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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2014

Parmigianino's Madonna of the Long Neck: A Grace Beyond the Reach of Art, Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 269) by Olszewski, Edward J.
Tim Eitel by Görlich, Denise
100 Illustrators, 2 Vol. by
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint by Jolly, Penny Howell
Editing, Performance, Texts: New Practices in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by Sanders, Julie, Jenkins, Jacqueline
Heritage Management in Korea and Japan: The Politics of Antiquity and Identity by Pai, Hyung Il
ARYAN AVATARS From pre-historic nomads to settlers in the Pacific by Sukhdeo, Mahendra
The Newspaper Clipping: A Modern Paper Object by Heesen, Anke
Human-Space-Machine: Stage Experiments at the Bauhaus by
Heritage Management in Korea and Japan: The Politics of Antiquity and Identity by Pai, Hyung Il
In Art: Leonardo by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Grand Style: Celebrations in Korean Art During the Joseon Dynasty by
A Preliminary Exploration of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Presidente and the Future of Liberia by Woah-Tee, J. Mamadee Ghorpu-Dolo, Sr.
The Writings of James Barry and the Genre of History Painting, 1775-1809 by Lenihan, Liam
Architecture and Ritual in the Churches of Constantinople: Ninth to Fifteenth Centuries by Marinis, Vasileios
Bodies of Pain: Suffering in the Works of Hartmann von Aue by Pincikowski, Scott E.
Performativity in the Gallery: Staging Interactive Encounters by
Islamic Art Collections: An International Survey by Adahl, Karin
The Crossings of Art in Ireland by
Automotive Prosthetic: Technological Mediation and the Car in Conceptual Art by Terranova, Charissa N.
Leon Battista Alberti (Cryptically) Expresses: "The Eye is a Camera Obscura" by Egan, James Alan
Picasso / Marx: And Socialist Realism in France by Wilson, Sarah
L'Assassinat de L'Experience Par la Peinture, Monory/The Assassination Of Experience By Painting, Monory by Lyotard, Jean-François
In concavis petrarum habitaverunt: El fenómeno rupestre en el Mediterráneo Medieval: De la investigación a la puesta en valor by
Lorenzo De' Medici at Home: The Inventory of the Palazzo Medici in 1492 by
Law, Rulership, and Rhetoric: Selected Essays of Robert L. Benson by Benson, Robert
In Art: Turkey by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Art and the Second World War by Bohm-Duchen, Monica
Von Strittigkeit Der Bilder: Texte Des Deutschen Bildstreits Im 16. Jahrhundert by
Dada Berlín by
Art, Gender and Religious Devotion in Grand Ducal Tuscany. Alice Sanger by Sanger, Alice E.
Classics at the Dawn of the Museum Era: The Life and Times of Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy (1755-1849) by Ruprecht, L.
Tizians Zinsgroschen für Alfonso d'Este: Die Dimensionen eines Gemäldes aus dem 16. Jahrhundert by Klingebeil, Josephine
1000 Tattoos by
Art and Archaeology of the Erligang Civilization by
Art and Archaeology of the Erligang Civilization by
God, Space, & City in the Roman Imagination by Jenkyns, Richard
Iconoclasm from Antiquity to Modernity. Edited by Kristine Kolrud and Marina Prusac by Prusac, Marina, Kolrud, Kristine
"Black Square" Malevich's Enigma: The mystery of "Black Square" by Kazimir Malevich by Romanov, Egor, Romanov, Yuri, Romanov, Boris
La Primavera. Deutungsansätze zu Sandro Botticellis Gemälde by Klutzny, Nora
Robert Qualters: Autobiographical Mythologies by Clark, Vicky
Masks from West and Central Africa: A Celebration of Color and Form by Rosen, Mary Sue
Painting, Politics, and the New Front of Cold War Italy by Duran, Adrian R.
Leo Frobenius on African History, Art and Culture by Frobenius, Leo
Die Anfange Der Statuarischen Gruppe by Sauer, Bruno
Painterly Enlightenment: The Art of Franz Anton Maulbertsch, 1724-1796 by Kaufmann, Thomas Dacosta
Art of Tess Jaray by
Saving Italy: The Race to Rescue a Nation's Treasures from the Nazis by Edsel, Robert M.
In the Shadow of Angkor - Unknown Temples of Ancient Cambodia by Rodriguez, Pedro, Groslier, George
Lebenserinnerungen eines deutschen Malers by Richter, Ludwig
Adonis: The Myth of the Dying God in the Italian Renaissance by Caruso, Carlo
Fifty Years of Work Without Wages: Laborare Est Orare by Rowley, Charles
An Approach to Greek Sculpture: An Inaugural Lecture by Wace, Alan
Wings and Roots: An Adventure in Art, Literature and Life by Al-Rubaie, Shawkat
Die Darstellung des Dominikanerordens in der Inquisition by Migura, Diana
Impressionismus. Picknick und Gärten by Migura, Diana
Kunst der Karolinger. Die Schule von Reims: Ebo-Evangeliar und Utrecht-Psalter by Migura, Diana
Peter Paul Rubens "Amazonenschlacht" by Migura, Diana
Essays on Art (Routledge Revivals) by Clutton-Brock, A.
Pop Art and the Contest Over American Culture by Doris, Sara
In Art: Music by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Self-Portraits by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Animals by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Alois Riegl in Vienna 1875-1905: An Institutional Biography by
Hogarth's London: Pictures of the Manners of the Eighteenth Century by Wheatley, Henry Benjamin
Anecdotes of George Frederick Handel, and John Christopher Smith: With Select Pieces of Music, Composed by J. C. Smith, Never Before Published by Coxe, William
In Art: Bridges by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Voces femeninas españolas desde dentro: El discurso masculino reconfigurado por mujeres en "El libro de romances y coplas del Carmelo de Valladolid" [ by Ugofsky-Méndez, Rubí
Frankly Speaking: A Collection of Essays, Writings and Rants by Moore, Frank
Francesco, Artist of Florence: The Man Who Gave Too Much by Mathias, Anita
Situation Aesthetics: The Work of Michael Asher by Peltomaki, Kirsi
In Art: Books by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Magritte and Literature: Elective Affinities by Stoltzfus, Ben
The Lost Manuscript of Frédéric Cailliaud: Arts and Crafts of the Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, and Ethiopians by Cailliaud, Frédéric
Die Ästhetik von Charles Baudelaire by Migura, Diana
Theorie²: Potenzial und Potenzierung kuenstlerischer Theorie by
From Realism to Abstraction: The Art of J. B. Taylor Volume 12 by Davies, Adriana
Hengest, Gwrtheyrn and the Chronology of Post-Roman Britain by Johnson, Flint F.
The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art by Bouleau, Charles
The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art by Bouleau, Charles
Medieval Obscenities by
Art from a Fractured Past: Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru by
Art from a Fractured Past: Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru by
In Art: Food by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Hats by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
The First Pop Age: Painting and Subjectivity in the Art of Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Warhol, Richter, and Ruscha by Foster, Hal
The Italian Renaissance: Culture and Society in Italy - Third Edition by Burke, Peter
Stillleben. Die Magie der Dinge: Eine vergessene Gattung neu betrachtet by Halbeisen, Tina
Der "moderne Flächenraum" und Medienreflexion. Alois Riegl und die Moderne by Ber, Mascha
Man'erizm V Iskusstve Evropy XVI Veka by Romanenkova Yuliya
Giorgiones "Tempesta" im Kontext der venezianischen Liebesphilosophie des Cinquecento: Die Geburt der Zivilisation by Otten, Rudolf
Du Coq À l'Âme: L'Art Populaire Au Québec by Blanchette, Jean-François
Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style by Worringer, Wilhelm
Die Sammelkladden 1919-1923: Bleichsucht Und Blutarmut, Gästebuch Für Die Merzausstellung, Schwarzes Notizbuch VI, 8 Uur, Kritiken. Spezialhaus Für by Schwitters, Kurt
Piet Mondrian, Barnett Newman, Dan Flavin by
In Art: Horses by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Bauhaus: The Art of the Students: Works from the Stifting Bauhaus Dessau Collection by
Electromagnetic: Modern Art in Northern Europe, 1918-1931 by
Maternal bodies in the visual arts by Betterton, Rosemary
Rauschenberg: Canyon: MoMA One on One Series by
In Art: America's National Parks by Fuller, Deirdre K.
In Art: U.S. Presidents by Fuller, Deirdre K.
Learning by Doing at the Farm: Craft, Science and Counterculture in Modern California by
Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art by Hall, James
Act-4, 25 Years: 1989 - 2014 by Wk, Wk
In Art: Lighthouses by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Art by Fuller, Deirdre K.
Dresden by Schumann, Paul
Masters of Fire: Copper Age Art from Israel by
In Art: Parasols and Umbrellas by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Butterflies by Fuller, Deirdre K.
Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, and Prehistoric Art by Lesure, Richard G.
The Praxiteles Marble Group in Olympia by Antonsson, Oscar
Mock Modernism: An Anthology of Parodies, Travesties, Frauds, 1910-1935 by Diepeveen, Leonard
In Art: Pugs by Fuller, Deirdre K.
In Art: Dogs by Fuller, Deirdre K.
Art History Revisited: Sundry Writings and Occasional Lectures by Seerveld, Calvin G.
The Patron's Payoff: Conspicuous Commissions in Italian Renaissance Art by Zeckhauser, Richard J., Nelson, Jonathan K.
History of Art: A Student's Handbook by Pointon, Marcia
Contemporary Art in the United Kingdom by
Jackson Pollock's Mural: The Transitional Moment by Szafran, Yvonne, Phenix, Alan, Rivers, Laura
What Art Is by Danto, Arthur C.
Poseidon and the Sea: Myth, Cult, and Daily Life by Pevnick, Seth D.
In Art: Cats by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
The Films of Eric Rohmer: French New Wave to Old Master by
A Moment Past: L. F. Tantillo Paints New York History by Tantillo, Len
The Films of Eric Rohmer: French New Wave to Old Master by
Introduction to the Contemporary Art in Arab Land: Part 2 by Alrubaie, Shawkat
Empires of Vision: A Reader by
Empires of Vision: A Reader by
Natural Processes in the Degradation of Open-Air Rock-Art Sites: An urgency intervention scale to inform conservation: The case of the Côa Valley worl by Martins Da Mota Batarda Fernandes, Antó
Monet. El Triunfo del Impresionismo by Wildenstein, Daniel
Monet. Le Triomphe de l'Impressionnisme by Wildenstein, Daniel
Monet. the Triumph of Impressionism by Wildenstein, Daniel
Bunnies by Slonem, Hunt
In Art: Eagles by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Birds by Fuller, Deirdre K.
The Art of Building in the Classical World by Senseney, John R.
Music in Antiquity by
Durer's Drawings for the Prayer-Book of Emperor Maximilian I: 53 Plates by
History of Art: A Student's Handbook by Pointon, Marcia
Das goldene Rössl. Ein Meisterwerk der Pariser Hofkunst um 1400 by Reinhard, Sophia
Andy Warhol's Mona Lisa: Serialität und Reproduktion in der Kunst by Reinhard, Sophia
An Essay Upon Prints: Containing Remarks Upon the Principles of Picturesque Beauty by Gilpin, William
The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds: Volume 1: Containing His Discourses, Idlers, a Journey to Flanders and Holland (Now First Published), and His Commen by Reynolds, Joshua, Malone, Edmond
The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds: Volume 2: Containing His Discourses, Idlers, a Journey to Flanders and Holland (Now First Published), and His Commen by Reynolds, Joshua, Malone, Edmond
The Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., Etc., Late President of the Royal Academy: Volume 1: Comprising Original Anecdotes of Many Dis by Northcote, James
The Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., Etc., Late President of the Royal Academy: Volume 2: Comprising Original Anecdotes of Many Dis by Northcote, James
An Echo in the Genes by Dye, David W.
Der Berner Physiologus by Pientka, Manfred
Die Ikonographie in Raffaels Werk "Transfiguration" by Reinhard, Sophia
Exploring Da Vinci's Last Supper by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Trees by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Farming by Fuller, Deirdre K.
In Art: Chickens by Fuller, Deirdre K.
The Origins of Comics: From William Hogarth to Winsor McCay by Smolderen, Thierry
In Art: Clowns and the Circus by Jaime, Catherine McGrew, Fuller, Deirdre K.
Addiction and British Visual Culture, 1751-1919: Wasted Looks by Skelly, Julia
Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art by Ramos, Carmen
Concerning the Spiritual--And the Concrete--In Kandinsky's Art by Florman, Lisa
Concerning the Spiritual--And the Concrete--In Kandinsky's Art by Florman, Lisa
In Art: Shakespeare by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds: Volume 1: With Notices of Some of His Cotemporaries by Leslie, Charles Robert, Taylor, Tom
Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds: Volume 2: With Notices of Some of His Cotemporaries by Leslie, Charles Robert, Taylor, Tom
A Jovial Crew by Brome, Richard
A Jovial Crew by Brome, Richard
Improvisation as Art: Conceptual Challenges, Historical Perspectives by Landgraf, Edgar
Records Ruin the Landscape: John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording by Grubbs, David
A Rendezvous with Renoir by Levy, Sima
Edgar Degas: Drawings and Pastels by Lloyd, Christopher
Records Ruin the Landscape: John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording by Grubbs, David
The Building of the City Beautiful by Miller, Joaquin
Historical Memorials Of Westminster Abbey V1 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
The Fine Arts by Brown, Gerard Baldwin
The Cross In Tradition, History And Art by Seymour, William Wood
New Light on the Renaissance by Bayley, Harold
Catalogue Of The Drawings And Sketches By J. M. W. Turner At Present Exhibited In The National Gallery by Ruskin, John
Done In The Open by Remington, Frederic
Lectures on Art by Ruskin, John
Ejercicios en Color: Art History Book I by Morley, Glenn Michael
Origins of Art: A Cycle of Sonnets That Explores Some of the Early Modernist Painters and Sculptors and Their Evolution in an Intensel by Pisani, G. H.
The Story Of Art Throughout The Ages: An Illustrated Record by Simmonds, Florence
A Text Book Of The History Of Sculpture by Frothingham, Arthur, Marquand, Allan
The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance by LaCroix, Paul
The Art of the Dresden Gallery, Notes and Observations Upon the Old and Modern Masters and Paintings in the Royal Collection by Addison, Julia de Wolf
Florentine Life During the Renaissance by Scaife, Walter B.
Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts by Eastlake, Charles Lock
Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer by
New Light On The Renaissance by Bayley, Harold
Renaissance in Italy the Age of the Despots by Symonds, John Addington
A Dictionary Of Classical Antiquities, Mythology, Religion, Literature And Art by Seyffert, Oskar
The Message Of Greek Art by Powers, H. H.
The Medici And The Italian Renaissance by Smeaton, Oliphant
The Oriental Influence on the Ceramic Art of the Italian Renaissance with Illustrations by Wallis, Henry
The Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon V1: Historical Painter, from His Autobiography and Journals by Haydon, Benjamin Robert
The Fine Arts by Brown, Gerard Baldwin
Masters in Art: Donatello by Donatello
Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance by Bode, Wilhelm
French Painters of the Eighteenth Century by Dilke, Emilia
Giotto and His Works in Padua by Ruskin, John
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