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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 1997

Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans: A Sourcebook Containing the Constellations of Pseudo-Eratoshenes and the Poetic Astronomy of Hyginus by
Neutrinophysik by Schmitz, Norbert
Sharing the Sky: A Parent's and Teacher's Guide to Astronomy by Lebofsky, Nancy R., Levy, David H., Lebofsky, Larry a.
In Search of Planet Vulcan: The Ghost in Newton's Clockwork Universe by Sheehan, William, Baum, Richard P.
Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality (REV) by Kraus, Elizabeth
Die Allseele in Platons Timaios by Perger, Mischa Von
Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 209) by
Cosmic Bullets: High Energy Particles in Astrophysics by Clay, Roger, Dawson, Bruce
Rain of Iron & Ice by Lewis, Lewis, John S.
Global Aspects in Gravitation and Cosmology by Joshi, Pankaj S.
The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures about the Ultimate Fate of the Universe by Davies, Paul
Comet Hale-Bopp: Find and Enjoy the Great Comet by Burnham, Robert
The Chinese Sky During the Han: Constellating Stars and Society by Kistemaker, Jacob, Sun, Xiaochun
Protecting the Space Station from Meteoroids and Orbital Debris by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, Committee on International Space Station Meteoroid/Debris Ri, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Do Your Ears Pop in Space? and 500 Other Surprising Questions about Space Travel by Mullane, R. Mike
Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics by
An Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei by Peterson, Bradley M., Peterson, B. M., Peeterson, Bradley M.
Signs of Meaning in the Universe by Hoffmeyer, Jesper
Comet by Sagan, Carl
The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife(spain), 22-26 April 1996 by
The Cluster and Phoenix Missions by
Culture and Cosmos Vol 1 Number 1 by
Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae by Chrisitanson, G. E.
Mars Sample Return: Issues and Recommendations by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board, National Research Council
The Search for Extra-Solar Terrestrial Planets: Techniques and Technology: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Boulder, Colorado, May 14-17, 1995 by
Role of the Sun in Climate Change by Hoyt, Douglas V.
The Role of the Sun in Climate Change by Schatten, Kenneth H., Hoyt, Douglas V.
Exploring Planet Earth: The Journey of Discovery from Early Civilization to Future Exploration by Tiner, John
Organizing Scientific Meetings by Epple, August
Aura and Its Us National Observatories by Edmondson, Frank K.
Star-Hopping: Your Visa to Viewing the Universe by Garfinkle, Robert
The Physics and Dynamics of Planetary Nebulae by Gurzadyan, Grigor A.
Eyes on the Universe: The Story of the Telescope by Moore, Patrick
Is the Universe Open or Closed?: The Density of Matter in the Universe by Peter, Coles, George, Ellis, Coles, Peter
Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes by
Wide-Field Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Working Group of Iau Commission 9 on "wide-Field Imaging" Held in Athens, Gre by
Gravitation and Cosmology: Proceedings of the Icgc-95 Conference, Held at Iucaa, Pune, India, on December 13-19, 1995 by
Reports on Astronomy: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume Xxiiia by
The Dynamical Behaviour of Our Planetary System by Alexander Von Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics
Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes by
The Origin of the Solar System: Soviet Research 1925-1991 by Levin, A. E., Brush, Stephen G.
Cosmic Enigmas by Silk, Joseph I.
The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler by Gingerich, Owen
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Volume 1 by Von Humboldt, Alexander
Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide by Galilei, Galileo
Visit to Small Universe by Trimble, Virginia
New Directions in Terahertz Technology by
The Letters and Papers of Jan Hendrik Oort: As Archived in the University Library, Leiden by Katgert-Merkelijn, J. K.
Advanced Topics on Astrophysical and Space Plasmas by Dal Pino, E. M., Dal Pino E M
The Origin of the Universe: Science Masters Series by Barrow, John D.
Historical Eclipses & Earth's Rotation by Stephenson, F. Richard
Astronomy Explained by North, Gerald
Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II by
Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Low Mass Stars: Proceedings of the 182nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Chamonix, Franc by
A New Science Strategy for Space Astronomy and Astrophysics by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council
Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models by Krasi&#324 Ski, Andrzej, Krasinski, Andrzej, Krasi Ski, Andrzej
Merlin's Tour of the Universe by Tyson, Neil DeGrasse
Fundamental Stellar Properties: The Interaction Between Observation and Theory: Proceedings of the 189th Symposium of the International Astronomical U by
Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies: Proceedings of Iau Colloquium 165 Poznań, Poland July 1 - 5, 1996 by
Infrared Space Interferometry: Astrophysics & the Study of Earth-Like Planets by Eiroa, C.
Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses by Mouradian, Zadig
Correlations and Clustering Phenomena in Subatomic Physics by
The Einstein Tower: An Intertexture of Dynamic Construction, Relativity Theory, and Astronomy by Hentschel, Klaus
Carl Sagan's Universe by
Astronomy Through the Ages: The Story Of The Human Attempt To Understand The Universe by Wilson, Robert
Astronomical Time Series: Proceedings of the Florence and George Wise Observatory 25th Anniversary Symposium Held in Tel-Aviv, Israel, 30 Decemb by
Structure of the Lithosphere and Deep Processes: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 4 by
Eclipse!: The What, Where, When, Why, and How Guide to Watching Solar and Lunar Eclipses by Harrington, Philip S.
Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by Allan, D. S., Delair, J. B.
Mining the Sky by Lewis, John S.
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space by Druyan, Ann, Sagan, Carl
The Origins of Man and the Universe: The Myth That Came to Life by Long, Barry
Einstein's Mirror by Walters, Patrick, Hey, Tony, Hey, Anthony J. G.
Science Management in the Human Exploration of Space by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board, National Research Council
The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead by Tipler, Frank J.
Final Frontier: Incredible Stories of Near-death Experiences by Kent, Richard
Advanced Amateur Astronomy by North, Gerald
Advanced Amateur Astronomy by North, Gerald
Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy by
Orbital Mechanics: Theory and Applications by Logsdon, Tom
The Cosmic Microwave Background by
Generation of Cosmological Large-Scale Structure by
The Interstellar Medium in Galaxies by
Masses of Fundamental Particles: Cargèse 1996 by
Something New Under the Sun: Satellites and the Beginning of the Space Age by Gavaghan, Helen
The Sun in Eclipse by Maunder, Michael, Moore, Patrick
The Universe at Large by Mampaso, A., Munch, G.
Seeing Stars: The Night Sky Through Small Telescopes by Forrest, Robert W., Kitchin, C. R.
Photo-Guide to the Constellations: A Self-Teaching Guide to Finding Your Way Around the Heavens by Kitchin, C. R.
Generating Families in the Restricted Three-Body Problem by Henon, Michel
A Practical Guide to CCD Astronomy by Martinez, Patrick, Klotz, Alain
A Practical Guide to CCD Astronomy by Martinez, Patrick
Visual Double Stars: Formation, Dynamics and Evolutionary Tracks by
High-Energy Physics and Cosmology: Celebrating the Impact of 25 Years of Coral Gables Conferences by Kursunoglu, Behram, International Conference on Orbis Scientiate 1997 Celebratio
Space and Eternal Life by Wickramasinghe, Chandra
Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Physics and Astrophysics by Seaborn, James B.
Impact!: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids by Verschuur, Gerrit
Problems of Space Science Education and the Role of Teachers: Volume 20-7 by
Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors by Provost, Janine, International Astronomical Union
Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors: Proceedings of the 181st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Nice, France, September 30-O by
The Three Galileos: The Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope by