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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2013

Lunar Module LM 10 Thru LM 14 Vehicle Familiarization Manual by Grumman, NASA
Mankind Beyond Earth: The History, Science, and Future of Human Space Exploration by Piantadosi, Claude
A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing by Krauss, Lawrence M.
Lunar Module LM 10 Thru LM 14 Vehicle Familiarization Manual by Grumman, NASA
Change and Continuity in Early Modern Cosmology by
Beyond Einstein Gravity: A Survey of Gravitational Theories for Cosmology and Astrophysics by Capozziello, Salvatore, Faraoni, Valerio
Planeten Beobachten: Praktische Anleitung Für Amateurbeobachter Und Solche, Die Es Werden Wollen by Roth, Günter D.
Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems: Proceedings of the Eso Workshop Held in Garching, 27-30 August 2002 by
A History of Physical Theories of Comets, from Aristotle to Whipple by Heidarzadeh, Tofigh
Sirius Matters by Brosch, Noah
Physics of Collisionless Shocks: Space Plasma Shock Waves by Treumann, Rudolf A., Balogh, André
What Is God? Rolling Back the Veil by Horner, Christine
What Is God? Rolling Back the Veil by Horner, Christine
Gamma-Ray Bursts by
Astrometry for Astrophysics by
Young Sun, Early Earth and the Origins of Life: Lessons for Astrobiology by López-García, Purificación, Martin, Hervé, Gargaud, Muriel
Ignorance Is Illness: Disproof of the Big Bang Theory Through Healing by Staubes, Eric A.
The Black Hole-Neutron Star Binary Merger in Full General Relativity: Dependence on Neutron Star Equations of State by Kyutoku, Koutarou
Particle Acceleration in Cosmic Plasmas by
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z = 74-103 by Soroko, Zoya N., Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I.
Literature 1973, Part 1 by Fricke, Walter, Güntzel-Lingner, Ulrich, Böhme, Siegfried
Astrophysics of the Interstellar Medium by Maciel, Walter J.
Georges Lemaître: Life, Science and Legacy by
Advanced Statistical Methods for Astrophysical Probes of Cosmology by March, Marisa Cristina
Theorie der Planetenbewegung by Meth, Paul
Lecturas del cielo: Libros de astronomía en la Biblioteca Nacional by Míguez, Gustavo Ignacio
James Nasmyth, Engineer: An Autobiography by Nasmyth, James
Literature 1977, Part 2 by Esser, Ute, Fricke, Walter, Böhme, Siegfried
Suzaku Studies of White Dwarf Stars and the Galactic X-Ray Background Emission by Yuasa, Takayuki
The First Galaxies in the Universe by Loeb, Abraham, Furlanetto, Steven R.
The First Galaxies in the Universe by Furlanetto, Steven R., Loeb, Abraham
Veränderliche Sterne by Richter, G., Wenzel, W., Hoffmeister, C.
Planetary Systems and the Origin of Life. Edited by Ralph Pudritz, Paul Higgs, Jonathon Stone by
Innovation in Astronomy Education by
A Beginner's View of Our Electric Universe by Findlay, Tom
Conoscere, capire, esplorare il Sistema Solare by Gasparri, Daniele
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z=48-60 by Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I., Soroko, Zoya N.
Spektralanalyse Und Filtertheorie: In Der Angewandten Geophysik by Buttkus, Burkhard
First Magnitude: A Book of the Bright Sky by
Submillimetre Astronomy: Proceedings of the Kona Symposium on Millimeter and Submillimetre Astronomy, Held at Kona, Hawaii, October 3-6, 1988 by
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies: Volume III by Vaucouleurs, Gerard De, Vaucouleurs, Antoinette De, Corwin, Harold G. Jr.
Heart of Darkness: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe by Mitton, Simon, Ostriker, Jeremiah P.
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 4: Stellar Structure and Evolution by
Time, Space, Stars and Man: The Story of the Big Bang (2nd Edition) by Woolfson, Michael Mark
Time, Space, Stars and Man: The Story of the Big Bang (2nd Edition) by Woolfson, Michael Mark
Satellites of the Outer Solar System: Exchange Processes Involving the Interiors by
The Cosmic Century: A History of Astrophysics and Cosmology by Longair, Malcolm S.
A Quaker Astronomer Reflects: Can a Scientist Also Be Religious? by Burnell, Jocelyn Bell
Permeability-Porosity Relationship for Unconsolidated Sand by Ponder, Robert M.
Alter Und Bedeutung Der Babylonischen Astronomie Und Astrallehre Nebst Studien Uber Fixsternhimmel Und Kalender by Weidner, Ernst F.
Die Photographie Der Gestirne by Scheiner, Julius
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z = 61-73. by Soroko, Zoya N.
Astronomie by
Geschichte Der Astronomie by Wolf, Rudolf
Planetographie by Lohse, Oswald
The Adventurous Life of Friedrich Georg Houtermans, Physicist (1903-1966) by Amaldi, Edoardo
The Metabolism of Sulphur Compounds: Methuen's Monographs on Biochemical Subjects by Maw, George A., Young, Leslie
The Hall Effect and Its Applications by
Formation of the Solar System: A New Theory of the Creation and Decay of the Celestial Bodies by Ferronsky, V. I., Ferronsky, S. V.
Herschel 400 Observing Guide by O'Meara, Steve
Astronomie by Mobius, August Ferdinand
Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's Hidden Tides by Hill, Judith
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids VI: Old Paradigms and New Challenges by
The Mathematics of Ultra-High Frequencies in Radio. Brown University Advanced Instruction and Research in Mechanics Summer, 1943 by Brillouin, Leon
High-Latitude Space Plasma Physics by Hultgvist, Bengt
Understanding the Universe: An Inquiry Approach to Astronomy and the Nature of Scientific Research by Greenstein, George
The Restless Universe by Born, Max
Dark Secrets of the Terascale, the (Tasi 2011) - Proceedings of the 2011 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics by
A Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy: From the Earliest Dawn of That Science in India to the Present Time by Bentley, John
Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology by Greeley, Ronald
The Study of Time III: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Alpbach--Austria by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 5: Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations by
Multi-Stage Space Guns, Micro-Pulse Nuclear Rockets, and Faster-Than-Light Quark-Gluon Ion Drive Starships by Blaha, Stephen
The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere by
Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Seti Past, Present, and Future by Shuch, H. Paul
The Little Book of Stars by Kaler, James B.
Principles of Stellar Interferometry by Glindemann, Andreas
Kant's Construction of Nature: A Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science by Friedman, Michael
A Tutor to Astronomie and Geographie by Moxon, Joseph
Sky Alert!: When Satellites Fail by Johnson, Les
Chasing Venus: The Race to Measure the Heavens by Wulf, Andrea
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 3: Solar and Stellar Planetary Systems by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 6: Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 2: Astronomical Techniques, Software, and Data by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 1: Telescopes and Instrumentation by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems by
The Military Geography of the Solar System by Gomez, Walter J.
New Concepts in Imaging: Optical and Statistical Models by Aime, Claude, Mary, David
Are Aliens Real? Aliens and UFOs Proof by Keyhoe, Sean
Magnetospheric Physics: Achievements and Prospects by
International Organizations and Space Cooperation by Schwartz, Leonard E.
Moon Bound: Choosing and Preparing Nasa's Lunar Astronauts by Burgess, Colin
Dynamics of Gas-Surface Interactions: Atomic-Level Understanding of Scattering Processes at Surfaces by
Elemente der Astronomie und mathematischen Geographie by Hermes, O.
The Soyuz Launch Vehicle: The Two Lives of an Engineering Triumph by Lardier, Christian, Barensky, Stefan
Artificial Particle Beams in Space Plasma Studies by Grandal, Bjorn, North, A.
Le Verrier--Magnificent and Detestable Astronomer by Lequeux, James
Stargazing for Dummies by Owens, Steve
Realm of the Nebulae by Hubble, Edwin
Poetic Astronomy in the Ancient Near East: The Reflexes of Celestial Science in Ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, and Israelite Narrative by Cooley, Jeffrey L.
Cross-Calibration of Far UV Spectra of Solar System Objects and the Heliosphere by
Life and the Universe: Exploring Eternity by Long, John, Parks, Walter
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 3: Solar and Stellar Planetary Systems by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 5: Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 4: Stellar Structure and Evolution by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 2: Astronomical Techniques, Software, and Data by
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 1: Telescopes and Instrumentation by
The Role of Neutrinos, Strings, Gravity, and Variable Cosmological Constant in Elementary Particle Physics by
Edward Tyson, 1650-1708, and the Rise of Human and Comparative Anatomy in England: A Study in the History of Science by Montagu, M. F. Ashley
Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems: Volume 6: Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology by
China in Space: The Great Leap Forward by Harvey, Brian
Populäre Weltkunde by Peters, P. J.
Annotated Bibliography of the Space Shuttle (Two Volumes) by NASA
Observations Météorologiques Faites À Pékin by Amiot, Joseph
Manuel de Météorologie, Ou Explication Théorique Et Démonstrative: Des Phénomènes Connus Sous Le Nom de Météores. by Fellens, Jean-Baptiste
François Arago by de Mirecourt, Eugène
Spectroscopic and Visual Binaries by Schlesinger, Frank
Catalogue of Bright Stars - Containing All Important Data Known in January 1940, Relating to All Stars Brighter Than 6.5 Visual Magnitude, and to Some by Schlesinger, Frank
Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy by Brown, Robert Hewitt
The Praesepe Group: Measurement and Reduction of the Rutherfurd Photographs by Schlesinger, Frank
Some Aspects of Astronomical Photography of Precision by Schlesinger, Frank
Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Weltalls by Du Prel, Carl
Manned Spaceflight Log II--2006-2012 by Shayler, Michael D., Shayler, David J.
Astrophysics from Antarctica (IAU S288) by
Night Vision: Exploring the Infrared Universe by Rowan-Robinson, Michael
Earth by Lunine, Jonathan I.
Why Does the World Exist?: An Existential Detective Story by Holt, Jim
Gravitation and Spacetime by Ohanian, Hans C., Ruffini, Remo
High Efficiency Ultra Thin Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Solar Cells by Islam Mohammad Aminul, Amin Nowshad
The Little Book of the Big Bang: A Cosmic Primer by Hogan, Craig J.
Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy: Including a New Theory of Aesthetics by Gal-Or, Benjamin
Aerospace Robotics: Selected Papers from I Conference on Robotics in Aeronautics and Astronautics by
Matrices and Tensors: The International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Topic 1, Mathematical Techniques, V4 by Hall, George Garfield
Heat Transfer in Thermal Radiation Absorbing and Scattering Media: Anl-6170 by Viskanta, Raymond
Higgs Boson - Its Place in Particle Physics, the Universe, Space, and Beyond by Bean, John Gilbert
Oxidation Reduction Potentials of Organic Systems by Mansfield, Clark W.
Data Analysis in Astronomy II by
Getting Started: Long Exposure Astrophotography by Hall, Allan
Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Dark Gravity: Enabling a Universe that Supports Intelligent Life by Perrenod, Stephen C.
Astrophysics at Very High Energies: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 40. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Bergström, Lars, Dermer, Charles, Aharonian, Felix
Hilfstafeln Fur Barometrische Hohenmessungen by Neumeyer, Ludwig
Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life by Kwok, Sun
Weird Worlds: Bizarre Bodies of the Solar System and Beyond by Seargent, David A. J.
The Music of the Spheres: Moonlight Sonata by Torney, Austin P.
Spin Fluctuation Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism by Takahashi, Yoshinori
Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology: From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus by Couprie, Dirk L.
Stellar Interiors: Physical Principles, Structure, and Evolution by Trimble, Virginia, Hansen, Carl J., Kawaler, Steven D.
A World Monograph of the Genus Pleospora and Its Segregates by Wehmeyer, Lewis Edgar
High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and Their Systems: Proceedings of the First Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics by
Strange New Worlds: The Search for Alien Planets and Life Beyond Our Solar System by Jayawardhana, Ray
Golden Oldies in General Relativity: Hidden Gems by
Physikalische Phänomene des Mediumismus - Eine Forschung über die Telekinese, den Spiritismus und seine Medien by Von Schrenck-Notzing, Albert Freiherr
Die Photographie Der Gestirne by Scheiner, Julius
Astronomie by Mobius, August Ferdinand
Astronomie by
Geschichte Der Astronomie by Wolf, Rudolf
Alter Und Bedeutung Der Babylonischen Astronomie Und Astrallehre Nebst Studien Uber Fixsternhimmel Und Kalender by Weidner, Ernst F.
The Nuclear Equation of State: Part A: Discovery of Nuclear Shock Waves and the EOS by
The God Particle Bible by Mathiesen, Michael
Anatomy of the Heavens: God's Message in the Stars by Klein, John
Tauro by Kabal, Leo
Types de Calculs de Navigation Et d'Astronomie Nautique: À l'Usage Des Candidats Aux Grades: de Capitaine Au Long Cours Ou de Maître Au Cabotage by Dubus, François-Jacques
La Gnomonique Pratique, Ou l'Art de Tracer Les Cadrans Solaires Avec La Plus Grande Précision by Bedos de Celles, François
Traité Des Talismans Ou Figures Astrales: Dans Lequel Est Monstré Que Leurs Effets, & Vertus: Admirables Sont Naturelles, & Enseigné La Maniere de Les by Belin, Jean-Albert
Cosmic Rays in Star-Forming Environments: Proceedings of the Second Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics by
Cosmic Numbers: The Numbers That Define Our Universe by Stein, James D.
Techniques and Methods of Radio-Astronomic Reception by
Adventures in the Science of Cosmology by Dixon, Ken
Naṣīr Al-Dīn Al-Ṭūsī's Memoir on Astronomy (Al-Tadhkira Fī CILM Al-Hay'a): Volume I: Introduction, Edition, and T by Ragep, F. J.
DIY Instruments for Amateur Space: Inventing Utility for Your Spacecraft Once It Achieves Orbit by Antunes, Sandy
The Formation and Evolution of M33 as Revealed by Its Star Clusters by San Roman, Izaskun
Problems of Continuum Mechanics: Contributions in Honor of the Seventieth Birthday of Academician N. I. Muskhelishvili by
Fluid Mechanics and Statistical Methods in Engineering by Dryden, Hugh L., Kalinske, Anton Adam, Karman, Theodore Von
Aries by Kabal, Leo
The Great Refractor of Meudon Observatory by Dollfus, Audouin
Dark Matter Evidence Found at CERN by Schiller, Jon
The Power of Timing: Living in Harmony with Natural and Lunar Cycles by Paungger, Johanna, Poppe, Thomas
Vita nell'Universo: Eccezione o regola? by Gasparri, Daniele
The Meadows of Heaven by Torney, Austin P.
Strongly Interacting Matter in Magnetic Fields by
50 Things To See With A Small Telescope by Read, John A.
Encyclopedia of the History of Astronomy and Astrophysics by Leverington, David
Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Weltalls by Du Prel, Carl
Applications of High-Field and Short Wavelength Sources by
Electroweak Processes in External Active Media by Mikheev, Nickolay, Kuznetsov, Alexander
Reflections on the Astronomy of Glasgow: A Story of Some 500 Years by Clarke, David
Non-Linear Data Analysis on the Sphere: The Quest for Anomalies in the Cosmic Microwave Background by Rossmanith, Gregor
Reflections on the Astronomy of Glasgow: A Story of Some Five Hundred Years by Clarke, David
Book of Truth: The Theory of Everything by Zecos, Paul
Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe - Proceedings of the Kmi Inauguration Conference by
Infrared Radiation: A Handbook for Applications by Bramson
The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets by
Jacobi Dynamics: A Unified Theory with Applications to Geophysics, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics and Cosmology by Ferronsky, S. V., Ferronsky, V. I., Denisik, S. a.
Neutrino Mass, Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves, Monopole Condensation, and Light Cone Quantization by
Electrifying Atmospheres: Charging, Ionisation and Lightning in the Solar System and Beyond by Aplin, Karen
Interstellar Molecules: Their Laboratory and Interstellar Habitat by
Gravitation and Modern Cosmology: The Cosmological Constants Problem by
Gastronomical Cookbook by Hotakainen, Markus, Garam, Sami, Mattila, Jiipee
Handbook of High-Energy Astrophysics Experiments by Michel, F. Curtis
Handbook of High-Energy Astrophysics Experiments by Michel, F. Curtis
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