuen Museums: Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preussen und Elisabeth von Baiern by Minkels, Margret Dorothea
Charles Herbert Moore: Landscape Painter by Mather, Frank Jewett, Jr.
Fifty Figure Drawings: A Selected Group of the Best Figure Drawings Submitted to the Fifty Best Drawing Jury by Bridgman Publishers
Artificial Light Photography: Basic Photo, V5 by Adams, Ansel
How Prints Look: Photographs With A Commentary by Ivins, William Mills, Jr.
Enjoying Modern Art: How To Understand And Appreciate Modern Art by Newmeyer, Sarah
George Caleb Bingham of Missouri: The Story of an Artist by Christ-Janer, Albert
Enjoying Modern Art: How To Understand And Appreciate Modern Art by Newmeyer, Sarah
Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea: Freedom's Frontier by Hughes, Theodore
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons: Nature, Literature, and the Arts by Shirane, Haruo
Seeing Differently: A History and Theory of Identification and the Visual Arts by Jones, Amelia
Seeing Differently: A History and Theory of Identification and the Visual Arts by Jones, Amelia
Barnett Newman and Heideggerian Philosophy by Cernuschi, Claude
The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art by
Venus: To the Venus of Melos... by Dudley, Dorothy, Rodin, Auguste
Pots And Pans Of Classical Athens by
English Silver, 1675-1825 by Ensko, Stephen Guernsey Cook, Wenham, Edward
Princeton and the Gothic Revival: 1870-1930 by Seasonwein, Johanna G.
How To Look At Pictures: A Short History Of Painting by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
NeoPopRealism Starz: 21st Century ART: Erotica As A High Artistic Aspiration by Russ, Nadia
A Wolf's Guide To Art History by Delach, Kelli
Rethinking the Renaissance: Burgundian Arts Across Europe by Belozerskaya, Marina
Fifty Key Texts in Art History by
Refiguring the Spiritual: Beuys, Barney, Turrell, Goldsworthy by Taylor, Mark C.
Magnificence & Grandeur of the Royal Houses in Europe by
The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present by Kandel, Eric
Women, Art and Architectural Patronage in Renaissance Mantua: Matrons, Mystics and Monasteries by Hickson, Sally Anne
Art and Social Movements: Cultural Politics in Mexico and Aztlán by McCaughan, Edward J.
The Tyranny of Greece Over Germany: A Study of the Influence Exercised by Greek Art and Poetry Over the Great German Writers of the Eighteenth, Ninete by Butler, E. M.
Plato on Art and Beauty by Denham, Alison
Antiquity and Its Interpreters by
Living With Art by Cheskin, Louis
Masters Of Photography by
The Drawings Of Mathis Gothart Nithart Called Gruenewald by Nithart, Matthias
Boris Ondreicka: Hi Lo by
Sean Scully: Artist's Sketchbook by
Luis Gordillo: Artist's Portfolio by
David Shrigley: Brain Activity by
Myth and Modernity: Barlach's Drawings on the Nibelungen by Paret, Peter, Thieme, Helga
Scandinavian Design: Alternative Histories by
Ian Hamilton Finlay: Selections Volume 8 by Finlay, Ian Hamilton
Ian Hamilton Finlay: Selections Volume 8 by Finlay, Ian Hamilton
Sex in Art: Pornography and Pleasure in the History of Art by Hughes, Cassidy
Das Motiv des Reisens in der ottonischen Buchmalerei: Exemplarische Untersuchungen der Motive der Bewegung by Rohrer, Katharina
Poetry in Painting: Writings on Contemporary Arts and Aesthetics by Cixous, Hélène
Observation Points: The Visual Poetics of National Parks by
Understanding Modern Art: Orientation for Modern Times, Division 1 by Katz, Leo, Webster, James Carson
The Farwell Collection: Monographs On Archaeology And Fine Arts, V6 by Johnson, Franklin Plotinus, Farwell, Byron
The Study and Criticism of Italian Art, Volume 1... by Berenson, Bernard
Untersuchungen zur künstlerischen Selbstinszenierung der Kaiser von Westrom, Byzanz und Asien um 1000 n. Chr. by Tutt, Alexander
Anglo-Saxon Art by Webster, Leslie
The Adolph Lewisohn Collection of Modern French Paintings and Sculptures by Lewisohn, Adolph, Bourgeois, Stephan
Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art by
Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art: An Anthology by
Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei by Waagen, G. F.
Mycenaean Greece, Mediterranean Commerce, and the Formation of Identity by Burns, Bryan E.
Steam, Steel and Electricity by Steele, James W.
Hermann Goring and the Nazi Art Collection: The Looting of Europe's Art Treasures and Their Dispersal After World War II by Alford, Kenneth D.
Epic in American Culture: Settlement to Reconstruction by Phillips, Christopher N.
Neo Rauch und der Surrealismus by Lütkemeier, Cornelia
Historic Salem in Four Seasons: A Camera Impression by Chamberlain, Samuel
Eric Gill: Twentieth Century Book Designer by Brady, Elizabeth a., Marie, Elizabeth
Kollektive Autorschaft in der Kunst: Alternatives Handeln und Denkmodell by
Images of Infamy: Artistic Impressions of September 11, 2001 by Sandberg, Steve
Jindrich Heisler: Surrealism Under Pressure, 1938-1953 by
Art of Understanding Art p by Costache, Irina D.
Werner Peiner - Verführer oder Verführter: Kunst im Dritten Reich by Pesch, Dieter, Pesch, Martin
How to Create Your Own Egyptian Book of the Dead by Costa, Michael J.
Lebenslust Und Todesfurcht: Druckgraphik Aus Der Zeit Des Barock by Knöll, Stefanie
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 8 by
American Lithographs Of The Nineteenth Century by Comstock, Helen
The Art-Journal and Fine Art Publishing in Victorian England, 1850-1880 by Haskins, Katherine
Cosmic Crisis and Creation: The Search for Meaning by Wright, Kenyon
Francisco de Goyas "Hexenbilder" by Leichsenring, Jan
Cosmic Crisis and Creation: The Search for Meaning by Wright, Kenyon
The Emperor and the World: Exotic Elements and the Imaging of Middle Byzantine Imperial Power, Ninth to Thirteenth Centuries C.E. by Walker, Alicia
Sarah Morris: You Cannot Trust a Surface by
Karin Sander: Patina Paintings by
Pa: John Baldessari in Collaboration with Naomi Shohan by
Axel Teichmann: Incline by
Stefan Fahrnländer: Sea Level by
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 1 the Venetian Years by Casanova, Giacomo
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 2 to Paris and Prison by Casanova, Giacomo
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 3 the Eternal Quest by Casanova, Giacomo
Heinz & Marianne Ebers Foundation: A Collection with Stature by
Mémoires Sur La Vie de Nicolas Poussin, (Éd.1821) by Graham, Maria
Art, Nature, and Religion in the Central Andes: Themes and Variations from Prehistory to the Present by Strong, Mary
Réflexions Sur La Peinture Et La Gravure (Éd.1786) by Joullain, C. -F Fils Aîné
Les Comptes Des Bâtiments Du Roi (1528-1571). T1 (Éd.1877-1880) by Sans Auteur
Les Comptes Des Bâtiments Du Roi (1528-1571). T2 (Éd.1877-1880) by Sans Auteur
Romantic Spirits: Nineteenth Century Paintings of the South from the Johnson Collection by Pennington
Salons. Tome II. 1872-1879 (Éd.1892) by Castagnary, Jules-Antoine
Achillis Bocchii Symbolicarum Quaestionum de Universo Genere, Quas Serio Ludebat, Libri Quinque by Bocchi, Achille
Minimal Art and Artists in the 1960s and After by Garrard, Laura
Léonard de Vinci, l'Artiste Et Le Savant: 1452-1519: Essai de Biographie Psychologique (Éd.1892) by Séailles, Gabriel
Constitution de la Rose-Croix: Le Temple Et Le Graal (Éd.1893) by Peladan, Joséphin
Histoire de la Caricature Au Moyen Âge (Éd.1870) by Champfleury
Histoire de la Sculpture Française (Éd.1853) by Émeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard
Livret Des Emblemes de Maistre André Alciat (Éd.1536) by Alciat, André
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Et Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Excellens Peintres. T.2 (Éd.1725) by Félibien, André
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Et Sur Les Ouvrages Des Plus Excellens Peintres. T.3 (Éd.1725) by Félibien, André
L'Ombre Du Grand Colbert, Le Louvre Et La Ville de Paris, Dialogue. N Ed (Éd.1752) by La Font de Saint-Yenne, Étienne
Voyage de Lister À Paris En 1698 (Éd.1873) by Lister, Martin
Catalogue Du Musée Égyptien de Marseille, (Éd.1889) by Maspero, Gaston
Guide de l'Amateur de Livres À Vignettes Du Xviiie Siècle (2e Éd.) (Éd.1873) by Cohen, Henry
Guide de l'Amateur de Livres À Vignettes Du Xviiie Siècle (Éd.1870) by Cohen, Henry
Bernard Palissy: Étude Sur Sa Vie Et Ses Travaux (Éd.1868) by Audiat, Louis
L'Affaire Dreyfus Et l'Image: 266 Caricatures Françaises Et Étrangères (Éd.1898) by Grand-Carteret, John
Le Livre Des Peintres, de Carel Van Mander. T. 1 (Éd.1884-1885) by Van Mander, Karel
Le Livre Des Peintres, de Carel Van Mander. T. 2 (Éd.1884-1885) by Van Mander, Karel
Carrelages Vernissés, Incrustés, Historiés Et Faïencé Du Musée de Troyes (Éd.1892) by Le Clert, Louis
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Des Plus Excellens Peintres Anciens Et Modernes. T.4 (Éd.1725) by Félibien, André
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Des Plus Excellens Peintres Anciens Et Modernes. T.5 (Éd.1725) by Félibien, André
Entretiens Sur Les Vies Des Plus Excellens Peintres Anciens Et Modernes. T.6 (Éd.1725) by Félibien, André
L'Âge Du Romantisme (Éd.1887-1888) by Burty, Philippe
L'Art Et Les Artistes Contemporains Au Salon de 1859 (Éd.1859) by Dumas, Alexandre
L'Art Symboliste (Éd.1889) by Vanor, Georges
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 4 Adventures in the South by Casanova, Giacomo
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 5 in London and Moscow by Casanova, Giacomo
Brice Marden by Garrard, Laura
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Vol. 6 Spanish Passions by Machen, Arthur, Casanova, Giacomo
The Story of my Life Vol. 1 The Venetian Years by Casanova, Giacomo
Art In Ancient Mexico: Selected And Photographed From The Collection Of Diego Rivera by Medioni, Gilbert, Pinto, Marie Therese
Johanna Ey und die Avantgarde der Düsseldorfer Kunstszene by Labs, Sandra
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