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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2012

Pron Stico del Planeta X y Gu a de Supervivencia Al 2012 by Masters, Marshall
Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Held in Pasadena, California on December 8- by
From the Universe to the Elementary Particles: A First Introduction to Cosmology and the Fundamental Interactions by Ellwanger, Ulrich
How Likely Is Extraterrestrial Life? by Halley, J. Woods
New Eyes on the Sun: A Guide to Satellite Images and Amateur Observation by Wilkinson, John
Chemical Evolution of Galaxies by Matteucci, Francesca
Particles and Fields 2 by
Mineral Processing Design by
Exploration of Halley's Comet by
Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamic Flows by
Magnetospheric Particles and Fields: Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study School, Held in Graz, Austria, August 4-15, 1975 by
Eureka by Kollerstrom, Nick
Biological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation: Part a by
Lezioni Di Cosmologia Teorica by Gasperini, Maurizio
The Calendar: Its History, Structure and Improvement by Philip, Alexander
Heliophysics: Evolving Solar Activity and the Climates of Space and Earth by
Heliophysics: Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects by
The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the Way for the New 21st Century Radio Astronomy Paradigm: Proceedings of Symposium 7 of Jenam 2010 by
2012 Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for All Signs by Turi, Louis
Using SI Units in Astronomy by Dodd, Richard
Distant Worlds by Perelman, Yakov
All Done with Mirrors by Kaelin, Roy
Problems in Stellar Atmospheres and Envelopes by
Z = 1-29. Excited Nuclear States by
Angewandte Geophysik: Band 1: Gravimetrie Und Magnetik by
Accretion and Winds by Klare, Gerhard
High Energy Astrophysics: Supernovae, Remnants, Active Galaxies, Cosmology by
Physics of the Inner Heliosphere II: Particles, Waves and Turbulence by
Z = 30-47. Excited Nuclear States by Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I., Soroko, Zoya N.
Plasma Turbulence in the Solar System by Narita, Yasuhito
Galactic and Extragalactic Infrared Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Xvith Eslab Symposium, Held in Toledo, Spain, December 6-8, 1982 by
New Doppler Effect by Petrescu, Florian Ion T.
Astrology made easy by Datta, Jaipal Singh, Iyer, H. R. Seshadri
Galactic and Extra-Galactic Radio Astronomy by
Applications of Computer Technology to Dynamical Astronomy: Proceedings of the 109th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Gaith by
How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming by Brown, Mike
Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle Operations Handbook by NASA
Fundamentals of Astrometry by Kovalevsky, Jean, Jean, Kovalevsky, P. Kenneth, Seidelmann
The Zodiac: Myths and Legends of the Stars by Hall, Richard
Highlights of Astronomy: As Presented at the XIIIth General Assembly of the I.A.U. 1967 by
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Proceedings of the Sixteenth General Assembly Grenoble 1976 by
Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes, and Dust Belts by Cooke, Antony
Bridging the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe by Kasliwal, Mansi M.
The Coordinate Axes of Physical Reality by Eliseev, Vladimir
Stargazers and Gravediggers: Memoirs to Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky, Immanuel
Rockets and People Volume IV: The Moon Race by Chertok, Boris Yevseyevich
Tarraforming Earth: Are They Back to Stay? by Dubose, Jessie R.
Tarraforming Earth: Are They Back to Stay? by Dubose, Jessie R.
50 Schlüsselideen Astronomie Und Kosmologie by Baker, Joanne
Die Großen Fragen - Universum by Clark, Stuart
Dilpomatic Relations by Webb, Douglas Edward
Prologue to Super Quantum Mechanics by Vaguine, Victor Aleksey, Victor Vaguine
Low and Intermediate Energy Kaon-Nucleon Physics: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Institute of Physics of the University of Rome, March 24-28, by
Activity in Cool Star Envelopes: Proceedings of the Midnight Sun Conference, Held in Tromsø, Norway, July 1-8,1987 by
Solar System Radio Astronomy: Lectures Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute of the National Observatory of Athens: Cape Sounion August 2-1 by
Relativity and Scientific Computing: Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization by
Correlations and Clustering Phenomena in Subatomic Physics by
Hadrons and Hadronic Matter by
Dynamics of Satellites (1969): Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Prague, May 20-24, 1969 by
Ancient Astronomical Observations and the Study of the Moon's Motion (1691-1757) by Steele, John M.
Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way by
The Construction of the Heavens: William Herschel's Cosmology by Hoskin, Michael
A Dictionary of Astronomy by Ridpath, Ian
Theory of Reflectance and Emittance Spectroscopy by Hapke, Bruce
The Grand Design by Hawking, Stephen, Mlodinow, Leonard
Unveiling the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy by Zyl, J. E. Van
The Emission-Line Universe by
Astronauts for Hire: The Emergence of a Commercial Astronaut Corps by Seedhouse, Erik
La cosmographia de Pedro Apiano. by Apian, Peter
Kometographia, Or, a Discourse Concerning Comets: Wherein the Nature of Blazing Stars Is Enquired Into: With an Historical Account of All the Comets W by Mather, Increase
Jenseits Von Halley: Die Erforschung Von Schweifsternen Durch Die Raumsonden Giotto Und Rosetta by Calder, Nigel
Wavelets: Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space by
Between Theory and Observations: Tobias Mayer's Explorations of Lunar Motion, 1751-1755 by Wepster, Steven
Eclipsing Binary Stars: Modeling and Analysis by Kallrath, Josef, Milone, Eugene F.
The Astro-Caf Conspiracy by Ellis, Brad W., Silva, Victor
The Astro-Cafe Conspiracy by Silva, Victor
Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier by Degrasse Tyson, Neil
Das Astronomische Weltbild Im Wandel Der Zeit by Oppenheim, S.
Our Neighbor Stars: Including Brown Dwarfs by Hamilton, Thomas Wm
How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog by Orzel, Chad
3+1 Formalism in General Relativity: Bases of Numerical Relativity by Gourgoulhon, Éric
Extra Dimensions in Space and Time by Bars, Itzhak
Philoponus: On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9-18 by Philoponus
Neutrino Physics: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Heidelberg, October 20-22,1987 by
The Cluster Active Archive: Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment by
The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter: Proceedings of the Jena Workshop, Held in Georgenthal, G.D.R., March 10-14, 1986 by
Planetary Nebulae and How to Observe Them by Griffiths, Martin
Astronomy with a Budget Telescope: An Introduction to Practical Observing by Moore, Patrick, Watson, John
Weird Weather: Tales of Astronomical and Atmospheric Anomalies by Seargent, David A. J.
Grating Spectroscopes and How to Use Them by Harrison, Ken M.
A Grand and Bold Thing: An Extraordinary New Map of the Universe Ushering in a New Era of Discovery by Finkbeiner, Ann K.
Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei: Proceedings of the International Conference, Heidelberg, 3-7 June 1991 by
Space Engineering: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Space Engineering by
E does not equal mc squared by McKee, W. J.
The Shape of Inner Space: String Theory and the Geometry of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions by Nadis, Steve, Yau, Shing-Tung
RF Plasma Heating in Toroidal Fusion Devices by Golant, V. E., Fedorov, V. I.
The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay: To Which Are Prefixed the Charters of the Province: With Historic by
Astrology Lessons: Astrology Lessons and simple rules by Datta, Jaipal Singh, Iyer, H. R. Seshadri
First Contact: Scientific Breakthroughs in the Hunt for Life Beyond Earth by Kaufman, Marc
Skylab a Guidebook by Ernst Stuhlinger, Leland F. Belew
DIY Satellite Platforms: Building a Space-Ready General Base Picosatellite for Any Mission by Antunes, Sandy
A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR: A Collection of Scientific Essays by
Stability and Chaos in Celestial Mechanics by Celletti, Alessandra
Protostellar Jets in Context by
Cosmology in Scalar-Tensor Gravity by Faraoni, Valerio
Jets from Young Stars IV: From Models to Observations and Experiments by
Virtual Astrophysical Jets: Theory Versus Observations by
Fundamentals of Cosmic Particle Physics by Khlopov, Maxim
Under the Radar: The First Woman in Radio Astronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott by McGee, Richard, Goss, M.
Jets from Young Stars V: High Performance Computing and Applications by
Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors by
The Case of Galileo: A Closed Question? by Fantoli, Annibale
Uncovering Student Ideas in Astronomy: 45 New Formative Assessment Probes by Keeley, Page
The Fourth Source: Effects of Natural Nuclear Reactors by Tuttle, Robert J.
The V-Bang: How The Universe Began by Greenberger, Josh
Assessment of a Plan for U.S. Participation in Euclid by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Physics and Astronomy
Circuits, Matrices and Linear Vector Spaces by Huelsman, Lawrence Paul
Heat Transfer by Gebhart, Benjamin
Predictability, Stability, and Chaos in N-Body Dynamical Systems by
Infrared Radiation by Hackforth, Henry L.
Ebulliometric Measurements by Swietoslawski, Wojciech
An Introduction To Plant Physiology by Curtis, Otis Freeman, Clark, Daniel Grover
Su I Valori Delle Misure E Dei Pesi Degli Antichi Romani Desunti Dagli Originali Esistenti Nel Real Museo Borbonico Di Napoli... by Cagnazzi, Luca Samuele
Active Close Binaries by
Exploring the Solar Wind by
The Earth: Its Shape, Size, Weight and Spin by Poynting, J. H.
Basic Space Plasma Physics (Revised Edition) by Treumann, Rudolf A., Baumjohann, Wolfgang
Basic Space Plasma Physics (Revised Edition) by Treumann, Rudolf A., Baumjohann, Wolfgang
Solar Eclipses and the Ionosphere: A NATO Advanced Studies Institute Held in Lagonissi, Greece, May 26-June 4, 1969 by
Optical Bistability by Robl, Hermann R., Bowden, Charles M., Ciftan, Mikael
From Black Clouds to Black Holes (Third Edition) by Narlikar, Jayant V.
Galactic and Extra-Galactic Radio Astronomy by Verschuur, Gerrit L., Kellermann, Kenneth I.
Space Science by
Absolute Relativity - The Theory of Everything by Johnson, Edward William
Astrophysik IV: Sternsysteme / Astrophysics IV: Stellar Systems by Lindblad, Bertil, Oort, J. H., Edmonson, Frank K.
Primate Brain Evolution: Methods and Concepts by Armstrong, Este, Falk, Dean
US Military Space Reference Textbook: Command and General Staff College Satellite Communications by General Staff College, Us Army Command a.
On Space and Time by
Astrophysical Jets and Beams by Smith, Michael D.
Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors by
A Space Explorers Theological Training Guide to Alien Encounters by Craig, Michael Richard
The Solar Dynamics Observatory by
Meteorites, Ice, and Antarctica: A Personal Account by Cassidy, William A.
Die Kometen by Wurm, K.
Neutrinos by
RAM Accelerators: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on RAM Accelerators Held in Sendai, Japan, 16-18 July 1997 by
Arminio Nobile E La Misura del Cielo: Ovvero Le Disavventure Di Un Astronomo Napoletano by Galano, Silvia, Capaccioli, Massimo
Atlas of Galactic Neutral Hydrogen by Hartmann, Dap, Burton, W. Butler
Extrasolar Planets by Aparicio, Juan Antonio
Energetic Charged-Particle Interactions with Atmospheres and Surfaces by Johnson, Robert E.
Vignettes in Gravitation and Cosmology by
Reports on Astronomy: Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume Xviia -- Part 2 by
Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars by Lang, Kenneth R.
Astrophysics by
The Orange: Its Biochemistry and Physiology by
Space Law And Government by Haley, Andrew Gallagher
Albumasar de Magnis Conjunctionibus, Annorum Revolutionibus (Ed.1489) by Abu Ma'sar Al-Balhi, Ga'far Ibn Muhammad Ibn 'Umar
Lives of the Planets: A Natural History of the Solar System by Corfield, Richard
Astronomie Des Dames (4e Éd.) (Éd.1817) by de la Lande, Jérôme
Théorie de la Lune Déduite Du Seul Principe de l'Attraction (Éd.1752) by Clairaut, Alexis Claude
Selected Writings by Galileo, Shea, William R., Davie, Mark
Recent Studies in Atomic and Molecular Processes by
The Andromeda Galaxy and the Rise of Modern Astronomy by Schultz, David
Transit of Venus: 1631 to the Present by Lomb, Nick
Planeten Wanderer Im All: Satelliten Fotografieren Und Erforschen Neue Welten Im Sonnensystem by Lang, Kenneth R.
Die Planeten Und Ihre Monde by Müller, R.
Introduction to Celestial Mechanics by Kovalevsky, Jean
The Universe Inside You: The Extreme Science of the Human Body from Quantum Theory to the Mysteries of the Brain by Clegg, Brian
One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging: In Less Time, for Less Money! by Kennedy, L. A.
Titan from Cassini-Huygens by
The Synnematous Genera of the Fungi Imperfecti: Western Illinois University Series in the Biological Sciences, No. 3 by Morris, Everett Franklin
Many Skies: Alternative Histories of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Stars by Upgren, Arthur
Dark Matter in the Universe: Proceedings of the Third Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, Nishinomiya City, 10-11 November 1988 by
El Origen del Sol: Y Otros Sistemas Solares by Vel Zquez, Rafael, Velazquez, Rafael
From Stars to Stalagmites: How Everything Connects by Braterman, Paul S.
The "7 Churches" of the "Revelation": What the "Hubble" Will Never See Sir Isaac Newton's "Plan of the World" by Brown, Charles S.
Status and Methods of Research in Economic and Agronomic Aspects of Fertilizer Response and Use by National Research Council
The Synthesis of the Elements: The Astrophysical Quest for Nucleosynthesis and What It Can Tell Us about the Universe by Shaviv, Giora
Apollo Operations Handbook Extra Vehicular Mobility Unit by NASA
Relativity and the Question of Discretization in Astronomy by Wilson, A. G., Edelen, Dominic G. B.
Apollo Operations Handbook Extra Vehicular Mobility Unit by NASA
A Handbook Of Descriptive And Practical Astronomy: Instruments And Practical Astronomy by Chambers, George Frederick
From Stars to Stalagmites: How Everything Connects by Braterman, Paul S.
Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets by Adler, I., Trombka, J. I.
Astrophysik II: Sternaufbau / Astrophysics II: Stellar Structure by Burbidge, G. R., Wrubel, Marshal H., Arp, H. C.
Kosmische Strahlung II / Cosmic Rays II by
Nanoparticulas Magneticas Para Tratamiento de Tumores Por Hipertermia by Mojica Pisciotti, Mary Luz, Zysler, Roberto
Technical Evaluation of the NASA Model for Cancer Risk to Astronauts Due to Space Radiation by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board
The Star Atlas Companion: What You Need to Know about the Constellations by Bagnall, Philip M.
Astronomical Symbols on Ancient and Medieval Coins by Faintich, Marshall
Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution: Proceedings of Symposium 3 of Jenam 2010 by
Mr. Olcott's Skies: An Old Book and a Youthful Obsession by Watson, Thomas
The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky by Lisle, Jason
Mars Outpost 2nd ed: Surviving Tharsis Montes by Phillips, Julian, Luong, Tom
Mars Outpost: Surviving Tharsis Montes by Phillips, Julian, Luong, Tom
NASA Skylab News Reference by NASA
NASA Skylab News Reference by NASA
Relativistic Cosmology by Ellis, George F. R., Maartens, Roy, MacCallum, Malcolm A. H.
Destination Mars: New Explorations of the Red Planet by Pyle, Rod
Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Procedure Texts by Ossendrijver, Mathieu
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