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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2019

The Infinite Monkey Cage - How to Build a Universe by Feachem, Alexandra, Cox, Professor Brian, Ince, Robin
La lune. 3e édition by Guillemin, Amédée
Mecanisme de la Nature Ou Système Du Monde, Fondé Sur Les Forces Du Feu: Précédé d'Un Examen Du Système de Newton by Jadelot, Abbé
Astronomie Populaire, Description Générale Du Ciel by Flammarion, Camille
Travaux Projetés Et En Voie d'Organisation À l'Observatoire de Paris: Pour La Reprise Des Études Astronomiques Exposé Fait Au Ministre de l'Instructio by Le Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph
Les Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste: Méthodes de MM. Newcomb, Gyldén, Lindstedt Et Bohlin by Poincaré, Henri
Les Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste. Solutions Périodiques: Non-Existence Des Intégrales Uniformes. Solutions Asymptotiques by Poincaré, Henri
Almanach Ou Predictions Veritables. Changemens Qui Doivent Arriver Durant I'année 1631: Selon Les Revolutions Et Rencontres Des Douze Signes, Sept Pla by Collectif
Description Et Explication Des Globes Qui Sont Placés Dans Les Pavillons Du Château de Marly: Par Ordre de Sa Majesté by de la Hire, Philippe
Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne. Tome 1 by Vignères, Jean-Eugène
Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne. Tome 2 by Gandouin, Robert Expert
Essai Sur Les Comètes En Général: Et Particulièrement Sur Celles Qui Peuvent Approcher de l'Orbite de la Terre by Dionis Du Séjour, Achille Pierre
Notes de Cosmographie Rédigées Conformément Au Programme Officiel. 8e Édition by Dufailly, Jules
Les Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste. Invariants Intégraux: Solutions Périodiques Du Deuxième Genre. Solutions Doublement Asymptotiques by Poincaré, Henri
A History of Optical Telescopes in Astronomy by Wall, Wilson
Inside Pixinsight by Keller, Warren A.
Stars in the night sky book 2 by Hebert, John
Characterizing Space Plasmas: A Data Driven Approach by Parks, George K.
Neutrino Physics in Present and Future Kamioka Water‐Čerenkov Detectors with Neutron Tagging by Fernández Menéndez, Pablo
How Biology Shapes Philosophy by
Ancient Astrology in Theory and Practice: A Manual of Traditional Techniques, Volume I: Assessing Planetary Condition by George, Demetra
Gemini 4: An Astronaut Steps Into the Void by Shayler, David J.
The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals by Donahue, Megan, Schneider, Nicholas, Bennett, Jeffrey
stars in the night sky book 1 by Hebert, John
Discovery of Reality: The Light of System Philosophy by Luke, George
Galileo Galilei: At the Threshold of the Scientific Age by Osterhage, Wolfgang W.
Space travel by Perelman, Yakov
Universal Life: An Inside Look Behind the Race to Discover Life Beyond Earth by Boss, Alan
Early Exploration of the Moon: Ranger to Apollo, Luna to Lunniy Korabl by Lund, Tom
Spacewear: Weightlessness and the Final Frontier of Fashion by Brownie, Barbara
El Universo en preguntas de Pedro by Villarrubia Ruiz, Jonás
Aliens and Space Exploration: For Beginners by Williams, Brian
Millimeter and Submillimeter Studies on the Active Trinity of Gas, Stars, and Black Holes in Seyfert Galaxies by Izumi, Takuma
Bible Mysteries Revealed God Is an Et Volume One by Kent, Rick
The General Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein Simplified for Kids: The Ultimate Simplified Version of a Scientific Breakthrough by Kinyanjui, Samuel
Astrology Primer 2: A Secondary Primer Teaching Intermediate Level Astrological Theories and Techniques by Wallach J. D., Monica Ann
Isaac Oder Die Entdeckung Der Raumzeit by Bäker, Martin
The Delivery of Water to Protoplanets, Planets and Satellites by
The Discovery of Gravitational Master Formula [ Gmf ] by Lawali, Rahali
Der Topos Der Information in Den Lebenswissenschaften: Eine Studie Am Beispiel Der Biosemiotik Und Der Synthetischen Biologie by Frank, Daniel
Extensions of F(r) Gravity: Curvature-Matter Couplings and Hybrid Metric-Palatini Theory by Harko, Tiberiu, Lobo, Francisco S. N.
Valentines Day Coloring Book: Happy Valentines Day Gifts for Kids School, Toddlers, Children, Him, Her, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Friends and More by The Coloring Book Art Design Studio
Valentines Day Coloring Books for Kids: Happy Valentines Day Gifts for Kids, Toddlers, Children, Him, Her, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Friends and More by The Coloring Book Art Design Studio
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Und Schwarze Löcher: Eine Einführung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Stillert, Alexandra
Jets and Winds in Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Blazars by
The Vector Mode in the Second-Order Cosmological Perturbation Theory by Saga, Shohei
Exploring the Universe: From Near Space to Extra-Galactic: A Collection of Research Reviews on Contemporary Astrophysics and Space Science by
Mathematical Modeling Through Topological Surgery and Applications by Antoniou, Stathis
The Making of the Universe by Le, Dieu Tat
Stem-Professional Women's Exclusion in the Canadian Space Industry: Anchor Points and Intersectionality at the Margins of Space by Ruel, Stefanie
Urknall, Sterne, Schwarze Löcher: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart Und Zukunft Des Universums by
Proclus: Commentary on Plato's Timaeus by Proclus
Turn Left at Orion by Consolmagno, Guy, Davis, Dan M.
Solar Magnetic Fields: From Measurements Towards Understanding by
Control of the Gravitational Wave Interferometric Detector Advanced Virgo by Casanueva Diaz, Julia
Beyond Λcdm: Exploring Alternatives to the Standard Cosmological Paradigm by Bose, Sownak
Saturation of the F-Mode Instability in Neutron Stars by Pnigouras, Pantelis
Magnetohydrodynamics in Binary Stars by Campbell, C. G.
Hayabusa2: Revealing the Evolution of C-Type Asteroid Ryugu by
The Scientific Foundation of Space Weather by
Neutrinos, Dunkle Materie Und Co.: Von Der Entdeckung Der Kosmischen Strahlung Zu Den Neuesten Ergebnissen Der Astroteilchenphysik by Grupen, Claus
Interplanetary Robots: True Stories of Space Exploration by Pyle, Rod
Astrophysics of Exoplanetary Atmospheres: 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science by
From Disks to Planets: The Making of Planets and Their Early Atmospheres by
Delta N Formalism in Cosmological Perturbation Theory by Abolhasani, Ali Akbar, Firouzjahi, Hassan, Naruko, Atsushi
Geometrical Theory of Satellite Orbits and Gravity Field by Svehla, Drazen
Low Frequency Radio Observations of Galaxy Clusters and Groups by Cantwell, Thérèse
Exomoons to Galactic Structure: High Precision Studies with the Microlensing and Transit Methods by Awiphan, Supachai
Saturn by Gunneson, J.
Planet X Reveals How The Universe Works by Albers, Claudia, C'One, Scott
The Structure and Evolution of Stars by Tout, Christopher Adam, Eldridge, J. J.
The Structure and Evolution of Stars by Eldridge, J. J., Tout, Christopher Adam
The Sun Today by Vita-Finzi, Claudio
Incident on Simpac III: A Scientific Novel by Brugge, Doug
The Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts by Zhang, Bing
Saturn in the 21st Century by
Advanced Lectures on General Relativity by Compère, Geoffrey
When the Earth Was Flat: Studies in Ancient Greek and Chinese Cosmology by Couprie, Dirk L.
Back-In-Time and Faster-Than-Light Travel in General Relativity by Krasnikov, Serguei
Millimeter Astronomy: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 38. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Wilson, T. L., Guilloteau, Stéphane
Les Archives de la Nasa. 60 ANS Dans l'Espace by Chaikin, Andrew, Launius, Roger, Bizony, Piers
The Cosmic Perspective by Schneider, Nicholas, Bennett, Jeffrey, Donahue, Megan
Black Hole Information and Thermodynamics by Vleeshouwers, Ward, Lüst, Dieter
How I Think the Universe: A Creationist Model for the Cosmo by Junior, Edson Seabra
Como Penso O Universo: Um Modelo Criacionista Para O Cosmos by Seabra Junior, Edson
Cosmic Impact: Understanding the Threat to Earth from Asteroids and Comets by May, Andrew
Exploring Planetary Climate: A History of Scientific Discovery on Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan by Lorenz, Ralph D.
Meteorites: The Story of Our Solar System by Russell, Sara, Almeida, Natasha, Smith, Caroline
Allgemeine Himmelskunde. Ein Handbuch für Lehrer und zum Selbstunterricht. by Wetzel, Eduard
Extreme Particle Acceleration in Microquasar Jets and Pulsar Wind Nebulae with the Magic Telescopes by Fernández Barral, Alba
The Final Orbit - Apollo and Space Shuttle: Australia's Orroral Valley Space Tracking Station and the End of Ground-based Manned Space Flight Tracking by Clark, Philip
Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age by
The Unknown Universe: A New Exploration of Time, Space, and Modern Cosmology by Clark, Stuart
Supersymmetry or Chaos: A Judeo-Christian Cosmological Model of the Origin of the Universe Book 2 of The Machine or Man Apologetics Series by Patiño, Henry
The Real Origin of the Universe by Sanchez, Francisco, Jr.
Epiphany: Before Time Zero: The Faith of an Engineer by Capages, Martin, Jr.
Intelligent Mars II: Code of the Craters by Beaubien, Arthur R.
Earth-Shattering: Violent Supernovas, Galactic Explosions, Biological Mayhem, Nuclear Meltdowns, and Other Hazards to Life in Our Universe by Berman, Bob
Startalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know about Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond by Tyson, Neil Degrasse
The True Doctrine of Orbits: An Original Treatise on Central Forces by Rush, H. G.
The History of the Rise and Progress of Geography by Blair, John
A Supplicacyon for the Beggers by Fish, Simon
From Protoplanetary Disks to Planet Formation: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 45. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy by Armitage, Philip J., Kley, Wilhelm
Hand-Book of the Terrestrial Globe by Fitz, Ellen E.
A Supplicacyon for the Beggers by Fish, Simon
The Moon Hoax?: Conspiracy Theories on Trial by Eversberg, Thomas
The Final Orbit: Apollo and Space Shuttle: Australia's Orroral Valley Space Tracking Station and the End of Ground-based Manned Space Flight Tracking by Clark, Philip
The Final Orbit: Apollo and Space Shuttle: Australia's Orroral Valley Space Tracking Station and the End of Ground-based Manned Space Flight Tracking by Clark, Philip
The Pericosmic Theory of Physical Existence and Its Sequel by Stearns, George
Pugsley's Dead Reckoning by Pugsley, Richard Marriotte
From Nebula to Nebula by Lepper, George Henry
Catalogue of Stars Near the Ecliptic; Volume I by Cooper, Edward Joshua
Let There Be Light by Gonzalez, Silvio
Let There Be Light by Gonzalez, Silvio
The Impossibility of Extraterrestrial Life by Tripp, Ben
Andromeda Galaxy: The Andromeda Galaxy Is a Spiral Galaxy Approximately 2.5 Million Light-Years from Earth, and the Nearest Major Galaxy by Journals, Planners and
Report on the Telegraphic Determination of Differences of Longitude by Green, Francis Mathews
Unity of Purpose, or Rational Analysis by Young, Augustus
Focus On Elementary Astronomy Laboratory Notebook 3rd Edition by Keller, Rebecca W.
Focus On Elementary Astronomy Teacher's Manual 3rd Edition by Keller, Rebecca W.
Focus On Elementary Astronomy Student Textbook 3rd Edition (softcover) by Keller, Rebecca W.
Die Fortschritte der Kosmischen Physik by Assmann, Richard
Little Masterpieces of Science by Iles, George
Planetary Cartography and GIS by
Planetographie: Eine Beschreibung der im Bereiche der Sonne zu Beobachtenden Körper by Lohse, Oswald
Études et Lectures sur L'astronomie by Flammarion, Camille
Études et Lectures sur L'astronomie by Flammarion, Camille
The Stellar Heavens by Gore, J. Ellard
Gas-Phase Chemistry in Space: Harvard Global Health Catalyst summit lecture notes by
Das Königlich Preussische Geodätische Institut: Aus Amtlichen Anlass by Helmert, F. R.
The Cosmos Supremacy by Pramodini Shetty
Focus On Middle School Astronomy Laboratory Notebook 3rd Edition by Keller, Rebecca W.
Focus On Middle School Astronomy Teacher's Manual 3rd Edition by Keller, Rebecca W.
Focus On Middle School Astronomy Student Textbook 3rd Edition by Keller, Rebecca W.
The Divinity of Time and Cosmology by Yakub, Abubilaal
Mars and Its Mystery: Prospectus by Morse, Edward Sylvester
A Student's Guide to General Relativity by Gray, Norman
Modern General Relativity by Guidry, Mike
Astronomical Doctrines Presented in New Aspects by Albrecht, Phillip Augustus
Astronomical Doctrines Presented in New Aspects by Albrecht, Phillip Augustus
Beobachtungen über die Atmosphärische Polarisation by Busch, Friedrich
Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array by The Cta Consortium
Cosmical Evolution, Critical and Constructive by McLennan, Evan
Venus the Path of Beauty by Kollerstrom, Nicholas
The Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy by White, Charles J.
The Elements of Theoretical and Descriptive Astronomy by White, Charles J.
Probabilities in the Galaxy: A Distribution Model for habitable Planets by Piontzik, Klaus, Bärtels, Claude
Dawn Above the Clouds: Peace in the Morning. by Journals, Planners and
Smithsons Theory of Special Creation by Smithson, Noble
Suggestions to Teachers: Designed to Accompny a Text-Book of Astronomy by Comstock, George Cary
Heliographic Positions of Sun-spots Observed at Hamilton College From 1860-1870 by Frost, Edwin Brant, Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich
Cosmologia Dantesca: Nuovo Dialogo dei Morti by Pellegrini, Giuseppe
The International Astronomical Union: Uniting the Community for 100 Years by Madsen, Claus, Andersen, Johannes, Baneke, David
From Stars to Brains: Milestones in the Planetary Evolution of Life and Intelligence by Glikson, Andrew Y.
Tables of Calculated Hour-angles and Altitude Azimuth Table 30N. To 30S. Ex-meridian Tables 70N. To by Blackburne, Harold S.
Natur Denken: Eine Genealogie Der Ökologischen Idee. Texte Und Kommentare by
Galaxy Sky Map Notebook with Flower Margins for Adult Coloring by Grunduls Design, Anna
An Account of Experiments to Determine the Figure of the Earth by Gilbert, Daviesdte, Sabine, Edward
The Elements of Astronomy: Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Vince, Samuel
Researches in Stellar Parallax by the aid of Photography, From Observations Made at the Oxford Unive by Pritchard, Charles
Treatise on Marine Surveying by Robinson, J. L.
Milky Way with Cactus: The Milky Way Is the Galaxy That Contains Our Solar System. the Name Describes the Appearance from Earth: A Hazy Band by Journals, Planners and
Cosmic Visions: Galaxy Glasses Astronomy Visions Notebook (6x9) by Journals, Shocking
The Solar Rotation in June 1911, From Spectrographic Observations Made With the McClean Solar Instru by Hubrecht, Jan Bastiaan
The Sun: Changes its Position in Space, Therefore it Cannot be Regarded as Being by Tischner, August
A Study on the Performance of Night-Glasses by Martin, Louis Claude
Introduction to the tables of the Fasti Catholici, both the general and the supplementary by Greswell, Edward
The Story of the Telescope by Mee, Arthur
The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, From Their Commencement in 1665, in T by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George, Pearson, Richard
The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, From Their Commencement in 1665, in T by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George, Pearson, Richard
Astrobiology: From the Origins of Life to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence by
Milky Way: The Milky Way Is the Galaxy That Contains Our Solar System. the Name Describes the Galaxy's Appearance from Earth: A H by Journals, Planners and
Magnetic Variation in the United States by Stone, Jacob Bennett
Acknowledged: A Perspective on the Matters of UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles by Johnson, Andrew
Those Magnificent Women and their Flying Machines: ISRO'S Mission to Mars by Vaid, Minnie
Sky: Or Celestial Dome Is Everything That Lies Above the Surface of the Earth, Including the Atmosphere and Outer Space. by Journals, Planners and
Star Clusters: Groups of Stars That Are Gravitationally Bound. by Journals, Planners and
Catalogue of Stars Within Two Degrees of The North Pole by Furness, Caroline E.
Das Klima von Frankfurt am Main by Ziegler, Julius, König, Walter
Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge by Airy, George Biddell
Drifting on Alien Winds: Exploring the Skies and Weather of Other Worlds by Carroll, Michael
On Becoming Lost: A Naturalist's Search for Meaning by Johnson, Cathy a.
The Bright Universe by Green, Anthony William
Venus by Geek, The Science
An Investigation in Stellar Photography by Pickering, Edward C.
Look Up: Know Our Universe in 60 minutes with 50 Look Up Questions and 30 Cosmic Connections by Dham, Kamal Deep
Living with the Stars: How the Human Body Is Connected to the Life Cycles of the Earth, the Planets, and the Stars by Schrijver, Karel, Schrijver, Iris
Sanskrit Astronomical Tables by Montelle, Clemency, Plofker, Kim
Cosmologies of the Anthropocene: Panpsychism, Animism, and the Limits of Posthumanism by Vetlesen, Arne Johan
The Rotation Of The Earth Really Makes My Day: 8.5x11 Large Graph Notebook with Floral Margins for Adult Coloring by Quote Notebooks, Grunduls Co
The Rotation Of The Earth Really Makes My Day: 8.5x11 Large Graph Notebook with Floral Margins for Adult Coloring by Quote Notebooks, Grunduls Co
National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky, 2nd Edition by Fazekas, Andrew
The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries: Secrets, Conspiracy Theories, Anomalies, Extraterrestrials and More by Briggs, Constance Victoria
Asymmetric Planetary Nebulae VII by
An Astronomer's Book of Days (and Nights!): A yearly calendar of significant dates and timely observations of the sky and the universe at large! by Bell, Jon Underwood
Recomputation Of The Position Of The Ecliptic From Observations Of The Sun, In The Years, 1877-1886, And Corrections To Refraction In Meridian Observa by Observatory, Royal Greenwich
Results Of Astronomical Observations Made ... 1879, 1880 & 1881 by Observatory, Sydney
Publications Of The Yerkes Observatory Of The University Of Chicago by Observatory, Yerkes
Speed of Light is Increased Equally Everywhere: New Revolutionary Theory in Physics by Husseiny, Mohamed Abdelwhab
The Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London, From Their Commencement, In 1665, To The Year 1800: 1785-1790 by Hutton, Charles, Shaw, George
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