• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2020

Art Du Vitrier by Doublette-Desbois
Histoire Générale Des Arts Appliqués À l'Industrie Du Ve À La Fin Du Xviiie Siècle. Tome 3: Le Mobilier Au Xviie Et Au Xviiie Siècle by Molinier, Émile
L'Art Officiel Et La Liberté. Salon de 1861 by Fouquier, Henry
Le Parfait Charron-Carrossier Ou Traité Complet Des Ouvrages Faits En Charronnage Et Ferrure by Berthaux, Louis
Der Heilig-Blut-Altar in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Räumlichkeit und Inszenierung by Anonym
Assyrian Palace Sculptures by Collins, Paul
The Mystic Lamb: Admired and Stolen by Van Der Veken, Jan
James Stirling als Wegbereiter postmoderner Architektur in Deutschland? Die Staatsgalerie Stuttgart by Anonymous
Frida in America: The Creative Awakening of a Great Artist by Stahr, Celia
Science Fiction by
George Paginton: Painting a Nation by Martens, Adamowicz-Clements
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies by
Machines for Living: Modernism and Domestic Life by Rosner, Victoria
Feminizing the Manifesto. Mina Loy und das Frauenbild um 1920: Geschlechterrolle zu Zeiten des Dadaismus und Surrealismus by Steiner, Teresa
Die antiken Bronzeskulpturen auf dem Lateran in Rom: Hatten sie eine Sonderstellung innerhalb der heidnischen Bildnisse? by Reinsch, Christiane
Metalworking in Bronze Age China: The Lost-Wax Process by Peng, Peng
Die Mona Lisa in Hinsicht auf die sozialen Medien by Metzlaff, Melanie
The Analysis Of Beauty: Written With A View Of Fixing The Fluctuating Ideas Of Taste by Hogarth, William
Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins by Somhegyi, Zoltán
Art by Bell, Clive
Die Medaille der Cecilia Gonzaga. Zeitzeuge des idealen Frauenbildes by Elbers, Sara
Bernardino Luinis Bildnis eines Mannes mit Pfeilen im Körper. Der Liebende oder der Heilige Sebastian? by Landmann, Victoria
Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists Remake American Art, 1925-1945 by Haskell, Barbara
Gerhard Richter: Painting After All by Wagstaff, Sheena, Buchloh, Benjamin H. D.
Ikonologie und Ikonographie nach Erwin Panofsky am Beispiel der Höfischen Kunst aus Benin by Landmann, Victoria
Die Seeschlacht von Lepanto und die daraus entstandene Zelebrationskunst des späten 16. Jahrhunderts by Landmann, Victoria
Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins by Somhegyi, Zoltán
Picasso by
A treatise on painting by Da Vinci, Leonardo
Vincent's Books: Van Gogh and the Writers Who Inspired Him by Guzzoni, Mariella
La didattica della Storia dell'arte in lingua tedesca. Un percorso sull'arte romana in un liceo linguistico by Ghane, Anita
Die Kathedrale von Chartres. Wie funktioniert sie als Wallfahrtsstätte? by Landmann, Victoria
Sha'Z Square: Ancient Mysteries Decoded: Revised Edition by Zadeh, Shahrokh
Art and Artifact in Austen by
Art and Artifact in Austen by
Sha'Z Square: Ancient Mysteries Decoded: Revised Edition by Zadeh, Shahrokh
British and Irish Art 1945-1951: From War to Festival by Clark, Adrian
Superioritätsansprüche in der Neuen Welt durch ideologisierte Kunst und subtile Symbolik by Gök, Engin
Gallucci's Commentary on Dürer's 'Four Books on Human Proportion': Renaissance Proportion Theory by Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo
Gallucci's Commentary on Dürer's 'Four Books on Human Proportion': Renaissance Proportion Theory by Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo
Figurines in Hellenistic Babylonia: Miniaturization and Cultural Hybridity by Langin-Hooper, Stephanie M.
Xanto: Pottery-Painter, Poet, Man of the Renaissance by Mallet, J. V. G.
Caravaggio's Eye by Whitfield, Clovis
Fired On: Targeting Western American Art by Thompson, Toby
Installation Art in Close-Up by Malpas, William
Installation Art in Close-Up by Malpas, William
Fragonard by McFall, Haldane
Heraldic Design: A Handbook for Students by Child, Heather
The Challenge of the Sublime: From Burke's Philosophical Enquiry to British Romantic Art by Ibata, Hélène
Ancient Sagas - deus Vult: My Family Tree from a Historical Perspective by Wise, Ruth a.
Ancient Sagas - deus Vult: My Family Tree from a Historical Perspective by Wise, Ruth a.
Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual - Revised and Expanded Edition by Gamwell, Lynn
Norman Bluhm: Metamorphosis by Grimm, Jay, Bloom, Tricia Laughlin
The Renaissance Speaks Hebrew by
The Little Prince by Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Pablo Picassos "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon". Zeitgenössische Reaktionen und Bedeutung für das moderne Publikum by Anonymous
Kiki Smith by
Dorothy Morland: Making Ica History by Massey, Anne
Dorothy Morland: Making Ica History by Massey, Anne
The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) by Price, Richard
Time to Play: Action and Interaction in Contemporary Art by Zimna, Katarzyna
August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text and Theatre by
True to Nature: Open-Air Painting in Europe 1780-1870 by
Bosch: Masters of Art by Finger, Brad
Memoirs of a God by Scott, L. V.
Aesthetic Theory, Abstract Art, and Lawrence Carroll by Carrier, David
Gustav Klimt: Poppy Field (Foiled Journal) by
Moon Toast: Facing Death and Adventures in the Wilds of Alaska by Close, Greg S.
Going Down Another Lane by Young, John
छत्रपति शिवाजींची ओवीबद& by Narale, Ratnakar
The Process Genre: Cinema and the Aesthetic of Labor by Skvirsky, Salomé Aguilera
Imagining Anglo-Saxon England: Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia by Karkov, Catherine E.
Burne-Jones by Baldry, A. Lys
Delacroix by Konody, Paul G.
Leonardo da Vincis "Letztes Abendmahl". Stilistische Merkmale und ikonographische Deutung by Breit, Juliane
Thomas Paine in Lewes 1768-1774 Second Edition 2020: A Prelude to American Independence by Gage, Deborah, Myles, Paul, Brent, Colin
A Companion to Public Art by
Think of Them as Spaces: Brice Marden's Drawings by Montana, Kelly
Knowledge Beside Itself: Contemporary Art's Epistemic Politics by Holert, Tom
Frida / Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Herrera, Hayden
The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin by Meehan, Bernard
Madonna of Divine Love by Raffaello by de Petris, Carla Nicole
Two Saints & a Lot of Us Sinners: A History of One of Ireland's Oldest Inhabited Castles by Donovan Thompson, Brian
The Afterlives of Greek Sculpture: Interaction, Transformation, and Destruction by Kousser, Rachel
The Invention of Norman Visual Culture: Art, Politics, and Dynastic Ambition by Reilly, Lisa
Digital Image Systems: Photography and New Technologies at the Düsseldorf School by Gunti, Claus
Hans Memling by Weale, W. H. J., Weale, J. C.
Jung und schön. Der biblische David in der Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit: "Triumph des David" (1620) von Matteo Rosselli. Eine Analyse by Befuss, Tatjana
Zum Nachleben der Antike in der Frühen Neuzeit. Ein Überblick über die Antikenrezeption by Befuss, Tatjana
Andy Warhol by Shore, Robert
Pagan Light: Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri by James, Jamie
Artemisia Gentileschi by Jones, Jonathan
Revision and Resistance: Kent Monkman and Mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art by
Ars Viva 2020: Prize-Winning Young Art by Ashadu, Karimah
Micro Era: Media Art from China by
Catrin Huber: Expanded Interiors at Herculaneum and Pompeii by
The Vatican: All the Paintings: The Complete Collection of Old Masters, Plus More Than 300 Sculptures, Maps, Tapestries, and Other Artifacts by Grebe, Anja
Florence: The Paintings & Frescoes, 1250-1743 by Grebe, Anja, King, Ross
Solo: Gino Severini by
The Woman in Me: Willem de Kooning, Woman I-VI by Clark, Marlene
Le Salon de 1852 by Enault, Louis
École Anglaise, Recueil de Tableaux, Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Plus Célèbres Artistes Anglais: Du Temps d'Hogarth À Nos Jours. Notices En Français Et by Hamilton, G.
École Anglaise, Recueil de Tableaux, Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Plus Célèbres Artistes Anglais: Du Temps d'Hogarth À Nos Jours. Notices En Français Et by Hamilton, G.
École Anglaise, Recueil de Tableaux, Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Plus Célèbres Artistes Anglais: Du Temps d'Hogarth À Nos Jours. Notices En Français Et by Hamilton, G.
A Short History of the Renaissance in Northern Europe by Vale, Malcolm
Celebrity, Fame, and Infamy in the Hellenistic World by
Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen: Kansas City's Shuttlecocks by Olszewski, Edward J.
History of Nations 1: From Adam PBUH to 300 B.C by Ibn Al-Jawzi
Stefano Ricci by Bellesi, Sandro
The Maiolica of Montelupo by Ravanelli Guidotti, Carmen
Zu William Turners Gemälde "Rain, Steam and Speed". Turners Werk im Hintergrund der Industrialisierung by Puhl, Travis
Oregon Tears by Reynolds, June a.
Hafenstädte Im Östlichen Mittelmeerraum Vom Hellenismus Bis in Die Römische Kaiserzeit: Städtebau, Funktion Und Wahrnehmung by Feuser, Stefan
Holocaust Icons in Art: The Warsaw Ghetto Boy and Anne Frank by Brutin, Batya
A Short History of Italian Painting by Brown, Alice Van Vechten Rankin William
A Short History of Italian Painting by Brown, Alice Van Vechten Rankin William
Dematerialization: Art and Design in Latin America Volume 2 by Benezra, Karen
Collecting with Vision: Treasures from the Chrysler Museum of Art by Baker, Gary E., Harrison, Jefferson C., Johnson, Brooks
Hemispheric Integration: Materiality, Mobility, and the Making of Latin American Art Volume 3 by Vicario, Niko
Gatecrashers: The Rise of the Self-Taught Artist in America by Jentleson, Katherine
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century I by Jin, Fu
The Subject of Crusade: Lyric, Romance, and Materials, 1150 to 1500 by Galvez, Marisa
The Heart: Frida Kahlo in Paris by Petitjean, Marc
German Expressionism: The Braglia and Johenning Collections by
Aubrey Beardsley: Decadence and Desire by Marsh, Jan
Calder: The Conquest of Space: The Later Years: 1940-1976 by Perl, Jed
The Pound: Devil Dog's War in Nicaragua by Brown, Ltcol David B.
Movements in Art Since 1945 by Lucie-Smith, Edward
Monet by Rubin, James H.
Alexander Von Humboldt and the United States: Art, Nature, and Culture by Harvey, Eleanor Jones
Gerhard Richter & Dieter Schwarz: An Interview by
A New Spirit in Painting, 1981: On Being an Antimodern by de Luca, Theo
Contemporary African Art by Kasfir, Sidney Littlefield
Anachronic Renaissance by Wood, Christopher S., Nagel, Alexander
Abstract Art by Moszynska, Anna
Entrare Nell'opera: Processes and Performative Attitudes in Arte Povera by
Anton Graff: Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts by Muther, Richard
Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research by
Lumumba in the Arts by
Museums of the Commons: L'Internationale and the Crisis of Europe by Papastergiadis, Nikos
Der Cicerone by Burckhardt, Jacob
Der Cicerone by Burckhardt, Jacob
El Bosco. La Obra Completa by Fischer, Stefan
Art of the United States, 1750-2000 by Davis, John, Leja, Michael
Varia 2: Fragments sur l'art by Cariani, Gianni
The Situationist International: A Critical Handbook by
The Situationist International: A Critical Handbook by
Composing the Space: Sculptures in the Avant-Garde: A Reader / Anthology by
Chinati: The Vision of Donald Judd by Stockebrand, Marianne
Cézanne at the Whitworth by
Sicily: La Terra dei Fuochi by Palermo, Giacomo
Sicilian: Le Storie Impossibili che hanno il pregio di Essere Vere - Paolo Mauri La Repubblica by Palermo, Giacomo
Manet by Néret, Gilles
Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity: Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland by
The Code by Ruby, Jacqueline, Moses, Marcellus
The Code by Moses, Marcellus, Ruby, Jacqueline
She's a Wildcat!: The Art of Candy by Weil, Candy
Cézanne: The Rock and Quarry Paintings by
Emilio Vedova: A Historical Survey by
The Origins of Monsters: Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Wengrow, David
A Superb Baroque: Art in Genoa, 1600-1750 by Boggero, Franco, Bober, Jonathan, Boccardo, Piero
Sensuous Thoughts: Essays on the Work of Donald Judd by Shiff, Richard
Georg Baselitz: A Focus on the 1980s by
Chinese Dress: From the Qing Dynasty to the Present Day by Garrett, Valery
Raphael Masterpieces of Art by Biggs, Julia
Gustav Klimt Set of 3 Mini Notebooks by
Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art by Cooper, Barry
Khingila vs. Buddhist Caves: A synchronised chronology of the Early Alchon Huns, Early Guptas, Vakatakas, Traikutakas, and Buddhist caves (ca. 451- by Singh, Rajesh Kumar
Primary Sources on Monsters by
Mondrian by Deicher, Susanne
Experiencing Architecture in the Nineteenth Century: Buildings and Society in the Modern Age by
Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art by Cooper, Barry
New Deal Art in the Northwest: The Wpa and Beyond by
The Peoples of Ancient Siberia: An Archeological History by Okladnikov, Aleksei P.
Psychomotor Aesthetics: Movement and Affect in Modern Literature and Film by Hedberg Olenina, Ana
Wolfgang Gurlitt Zauberprinz: Kunsthändler - Sammler by
Die Armbrust: Schrecken Und Schönheit.Ein Bestandskatalog Des Deutschen Historischen Museums by
Ich Bin Ich: Paula Modersohn-Becker. Die Selbstbildnisse by
Die Fäden Der Moderne: Matisse, Picasso, Miró Und Die Französischen Gobelins by
Kaiser Und Sultan: Nachbarn in Europas Mitte 1600-1700 by
Das Fundament Des Pergamonaltars Und Die Aufnahme Seiner Fassadenfragmente by Klinkott, Manfred
OK Sicily: Viaggio in Terra di Sicilia, fra Storia e Mito, Barocco e Magia! by Chiaramonte, Giuseppe
The Power of Urban Water: Studies in Premodern Urbanism by
Félix Fénéon: The Anarchist and the Avant-Garde by
Who's Afraid of Contemporary Art? by Cerasi, Jessica, An, Kyung
Classical New York: Discovering Greece and Rome in Gotham by
The Louvre: The Many Lives of the World's Most Famous Museum by Gardner, James
Van Eyck by Dumolyn, Jan, Martens, Maximiliaan, Borchert, Till-Holger
Kulte Und Heiligtümer in Elis Und Triphylien: Untersuchungen Zur Sakraltopographie Der Westlichen Peloponnes by Pilz, Oliver
Fashion Work: 25 Years of Art in Fashion by
Approaches to Art: A New Introduction to Art History by Florence, Ferdinanda
Peter Saul: Published in Association with the New Museum by
Approaches to Art: A New Introduction to Art History by Florence, Ferdinanda
Africobra: Experimental Art Toward a School of Thought by Jarrell, Wadsworth A.
Turner: Five Leters and a PostScript by Hind, C. Lewis
Turner by Monkhouse, Cosmo
Die anachronistische Raumvorstellung in Tapisserien um 1500 bis 1530 by Zimmer, Madeleine
Hannibal, Scipio and the Emergence of Rome by Jochnick, Adolf Af
Synthesis: Lost and Found in America: The Art of Vesna Kittelson by Kittelson, Vesna
Rembrandt and Amsterdam Portraiture, 1590-1670 by
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