• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2021

The Face of Music: Over 300 Hand Drawn Portraits of Music's Most Significant Icons of the 20th Century Complete with their Biographies an by Thompson, David S.
Charles Sheeler: Modernism, Precisionism and the Borders of Abstraction by Rawlinson, Mark
Getting the Picture: The Visual Culture of the News by
Revisionen Eines Schiffbruchs - Martin Kippenbergers Medusa by Schorb, Katarina
Animism, Materiality, and Museums: How Do Byzantine Things Feel? by Peers, Glenn
Town and Country 1517 - 1550: Scenes of Everyday Life in Detail from Geisberg's German Single Sheet Woodcuts by McNealy, Marion
Routledge Library Editions: Wyndham Lewis by Authors, Various
Exposition des femmes artistes, Galerie Georges Petit by Collectif
De la peinture sur verre ou Notice historique sur cet art dans ses rapports avec la vitrification by Thibaud, Émile
Recueil de planches gravées d'après la collection des jetons des villes by Devosge, Anatole, Amanton, Claude-Nicolas, Quenedey, Edme
Les fragments héroïques, ballet. Académie royale de musique, 16 juillet 1773 by Fuzelier, Louis, Roy, Pierre-Charles
Catalogue d'objets d'art de la collection de de Mme Veuve Jamar. Vente, 16 décembre 1845 by Collectif
Instructions du Comité historique des arts et monuments. Musique by Bottée de Toulmon, Auguste
L'Esprit d'Orphée ou De l'influence respective de la musique, de la morale et de la législation by D' Olivier, Jean de Dieu
Réclamations des élèves de l'école des beaux-arts au sujet de la réorganisation de leur école by Collectif
Les Trois Ages de l'Opéra, Prologue. Académie-Royale de Musique, 27 Avril 1778: Suivi de l'Acte de Flore by Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste, Devismes de Saint-Alphonse, Alphonse-Marie-Denis, Saint-Marc, Jean-Paul-André de Razins
Les grandes écoles syriennes du IVe au XIIe siècle by Rey, Emmanuel-Guillaume
Encyclopédie du lacet by Collectif
Guide du peintre-coloriste. Enluminage des gravures et lithographies, coloris du daguerréotype by Lefebvre, Casimir
Exposition des beaux-arts, organisée par le groupe artistique de la région de Charenton by Collectif
Catalogue d'estampes qui composent l'oeuvre de Jean-Pierre Norblin. 2e édition by Hillemacher, Frédéric-Désiré
Le Peintre Graveur Illustré, XIXe Et Xxe Siècles. Supplément by Delteil, Loÿs, Geffroy, Gustave
Frisson: The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Collection by
King and Collector: Henry VIII and the Art of Kingship by Collins, Linda, Clarke, Siobhan
Studies in Islamic Painting, Epigraphy and Decorative Arts by O'Kane, Bernard
Vincent Geyskens by Lamas, Eduardo, Wittocx, Eva, Van Den Boogerd, Dominic
Art & Graphic Design: George Maciunas, Ed Ruscha, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville by Buquet, Benoit
Islamic Metalwork from the Aron Collection by
Rubens: Picturing Antiquity by
Flashback, Eclipse: The Political Imaginary of Italian Art in the 1960s by Golan, Romy
Goethe und Schiller im Memorialdenkmal: Der Weg zum Weimarer Doppeldenkmal sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf den nationalen Raum by Dampf, Hanno
Van Gogh and the Olive Groves by
Claude Monet: The Truth of Nature by
Van Gogh and the Artists He Loved by Naifeh, Steven
Bridget Riley by
New Waves: Contemporary Art and the Issues Shaping Its Tomorrow by
Breaking the Mould: Sculpture by Women Since 1945 by
The Invention of the American Desert: Art, Land, and the Politics of Environment by
The Column of Marcus Aurelius: The Genesis & Meaning of a Roman Imperial Monument by Beckmann, Martin
Holbein: Capturing Character by
Modern Colors of Japan: Japanese Color Harmony Dictionary: The Complete Guide for Designers and Graphic Artists (Over 3,300 Color Combinations by Sakurai, Teruko
Traditional Colors of Japan: Japanese Color Harmony Dictionary: The Complete Guide for Designers and Graphic Artists (Over 2,750 Color Combinations by Sakurai, Teruko
Towards the Sun: The Artist-Traveller at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by McConkey, Kenneth
Eine Begriffsbestimmung des 'Unsichtigen' am Beispiel von Alfredo Jaars 'The Eyes of Gutete Emerita' (1996/97) by Egger, Marie
Stationen der Porträtkunst. Selbstbildnis an Lorenzo Ghiberts "Porta del Paradiso" und Peter Vischers "Sebaldusgrab" by Gallmetzer, Anna
Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kreises Grevenbroich by Clemen, Paul
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Agostino Pipia (1660-1730) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Valentino Mastrozzi (1729-1809) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Simone Buonaccorsi (1708-1776) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Giuseppe Antonio Sala (1762-1839) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Domenico Orsini d'Aragona (1719-1789) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art: The Influence of Marcia Hall by
Inscriptiones Calymnae Et Insularum Calymniarum by
Villa Albani Torlonia: The Cradle of Neoclassicism by
Die installative Bedeutung von Mike Kelleys Werk "Deodorized Central Mass with Satellites" by Niebrügge, Cedric
A Companion to Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latina/O Art by
Silk: Fiber, Fabric, and Fashion by Allen-Johnstone, Claire, Miller, Lesley Ellis, Cabrera Lafuente, Ana
Craft Culture in Early Modern Japan: Materials, Makers, and Mastery by Guth, Christine M. E.
Milton Avery by
The Book of Change: Images and Symbols to Inspire Revelations and Revolutions by Ellcock, Stephen
Art Judgements: Art on Trial in Russia after Perestroika by Frimmel, Sandra
Arabesque without End: Across Music and the Arts, from Faust to Shahrazad by
Painting, History and Meaning: Sites of Time by Staff, Craig
Post-Digital Letterpress Printing: Research, Education and Practice by
Your Place in the Multiverse by
Ground Sea: Photography and the Right to Be Reborn by Van Gelder, Hilde
Francis Bacon: Shadows by Harrison, Martin
The Loft Generation: From the de Koonings to Twombly: Portraits and Sketches, 1942-2011 by Schloss, Edith
Omförhandlingar: Den offentliga konstens roll efter millennieskiftet by Öhrner, Annika, Karlholm, Dan
A Life of Picasso IV: The Minotaur Years: 1933-1943 by Richardson, John
Young Bellini by Maze, Daniel Wallace
Whistler to Cassatt: American Painters in France by Standring, Timothy J.
Georgia O'Keeffe, Photographer by Volpe, Lisa
Toward the Not-Yet: Art as Public Practice by
Weaving the Culture: The Art and Life of Jennette Reid Tandy by Jones, Elizabeth
Pontormo and the Art of Devotion in Renaissance Italy by Maratsos, Jessica A.
Jenny. Ausgabe 09: Denken. Glänzen. Text. by
The Arts of the Grid: Interdisciplinary Insights on Gridded Modalities in Conversation with the Arts by
Magritte in 400 Images by Waseige, Julie
Art and Ocean Objects of Early Modern Eurasia: Shells, Bodies, and Materiality by K. Grasskamp, Anna
Being Alone in Antiquity: Greco-Roman Ideas and Experiences of Misanthropy, Isolation and Solitude by
Gesellschaft und Administration im Römischen Reich by Eck, Werner
Botticelli: Artist and Designer by DeBenedetti, Ana
Die amerikanische Kunst im Stedelijk-Museum in Amsterdam by Paha, Bernhard
Rubens in Repeat: The Logic of the Copy in Colonial Latin America by Hyman, Aaron M.
Poisoned Abstraction: Kurt Schwitters Between Revolution and Exile by Bader, Graham
Tombs of the South Asasif Necropolis: Art and Archaeology 2015-2018 by
Imperial Splendor: The Art of the Book in the Holy Roman Empire, 800-1500 by O'Driscoll, Joshua, Hamburger, Jeffrey F.
La Dolce Vita University: An Unconventional Guide to Italian Culture from A to Z by Gambescia, Carla
Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement by Chadwick, Whitney
Roar!: A Collection of Mighty Women by Longshore, Ashley
Gullah Spirit: The Art of Jonathan Green by Green, Jonathan
Edgar Degas: Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der modernen Malerei by Meier-Graefe, Julius
History and Memory in the Marketplace: Cultural Representations of Mid-20th Century China by Gao, Qian
Christo and Jeanne-Claude. l'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped by Henery, Jonathan William, Giovanelli, Lorenza
Visual Culture Approaches to the Selfie by
El Greco to Murillo: Spanish Painting in the Golden Age, 1556-1700 by Mallory, Nina A.
African Textiles by Picton, J.
An Outline of 19th Century European Painting: From David Through Cezanne by Eitner, Lorenz
Jackson Pollack: Meaning and Significance by Cernuschi, Claude
Femme de pinceaux: Sofonisba Anguissola, une artiste maniériste (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) by Chantoury-Lacombe, Florence
Medieval Art Second Edition by Stokstad, Marilyn
Frankfurter Bilderbibel: Die Glasmalereien Von St. Marien by Schnell &. Steiner
أبواب دُبي التاريخية وزخ by عبدالله ا&#1
Change and Continuity in the Prehistoric Rock Art of East Siberia: An archaeological and anthropological exploration into ethno-cultural identity, bel by Ponomareva, Irina A.
Britain and the Continent 1660‒1727: Political Crisis and Conflict Resolution in Mural Paintings at Windsor, Chelsea, Chatsworth, Hampton Court by Strunck, Christina
François Boucher and the Art of Collecting in Eighteenth-Century France by Priebe, Jessica
St. Francis in Italian Painting by Kaftal, George
The Stebbins Collection: A Gift for the Morse Museum by Palm, Regina
Sicilia vocabolario storico biografico by Raneri, Alfredo
Cosmopolitanism and Women's Fashion in Ghana: History, Artistry and Nationalist Inspirations by Richards, Christopher L.
Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 The Preface to t by de Laurentis, Pietro
Second Site by Nisbet, James
Zeng Fanzhi: Catalogue Raisonné Volume I: 1984-2004 by
Sardinia: Megalithic Island by
The Night Albums: Visibility and the Ephemeral Photograph by Albers, Kate Palmer
The Night Albums: Visibility and the Ephemeral Photograph by Albers, Kate Palmer
Gifts from the Fire: American Ceramics, 1880-1950: From the Collection of Martin Eidelberg by Frelinghuysen, Alice Cooney, Eidelberg, Martin
Picasso: Painting the Blue Period by
By Her Hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy, 1500-1800 by
The North Carolina Flood: July 14, 15, 16, 1916 by Bell, W. M.
L'Artista - A. III, N. 3, 2021: Critica Delle Arti in Toscana by Edizioni Polistampa
Nouveaux élémens de chant ou L'essay d'une nouvelle découverte qu'on a faite dans l'art de chanter by Souhaitty, Jean-Jacques
La sténographie ou L'art d'écrire aussi vite que l'on parle. 3e édition by Petitpoisson, Charles
Explication des ouvrages de peinture et de sculpture de messieurs de l'Académie de Saint Luc by Collectif
Catalogue d'objets d'art et de haute curiosité tels que bois et ivoires sculptés, émaux, miniatures by Collectif
Die Gotik by Caramelle, Franz, Madersbacher, Lukas
Catalogue de tableaux des trois écoles et par de grands maîtres, dessins, estampes by Collectif
Explication des ouvrages de peinture et sculpture exposés à la Galerie Lebrun by Collectif
Table des portraits peints, sculptés, dessinés ou gravés, exposés aux salons du XVIIIe siècle by Guiffrey, Jules
Ulysse, tragédie by Guichard, Henry, Rebel, François
Le Havre à l'exposition universelle de 1867 by Ribeyre, Félix
Essai Sur Les Filigranes Et Les Papiers Employés À La Fabrication Des Timbres-Poste. 2e Édition by Legrand, Amable
Essai sur l'architecture religieuse du moyen âge, particulièrement en France by Mérimée, Prosper
Du Compas de Proportion Dans La Pratique de la Perspective by Phélippeaux, L. -M
Du pastel. Composition, fabrication, emploi dans la peinture. 2e édition by Jozan, S.
Catalogue du musée d'Aurillac by Collectif
Exposition universelle. Causerie artistique. Beaux-arts, peinture by de Saint-Amour, Édouard
Première exposition, catalogue by Collectif
Les faïences, spécialement celles d'origine picarde. 2e édition by Pouy, Ferdinand
Catalogue de tableaux, dessins, estampes d'un amateur by Collectif
Les Festes de l'Himen Et de l'Amour Ou Les Dieux d'Égypte, Ballet Héroïque. Versailles, 15 Mars 1747: Académie Royale de Musique, 5 Novembre 1748, Et by Cahusac, Louis
Mémoire sur la machine de Marly by Périer, Jacques-Constantin
Notice Des Tableaux Et Monumens Antiques de la Collection Du Musée de Marseille by Collectif
Croquis lithographié by Mesnil, Louise
Histoire Des Faïences Hispano-Moresques À Reflets Métalliques. Tome 2 by Davillier, Jean-Charles
Notice Des Tableaux Et Monumens Antiques de la Collection Du Musée de Marseille by Collectif
Catalogue de Tableaux Du Cabinet de Monseigneur Le Duc de Choiseul: Vente, Hôtel Rue de Richelïeu, 6 Avril 1772 by Boileau, Nicolas-François-Jacques, Papillon, Jean-Michel
Manuel du franc-tireur by Senart, Amédée-Charles Fortuné
Du Systême Solaire Ou Traité Des Corps Planétaires, Considérant Les Lois Et Les Phénomènes Célestes by Sibut, J.
The Weekly Historian: 52 Reflections on Church History by Haykin, Michael A. G.
Fmr No. Zero: Winter Solstice 2021 by Ricci Editore, Franco Maria
Le nu et le drapé en plein air, art photographique by Le Bègue, René, Bergon, Paul
L'Art de Décrier CE Qu'on n'Entend Point Ou Le Médecin Musicien: Exposition de la Mauvaise Foi d'Un Extrait Du Journal de Paris by Le Cerf de la Viéville, Jean-Louis
The Lighted Window: Evening Walks Remembered by Davidson, Peter
Les illustrations de K. du Thriller "Le Labyrinthe de la Folie" by Kislig, Stéphane
Ewa Partum's Artistic Practice: An Atlas of Continuity in Different Locations by Majewska-Güde, Karolina
Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future by Hochberg, Gil Z.
Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future by Hochberg, Gil Z.
Installation art as experience of self, in space and time by
Wild Minds: The Artists and Rivalries That Inspired the Golden Age of Animation by Mitenbuler, Reid
Portraits: John Berger on Artists by Berger, John
Rip Tales: Jay Defeo's Estocada and Other Pieces by Stein, Jordan
The Tomb Chapel of Menna (Tt 69): The Art, Culture, and Science of Painting in an Egyptian Tomb by
Keith Haring: 31 Subway Drawings by Haring, Keith, Deitch, Jeffrey, Geldzahler, Henry
Vasily Kandinsky: Around the Circle by
Francisco de Goya: Exhibition Guide by
شب یلدا: از ایران چه می دان&#1 by Bulookbashi, Ali
Charleston: The Bloomsbury Muse by
The Making of Juana of Austria: Gender, Art, and Patronage in Early Modern Iberia by
L'Esthétique Des Fleurs: >Kosmospoikiliakharis by Kéi, Nikolina
Naẓar: Vision, Belief, and Perception in Islamic Cultures by
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Giusto Recanati (1789-1861) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Francesco Maria del Monte (1549-1626) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Antonio Francesco Orioli (1778-1852) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Francesco Marazzani Visconti (1755-1829) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Mario Mattei (1792-1870) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Raffaele Mazio (1765-1832) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Andrea Baroni Peretti (1572-1629) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
From Kallias to Kritias: Art in Athens in the Second Half of the Fifth Century B.C. by
Barockes Feuer: Die Grafik Des Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione by Sandstein Verlag
Künstler Und Kritiker: Hans Purrmann Und Karl Scheffler in Briefen 1920-1951 by
Grand Tour XXL: Der Reisekünstler Emel'jan Korneev by
Bröhan 100: Highlights of the Collection by
Kunst Und Buch 1921 - 2021 - 2121 by Backmeister-Collacott, Ilka
Linda Berger - Peach-Blow: Monografie/Monograph by
Kunst an Den Rändern: Wie Aus Bildern Und Objekten Kunst Werden Kann by
Auf Linie: Ns-Kunstpolitik in Wien. Die Reichskammer Der Bildenden Künste by Holzschuh, Ingrid, Plakolm-Forsthuber, Sabine
Artist Complex: Images of Artists in Twentieth-Century Photography by
Historical Dictionary of Surrealism by Atkin, Will
Meanings of Modern Art: Revised Edition by Russell, John
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century I by Jin, Fu
The Eloquence of Art: Essays in Honour of Henry Maguire by
Ordinary Movings: Joyce by Moores-Cleary, Karen
Die Sammlung Solly 1821-2021: Vom "Bilder-Chaos" Zur Gemäldegalerie by
Museums of the Commons: L'Internationale and the Crisis of Europe by Papastergiadis, Nikos
Resisting the Place of Belonging: Uncanny Homecomings in Religion, Narrative and the Arts by
Archaeology of Empire in Achaemenid Egypt by Colburn, Henry P.
East Meets West by
Late Constable by
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