• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2019

The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture by
Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management: State of the Art and Future Perspectives by
Knowledge Networks and Craft Traditions in the Ancient World: Material Crossovers by
'Black But Human': Slavery and Visual Arts in Hapsburg Spain, 1480-1700 by Fracchia, Carmen
Play the Burgundian Wars 1474-1477: Gioca a wargame alle guerre borgognone by Bistulfi, Gianpaolo, Cristini, Luca Stefano
A Wonder to Behold: Craftsmanship and the Creation of Babylon's Ishtar Gate by
Out of Earshot: Sound, Technology, and Power in American Art, 1860-1900 by Naeem, Asma
Readies for Bob Brown's Machine: A Critical Facsimile Edition by Brown, Bob
Collaborative Art in the Twenty-First Century by
The Situationist International in Britain: Modernism, Surrealism, and the Avant-Garde by Cooper, Sam
Contemporary Visual Culture and the Sublime by
The Dog in the Dickensian Imagination by Gray, Beryl
Contemporary British Television Crime Drama: Cops on the Box by
Painting Antiquity: Ancient Egypt in the Art of Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Edward Poynter and Edwin Long by Moser, Stephanie
The Books and the Life of Judith of Flanders by Dockray-Miller, Mary
Precinct, Temple and Altar in Roman Spain: Es on the Imperial Monuments at Mérida and Tarragona by Fishwick, Duncan
Die Prunksarkophage des Balthasar Ferdinand Moll in der Wiener Kapuzinergruft: Die machtpolitische Inszenierung und Selbstwahrnehmung des Hauses Habsb by Hammer, Martin
Ideen und Entwürfe von 1813 bis 1870 für ein Monument in Erinnerung an die Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig by Gschweng, André
Heimliche Welten Im Neuen Palais: Rudolf Prinz Zur Lippe Im Dialog Mit Fotografien Von Friederike Von Rauch by
K.B. Goel: Critical Writings on Art, 1957-1998 by
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery by Regev, Dalit
Darstellungen des Totenkults auf einer frühbyzantinischen Pyxis by Pohl, Maria
Die Kunst Der Interpretation: Rubens Und Die Druckgraphik by Meier, Hans Jakob
2019 by
Contemporary Art and Disability Studies by
Into the Night: Cabarets and Clubs in Modern Art by Ostende, Florence, Johnson, Lotte
Radio as Art: Concepts, Spaces, Practices by
Mike Kelley: Timeless Painting by
Black Mountain: An Interdisciplinary Experiment 1933-1957 by
Tacit Knowledge: Post Studio/Feminism: Calarts 1970-1977 by
Märtyrerbildnisse zur Zeit der Französischen Revolution: Jacques-Louis Davids propagandistische Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der revolutionären Bestrebungen by Dampf, Hanno
Preußens Aufbruch vom Rokoko zum Frühklassizismus. Das "Marmorpalais" und der "Neue Garten" in Potsdam by Dampf, Hanno
Neue Sachlichkeit. Weimarer Kunst und Kultur in den 1920er Jahren by Dampf, Hanno
The Reception of Byzantium in European Culture Since 1500 by
The Life and Work of Richard King: Religion, Nationalism and Modernism by Sheehy, Ruth
Tal R by Herbert, Martin
Richard Hamilton: Introspective by
Slow Painting by
Hot, Cold, Heavy, Light, 100 Art Writings 1988-2018 by Schjeldahl, Peter
Postwar Italian Art History Today: Untying 'The Knot' by
Cruise Through History - Itinerary 03: Greek Islands, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean by Hutt, Sherry
Did Leonardo da VInci create Paintings in 3D: Down the Rabbit Hole by Atreides, Leo
Asemic: The Art of Writing by Schwenger, Peter
Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States by Steuben, Baron Von, Von Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm