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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2020

Histoire Du Ciel Et de la Terre, Nouvelle Physique Céleste by Fiévet, Auguste
Faster Than Light: Warp Drive and Quantum Vacuum Power by Froning Jr, H. David
The Crowd and the Cosmos: Adventures in the Zooniverse by Lintott, Chris
Lettres À Un Newtonien, Sur Le Mécanisme de la Nature by Jadelot, Abbé
Traité de la Sphère, Avec l'Exposition Des Différens Systèmes Astronomiques Du Monde by Robert, François
Researches into the origin of the primitive constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians (Volume I) by Brown, Robert
The Worlds of the Indian Ocean: A Global History by Beaujard, Philippe
Particles in the Early Universe: High-Energy Limit of the Standard Model from the Contraction of Its Gauge Group by Gromov, Nikolai A.
Discovery Beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics by Wells, James D.
Bringing Columbia Home: The Untold Story of a Lost Space Shuttle and Her Crew by Ward, Jonathan H., Leinbach, Michael D.
Planets in the Universe: "A Learning is Power Book" by Smith, Jaycee
The Big Picture: The Universe in Five S.T.E.P.S. by Beaver, John
Viagens no Sistema Planetário by Costa, Patrocínio Da
Astrologie der Ereignisse - Doppelhoroskope historischer Persönlichkeiten: eruiert und diskutiert auf der Grundlage von Direktionen und siderischen Lu by Bungert, Klauspeter
Stephen Hawking: His Science in a Nutshell by Freistetter, Florian
Exploding Stars and Invisible Planets: The Science of What's Out There by Watson, Fred
Terahertz Astronomy by Walker, Christopher K.
The collected mathematical works of George William Hill (Volume I) by William Hill, George
The Universe Story: From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era--A Celebration of the Unfol by Swimme, Brian
The Mozzle Of the Milky Way by Sarma, Rajarshi
God, Stephen Hawking and the Multiverse: What Hawking Said and Why It Matters by Wilkinson, David, Hutchings, David
Confusion in the Cosmos: Decoding the Deception Volume 1 by Stephano, Miguel
Beyond Einstein Gravity: The Minimal Geometric Deformation Approach in the Brane-World by Casadio, Roberto, Ovalle, Jorge
Wahrscheinlichkeiten in der Galaxie für Leben, Intelligenz und Zivilisation: Ein Verteilungsmodell by Piontzik, Klaus
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe by Andersson, Nils
The Earth by Shrivastava, Juhi
AstronEffizienzOnomie: Die Formeln der Astronomie als Lösung für mehr Effizienz by Bright, Albert, Rasch, Helmut
AstronEffizienzOnomie: Die Formeln der Astronomie als Lösung für mehr Effizienz by Rasch, Helmut, Bright, Albert
Venus III: The View After Venus Express by
New Ideas Concerning Black Holes and the Universe by
Zero Points of Vedic Astronomy: Discovery of the Original Boundaries of Nakshatras by Roy, Raja Ram Mohan
Matemáticas Para La Relatividad General, 1: Transformaciones de coordenadas by Villalba, Juan
The End of Big Bang Cosmology: Bijective Physics by Sorli, Amrit Srecko
Matemáticas Para La Relatividad General (1): Explicación inicial resumida del cálculo tensorial; Transformación de coordenadas by Villalba, Juan
INTRODUCCIÓN A LA CIENCIA... un poco más allá del nivel de divulgación by Villalba, Juan
Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas by Wu, De-Jin, Chen, Ling
Cosmic Quantic Intelligence (Cqi): The Creation software and the 5th Fundamental Force of Physics by Gomes, Roberto Guillermo
5th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications: Beijing, China, September 5-7, 2018 by
Bienvenue dans l'espace: 30 dessins pour adultes à colorier sur le thème de l'espace - Illustrations sur fond noir - A4 by Editions, Delta Color
Le Puzzle Cosmique du Marionnettiste: grandes réponses aux petites questions by Chrystal, Andros
Astronomie Populaire, Description Générale Du Ciel. Tome 1 by Flammarion, Camille
Astronomie Populaire, Description Générale Du Ciel. Tome 2 by Flammarion, Camille
Astronomie Populaire, Description Générale Du Ciel. Tome 3 by Flammarion, Camille
Quantum Mechanics: Version 2.0 by Idato, Domenico Antonino
UFOs IN U.S. AIRSPACE: HARD EVIDENCE: Project Blue Book Case Files U.S. Air Force - Extended Version by Chace, John Scott
Interdisciplinary Astronomy: Third Scientific Course (Cw 323) by Steiner, Rudolf
Der Mond: Von Lunaren Dörfern, Schrammen Und Lichtblitzen by
Theory of Relativity - the Classical Review: Breakthrough in the theory of Relativity by Sharlanov, Gocho Vasilev
How to Actually Teleport Through Dimensions and Visit Other Worlds by Vincento, Johnny
Remote Compositional Analysis: Techniques for Understanding Spectroscopy, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Planetary Surfaces by
Space Chase by Lyons, Tom, Anderson, Harold
Analyzing the Physics of Radio Telescopes and Radio Astronomy by
Occupy Mars: Gifts For Space Lovers by Zero, Trendy
Crescents by Silver, Theressa
Luna Cognita: A Comprehensive Observer's Handbook of the Known Moon 3 Volume Set by Garfinkle, Robert A.
Esoteric Cosmology and Modern Physics by Balsys, Bodo
El Show De La Luna by Gloria, Carmen
Matemáticas Para La Relatividad General (3): Desarrollo de Una Ecuación Tensorial by Villalba, Juan
Text-book on navigation and nautical astronomy by Gill, J., V. Merrifield, W.
The scientific papers of John Couch Adams (Volume I) by Couch Adams, John
Electromagnetic Waves in Space: and the STEREO/SWAVES experiment by Oswald, Thomas
A Sonoma County Phenomenon: Evidence of an Inter-dimensional Gateway by Kay, Margie
Transparent_dark_matter by Agrusti, Laura
Christ and the Multiverse: Following Jesus in Our Wild, Infinite Creation by Williams, David
Astrobiology: Current, Evolving, and Emerging Perspectives by
I Love You More Than All The Stars In The Universe: 365 Reasons Why I Love You - Gifts That Say I Love You For Him by White, Wyona
Christ and the Multiverse: Following Jesus in Our Wild, Infinite Creation by Williams, David
Metaphilosophy of Creation: Cosmos and beyond Cosmos by Dr Prattipati Ramaiah
Cours de Cosmographie, Rédigé Sur Un Plan Nouveau by Laurent-E
Atlas Céleste, Comprenant Toutes Les Cartes de l'Ancien Atlas. 3e Édition by Dien-C
Konec Teorije Velikega poka: Renesansa fizike by Sorli, Srečko
Guide To Our Galaxy. by Seekers, Planet
The Invisible Creation: Looking into the Deep by Ganguli, Shuvadip
Cosmic Sparks: Igniting A Re-Enchantment with the Sacred by Abbott, Margie
An attempt towards a chemical conception of the ether by Mendeleeff, D.
Analytical solution for the Hubble parameter by Adamczyk, Daniel
Space: A Collection of Essays and Images Curated by Shana Mabari and Andi Campognone by
Cosmos: Possible Worlds by Druyan, Ann
The Sky Atlas: The Greatest Maps, Myths, and Discoveries of the Universe by Brooke-Hitching, Edward
Cancer 2021: Horoscope & Astrology by Sands, Sia
Matemáticas para la Relatividad General (5): Matrices Y Determinantes by Villalba, Juan
The Astronaut's Window: Collection of Poems and Short Stories Celebrating Nature by Lee, Hazel Ann
Matemáticas para la Relatividad General (5): Matrices Y Determinantes by Villalba, Juan
Ancient Beacon by Anderson, Harold, Lyons, Tom
The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets by Hatzes, Artie
Emergence of the Omniverse: Universe - Multiverse - Omniverse by Webre, Alfred Lambremont
Introduction À l'Étude de l'Astronomie Physique by Cousin, Jacques-Antoine-Joseph
Atlas de Toutes Les Étoiles Visibles À l'Oeil NU: Formé d'Après l'Observation Directe Dans Les Deux Hémisphères by Houzeau, Jean-Charles
Big History: Before the Big Bang to Now by Singh, Paul
Big History: Before the Big Bang to Now by Singh, Paul
They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers by Scoles, Sarah
What Stars Are Made of: The Life of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin by Moore, Donovan
Astroparticle Physics by Grupen, Claus
Planetology: Future Explorations by
Cosmos and Universes: The Final Theory of the Cosmos and the Universes by Balslev, Jørgen
Un Paseo Por El Espacio by Calenti de la Vega, Luis Manuel
The Cosmic Revolutionary's Handbook by Barnes, Luke A., Lewis, Geraint F.
Analyzing the Physics of Radio Telescopes and Radio Astronomy by
A Perfect Universe by Roberts, Thad
Life on Mars and Venus: Algae, Lichens, Fungi, Fossils, Minerals, Microbial Mats, Stromatolites, Metazoans, Evolution, Skulls, Bones, Methane, by Joseph, Rhawn Gabriel
Astronomical Myths: Based On Flammarion's "History Of The Heavens." by Blake, John Frederick
Yanzhuang Meteorite: Mineralogy and Shock Metamorphism by Xie, Xiande, Chen, Ming
Astrophysics of Planet Formation by Armitage, Philip J.
Our Neighborhood The Solar System: A Beginner's Guide to the Solar System for kids and space lovers! by Nova, Jesper
Discoveries at the Frontiers of Science: From Nuclear Astrophysics to Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions by
Thinking Nature and the Nature of Thinking: From Eriugena to Emerson by Otten, Willemien
Thinking Nature and the Nature of Thinking: From Eriugena to Emerson by Otten, Willemien
For All Humankind: The Untold Stories of How the Moon Landing Inspired the World by Harrison, Tanya, Bednar, Danny
The Extraterrestrial Phenomenon: A Post Disclosure Blueprint by Setterfield, Colin V.
Introduction to the Maths and Physics of the Solar System by Piccirillo, Lucio
Development of a Numerical Simulation Method for Rocky Body Impacts and Theoretical Analysis of Asteroidal Shapes by Sugiura, Keisuke
Es Cuestión de Almas by Meir, Michael
Stormships by Lyons, Tom, Anderson, Harold
Transient Magnetic Fields by Sheeley Jr, Neil R.
Willy Ley: Prophet of the Space Age by Buss, Jared S.
El poder del mundo invisible: ¿Ellas manejan la vida en la Tierra? by Bob King, Mersim, Jr.
As the World Turns: The History of Proving the Earth Rotates by Kosso, Peter
Pennsylvania Total Eclipse Guide (LARGE PRINT): Official Commemorative 2024 Keepsake Guidebook (Large Print Edition) by Linsdau, Aaron
Creation Cosmology 101-202: Bringing God back into Science by Reconciling Physics and Cosmology With our Creator by Slayton, Charles N.
Elon Musk: Life Lessons with Billionaire CEO & Successful Entrepreneur. How Elon Musk is Innovating the Future by Tomlinson, Olivia
Origin of Our Universe and How It Likely Began: Natural Processes Plainly Described in the Book. Solve the Big Bang Riddles, Which Cosmology Theory Ca by Horne, Ian Raoul
Cosmic Dust from the Laboratory to the Stars by
Space Leadership: Learning from the International Space Station by Casse, Pierre, Shapenko, Andrey, Ryazanskiy, Sergey
Recherches Sur Les Altérations Que La Résistance de l'Éther Peut Produire: Dans Le Mouvement Moyen Des Planètes by Bossut, Charles
E-Co-Affectivity: Exploring Pathos at Life's Material Interfaces by Oele, Marjolein
Dark Matter is Nonexistent: Lecture by LaViolette, Eugene J.
Studying Compact Star Equation of States with General Relativistic Initial Data Approach by Zhou, Enping
The Amazing Story of the World: Travel through 14 billions years of evolution! by Publishing, Science And Culture
The sidereal messenger of Galileo Galilei: and a part of the preface to Kepler's Dioptrics containing the original account of Galileo's astronomical d by Stafford Carlos, Edward
Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space by Hand, Kevin
The Little Book of Cosmology by Page, Lyman
Extraterrestrials by Roush, Wade
Hubble Legacy: 30 Years of Discoveries and Images by Bell, Jim
Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation: Astrogeoinformatics by
人类 的 盟友 第一部 (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Simplified Chinese Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
Astronomy For Kids: Exploring The Outer Space Perfect Guidebook For Kids Who Love Space And Dream Of Being Astronauts by Zitouna, Wael
Exogravitation: A New MIllennium in Cosmology: Solved: No More Need For Dark Matter & Dark Energy Black Box Terminology by Cullen, John T.
1424 Fun, Random, & Interesting Space Facts That Everyone Should Know: Planets, Galaxies, Moons, and More by Smart
Faszinierender Sternenhimmel: Fixsterne Und Sternbilder in Astronomie, Mythologie Und Science-Fiction by Caryad, Römer, Thomas
Regenerative Braking System of Electric Vehicle Driven by BLDC Motor by Udayakumar, Arunkumar, Ganesan, Kavya
American Moonshot: John F. Kennedy and the Great Space Race by Brinkley, Douglas
인류의 동행자 제 1 권 - (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Korean Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
They are Here: Compelling Evidence of Extraterrestrial Ships Present on Earth by Villate, Francisco, Lock Honfsai, Christopher
La verdad es una, el error es múltiple by Gonzalo, Julio a.
Space Coloring Book for Kids Ages 4-10: Fantastic Outer Space Coloring with Planets, Astronauts, Space Ships, Rockets by Pro, Game
Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins & Threat of Chiina's Secret Space Program by Salla, Michael
El Origen de la Vida: Una Nueva Teoría Evolutiva by Partidas, Carlos L.
The Origin of Life: A New Evolutionary Theory by Partidas, Carlos L.
L'Origine de la Vie: Une Nouvelle Théorie de l'Évolution by Partidas, Carlos L.
A Origem Da Vida: Uma Nova Teoria Evolucionária by Partidas, Carlos L.
Der Ursprung Des Lebens: Eine Neue Evolutionstheorie by Partidas, Carlos L.
Space 2020's: What's Up There? by Kane, Edward, Kane, Maryanne
The Copernican Question: Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order by Westman, Robert
Vermont Total Eclipse Guide: Official Commemorative 2024 Keepsake Guidebook by Linsdau, Aaron
Origins: From the Protosun to the First Steps of Life (Iau S345) by
Universe Beyond Imagination: Fate of Earth by Talukdar, Debasish, Boruah, Ankita
Cosmos and Universes: The Final Theory of the Cosmos and the Universes by Balslev, J.
How Humankind Created Science: From Early Astronomy to Our Modern Scientific Worldview by Chen, Falin, Hsu, Fang-Tzu
The Science Of Physics: Proof That God Exists by Mathiesen, Michael
Manual para Nuevos Actores en el Espacio by Weeden, Brian C., Simpson, Michael K.
1424 Fun, Random, & Interesting Space Facts That Everyone Needs to Know: Planets, Galaxies, Moons, and More by Smart
Superstrings and Other Things: A Guide to Physics by Calle, Carlos I.
Superstrings and Other Things: A Guide to Physics by Calle, Carlos I.
Théories d'or 10e édition by Delort, Thierry
Hypothesis of universal interaction: (on the question of the creation of a unified field theory) by (yuriy Kevorkov), Kika
An Introduction to Observational Astrophysics by Gallaway, Mark
European Missions to the International Space Station: 2013 to 2019 by O'Sullivan, John
Hedwig Conrad-Martius' Ontological Phenomenology by Hart, James G.
Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes by Susskind, Leonard
Space, Time, and Aliens: Collected Works on Cosmos and Culture by Dick, Steven J.
Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture After Apollo by
DE BONDGENOTEN VAN DE MENSHEID, BOEK EEN (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Dutch Edition) by Summers, Marshall Vian
The Artemis Lunar Program: Returning People to the Moon by Von Ehrenfried
GLI ALLEATI DELL'UMANITÀ LIBRO PRIMO (AH1 in Italian): Un Messaggio Urgente Che Riguarda la Presenza Extraterrestre Oggi nel Mondo by Summers, Marshall Vian
General Relativity and Gravitation by
When The Moon Came by Jones, L. Mason
Heisenbergs Und Paulis Quantenfeldtheorie Von 1958: Ein Einblick in Entstehung, Inhalt Und Reaktion by Rettig, An
Astrolutz 2021: Astronomisches Jahrbuch für 2021 by Lutz, Harald
Search for Life in Space: NASA, UFOs, ALIENS by Kane, Edward, Kane, Maryanne
Mission Rosetta: Exploration of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Gassner, Magdalena
The Universe. Rationality principle by Logic, Soloinc
Fundamental Physics Research by Francis, Balungi
Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell by Anderson, Eric H., Lo, Thomas Y., Chien, Paul K.
Cosmological Koans: A Journey to the Heart of Physical Reality by Aguirre, Anthony
СЪЮЗНИЦИТЕ НА ЧОВЕЧЕСТВ& by Summers, Marshall Vian
Mutterings of A Madman 7: Letters to my Family on Understanding Cosmology and Astrophysics by Oney, J. T.
Men of Science, Men of God: Great Scientists Who Believed the Bible by Morris, Henry
Spooky Action at a Distance: Double-Title Poems by Alpaugh, David
Map of the Moon by Percy Wilkins, Hugh
Choosing and Using a New Cat: Getting the Most from Your Schmidt Cassegrain or Any Catadioptric Telescope by Mollise, Rod
Ellos Están Aquí: Evidencia concluyente sobre la presencia de Naves Extraterrestres en la Tierra by Villate, Francisco, Lock Honfsai, Christopher
The Dynamics of Spiral Planetary Motion: A Revolutionary View of the Spiral Governing Planetary Motion in the Solar System by Dover, Alan Edward
Prespacetime Journal Volume 11 Issue 3: Self-Organized Criticality, FTL in Prespacetime, & Detection of Graviton by Dream Inc, Quantum
UFOs Unexplained Flying Objects by Muckenhaupt, Pg
The Astronomical Almanac (2021 - 2025): A Comprehensive Guide to Night Sky Events by Bartlett, Richard J.
Modern Astrophysics Meets Engineering: On the Reformation of Physics by Hüfner, Mathias
Paradigmenwechsel. Gründe für den späten Erfolg des kopernikanischen Modells by Rujovic, Mersad
Absolute Expert: Space: All the Latest Facts from the Field by Galat, Joan Marie
Galaxies: Inside the Universe's Star Cities by Eicher, David J.
Johannes Kepler: The Order of Things by Osterhage, Wolfgang
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