• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2022

Recueil des actes de l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux by Academie Des Sciences
L'artiste by Collectif
L'artiste by Collectif
Schools of Painting (Color Edition) (Yesterday's Classics) by Innes, Mary
Medieval Calligraphy: A Modern Primer by Parish, Jason L.
Sonia Boyce: Feeling Her Way by Ridgway, Emma, Martin, Courtney J.
Unsichtbare Malerei: Reflexion Und Sentimentalität in Bildern Der Düsseldorfer Malerschule by Körner, Hans
Light in Art: Perception and the Use of Light in the History of Art by Mariani, Massimo
Gifts from Jerusalem Jews to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchs: Identities, Otherness, and Belonging by Arad, Lily
This Present Moment: Crafting a Better World by Atkinson, Nora, Montiel, Anya, Savig, Mary
Die romanischen Portale der gotländischen Landkirchen by Gerhards, Margit
Patronage and Devotion: A Focus on Seven Roman Baroque Paintings by Fidanza, Giovan Battista, Serafinelli, Guendalina
The Infamy That Is War - 1914-19: World War I and Its Enduring Legacy by Jones, Anthony
Pow! Right in the Eye!: Thirty Years Behind the Scenes of Modern French Painting by Weill, Berthe
Three Women Artists: Expanding Abstract Expressionism in the American West by Von Lintel, Amy, Roos, Bonnie
When Michelangelo Was Modern: Collecting, Patronage and the Art Market in Italy, 1450-1650 by
Sculpted Thresholds and the Liturgy of Transformation in Medieval Lombardy by Elliott, Gillian B.
Lewis and Clark: An Expedition from Pittsburgh by Reynolds, Lillian, McDowell, Raymond
A Renaissance Reclaimed: Jacob Burckhardt's Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy Reconsidered by
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, C. 1500 - 1800: Poetry and Ecology by Van Hogendorp Prosperetti, Leopoldine
Collected Art of Solidarity: Austin, Texas, 1974-89 by
Soldati Nel Campus: I Kennedy e la desegregazione nell'Università del Mississippi by Patruno, Michele
Instruction sur l'usage des nouveaux globes terrestres by Lapie, Pierre
Catalogue mensuel de Beaux livres et manuscrits. Numéro 192 by Librairie Théophile Belin
Catalogue de tableaux par les plus grands maitres des trois écoles, terres cuites, groupes by Lenglier, Jacques
Igshaan Adams: Desire Lines by
Catalogue de tableaux, de différentes écoles, des figures et bustes de marbre et autres objets by Remy, Pierre
Catalogue d'autographes, manuscrits, gravures de l'entreprise de Jules Sambon by Collectif
Catalogue des livres de feu M. Hellot, de l'Académie royale des sciences by Collectif
Pour l'art contre les vandales by Grosjean, Georges
Notice des tableaux et autres objets exposés au musée Fabre de Montpellier by Collectif
Catalogue d'objets rares, de statues, monuments antiques, pierres gravées, diamant, rubis by Collectif
Suppléments ajoutés aux catalogues de juin 1873, 1879 et 1885 by Societe Touloise
Observations sur les edifices des anciens peuples by Le Roy, David
Guides artistiques Simons aux eaux, à la mer, au soleil by Simons, Gustave
Catalogue de la bibliothèque de feu M. Thibert, maître des comptes. Vente, Paris, 25 novembre 1726 by Collectif
Livret explicatif des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, dessin, gravure by Collectif
Électrostatique by Vigneron, Eugène-Jules
Les arts du métal. Orfèvrerie, bijouterie, ferronnerie, bronze by Molinier, Émile
Le mouvement romantique by Van Tieghem, Paul
Observations sur l'Histoire de France by DuPont de l'Étang, Pierre
Catalogue d'estampes, desseins, tableaux du cabinet de feu M. Brochant by Glomy, Jean-Baptiste
Notre musée. L'art expliqué par les oeuvres, à l'usage des 3e, 2e, 1ère des lycées et collèges by Rosenthal, Léon
Architectonographie des prisons by Baltard, Louis-Pierre
Catalogue d'une riche collection de coquilles, madrépores, mineraux, agathes, pierres précieuses by Collectif
Histoire Des Faïences Et Porcelaines de Moustiers, Marseille Et Autres Fabriques Méridionales by Davillier, Jean-Charles
L'imagerie populaire italienne by Bertarelli, Achille
Les Chapiteaux Du Cimetière À Galeries de Saint-Saturnin En Le Faubourg de Vienne, À Blois by Lafore, Jean-Gaston
L'art de fabriquer le salin et la potasse by de Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent
Règlements Pour Les Concours Aux Grands Prix de l'Académie Royale Des Beaux-Arts by Academie Des Beaux-Arts
Peinture et sculpture by de Montaiglon, Anatole
Notice abrégée des collections dont se compose le musée de l'artillerie by Collectif
Destroyed--Disappeared--Lost--Never Were by
Exhibiting Italian Art in the United States from Futurism to Arte Povera: 'Like a Giant Screen' by Bedarida, Raffaele
Sthapatya Itihasare Sakti Sanhitaa by Malla, Bhagyalipi
Essai de Peinture À l'Huile: Ou Manuel Indispensable À Toute Personne Qui s'Occupe de CE Mode de Peinture by Thénot, Jean-Pierre
A Brief History of Image Science and Technology in China by Han, Congyao
Le Peintre Graveur Illustré, XIXe Et Xxe Siècles. Tome 7 by Delteil, Loÿs
Bouquets of Art: A Flower Dictionary from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco by Palmor, Lauren
George Grosz in Berlin: The Relentless Eye by Rewald, Sabine
Lucian Freud: Catalogue Raisonné of the Prints by Treves, Toby
Group Dynamics: Collectives of the Modernist Period by
Joseph Beuys: Honey Is Flowing in All Directions by
20 Game Changers In History (Series 1); A Note on the Lives and Impact of these Great Minds & Historical Figures (Edison, Freud, Mozart, Joan Of Arc, by Marcus, Patrick
Donatello: The Renaissance by
Richard Hambleton: Godfather of Street Art by Restoin Roitfeld, Vladimir, Valmorbida, Andy
Dakota Modern: The Art of Oscar Howe by
جائزة نوبل by
Lehrmedien Der Kunstgeschichte: Geschichte Und Perspektiven Kunsthistorischer Medienpraxis by
India Tecton: Gebautes Indien by Schmidt, Nicolaus
Latin Blackness in Parisian Visual Culture, 1852-1932 by Williams, Lyneise E.
How to Make the Body: Difference, Identity, and Embodiment by
Sabotage Art: Politics and Iconoclasm in Contemporary Latin America by
Participation in Art and Architecture: Spaces of Interaction and Occupation by
Toxic Temple: An Artistic and Philosophical Adventure Into the Toxicity of the Now by
Monet. El Triunfo del Impresionismo by Wildenstein, Daniel
Monet. Le Triomphe de l'Impressionnisme by Wildenstein, Daniel
Late Antique Portraits and Early Christian Icons: The Power of the Painted Gaze by Paterson, Andrew
Where Is Art?: Space, Time, and Location in Contemporary Art by
Taste and Experience in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics: The Move Toward Empiricism by Townsend, Dabney
Francis Bacon - In the Mirror of Photography: Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting by Günther, Katharina
What is "Islamic" Art? by Shaw, Wendy M. K.
What People do with Images: Aesthetics, Politics and the Production of Iranian Visual Culture in Transnational Circuits by Lotfalian, Mazyar
Ethics of Contemporary Art: In the Shadow of Transgression by Reeves-Evison, Theo
Monet. the Triumph of Impressionism by Wildenstein, Daniel
Skanda Purana Sankhipta Sara by Satapathi, Prof Harekrushna
La Chine: En Miniature by Breton, J. B. Joseph, Antei, Giorgio, Blehaut, Hwee Lie
Exploring Science and Art: Discovering Connections by Kirsch Boehm, Mary
Row Upon Row: Sea Grass Baskets of the South Carolina Lowcountry by McKissick Museum, Rosengarten, Dale
The History of Art: A Global View: Prehistory to 1500 by Hutton, Deborah, Colburn, Cynthia, Robertson, Jean
Art, AI and Culture by Betancourt, Michael
Nicolas Eekman by Breon, Emmanuel
Object--Event-- Performance: Art, Materiality, and Continuity Since the 1960s by
Ephemeral Coast: Visualizing Coastal Climate Change (B&W) by
Ephemeral Coast: Visualizing Coastal Climate Change (Color) by
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Gennaro Antonio de SImone (1714-1780) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Savo Mellini (1644-1701) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Giovanni Patrizi (1658-1727) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
I Testamenti dei Cardinali: Vincenzo Petra (1662-1747) by Paviolo, Maria Gemma
L'Oiel En Rut by Maingon, Claire
Killing Men & Dying Women: Imagining Difference in 1950s New York Painting by Pollock, Griselda
Killing Men & Dying Women: Imagining Difference in 1950s New York Painting by Pollock, Griselda
Photography in Cambodia: 1866 to the Present by Coffill, Nicholas
Children of Mercury: The Lives of the Painters by Bucklow, Spike
Salvator Rosa: Paint and Performance by Langdon, Helen
Flowers in a Vase with a Clump of Cyclamen and Precious Stones: A Gem of a Painting by Jan Brueghel I (1568-1625) by Van Dorst, Sven
Die Glasmalereien Vom Mittelalter Bis 1930 Im Kanton Thurgau: Corpus Vitrearum Schweiz, Reihe Neuzeit, Band 8 by Keller, Sarah, Kaufmann, Katrin
Sachlichkeiten, Sichtbarkeiten: Joseph Mader (1905-1983) - Ein Maler Der Verlorenen Generation by Billeter, Felix, Grepmair-Müller, Angelika
Fotografien: Erkennen - Bewahren - Ausstellen by Schmidt, Marjen
Possession and Dispossession: Performing Jewish Ethnography in Jerusalem by
Pastelle Des 18. Jahrhunderts in Den Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen: In Den Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen by
Wasser Im Jugendstil: Heilsbringer Und Todesschlund by
Vom Germanenerbe Zum Urkommunismus: Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen Der Sbz Und DDR by Lindemann, Arne
Edvard Munch: Life Expressions by Mathias, Nikita
Der Maler Leo Von König: Ein Zeitbild Im Spiegel Seiner Porträts by Dollen, Ingrid
Lotte Laserstein: Meine Einzige Wirklichkeit by Krausse, Anna-Carola
Die Kreuzigung Petri Von P. P. Rubens in St. Petri Zu Köln: The Crucifixion of Saint Peter by Rubens by
Hanna Nagel by
Horizontal Art History and Beyond: Revising Peripheral Critical Practices by
Renoir. 40th Ed. by Néret, Gilles
Renoir. 40th Ed. by Néret, Gilles
Inwiefern knüpft die Villa Henkel in Kassel an den bürgerlichen Villentypus der Neo-Renaissance an? by Anonym
Identität und Transformation in der Fotografie von Cindy Sherman by Schmidt, Johanna
Contemporary British Silver Designers: The Lion & Hamme Collections by Davis, John L., Hamme, Gordon
Dinosaurs Are Collectible: Digging for Dinosaurs: The Art, the Science by Stein, Koen, Demeulemeester, Thijs
National Identity and Nineteenth-Century Franco-Belgian Sculpture by Wijnsouw, Jana
Looking Up: The Skyviewing Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi by
Michaël Borremans: The Acrobat by Tylevich, Katya, Borremans, Michael
Martine Syms: Neural Swamp: The Future Fields Commission in Time-Based Media by
The Fountain of Latona: Louis XIV, Charles Le Brun, and the Gardens of Versailles by Hedin, Thomas F.
Victorian Material Culture by
Furnishing the Home of Good Taste: A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of by Abbot Throop, Lucy
Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings by H. Huddilston, John
The Athenian Year by Meritt, Benjamin D.
Das Aalto-Theater in Essen als Beispiel für den 'humanen Modernismus' by Holzmann, Jörg
It's Been a Long Trip, but a Lot of Fun by Wickes, Fran
It's Been a Long Trip, but a Lot of Fun by Wickes, Fran
The Athenian Year by Meritt, Benjamin D.
Image, Text, Stone: Intermedial Perspectives on Graeco-Roman Sculpture by
The Partisan Counter-Archive: Retracing the Ruptures of Art and Memory in the Yugoslav People's Liberation Struggle by Kirn, Gal
Exploring Urbanism in Ancient North Syria: Fieldwork in Doliche 2015-2020 by
Ford Madox Brown: The Manchester Murals and the Matter of History by Trodd, Colin
Fabric: The Hidden History of the Material World by Finlay, Victoria
Fabric: The Hidden History of the Material World by Finlay, Victoria
Miró by Penrose, Roland
Raphael by Joannides, Paul
Rembrandt by White, Christopher
Diego Rivera's America by
The Fantasy of the Middle Ages: An Epic Journey Through Imaginary Medieval Worlds by Keene, Bryan C., Grollemond, Larisa
Ian McKeever - Henge Paintings by Moorhouse, Paul, Wood, Jon, McKeever, Ian
The Beauty of Portraits: From XV to XVII Century by Jasso, Gabriela, Maral, Danny
Silent Rebels: Symbolism in Poland Around 1900 by
Wamulu by
Rock'n August by 25th Anniversary Committee
Rock'n August by 25th Anniversary Committee
Western Texts on Indian Dance: An Illustrated Guide from 1298 to 1930 by Roebert, Donovan
Antonietta Brandeis: Memories from Venice and Beyond by Kappe, Eelco
The Grotesque in Church Art by Tindall Wildridge, T.
1960s Paper Dolls Coloring and Activity Book: A Cut Out and Dress Up Book For All Ages by Nadler, Anna
I segreti del Parhelion di Stoccolma: Monade celeste tra Riforma luterana ed esoterismo gotico by Pinotti, Gianna
The Social Role of Art and Culture in Central Asia by
George Clinton: An American Founding Father and American Independence by Kanawada, Leo V., Jr.
Postwar Modern: New Art in Britain 1945-65 by
Middle Ages: A History From Beginning to End (An Enthralling Overview of the English Middle Ages) by Pereira, Bertha
George Clinton: An American Founding Father and American Independence by Kanawada, Leo V., Jr.
Egypt and the Classical World: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Antiquity by
Chagall: Masters of Art by Schlenker, Ines
Doce Césares: La Representación del Poder Desde El Mundo Antiguo Hasta La Actualidad by Beard, Mary
J.M.W. Turner Masterpieces of Art by Ormiston, Rosalind
Anish Kapoor: Make New Space. Architectural Projects by
Holbein: Masters of Art by Heine, Florian
Vincent Van Gogh: The Starry Night (Blank Sketch Book) by
Glasgow Boys Masterpieces of Art by Hodge, Susie
Degas: Masters of Art by Adams, Alexander
Matisse: Masters of Art by Hollmann, Eckhard
Nature and Imagination in Ancient and Early Modern Roman Art by Pihas, Gabriel
Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture by Morgan, Morris Hicky, Vitruvius
Abject Eroticism in Northern Renaissance Art: The Witches and Femmes Fatales of Hans Baldung Grien by Owens, Yvonne
Munch and His World: Graphic Arts and the Avant-Garde in Paris and Berlin by
Manuel pratique des procédés modernes pour imiter et reproduire les oeuvres plastiques des musées by Wolf, Alfred
Musée de la Ville de Béziers. 5e édition by Labor, Charles
Catalogue de livres et de lettres autographes de la Bibliothèque de feu M. Perrin de Sanson by Collectif
Acoustique, optique des salles de réunions publiques, théâtres, amphithéâtres, spectacles, concerts by Lachèz, Théodore
talogue de tabatières, miniatures, objets d'art, bijoux, tableaux, livres, dessins by Collectif
L'Encaustique Et Les Autres Procédés de Peinture Chez Les Anciens. Hstoire Et Technique by Cros, Henry
Catalogue de tableaux, aquarelles, pastels et dessins par G. Albert, Anquetin, Berchère by Marx, Roger
Les sports athlétiques. Football, course à pied, saut, lancement by Garcet de Vauresmont, P.
Catalogue d'exposition de la Société des artistes indépendants. Tome 20 by Salon Des Independants
Recueil de Quelques Pièces Concernant Les Arts, Extraites de Plusieurs Mercures de France by Cochin, Charles-Nicolas
Transforming Saints: From Spain to New Spain by Black, Charlene Villaseñor
Technologies of the Self-Portrait: Identity, Presence and the Construction of the Subject(s) in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Art by Giannachi, Gabriella
Gerhard Richter, Individualism, and Belonging in West Germany by Smythe, Luke
The Cults of Raphael and Michelangelo: Artistic Sainthood and Memorials as a Second Life by Smithers, Tamara
History in Contemporary Art and Culture by O'Kane, Paul
Paralèle Des Italiens Et Des François, En CE Qui Regarde La Musique Et Les Opéra by Raguenet, François
History in Contemporary Art and Culture by O'Kane, Paul
Vincent Van Gogh and the Good Samaritan: The Wounded Painter's Journey by Martin, Henry
Rock Art in the Landscapes of Motion: Proceedings of a session of the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018 in Valcamonica, Italy by
Transforming Saints by Black, Charlene Villaseñor
Glaskunst Am Bau Und Intermedialität: Das Atelier Stäubli in St. Gallen by Hindelang, Laura
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