• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 1991

Essential Relativistic Celestial Mechanics by Brumberg, Victor
Cosmic Time Travel: A Scientific Odyssey by Parker, Barry R.
The Space-Age Solar System by Baugher, Joseph F.
Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible by Blackwell, Richard J.
Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions by
Wolf-Rayet Stars and Interrelations with Other Massive Stars in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 143rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, by
Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions by
Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible by Blackwell, Richard J.
Wolf-Rayet Stars and Interrelations with Other Massive Stars in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 143rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, by
Hadrons and Hadronic Matter by
Planetary Sciences: American and Soviet Research/Proceedings from the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Workshop on Planetary Sciences by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Academy of Sciences, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
The Decade of Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Working Papers: Astronomy and Astrophysics Panel Reports by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
International Network of Global Fiducial Stations: Science and Implementation Issues by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Praxis Der Astronomie: Ein Leitfaden Fur Astrofotografen by Acker, Agnes
The Magellanic Clouds: Proceedings of the 148th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Sydney, Australia, July 9-13, 1990 by
Evolution of Stars: The Photospheric Abundance Connection by
The Magellanic Clouds: Proceedings of the 148th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Sydney, Australia, July 9-13, 1990 by
Evolution of Stars: The Photospheric Abundance Connection by
Active Galactic Nuclei: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 20. Lecture Notes 1990. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Netzer, H., Blandford, R. D.
Cosmogenesis: The Growth of Order in the Universe by Layzer, David
Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation: Proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Grenoble, Fr by
Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond by International Astronomical Union
Magnetospheric Physics by
Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-Time by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Quantum Mechanics in Curv
Reports on Astronomy by
Fundamental Astronomy by
Physics and Metaphysics: Theories of Space and Time by Trusted, Jennifer
Comets in the Post-Halley Era by
Comets in the Post-Halley Era: In Part Based on Reviews Presented at the 121st Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Bamberg, G by
Challenges of Astronomy by Milone, E. F., Schlosser, W., Schmidt-Kaler, T.
The Sun: An Introduction by Stix, Michael
Nonlinear Waves in Waveguides: With Stratification by Leble, Sergei B.
Databases and On-Line Data in Astronomy by Albrecht, Miguel A.
Cosmic Rays, Supernovae and the Interstellar Medium by
Warped Disks and Inclined Rings around Galaxies by
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: Volume 1 by Corwin, Harold G. Jr., Vaucouleurs, Gerard De, Vaucouleurs, Antoinette De
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: Volume II by Corwin, Harold G. Jr., Vaucouleurs, Gerard De, Vaucouleurs, Antoinette De
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: Volume III by Corwin, Harold G. Jr., Vaucouleurs, Gerard De, Vaucouleurs, Antoinette De
The Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies by
The Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies by
Advanced Amateur Astronomy by North, Gerald
Our Universes by Wilkinson, Sir Denys
The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution by
Stellar Atmospheres: Beyond Classical Models by
The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution by
Philosophy and the Origin and Evolution of the Universe by
Determination of the Geoid: Present and Future by
Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of the Early Universe by
Neutron Stars: Theory and Observation by
Observational Tests of Cosmological Inflation by
Hartung's Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes by Frew, David
National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Night Sky by National Audubon Society
The Theory of Cosmic Grains by Hoyle, B., Wickramasinghe, N. C.
Supernovae and Stellar Wind in the Interstellar Medium by Lozinskaya, Tatjana A.
Festkörperphysik by Christman, J. Richard
Images of the Universe by
Interpreting Evolution by Birx, H. James
Mars Beckons: The Mysteries, the Challenges, the Expectations of Our Next Great Adventure in by Wilford, John Noble
Physical Processes in Solar Flares by Somov, B. V.
The Yohkoh (Solar-A) Mission by