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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2014

Earth's Place in Space by Coupe, Robert
Identifying Common Proper Motion Binary Star Systems by Nicholson, Martin P.
Modernism and Cosmology: Absurd Lights by Ebury, K.
Behind the Scenes of the Universe C by Bertone
Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction by Catling, David C.
Review of the Draft 2014 Science Mission Directorate Science Plan by Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology by Field, J. V.
Theoria Motus Lunae Exhibens Omnes Eius Inaequalitates: In Additamento Hoc Idem Argumentum Aliter Tractatur Simulque Ostenditur Quemadmodum Motus Luna by Euler, Leonhard
Solar System Astrophysics: Background Science and the Inner Solar System by Milone, Eugene F., Wilson, William J. F.
Opacity by Huebner, Walter F., Barfield, W. David
Astrologie aus der Sicht eines Physikers by Stock, Eberhard
Threats from Space: A Review of U.S. Government Efforts to Track and Mitigate Asteroids and Meteors (Part I & Part II) by House of Representatives, Committee on S.
Ionospheric Radio Communications by
The Van Allen Probes Mission by
Asteroseismology by
Emu Dreaming: An Introduction to Australian Aboriginal Astronomy by Norris, Cilla, Norris, Ray
Intelligent Universe by Lavanway, Ilyan Kei
Patrick Moore's Data Book of Astronomy by Rees, Robin, Moore, Patrick
Time Machines by Nahin, Paul J.
Microphysics of Cosmic Plasmas by
Sotto il meraviglioso cielo d'Australia by Gasparri, Daniele
Liquid Hydrogen As A Propulsion Fuel, 1945-1959 by Sloop, John L., Administration, National Aeronautics and
Astronomy in India: A Historical Perspective by
50 Schlüsselideen Der Zukunft by Watson, Richard
Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse by Rubenstein, Mary-Jane
Unseen Cosmos by Graham-Smith, Francis
The Harmony of the World by Kepler, Johannes
Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System by Wilson, William J. F., Milone, Eugene F.
Symmetry and Fundamental Physics: Tom Kibble at 80 by
Symmetry and Fundamental Physics: Tom Kibble at 80 by
Planetologie Extrasolarer Planeten by Scholz, Mathias
Galileo's Visions by Piccolino, Marco
An Account of Experiments to Determine the Figure of the Earth by Means of the Pendulum Vibrating Seconds in Different Latitudes: As Well as on Vario by Sabine, Edward
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1986-1990: A Chronology by Miro, Ramon J., Stueland, Sam, Gawdiak, Ihor y.
Suborbital: Industry at the Edge of Space by Seedhouse, Erik
The Pendulum Paradigm: Variations on a Theme and the Measure of Heaven and Earth by Beech, Martin
Das ungebremste Universum: Über das Standardmodell der Kosmologie by Becker, Klaus
Gravità, Stringhe E Particelle: Una Escursione Nell'ignoto by Gasperini, Maurizio
Popular Astronomy: A General Description of the Heavens by Flammarion, Camille
Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteenth Century by Dreyer, John Louis Emil
Claudii Ptolemaei Opera Quae Exstant Omnia by Ptolemy
Claudii Ptolemaei Opera Quae Exstant Omnia by Ptolemy
Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two by
Mechanisms of Surface Plasmon propagation for nano optics applications by Zilio, Pierfrancesco
Why the Universe Bothers to Exist: Theistic Determinism, Evidences and Implications - A Worldview Proposal by McCorkle, David
Is Anyone Else on the Moon?: The Search for Alien Artifacts by Marshall, Ross
The Stars of Galileo Galilei and the Universal Knowledge of Athanasius Kircher by Buonanno, Roberto
Nearest Star by Golub, Leon, Pasachoff, Jay M.
Ultimate Horizons: Probing the Limits of the Universe by Satz, Helmut
The Origin of the Galaxy and Local Group: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 37 Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Bland-Hawthorn, Joss, Freeman, Kenneth, Matteucci, Francesca
Das Weltgebäude im Lichte der neueren Forschung by Nernst, W.
Bayesian Methods in Cosmology by
Dark Energy: Observational and Theoretical Approaches by
An Introduction to Radio Astronomy by Burke, Bernard F., Graham-Smith, Francis
The Dark Matter Problem by Sanders, Robert H.
Protoplanetary Dust by
From the Universe to the Elementary Particles: A First Introduction to Cosmology and the Fundamental Interactions by Ellwanger, Ulrich
Chemical Evolution of Galaxies by Matteucci, Francesca
The Square Kilometre Array: Paving the Way for the New 21st Century Radio Astronomy Paradigm: Proceedings of Symposium 7 of Jenam 2010 by
Titan: Interior, Surface, Atmosphere, and Space Environment by
Nearest Star by Golub, Leon, Pasachoff, Jay M.
The Coronas-F Space Mission: Key Results for Solar Terrestrial Physics by
Harmonies of the World by Kepler, Johannes
Identifying Identical Twin Star Systems from the SDSS Data Release 10 by Nicholson, Martin Piers
Quantum Gravity and the Role of Consciousness in Physics: Resolving the contradictions between quantum theory and relativity by Darmos, Sky
The Self-Actualizing Cosmos: The Akasha Revolution in Science and Human Consciousness by Laszlo, Ervin
The Astronomer Jules Janssen: A Globetrotter of Celestial Physics by Launay, Françoise
The Schwarzschild-de Broglie Modification of Special Relativity for Massive Field Bosons (SBM): A study about dark matter and dark energy from the SBM by Gantert, Siegfried
An Introduction to Optical Stellar Interferometry by Labeyrie, A., Lipson, S. G., Nisenson, P.
Hydrodynamics and Stellar Winds: An Introduction by Maciel, Walter J.
Planetary Rings: A Post-Equinox View by Esposito, Larry W.
The Final Mystery: Discovering The Unimaginable by Aldworth, Nigel
Telescopes for Astronomy: A complete guide with tips and techniques for the sky by Hughes, Christopher J.
Opportunities for High-Power, High-Frequency Transmitters to Advance Ionospheric/Thermospheric Research: Report of a Workshop by Space Studies Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Physikalische Mythen Auf Dem Prüfstand: Eine Sammlung Begründeter Alternativtheorien Von Geophysik Über Kosmologie Bis Teilchenphysik by Kundt, Wolfgang, Marggraf, Ole
Blood Moon-God's Warning: Jewish Feasts and the Blood Moons of 2014 and 2015 by Brown, J. Nell
Higgs Boson, Origin of Big Bang -THE UNIVERSE, SPACE, AND BEYOND by Bean, John Gilbert
Getting Started: Budget Astrophotography by Hall, Allan
Astronomy for Young Folks by Lewis a. M., Isabel Martin
The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Spectroscopy by Hearnshaw, John B.
Liberty Bell 7: The Suborbital Mercury Flight of Virgil I. Grissom by Burgess, Colin
Principles of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics by Clarke, Cathie, Carswell, Bob
Greek Astronomy by Heath, Thomas L., Heath, T. L.
History of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1820-1920 by Dreyer, John Louis Emil, Turner, H. H.
Advanced Interferometers and the Search for Gravitational Waves: Lectures from the First Vesf School on Advanced Detectors for Gravitational Waves by
Life and Death of the Stars by Srinivasan, Ganesan
What Are the Stars? by Srinivasan, Ganesan
Imminent Science: What Remains to Be Discovered by Bignami, Giovanni F.
Gospel In The Stars Or Primeval Astronomy by Seiss, Joseph a.
Edward Kelly: The Englishman's Two Excellent Treatises on the Philosopher's Stone Together with the Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy by Waite, Arthur Edward
Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy by Steiner, Rudolf
Cosmology: Or Universal Science by Hartmann, Franz
Kosmos: The Eternal Ebb And Flow Of Matter And Force Yielding Life Infinite And Eternal As To Time And Space by Hannay, James Ballantyne
Popular Astronomy by Newcomb, Simon
The Crescent Moon by Tagore, Rabindranath
Prognostic Astronomy by Sepharial
The Ether of Space by Lodge, Oliver
Scientific Papers: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology: V30 Harvard Classics by Faraday, Michael
Astronomy and Astrology of the Babylonians by Satye, A. H.
Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteenth Century by Dreyer, J. L. E.
Stars Of Destiny by Craig, Katherine Taylor
The Unseen Universe: Or Physical Speculations on a Future State by Stewart, B., Tait, P. G.
The Wishing Moon by Dutton, Louise
Scientific Papers: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology: V30 Harvard Classics by Faraday, Michael
Star Names and Their Meanings by Allen, Richard Hinckley
The Secrets of Time and Space by Watson, S. H.
Astronomical Myths Based on Flammarion's History of the Heavens by Blake, John F.
Celestial Philosophy: Or Genethliacal Astronomy by Worsdale, John
Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy by Steiner, Rudolf
Cosmology of Numbers by Silcock, Grace H.
The Dawn of Astronomy by Lockyer, J. Norman
Elements of Astronomy by Lockyer, J. Norman
Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology by Whewell, William
Edward Kelly: The Englishman's Two Excellent Treatises on the Philosopher's Stone Together with the Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy by Waite, Arthur Edward
Elements of Astronomy for Schools and Academies, with Explanatory Notes and Questions for Examination by Brocklesby, John
The Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost by Orchard, Thomas N.
The Ether of Space by Lodge, Oliver
The Moonlit Way by Chambers, Robert W.
The House An Episode In The Lives Of Reuben Baker Astronomer And Of His Wife Alice by Field, Eugene
Horae Aegypticae: The Chronology of Ancient Egypt Discovered from Astronomical and Hieroglyphic Records Upon Its Monuments by Poole, R. G.
Planetary Influences by Leo, Bessie
Pearls from Many Seas: A Galaxy of Thought from Four Hundred Writers of Wide Repute by
Remarks on the Euphratean Astronomical Names of the Signs of the Zodiac by Brown, Robert
Moon Lore by Harley, Timothy
Kosmos: The Eternal Ebb and Flow of Matter and Force Yielding Life Infinite and Eternal as to Time and Space by Hannay, James Ballantyne
Handbooks of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy by Lardner, Dionysius
Prognostic Astronomy by Sepharial
Popular Astronomy by Newcomb, Simon
Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients by Lewis, George Cornewall
Space, Time and Deity: The Gifford Lectures at Glasgow V1 by Alexander, S.
Space, Time and Deity: The Gifford Lectures at Glasgow V2 by Alexander, S.
Fishes of Fancy: Their Place in Myth, Fable, Fairy-Tale and Folk-Lore with Notices of the Fishes of Legendary Art, Astronomy and Herald by Robinson, Philip
Studies in Hegelian Cosmology by McTaggart, Ellis, McTaggart, John
Astronomy for Everybody: A Popular Exposition of the Wonders of the Heavens by Newcomb, Simon
Planets and People 1897 by
The Red Planet by Locke, William J.
The Sidereal Heavens and Other Subjects Connected with Astronomy by Dick, Thomas
Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planets' Places for 1920 by Raphael, David
The Mythological Astronomy In Three Parts by Mackey, Sampson Arnold
The Song of Cosmology: Or the Voice of God in the Science of Nature by Woodman, J. M.
Gospel in the Stars or Primeval Astronomy by Seiss, Joseph a.
The Crescent Moon by Tagore, Sir Rabindranath
The Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way by Phylos the Thibetan
Visual Astronomy: A Guide to Understanding the Night Sky by Photinos, Panos
Frontiers of Fundamental Physics and Physics Education Research by
National Geographic Pocket Guide to Wildflowers of North America by Howell, Catherine H.
Cosmos in Collision BW: The Prehistory of our Solar System, and of Modern Man by Holden, Theodore a., McLachlan, Troy D.
John Couch Adams and the Discovery of Neptune by Spencer Jones, Harold
The Universe on Trial: Second Edition by Hanak, Richard J.
Im Fokus: Sonnensystem: Eine Reise Durch Unsere Kosmische Heimat by Podbregar, Nadja, Lohmann, Dieter
Das inflationäre Universum: Über Probleme der Urknalltheorie by Becker, Klaus
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Sun by Priest, Eric
Deep-Sky Companions: The Messier Objects by O'Meara, Stephen James
Harvesting Space for a Greener Earth by Bangs, C., Matloff, Greg, Johnson, Les
Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe by Smolin, Lee
Transfer of Polarized Light in Planetary Atmospheres: Basic Concepts and Practical Methods by Domke, Helmut, Hovenier, J. W., Van Der Mee, Cornelis V. M.
All the Multiverse! Starships Exploring the Endless Universes of the Cosmos Using the Baryonic Force by Blaha, Stephen
Philoponus: Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World by Wildberg, Christian
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 1.1-4 by Simplicius
Simplicius: On Aristotle Categories 1-4 by Simplicius
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 2.1-9 by Simplicius
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 1.10-12 by Simplicius
Philoponus: Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 1-5 by Philoponus, John
Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3 by Philoponus, John
Philoponus: Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 6-8 by Philoponus, John
Philoponus: On Aristotle on the Soul 2.7-12 by Philoponus, John
Philoponus: On Aristotle on the Soul 1.1-2 by Philoponus, John
Philoponus: On Aristotle Physics 1.4-9 by Philoponus
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 3.7-4.6 by Simplicius
Philoponus: Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 9-11 by Philoponus
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 1.3-4 by Simplicius
Philoponus: On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9-18 by Philoponus
Philoponus: On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2 by Philoponus
Philoponus: On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.1-8 by Philoponus
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 1.2-3 by Simplicius
John Dee's Natural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion by Clulee, Nicholas
Philoponus: On Aristotle on Coming to Be and Perishing 2.5-11 by Philoponus
Philoponus: On Aristotle on the Soul 2.1-6 by Philoponus
Simplicius: On Aristotle on the Heavens 2.10-14 by Simplicius
Looking for the Way (Large Print Edition) by Flint, Jeremy
Immanuel Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A German English Edition by Kant, Immanuel
Halleys Komet by Tammann, Veron
Mars -- Unser Geheimnisvoller Nachbar: Vom Antiken Mythos Zur Bemannten Mission by Wilford
Radio Telescopes by
Chiron, Pholus and Nessus: To the Edge and Beyond by Reinhart, Melanie
Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way by
A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR: A Collection of Scientific Essays by
Himmelsfotografie Mit Schmidt-Teleskopen by Pfau, Werner, Marx, Siegfried
The Solar Dynamics Observatory by
Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors by
Fundamentals of Cosmic Particle Physics by Khlopov, Maxim
Physics and Metaphysics: Theories of Space and Time by Trusted, Jennifer
Separating the Real From the Imagined: Flight Research at the NACA and NASA, 1915-1998 by Gorn, Michael H.
The Birth of Nasa by Glennan, T. Keith, Launius, Roger D., Hunley, J. D.
Force Limited Vibration Testing Monograph by Scharton, T. D.
The Atmosphere of Titan by Hunten, Donald M.
Liquid Rockets Lines, Bellows, Flexible Hoses, and Filters by Space Administration, National Aeronauti
Jet Aircraft Hydrocarbon Fuels Technology by Longwell, John P.
Human Exploration & Development of Space: Strategic Plan by Nicogossian, Arnauld E., Rothenberg, Joseph H.
The Race to a New World by Arcuri, Samantha N.
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