• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 1992

Dawn of Astronomy by Lockyer, J. Norman
Galens Kommentar Zu Platons Timaios by Larrain, Carlos J.
The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought by Kuhn, Thomas S.
Origins and Extinctions by
Bubbles, Voids and Bumps in Time: The New Cosmology by
From Earth to Orbit: An Assessment of Transportation Options by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Aeronautical Technologies for the Twenty-First Century by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Recent Advances in General Relativity by
Astronomical Masers by Elitzur, M.
Relativity on Curved Manifolds by de Felice, F.
Digitised Optical Sky Surveys by
Gravitation and Modern Cosmology: The Cosmological Constants Problem by
Black Hole Physics by
Theoretical Foundations of Cosmology: Introduction to the Global Structure of Space-Time by Heller, Michael
International Weather Radar Networking: Final Seminar of the COST Project 73 by
Astronomical Photometry: A Guide by Sterken, C., Manfroid, J.
Astronomical Photometry: A Guide by Sterken, C., Manfroid, J.
Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Clusters and Superclusters
Space, Time, and Gravity: The Theory of the Big Bang and Black Holes by Wald, Robert M.
Magical Arrows: The Maori, the Greeks, and the Folklore of the Universe by Schrempp, Gregory a.
The Stellar Populations of Galaxies: Proceedings of the 149th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Angra DOS Reis, Brazil, Augus by
Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars by de Loore, C., Doom, C.
Structure and Evolution of Single and Binary Stars by Doom, C., de Loore, C.
Chaos, Resonance and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in the Solar System by
Chaos, Resonance and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in the Solar System by
Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop of the Osservatorio Astronomico Di Capodimonte by
Random Surfaces and Quantum Gravity by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Random Surfaces and Quant, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Gesammelte Werke Collected Works: Volume 1 by Schwarzschild, Karl
Andean Cosmologies Through Time: Persistence and Emergence by
Evolutionary Processes in Interacting Binary Stars: Proceedings of the 151st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Córdoba, Argen by
Galileo's Logic of Discovery and Proof: The Background, Content, and Use of His Appropriated Treatises on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics by Wallace, William A.
The Andromeda Galaxy by Hodge, Paul
Evolutionary Processes in Interacting Binary Stars: Proceedings of the 151st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Córdoba, Argen by
Sunspots: Theory and Observations by
The Sun: A Laboratory for Astrophysics by
Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena by International Astronomical Union
Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena: Proceedings of the 150th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Campos Do Jordão, São Paulo, B by
Data Analysis in Astronomy IV by International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, Di Gesu, V.
Superstrings: A Theory of Everything? by
Gesammelte Werke / Collected Works: Volume 2 by Schwarzschild, Karl
Black Holes by Luminet, Jean-Pierre
Black Holes by Luminet, Jean-Pierre
Star Maps for Beginners: 50th Anniversary Edition by Marshall, Roy K., Levitt, Theodore
Gesammelte Werke Collected Works: Volume 3 by Schwarzschild, Karl
Highlights of Astronomy: As Presented at the Xxist General Assembly of the Iau, 1991 by
Dynamics and Evolution of Minor Bodies with Galactic and Geological Implications by Yabushita, S., Henrard, J.
Weather Radar Networking (Cost 73 Project) Final Report: Edited for the Cost 73 Management Committee by Cost 73 Project
Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 9: As Presented at the Xxist General Assembly of the Iau, Buenos Aires by
Extra-terrestrial Intelligences / Intelligences extra-terrestres by Heidmann, Jean
The Big Bang Never Happened: A Startling Refutation of the Dominant Theory of the Origin of the Universe by Lerner, Eric
Spaceship Neutrino by Sutton, Christine
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Volume Xxib by
Next Generation Infrared Space Observatory by
Literature 1991, Part 2: Vols. A and B by
New Methods of Celestial Mechanics by Poincare, Henri
Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space by Asimov, Isaac
The Galactic Interstellar Medium by Elmegreen, B. G., Burton, W. B.
Light Curve Modeling of Eclipsing Binary Stars by
The Realm of Interacting Binary Stars by Sahade