• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Art History in 2024

Portrait of a Woman: Art, Rivalry, and Revolution in the Life of Adélaïde Labille-Guiard by Quinn, Bridget
Painting with Monet by Siegel, Harmon
Perspective: Selected Essays on Space in Art and Design by
Spirituality, Feminism, and Pre-Raphaelitism in Modern British Art and Culture by Eden, Alice
Conversations: Contemporary and Historical Masters in Dialogue by Depauw, Carl
Hans Memling in Bruges by Koopstra, Anna
The Architects of Ottoman Constantinople: The Balyan Family and the History of Ottoman Architecture by Wharton-Durgaryan, Alyson
Rebuilding St. Paul's Outside the Walls: Architecture and the Catholic Revival in the 19th Century by Wittman, Richard
Histoire Des Artistes Vivants: Etudes d'Apres Nature by Silvestre, Theophile
A Regionalism That Travels: Writings on (Mostly) Montana Arts, 1975-2022 by Newby, Rick
The Artist Explorers: Painting the New World by Fairley, John
Art Historical Perspectives on the Portrayal of Animal Death: 1550-1950 by Grén, Roni
Alexander the Great in Renaissance Art: North and South of the Alps by Alexander-Skipnes, Ingrid
Set Fischer Aufsätze + Bibliografie by Kreul, Andreas
Violence and Resistance, Art and Politics in Colombia by
Edu: Transversal No. 02/2024: Educational Turn / Bildungsoffensive by
Gerecht Und Fair?: Bausteine Eines Verfahrens Im Sinne Der Washingtoner Prinzipien by Stephany, Antonetta
Defixiones Atticae by
Doing Memory: Medieval Saints and Heroes and Their Afterlives in the Baltic Sea Region (19th-20th Centuries) by
Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture by
150 Jahre Kunstgeschichte an Der Universitat Giessen by
Some eminent Victorians: Personal recollections in the world of art and letters by Carr, J. Comyns
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
Santi Gucci Fiorentino, Artist and Entrepreneur in Early Modern Poland by Hajduk, Olga Maria
Ancient Art and Ritual by Jane Ellen Harrison
Visualizing Household Health: Medieval Women, Art, and Knowledge in the Régime Du Corps by Borland, Jennifer
Museo Jumex (Spanish): 10 Años by
Museo Jumex: 10 Years by
Pearls for the Crown: Art, Nature, and Race in the Age of Spanish Expansion by Domínguez Torres, Mónica
Exit Interview: Benjamin Buchloh in Conversation with Hal Foster by Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., Foster, Hal
Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation by Bradford, William
How Photography Became Contemporary Art: Inside an Artistic Revolution from Pop to the Digital Age by Grundberg, Andy
The Aesthetics of Image and Cultural Form: The Formal Method by Chen, Yi
Contemporary Art Underground: Mta Arts & Design New York by Hageman, Cheryl, Bloodworth, Sandra
Friedrich, C. D. by Wolf, Norbert
Art as a Pathway to God: A Historical-Theological Study of the Jesuit Mission to China, 1552-1773 by Yalili Patrick, Susangeline
From The Streets of My Village: Celebrating Goa and Our Ancestors by Moniz, Eufemiano
Fmr No. 9: Vernal Equinox 2024 by Ricci Editore, Franco Maria
Florence and the Idea of Jerusalem by
Das fatimidische Bergkristallgefäss im Schatz der Stiftskirche St. Servatius in Quedlinburg by Furrer, Beat
The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry by Walter Pater
Piero Di Cosimo: Eccentricity and Delight by McHam, Sarah Blake
Women Artists in Midcentury America: A History in Ten Exhibitions by Belasco, Daniel
Piazze Storico-Artistiche Nelle Città Europee by Schuster, Renate
Ross Und Reiter - Symbole Der Macht: Politische Ikonographie Im Wandel Von Der Franzosischen Revolution Bis Heute by Prochno-Schinkel, Renate
Heir To The Old Masters and Seven Discourse on Art by Hagan, Chadwick, Reynolds, Joshua
Hans Haacke Und Pierre Huyghe: Non-Human Living Sculptures Seit Den 1960er-Jahren by Ströbele, Ursula
Das Herz in Den Bildmedien Religiöser Frauengemeinschaften: Frühneuzeitliche Körperkonzepte Im Spannungsverhältnis Von Konfession, Stand Und Geschlech by Schaller, Maria
Magritte Folon: The Dream Factory by Angelroth, Stephanie, Draguet, Michel, Godet, Marie
Zeitfenster. Stephan Balkenhol Trifft Alte Meister by
Art & Class by Kennedy, David
Matisse Kommt Mir VOR Wie Vom Himmel: Hans Purrmann, Karl Ernst Osthaus, Henri Matisse. Der Briefwechsel 1907-1919 by
Illuminating the Vitae Patrum: The Lives of Desert Saints in Fourteenth-Century Italy by Gallant, Denva
Appreciation Post: Towards an Art History of Instagram by Ward, Tara
Arnaldo Pomodoro: The Great Theatre of Civilizations by
Glorious Qing: Decorative Arts in China, 1644-1911 by Brown, Claudia
Elements of Art: Ten Ways to Decode the Masterpieces by Hodge, Susie
Mingei: Art Without Heroes by
Appreciation Post: Towards an Art History of Instagram by Ward, Tara
Lee Quiñones: Fifty Years of New York Graffiti Art and Beyond by
Hidden Faces: Covered Portraits of the Renaissance by
Political Economy, Race, and the Image of Nature in the United States, 1825-1878 by Neely, Evan Robert
Sketches of Western Canada 1873-1899: Geology and Anthropology by Dawson, George Mercer
A Cultural History of Objects in the Modern Age by
Art, Science, and Diplomacy: A Study of the Visual Images of the Macartney Embassy to China, 1793 by Chen, Shanshan
Children's Emotions in Europe, 1500 - 1900: A Visual History by Dekker, Jeroen J. H.
Divine Music in Archaic and Classical Greek Art: Seeing the Songs of the Gods by Laferrière, Carolyn
Die Geschichte des Katanas: Auf Erkundung durch Japans Kultur by Candahashi, Hermann
Miraggio Vivido by Principi, Piter
The Cause of Art: Professionalizing the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador by Webb, Jeff
Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions: Volume III: Inscriptions of the Hettite Empire and New Inscriptions of the Iron Age by Hawkins, John David
Wiener Jahrbuch Fur Kunstgeschichte LXVII by
Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis by
The Dissident Goddesses' Project by
Visible Ruins: The Politics of Perception and the Legacies of Mexico's Revolution by Salas Landa, Mónica M.
Focal Points: Bruce Nauman by Storr, Robert
The de Luxe Show by Musser, Amber Jamilla
A Look at My Life by Agar, Eileen
Picture Worlds: Storytelling on Greek, Moche, and Maya Pottery by
Karel Appel by
An Encyclopedia of Gardening for Colored Children by Kincaid, Jamaica
Focal Points: AD Reinhardt by Storr, Robert
Die Barockbaumeister Fischer Von Erlach: Bibliographie Zu Leben Und Werk by Kreul, Andreas
Johann Bernhard Fischer Von Erlach 1656-1723: Studien Zu Werk Und Rezeption by Kreul, Andreas
The Media of Secular Music in the Medieval and Early Modern Period (1100-1650) by
Ajanta's Evolution: From Savakayana to Bodhisatvayana Amid Hunnic Turmoil by Singh, Rajesh Kumar
Rossetti's Portraits by Newall, Christopher, Broussine, Sylvia
Elizabeth Siddal: Her Story by Marsh, Jan
An Opinionated Guide to Women Painters by Davies, Lucy
Decoding the Jewels: Renaissance Jewellery in Scotland by
Museum Worthy: Nazi Art Plunder in Postwar Western Europe by Campbell, Elizabeth
Museum Worthy: Nazi Art Plunder in Postwar Western Europe by Campbell, Elizabeth
The History of the Katana - Exploring Japan's Culture by Candahashi, Hermann
Lebanon and the Split of Life: Bearing Witness Through the Art of Nabil Kanso by Soltan, Meriam
Medieval Clothing and Textiles 18 by
Beichler, Die Gertrudisgruppe Aus Dem Welfenschatz: Ein Sakrales Selbstzeugnis Der Brunonenwitwe Gertrud D. A. (1077) by Beichler, Katharina
Indian Ancient Origins: Stories of People & Civilization by
City of Light, City of Shadows: Paris in the Belle Époque by Rapport, Mike
The Art of Dying: Writings, 2019-2022 by Schjeldahl, Peter
Reclaiming Artistic Research: Expanded 2nd Edition by
Finding Dandini: The Rediscovery of a Painting and a 17th-Century Artist by Ruggio, Thomas
Artists Who Changed History by DK
Contact: Art and the Pull of Print by Roberts, Jennifer L.
The Royal Inca Tunic: A Biography of an Andean Masterpiece by Hamilton, Andrew James
Rembrandt. Los Autorretratos by Manuth, Volker, de Winkel, Marieke
Rembrandt. Les Autoportraits by de Winkel, Marieke, Manuth, Volker
Fifteen Minutes: Bamboozled in Buffalo by Rizzo, Michael F.
Cave Art: A Guide to the Decorated Ice Age Caves of Europe by Bahn, Paul
Where Words and Images Meet by
Where Words and Images Meet by
Daniel After Babylon: The Additions in the History of Interpretation by Grillo, Jennie
Redreaming the Renaissance: Essays on History and Literature in Honor of Guido Ruggiero by
Redreaming the Renaissance: Essays on History and Literature in Honor of Guido Ruggiero by
Disegni Da Colorare Per Adulti: Colora il tuo mondo: rilassati, migliora l'umore e gioisci dei tuoi capolavori. by Book, Luna's
So Distant, So Near: Ji-Young Demol Park - Lee Lee Nam by
Architecture of an Existential Threat by Reynolds, Adam, Spera, Danielle
J'ai rencontré le RUGBY- Couverture N°2, "Découvrez son interview: entre force brute et élégance." "Dévoiler l'essence du rugby à travers un dialogue by Handford, Fanolo
Python Spirit on the Baga Coast: A Scientific and Art Historical Investigation by Lamp, Frederick John
The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Ceramic Sequence at Tell Fekheriye (Syria) by Coppini, Costanza
Magalí Herrera: A Spark of Light in This World by Delavaux, Céline, Cheynel, Laure, Jeanneret, Pascale
Making the Unknown Known: Women in Early Texas Art, 1860s-1960s by
Andere Ästhetik Meets Andere Ästhetik: Visualisierungen Von Antiken Nördlich Der Alpen in Der Frühneuzeitlichen Druckgraphik by
King Mob: The Negation and Transcendence of Art: Malevich, Schwitters, Hirst, Banksy, Mayakovsky, Situationists, Tatlin, Fluxus, by Wise, David And Stuart, Black, David
Marrakesh and the Mountains: Landscape, Urban Planning, and Identity in the Medieval Maghrib by Stockstill, Abbey
The Boston Raphael: A Mysterious Painting, an Embattled Museum, and a Daughter's Search for the Truth by Rathbone, Belinda
Made in Japan: Farbholzschnitte Von Hiroshige, Kunisada Und Hokusai by
The Story of Art by Gombrich, Eh
Nazi-Era Provenance of Museum Collections: A research guide by Schuhmacher, Jacques
Outside the Lines by Ford, Jennifer, Barker, Stacey
Nazi-Era Provenance of Museum Collections: A research guide by Schuhmacher, Jacques
Sorties Des Rangs by Barker, Stacey, Ford, Jennifer
Greasy Chip Butty by Sullivan, Julian
A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus: and its Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients by Payne Knight, Richard
Greasy Chip Butty by Sullivan, Julian
Between Earth and Heaven by Duxi, Chen
Paper Art III by
Contemporary Installation Art by
Karrikadjurren: Art, Community, and Identity in Western Arnhem Land by May, Sally K.
Art, Patronage, and Nepotism in Early Modern Rome by Lloyd, Karen J.
Displaying Art in the Early Modern Period: Exhibiting Practices and Exhibition Spaces by
Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960-1980: Revolt and Resilience by
Women, Collecting, and Cultures Beyond Europe by
Where Is Art?: Space, Time, and Location in Contemporary Art by
Politics and Heidegger's Concept of Thinking in Contemporary Art by Wales, Louise Carrie
Modern Art in Cold War Beirut: Drawing Alliances by Rogers, Sarah
Metadesigning Designing in the Anthropocene by
Nature and Imagination in Ancient and Early Modern Roman Art by Pihas, Gabriel
Nell Walden, Der Sturm, and the Collaborative Cultures of Modern Art by Sjöholm Skrubbe, Jessica
Private Collectors of Islamic Art in Late Nineteenth-Century London: The Persian Ideal by Gadoin, Isabelle
Late Antique Portraits and Early Christian Icons: The Power of the Painted Gaze by Paterson, Andrew
Exhibiting Italian Art in the United States from Futurism to Arte Povera: 'Like a Giant Screen' by Bedarida, Raffaele
The Procaccini and the Business of Painting in Early Modern Milan by Lo Conte, Angelo
Millard Meiss, American Art History, and Conservation: From Connoisseurship to Iconology and Kulturgeschichte by Cooke, Jennifer
The Routledge Companion to William Morris by
Rediscovering Objects from Islamic Lands in Enlightenment Europe by
The Influence of Italian Culture on the Sevillian Golden Age of Painting by Japón, Rafael
Affect and Belonging in Political Uses of the Past by Farrell-Banks, David
The Secret Erotic Paintings by Fanin, Colonel
The Routledge Companion to Art and Disability by
How Photography Changed Philosophy by Rubinstein, Daniel
Was Ist Kunst, Irwin?: Hmkv 2023/2 by Arns, Inke, De Ruyter, Thibaut
Les Français Et La Renaissance: Idées Et Représentations de l'Architecture, 1760-1880 by Brucculeri, Antonio
The Wound and the Stitch: A Genealogy of the Female Body from Medieval Iberia to SoCal Chicanx Art by Ramirez, Loretta Victoria
The Wound and the Stitch: A Genealogy of the Female Body from Medieval Iberia to SoCal Chicanx Art by Ramirez, Loretta Victoria
E. H. Gombrich on Fresco Painting by Gombrich, Ernst
The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935 by Scheijen, Sjeng
Machine Modernism, Masculinity, and the Trauma of War: The Art of Fernand Léger by Shanahan, Maureen G.
Paolo Veronese by
John Boardman on the Parthenon by Boardman, John
Insistent Presence: Contemporary African Art from the Chazen Collection by Nagawa, Margaret, Alcauskas, Katherine
Christina Ramberg: A Retrospective by
How to Read Portraits by Galitz, Kathryn Calley
Samantha McEwen: London Paris New York. Works and Life from the 1980s to the Present by Perdriolle, Herve, Yablonsky, Linda
Somnath Hore: Art of Wounds by Bhattacharya, Atanu
Paul Kane's Travels in Indigenous North America: Writings and Art, Life and Times by MacLaren, I. S.
Walter Kaesbach Und Die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf by
Moving with the Magdalen: Late Medieval Art and Devotion in the Alps by Anderson, Joanne W.
Lead in Modern and Contemporary Art by
24! / Fragen an Die Konkrete Gegenwart by
The Cause of Art: Professionalizing the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador by Webb, Jeff
Jeanne Mammen: Art Between Resistance and Conformity in Modern Germany, 1916-1950 by Smith, Camilla
Secret Spaces: Sacred Treasuries in England 1066-1320 by Milner, Lesley
The Social Context of James Ensor's Art Practice: "Vive La Sociale!" by Canning, Susan M.
Ausgleichsleistungen Für Kulturgüterverluste Während Der Zeit Des Nationalsozialismus in Frankreich by Von Lintig, Johannes
Gargoyles and Grotesques of the World by Throckmorton, Herkimer
Soffitti Veneziani: La Decorazione Di Volte E Soffitti a Venezia Dal XV Al XVIII Secolo by Biancotto, Filippo, Aresin, Maria
Ruedas, Campanas Y Tardones: Relojes Mecanicos En La Castilla Bajomedieval by Perez Alvarez, Victor
The Historic Woodstock Art Colony: The Arthur A. Anderson Collection by Quinn, Karen E.
The Art of the Eurasian Steppe: Its Influence on European Cultures by Hupfauf, Peter
Negro Week: At The New York World's Fair July 23,1940 - July 28, 1940 by Livingston, Robert
Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present Volume 16 by Heilbut, Anthony
Caspar David Friedrich: A-Z by
Comparing and Change: Orders, Models, Perceptions by
Pigments by Berrie, Barbara H., Fowler, Caroline, Leonhard, Karin
Byzantine Materiality by
Marcel Duchamp and the Lure of the Copy by
The Blue Rider: Masters of Art by Heine, Florian
Art History 101: The Essential Guide to Understanding the Creative World by Finlay, John
Wallfahrtsarchitektur ALS Erfahrungsraum: Die Stiftskirche Heilig Kreuz in Polling Im Szenario Suddeutscher Gnadenstatten Des Barock by Furst, Ulrich
The Moment of Death in Early Modern Europe, C. 1450-1800: Contested Ideals, Controversial Spaces, and Suspicious Objects by
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