• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2016

Surrealismo by Klingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin
Dabs Myla: Before and Further by Dabs, Myla
Tom Blackwell: The Complete Paintings, 1970-2014 by Chase, Linda
They Drew as They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney's Musical Years (the 1940s - Part One) by Ghez, Didier
Mixed Messages: American Correspondences in Visual and Verbal Practices by
Japanese Names and How To Read Them by Koop, Albert J., Inada, Hogitaro
In Art: Monet by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Der altchristliche Gräberschmuck: Ein Beitrag zur christlichen Archäologie by Hasenclever, Adolf
Grown But Not Made: British Modernist Sculpture and the New Biology by Juler, Edward
Remarkable ruins and romantic prospects of North Britain: With ancient monuments and singular subjects of natural history by Cordiner, Charles
60 Americans by Sanders, Terrence
The Philosophy of Art by Taine, H.
Heavenly Discourses by
The Philosophy of Art - Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Taine, H.
Dead Lost or Displaced by Rose, Chris, Sanders, Terrence
101 Contemporary Artists by Sanders, Terrence
Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies by King, Ross
In Art: Children by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Windows by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Rome by Rinne, Katherine, Taylor, Rabun, Kostof, Spiro
Rome by Taylor, Rabun, Kostof, Spiro, Rinne, Katherine
The Printed Image in Early Modern London: Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange by Monteyne, Joseph
The Screen in Surrealist Art and Thought by Finkelstein, Haim
Visual Merchandising: The Image of Selling by
The Efflorescence of Caricature, 1759 1838 by
Sculpture and the Vitrine by
Material Women, 1750 1950: Consuming Desires and Collecting Practices by
Information by
Anarchism and the Advent of Paris Dada: Art and Criticism, 1914 1924 by Papanikolas, Theresa
Michelangelo in Print: Reproductions as Response in the Sixteenth Century by Barnes, Bernadine
Art and Identity at the Water's Edge by
Der Bilderkreis der Karolingischen Malerei: seine Umgrenzung und seine Quellen by Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich
Dynastic Marriages 1612/1615: A Celebration of the Habsburg and Bourbon Unions by
Reuse Value: Spolia and Appropriation in Art and Architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine by
Modernism on Stage: The Ballets Russes and the Parisian Avant-Garde by Bellow, Juliet
Neo-Impressionism and Anarchism in Fin-De-Siècle France: Painting, Politics and Landscape by Roslak, Robyn
Suffering and Sentiment in Romantic Military Art by Shaw, Philip
Georg Steindorff Und Die Deutsche Ägyptologie Im 20. Jahrhundert: Wissenshintergründe Und Forschungstransfers by
Russische Avantgarde. "Katzen. Eine rayonistische Perzeption in Rosa, Schwarz, Gelb" von Natalja Gontscharowa by Zimmer, Madeleine
Baroque Antiquity by Tschudi, Victor Plahte
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - The Artist as Photographer by
Die Innsbrucker Annasäule. Geschichtliche Hintergründe und stilistische Analyse by Wöss, Angelika
Signs of Our Times: From Calligraphy to Calligraffiti by Issa, Rose, Cestar, Juliet, Porter, Venetia
Imagine: New Imagery in Italian Art 1960-1969 by
Aldo Manuzio: Renaissance in Venice by
Accrochage by
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Masterpiece Paintings by
Miguel Ángel by Néret, Gilles
Michel-Ange by Néret, Gilles
In Art: Ruins by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Showcase Britain: Britain at the Vienna World Exhibition 1873 by Baird, Christina
Goya und die Darstellung des göttlichen Himmels in der Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Zaragoza by Besch, Matthias
Animism and Shamanism in Twentieth-Century Art: Kandinsky, Ernst, Pollock, Beuys by Firestone, Evan R.
Michelangelo by Néret, Gilles
Kirchner by Wolf, Norbert
"Der Siegreiche Amor" von Michelangelo Merisi di Caravaggio. Die Geburt eines homosexuellen Eros by Schäfer, Luisa-Viktoria
Mary Kelly by
The Face of Britain: A History of the Nation Through Its Portraits by Schama, Simon
Analysis of "The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa" by Gian Lorenzo Bernini by Krikona, Eleni
Культура русской диаспо& by Poljakov, Fedor B., Danilevskij, Aleksandr
The Lost Work of Will Eisner by Eisner, Will
Toulouse-Lautrec Illustrates the Belle Époque by
India's Biennale Effect: A politics of contemporary art by
Red Star Over Russia: A Visual History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Death of Stalin by King, David
Central Asia in Art: From Soviet Orientalism to the New Republics by Abykayeva-Tiesenhausen, Aliya
Paint by Sticker Masterpieces: Re-Create 12 Iconic Artworks One Sticker at a Time! by Workman Publishing
12 Days of Christmas by Jancewicz, Elizabeth J.
St. Georg mit Tiersymbolen: Das typologische Deckenprogramm der unteren Abtsstube des Klosters St. Georgen in Stein am Rhein als Teil eines Raumpr by Bretzigheimer, Gerlinde
The Uses of Photography: Art, Politics, and the Reinvention of a Medium by
Pen Drawing: An Illustrated Treatise by Maginnis, Charles D.
Creative Haven an Old-Fashioned Christmas Coloring Book by Menten, Ted
Ancient Magic and the Supernatural in the Modern Visual and Performing Arts by
The Great Exhibition in Colour by Hunter, Heritage
Italian Humanist Photography from Fascism to the Cold War by Caruso, Martina
A Short History of the Renaissance in Europe by King, Margaret L.
The Courtyard House: From Cultural Reference to Universal Relevance. Edited by Nasser O. Rabbat by
The Geometry of Creation: Architectural Drawing and the Dynamics of Gothic Design by Bork, Robert
Children's Stories and 'Child-Time' in the Works of Joseph Cornell and the Transatlantic Avant-Garde by Leppanen-Guerra, Analisa
Intersections: Women Artists/Surrealism/Modernism by
The British People and the League of Nations: Democracy, Citizenship and Internationalism, C.1918-45 by McCarthy, Helen
Art Since 1900: Volume 1: 1900 to 1944; Volume 2: 1945 to the Present by Bois, Yve-Alain, Foster, Hal, Krauss, Rosalind
Valentin Carron by
Modernism by Childs, Peter
In the Light of Naples: The Art of Francesco de Mura by Blumenthal, Arthur R.
1995-2015 Jubilee: Evn Collection by
La Chiesa di San Salvatore a Campi di Norcia by Canali, Francesco
A Fragile But Marvelous Life: Reader by
The Live Art Almanac: Volume 4 by
Homebase: The Interior in Contemporary Art by
Art in Unexpected Places II by
Richard Pousette-Dart: 1930s by
Van Gogh in Provence: Modernizing Tradition by
Wasteland: New Art from Los Angeles by
Jannis Kounellis by
Vermeer: The Complete Works by
Jacques Jordaens: 1593-1678: Allegories of Fruitfulness and Abundance by
Jan Bräumer: Irrwisch by
Abstrakt - Spatial: Painting in Space by
Raymond Hains by
Hannah Höch: Life Portrait: A Collaged Autobiography by
Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature by Noë, Alva
Pathology & Aesthetics: Essays on the Pathological in Kant and Contemporary Aesthetics by Schreel, Louis
Portraits of the Insane: Theodore Gericault and the Subject of Psychotherapy by Snell, Robert
Opera Nova - Livre 1 by Marozzo, Achille
Genesis Characters and Events in Ancient Greek Art by Johnson, Robert Bowie, Jr.
Hans Hofmann: The Artist's Materials by Rogala, Dawn V.
Philologia sanat: Studien fuer Hans-Albrecht Koch zum 70. Geburtstag by
In Art: Hunting and Fishing by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Downtown Grand Marais Vol. I, 2nd Edition: An Enlarged Edition of a Brief History of the Early Hotels, Wisconsin Street and the Harbor by Glader, Eugene Arlen
The Female Body in the Looking-Glass: Contemporary Art, Aesthetics and Genderland by Sliwinska, Basia
Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia by Mansoor, Jaleh
Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia by Mansoor, Jaleh
Histoire de la Gravure En France by Duplessis, Georges
The Traditional Crafts of Egypt by
The Pulse of Modernism: Physiological Aesthetics in Fin-De-Siècle Europe by Brain, Robert Michael
Bridget Riley: Paintings, 1963-2015 by
Baroque and Rococo by Bazin, Germain
Fashion, Interior Design and the Contours of Modern Identity by
Francesca Woodman and the Kantian Sublime by Raymond, Claire
Architects, Angels, Activists and the City of Bath, 1765-1965: Engaging with Women's Spatial Interventions in Buildings and Landscape by Hammond, Cynthia Imogen
Constructing African Art Histories for the Lagoons of Côte d'Ivoire by Visonà, Monica Blackmun
Eileen Gray and the Design of Sapphic Modernity: Staying In by Rault, Jasmine
Painting, Politics and the Struggle for the École de Paris, 1944-1964 by Adamson, Natalie
Photography Reinvented: The Collection of Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker by Greenough, Sarah
America's National Gallery of Art by Kopper, Philip, Publishing Office of the National Gallery of Art
Fausto & Felice Niccolini. Houses and Monuments of Pompeii by Kockel, Valentin, Schütze, Sebastian
Kunstgeschichtliche Charakterbilder aus Österreich-Ungarn by Ilg, Albert
Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation by Lorenz, Katharina
Veronese by Meissner, Franz Hermann
Pieter Bruegel and the Culture of the Early Modern Dinner Party by Goldstein, Claudia
Everything Is Happening: Journey Into a Painting by Jacobs, Michael
Foucault on the Arts and Letters: Perspectives for the 21st Century by
The Boundaries of Art and Social Space in Rome: The Caged Bird and Other Art Forms by Jones, Frederick
Tiepolo by Meissner, Franz Hermann
The Invention of Expressionism: Critical Writings 1910-1913 by Raphael, Max
Piero di Cosimo: L'ingegno strano e fantastico by Unia, Flavio
Meanings of Abstract Art: Between Nature and Theory by
Myth and Mystique: Cleveland's Gothic Table Fountain by Fliegel, Stephen N., Gertsman, Elina
Parody and Festivity in Early Modern Art: Essays on Comedy as Social Vision by
Eye Hear the Visual in Music by Shaw-Miller, Simon
Leonardo Da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti Called Sala: The Enigma of a Painting by Zecchini, Maurizio
The Art of the Con: The Most Notorious Fakes, Frauds, and Forgeries in the Art World by Amore, Anthony M.
Foucault on the Arts and Letters: Perspectives for the 21st Century by
Hot Metal: Material Culture and Tangible Labour by Stein, Jesse Adams
Nicholas II of Russia: little-known facts of life and murder's mysteries by Romanov, Boris
Landscape and Vision in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France by Charlesworth, Michael
Framing the Ocean, 1700 to the Present: Envisaging the Sea as Social Space by
Early Modern Dutch Prints of Africa. Elizabeth A. Sutton by Sutton, Elizabeth A.
The Monet Cookbook: Recipes from Giverny by Gentner, Florence
Perspectives on Manet by
Marketing Art in the British Isles, 1700 to the Present: A Cultural History by
German Art History and Scientific Thought: Beyond Formalism by
Van Gogh: Into the Undergrowth by Prins, Laura, Homburg, Cornelia, Kelly, Simon
The Art of Understanding Art: A New Perspective by Moss, Hugh
Yoan Capote by Picard, Charmaine
Writing the Pre-Raphaelites: Text, Context, Subtext by
Women and Portraits in Early Modern Europe: Gender, Agency, Identity by
Art, Sex and Eugenics: Corpus Delecti by
Angelica's Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy by Dooley, Brendan
Women and Visual Replication in Roman Imperial Art and Culture by Trimble, Jennifer
The Art of Illustration by Sullivan, Edmund J.
Renaissance by Wundram, Manfred
Renacimiento by Wundram, Manfred
Der altchristliche Gräberschmuck: Ein Beitrag zur christlichen Archäologie by Hasenclever, Adolf
Vermeer by Schneider, Norbert
Renaissance by Wundram, Manfred
Working Conditions: The Writings of Hans Haacke by Haacke, Hans
Antiochia in der Spätantike by Brands, Gunnar
The Paintings and Drawings of John DOS Passos: A Collection and Study by Layman, Richard, Pizer, Donald, Nanney, Lisa
Egypt: Millenary Splendour the Leiden Collection in Bologna by
How to Read Medieval Art by Stein, Wendy A.
Waltercio Caldas in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez by
Work Hard: Selections by Valentin Carron by
Jeff Koons: Now by
One and One Is Four: The Bauhaus Photocollages of Josef Albers by
Europe in the Renaissance: Metamorphoses 1400-1600 by
Common Affairs: Revisiting the Views Award: Contemporary Art from Poland by
Kandinsky, Marc, and Der Blaue Reiter by
Start: Emerging Artists, New Art Scenes by
Exit Art: Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art by
Openings: A Memoir from the Women's Art Movement, New York City 1970-1992 by Moore, Sabra
Warren Rohrer by
Kai Althoff: And Then Leave Me to the Common Swifts by
Giotto by D'Arcais, Francesca Flores
Ancient Egypt: An Adult Colouring Book by Travis, Hilary
Drawing Relationships in Northern Italian Renaissance Art: Patronage and Theories of Invention by
Seeing Across Cultures in the Early Modern World by
Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation by Lorenz, Katharina
Greek Myths in Roman Art and Culture by Newby, Zahra
Wild Spaces, Open Seasons, 27: Hunting and Fishing in American Art by
Geschichte der Wandteppichfabriken by Mayer, Manfred
7 Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Pattanaik, Devdutt
7 Secrets of Vishnu by Pattanaik, Devdutt
Catalogue Officiel Illustré de l'Exposition Rétrospective de l'Art Français Des Origines À 1800 by Collectif
Ezio Gribaudo: The Man in the Middle of Modernism by Surliuga, Victoria
A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet: Khyentse Chenmo of Gongkar by Jackson, David P.
Clear Light: The Architecture of Lauretta Vinciarelli by
Late Style and Its Discontents: Essays in Art, Literature, and Music by
Tra Oltralpe e Mediterraneo: Arte in Italia 1860-1915 by
The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons: Prime Lessons for Cameroon by Ndi, Anthony
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