• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2014

Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture by
The Bayeux Tapestry and Its Contexts: A Reassessment by Pastan, Elizabeth Carson, Gilbert, Kate, Reimer, Stephen R.
Summers of Discontent: The Purpose of the Arts Today by Tallis, Raymond, Spalding, Julian
William Merritt Chase: A Life in Art by Longwell, Alicia G.
Alberto Burri: Black Work: Cellotex 1972-1992 by
Fahd Burki: Works from 2003-2013 by Vali, Murtaza
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy by Edmondson, Jonathan, Bruun, Christer
Egon Schiele: Paintings and Drawings by Findley, Jessica
Der salomonische Tempel in Jerusalem by Migura, Diana
Kippenberger by
Sleeping Beauties in Victorian Britain: Cultural, Literary and Artistic Explorations of a Myth by
Splendor Solis: A facsimile of the complete manuscript by Palatino Press
The Art Album: Exploring the Connection Between Hip-Hop Music and Visual Art by Knuckles, Dawud
Medieval London by Welch, Charles, Benham, William
Schloss Prugg: Von der (Kastell-)Burg zum Wohnschloss. Die Baugeschichte des Schlosses vom 13.- 19. Jahrhundert. by Harlander, Christa
Aristarchos of Samos the Polymath: A collection of interrelated papers by Gomez, Alberto G.
Mariette and the Science of the Connoisseur in Eighteenth-Century Europe by Smentek, Kristel
Learning How to Fall: Art and Culture After September 11 by Cesare Schotzko, T. Nikki
Prisse d'Avennes. Egyptian Art by Ikram, Salima
14 Rooms by
Berlin Biennale 8: Excursus by
In Art: Madonnas by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Jewels of Ancient Nubia by
The Matter of Art: Materials, Practices, Cultural Logics, C.1250-1750 by
The Revolution of the Romanticists: Fluxus Made in USA by
Ling Jian by
Marcel Duchamp: Étant Donnés: By Jeff Wall by Wall, Jeff
Hans Furer: Catalogue Raisonné: Paintings 1971-2013 by
German Art in the Louisiana Collection: Louisiana Library by
Jorn & Pollock: Revolutionary Roads by
Sterling Ruby by
Herejía y Belleza 02: Gothic by Ortega (Dir )., Pedro
Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction by Riggs, Christina
Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West by Jaeger, C. Stephen
Gustav Klimt: Fulfilment (Foiled Journal) by
Illuminated History: Stained Glass at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul by
What Am I Looking At?: 50 Elements to help you make sense of a work of art! by Beekenkamp-Wladimiroff, Mariska, Beekenkamp, Juliana
The Beauty of Kinbaku: (Or everything you ever wanted to know about Japanese erotic bondage when you suddenly realized you didn't speak Japan by K, Master
Paul Gauguin et le style primitif: Un peintre en quête d'exotisme by 50minutes, Julie Lorang
Dante Gabriel Rossetti et la volupté féminine: Le héros du préraphaélisme by Anne-Sophie Lesage, 50minutes
Nicolas Poussin et le classicisme: Un peintre Français à Rome by 50minutes, Mathieu Guitonneau
Albrecht Dürer, un artiste humaniste: La Renaissance dans le Nord de l'Europe by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Léonard de Vinci, un génie universel: La science au service de l'art by 50minutes, Tatiana Sgalbiero
Holbein le Jeune, le maître du portrait: De l'art gothique à la Renaissance nordique by Céline Muller, 50minutes
Giotto et le souci du réel: Les premiers pas de la Renaissance italienne by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Claude Monet et l'impressionnisme: Au milieu des champs et au bord de l'eau by Marion Hallet, 50minutes
William Blake, le peintre des ténèbres: Un romantique tourné vers l'invisible by 50minutes, Thomas Jacquemin
Van Gogh, peintre de la folie: Un artiste maudit en quête de sens by 50minutes, Eliane Reynold de Seresin
Masaccio, l'incompris: Le plus grand peintre de la première Renaissance by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Jean Fouquet, un artiste polyvalent: Entre ars nova et Renaissance italienne by Caroline Blondeau-Morizot, 50minutes
Michel-Ange, un artiste qui fascine: Le génie de la chapelle Sixtine by 50minutes, Delphine Gervais de LaFond
William Turner, le peintre de la lumière: Le sublime au coeur du romantisme by Delphine Gervais de LaFond, 50minutes
Gustave Courbet, le peintre en sabots: Le chantre du réalisme by Eliane Reynold de Seresin, 50minutes
Jean-François Millet, le peintre des paysans: La nature pour unique bagage by Eliane Reynold de Seresin, 50minutes
Le Caravage et les jeux de lumière: L'enfant terrible du baroque italien by Coline Franceschetto, 50minutes
Jan Van Eyck et la maîtrise du détail: Un primitif flamand en avance sur son temps by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Édouard Manet et l'art de la provocation: Le précurseur de l'art moderne by 50minutes, Thibaut Wauthion
Eugène Delacroix et l'éclat de la couleur: Le chef de file du romantisme français by 50minutes, Thomas Jacquemin
Vermeer de Delft et les scènes de genre: Le maître hollandais de la lumière by Marion Hallet, 50minutes
Sandro Botticelli et la mythologie: L'ambassadeur de la Renaissance italienne by 50minutes, Tatiana Sgalbiero
Gustav Klimt et la sensualité féminine: Entre symbolisme et Art nouveau by 50minutes, Nadège Durant
Toulouse-Lautrec, l'âme de Montmartre: Du Moulin Rouge à l'art publicitaire by Thibaut Wauthion, 50minutes
Ingres, un néoclassique français: À la recherche de l'idéal esthétique by 50minutes, Thérèse Claeys
Edgar Degas, le peintre des danseuses: La passion du mouvement et de l'instantané by Marie-Julie Malache, 50minutes
Auguste Renoir, le peintre du bonheur: Aux sources de l'impressionnisme by 50minutes, Eliane Reynold de Seresin
Rembrandt et le clair-obscur: Le baroque dans toute sa splendeur by 50minutes, Céline Muller
Fra Angelico, le peintre des anges: Un religieux à l'aube de la Renaissance italienne by 50minutes, Caroline Blondeau-Morizot
Rubens, l'Homère de la peinture: Au coeur du baroque flamand by 50minutes, Marion Hallet
Paul Cézanne, précurseur du cubisme: Quand la couleur crée la forme by 50minutes, Delphine Gervais de LaFond
Maya Deren: Incomplete Control by Keller, Sarah
Damien Hirst: The Complete Visual Candy Paintings by
Maya Deren: Incomplete Control by Keller, Sarah
An Angel Named Sally and Two Guardian Angels by Graham, Marilyn (McQuiston)
An Angel Named Sally and Two Guardian Angels by Graham, Marilyn (McQuiston)
The Life and Letters of Washington Allston by Flagg, Jared Bradley
Iberische Bleiinschriften in Südfrankreich Und Im Empordà by Untermann, Jürgen
Perceptions of Discourse: The Revolution in Assumptions by Naor, Dorothy
Perceptions of Discourse: The Revolution in Assumptions by Naor, Dorothy
Architektur in Mittelerde. Analyse der Filmarchitektur nach Tolkien und ihrer möglichen Vorbilder by Krause, Anne-Ailine
Skythen in der lateinischen Literatur by
Breaching the Frame: The Rise of Contemporary Art in Brazil and Japan by Erber, Pedro R.
Giovanni Bellini: Music, Art and Venice by Grange, Susan
Learning How to Fall: Art and Culture after September 11 by Cesare Schotzko, T. Nikki
Art as History: Calligraphy and Painting as One by Fong, Wen C.
Seventeenth-Century European Drawings in Midwestern Collections: The Age of Bernini, Rembrandt, and Poussin by
Madame Cézanne by Amory, Dita
After the Red Army Faction: Gender, Culture, and Militancy by Scribner, Charity
Der Kunsthandel im Digitalen Zeitalter: Chancen und Perspektiven by Blumenthal, Simone Anna
What Galileo Saw by Lipking, Lawrence
In Art: The Magi and a Star by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Angels by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
The Design Process by Aspelund, Karl
Ashes, Images, and Memories: The Presence of the War Dead in Fifth-Century Athens by Arrington, Nathan T.
The Spectacle of Clouds, 1439-1650: Italian Art and Theatre by Buccheri, Alessandra
Delicious Decadence - The Rediscovery of French Eighteenth-Century Painting in the Nineteenth Century by
Da Vinci: His Life and His Legacy: {Large Print Edition} by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
The Classics Magpie: From Chariot-Racing Hooligans to Debauched Dinner Parties - A Miscellany That Shakes the Dust Off the Ancient World by Hood, Jane
Representation, Heterodoxy, and Aesthetics: Essays in Honor of Ronald Paulson by
In Art: Three "Vices" by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Death, Torture and the Broken Body in European Art, 1300-1650 by
The Spanish Presence in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Images of Iberia by
The Great Golden Age Book: Dutch Paintings by Giltaij, Jeroen
Three Royal Archetypal Sculptures: A window into the cultural achievements of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom by Self, J. Oliver
New Territories: Laboratories for Design, Craft and Art in Latin America by
Hans Schabus by
Antoni Abad by
Michel Pérez by