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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Astronomy & Space in 2022

Planets and Moons by Finan, Catherine C.
Apollo 11 Flight Plan: Relaunched by
Space Operations: Doctrine for Space Forces by U S Space Force
El Manual del Astrólogo Cuántico by Brooks, Michael
ABC Cosmos by Mastal, Mastal
Water Rockets, for Kids by Rossman, Court E.
Astronomical Mindfulness: Your Cosmic Guide to Reconnecting with the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets by Scoles, Sarah, de Pree, Christopher G.
Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life by
The Last Stargazers: The Enduring Story of Astronomy's Vanishing Explorers by Levesque, Emily
A Brief History of Colour Theory: Foundations of Colour Science by Pavlidis, George
Galileo Galilei's "Two New Sciences": For Modern Readers by de Angelis, Alessandro
Akash Surya Dharti aur Manushya by Dr Rajendra Kumar
Secrets of the Moon: Understanding and Analysing the Lunar Surface by Fielder, Gilbert
Demographics of the Cold Universe with Alma: From Interstellar and Circumgalactic Media to Cosmic Structures by Fujimoto, Seiji
Worlds Without Number by Thompson, James
Curious about Jupiter by Grack, Rachel
Curious about the Moon by Grack, Rachel
Curious about Mars by Grack, Rachel
Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality by Wilczek, Frank
Mazarot (Large Print Edition) by Abebe, Rodas
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Und Sternmodelle: Eine Einführung Für Lehramtsstudierende by Horst, Marvin
Making Space for Women: Stories from Trailblazing Women of Nasa's Johnson Space Center by Ross-Nazzal, Jennifer M.
A la conquête du ciel, contributions astronomiques by de Nascius, F. -C
Éléments d'astronomie by Platt, Lucien
Conférence populaire sur l'astronomie by Guétant, Louis
a la Conquête Du Ciel, Contributions Astronomiques: Principe de l'Engrènement Idéal Dans CE Système Solaire, Son Application À La Lune by de Nascius, F. -C
A Field Book of the Stars by Tyler Olcott, William
Perseverance and the Mars 2020 Mission: Follow the Science to Jezero Crater by Von Ehrenfried, Manfred Dutch
Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy: An Illustrated History by Orchiston, Wayne, Robertson, Peter, Sullivan III, Woodruff T.
Newspace Systems Engineering by Chechile, Ignacio
Spacelab Payloads: Prepping Experiments and Hardware for Flight by Shayler, David J., Haddad, Michael E.
My Thoughts Exactly by Zaagman, Bryton J.
My Thoughts Exactly by Zaagman, Bryton J.
The Complete Guide to Absolutely Everything (Abridged): Adventures in Math and Science by Rutherford, Adam, Fry, Hannah
From Geocentric to Heliocentric: How Discoveries Are Made by Ge (葛云保), Yunbao
Problems of Geocosmos-2020: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference and School by
Advances in Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization Under Uncertainty with Aerospace Applications: Proceedings of the 2020 Uqop International Conf by
Imaging Our Solar System: The Evolution of Space Mission Cameras and Instruments by Henin, Bernard
On Generalised Statistical Equilibrium and Discrete Quantum Gravity by Kotecha, Isha
淏元周易预测学 The Prediction Study of Haoyuan Zhouyi by Ma, Luwei
Challenger: An American Tragedy: The Inside Story from Launch Control by Harris, Hugh
Astroquizzical: Solving the Cosmic Puzzles of Our Planets, Stars, and Galaxies: The Illustrated Edition by Scudder, Jillian
Impact: How Rocks from Space Led to Life, Culture, and Donkey Kong by Brennecka, Greg
Planetary Systems: A Very Short Introduction by Pierrehumbert, Raymond T.
Demographics of Exoplanetary Systems: Lecture Notes of the 3rd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science by
Turbulence--An Odyssey: Origins and Evolution of a Research Field at the Interface of Science and Engineering by Eckert, Michael
Relativity Made Relatively Easy Volume 2: General Relativity and Cosmology by Steane, Andrew M.
Relativity Made Relatively Easy Volume 2: General Relativity and Cosmology by Steane, Andrew M.
Americans Walk on the Moon - the Road to Apollo 11 by Jones, Robert C.
A Student's Guide to Special Relativity by Gray, Norman
A Student's Guide to Special Relativity by Gray, Norman
Billy the Little Astronaut: The Planets of Our Solar System for Kids by Oliveira, Rodrigo
Mémoire sur l'observatoire de Méragah et sur quelques instrumens employés pour y observer by Jourdain, Amable
Revue astronomique, 1861 by DuBois, Edmond-Paulin
L'art d'arpenter, réduit à sa plus simple expression by Caubet, H.
Les mouvements des corps célestes et les principaux phénomènes qui en résultent. 2e édition by Robert, Henri
Machine Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Spiritual Freedom and the Re-Animation of Matter by Lafitte, Luke
Beyond Sputnik and the Space Race: The Origins of Global Satellite Communications by Slotten, Hugh R.
The Universe: The Book of the BBC TV Series Presented by Professor Brian Cox by Cohen, Andrew
This Way to the Universe: A Theoretical Physicist's Journey to the Edge of Reality by Dine, Michael
Supernova by Graur, Or
The Human Computer: Selected Works by Katherine Johnson by Patruno, Alessandro, Cavecchi, Yuri, Korol, Valeriya
A Combined Data and Power Management Infrastructure: For Small Satellites by
The Picture Book of Sunsets by Books, Sunny Street
Prehistory Decoded by Sweatman, Martin
Secrets of the Moon: Myth and Mysticism, History and Science by Osiow, Andrew M.
How to Die in Space by Sutter, Paul M.
Universelle Schwerkraft 1: Sehen Sie die Schwerkraft, was sie ist und wie sie das Vehikel und die Ursache aller Winkel und Wirkungen ist. Von Ast by Robles, John C.
Universal Gravity 1 by Robles, Juan C.
Space Coloring Book For Kids: Solar System Coloring Pages That Feature Astronauts In Different Styles, Planets in Cartoon Style, Space Elements Such by Belmrabet, Salheddine
The Stardust Revolution: The New Story of Our Origin in the Stars by Berkowitz, Jacob
Der Stern-Gerlach-Versuch: Genese, Entwicklung Und Rekonstruktion Eines Grundlegenden Experimentes Der Quantentheorie 1916 Bis 1926 by Trageser, Wolfgang
Wegbereiter Der Subatomaren Physik: James Chadwick Und Charles D. Ellis by Ecker, Gerhard
Ceres: An Ice-Rich World in the Inner Solar System by Li, Jian-Yang, Castillo-Rogez, Julie C.
Expansionsgeschichte Des Universums: Vom Heißen Urknall Zum Kalten Kosmos (Large Print Edition) by Hetznecker, Helmut
Optimization Under Uncertainty with Applications to Aerospace Engineering by
Outer Space and Popular Culture: Influences and Interrelations, Part 2 by
Atlas of Meteor Showers: A Practical Workbook for Meteor Observers by Bagnall, Philip M.
The Martian Anomalies: A Photographic Search for Intelligent Life on Mars by Seabrook, Lochlainn
The Martian Anomalies: A Photographic Search for Intelligent Life on Mars by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth by Loeb, Avi
6th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications: Delft, the Netherlands, September 24-25, 2019 by
Gravidade Universal 1: Veja a gravidade, o que é, e como é o veículo e causa de todos os ângulos e efeitos. Da astronomia e da vida, by Robles, Juan C.
Evo-Seti: Life Evolution Statistics on Earth and Exoplanets by Maccone, Claudio
Angelo Secchi and Nineteenth Century Science: The Multidisciplinary Contributions of a Pioneer and Innovator by
Sun and the Other Stars of Dante Alighieri, The: A Cosmographic Journey Through the Divina Commedia by Serego Alighieri, Sperello Di, Capaccioli, Massimo
Sun and the Other Stars of Dante Alighieri, The: A Cosmographic Journey Through the Divina Commedia by Serego Alighieri, Sperello Di, Capaccioli, Massimo
A Little Book about the Big Bang by Rothman, Tony
Archaeoastronomy: Current Research by
John Houbolt: The Unsung Hero of the Apollo Moon Landings by Causey, William F.
The Easy Guide to Painting Skies in Watercolour by Coates, Stephen
Codex Galactica: Wirkungsrichtung der Gravitation by Fusco, Jerry
The Challenges of Time: Myth, Physics, Environment by Grassi, Walter
Outer Space Is Here! A Survey of the Latest Aerospace Developments from Earth and Beyond by Knowles Ed D., Liz, Smith, Martha
Introduction to Orbital Perturbations by Pollock IV, George E., Longuski, James M., Hoots, Felix R.
Telescope: The History of the World's Most Famous Telescope (Everything You Need to Know for Astrophotography or Visual Use) by West, William
Does Ggod Exist?: A Dispassionate Treatise. What the Bookselling Scholars and Theologians Don't Want You to Know! by Hoffmann, Andrew K.
Astronomy: A Study of Celestial Objects by
Planetary Science: The Geological Perspective by
General Relativity and Cosmology by
Cosmology by
Asteroid Impact Risk: Impact Hazard from Asteroids and Comets by Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M.
Lothar Meyer: Modern Theories and Pathways to Periodicity by Boeck, Gisela, Rocke, Alan J.
Starmap: An Introductory Pictorial Tour of the Universe by Ridgill, Edward Alan
Basic Space Plasma Physics (Third Edition) by Treumann, Rudolf A., Baumjohann, Wolfgang
Basic Space Plasma Physics (Third Edition) by Baumjohann, Wolfgang, Treumann, Rudolf A.
The Astrophotography Planner by Bracken, Charles
Outsider: A Model of the Cosmos by Turmel, William
Lonely Planet Under the Stars - Europe by Lonely Planet
The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens--And Ourselves by Kershenbaum, Arik
Black Hole Survival Guide by Levin, Janna
Space Operations: Beyond Boundaries to Human Endeavours by
Astronomy for Young Australians by Bonwick, James
The Asteroids; Or Minor Planets Between Mars and Jupiter. by Kirkwood, Daniel
Astronomical Myths: Based on Flammarions's "History of the Heavens" by F. Blake Et Al, J.
Astronomical Curiosities: Facts and Fallacies by Ellard Gore, J.
Astronomical Discovery by H. Turner, H.
Astronomical Instruments and Accessories by Gaertner and Company, William
Millisecond Pulsars by
The Skies Above: Storm Clouds, Blood Moons, and Other Everyday Phenomena by Mersereau, Dennis
Investigating Art, History, and Literature with Astronomy: Determining Time, Place, and Other Hidden Details Linked to the Stars by Olson, Donald W.
Reach for the Stars by Dawadi, Pearl Ridhi
The Planet-Girded Suns: Our Forebears' Firm Belief In Inhabited Exoplanets by Engdahl, Sylvia
Cosmic Origins: Science's Long Quest to Understand How Our Universe Began by Waldrop, M. Mitchell
Machine Learning for Planetary Science by
True Identity of Dark Matter!? Proto-Particle Produce Elementary Particles by Asawa, Hideo
Technology of Lunar Soft Lander by Sun, Ze-Zhou, Zhang, He, Yu, Deng-Yun
Universal Relations for Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Long-Lived Remnants by Manoharan, Praveen
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 2nd Seti-Inaf Meeting 2019 by
The Value of the Moon: How to Explore, Live, and Prosper in Space Using the Moons Resources by Spudis, Paul D.
The History of Modern Astronomy in Japan by Kogure, Tomokazu
Keplers Traum vom Mond by Kepler, Johannes, Guenther, Ludwig
Elusive UFOs - a Solid Matter: Scientific Grounds of Ufology Explained by Närvä, Jaakko
The DNA of Gravity by Walker, Dean
Solar Politics by Timofeeva, Oxana
Dalla paleoastronomia all'astronomia moderna: Entro l'orizzonte by Canonico, Antonio
Saints and Sinners in the Sky: Astronomy, Religion and Art in Western Culture by Mendillo, Michael
Timeless Quantum Mechanics and the Early Universe by Chataignier, Leonardo
Texas Solar Eclipses: The upcoming celestial spectacle coming to Texas by Ferrer, Leticia
Texas Solar Eclipses: The upcoming celestial spectacle coming to Texas by Ferrer, Leticia
The Ufo Phenomenon and the Birth of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Religions by Iturralde, Robert
The Evolutionary Cosmos: Outside-In Thinking the Universe by Orey, Cal, Westberg, Richard
The Evolutionary Cosmos: Outside-In Thinking the Universe by Orey, Cal, Westberg, Richard
Sidney Coleman's Lectures on Relativity by
Cosmic Collision Theory by Lipshutz, Victor G.
Atmosphärendynamik by Achatz, Ulrich
Into the Unknown: Human Exploration in the True Space Age by Joo, Ellena Hyeji
A Collection of Unidentified Flying Object Phenomena: Revised Edition by Laird, Clinton
A Collection of Unidentified Flying Object Phenomena: Revised Edition by Laird, Clinton
Der Omegapunkt: Vom Alphapunkt, dem Urknall, zum Ende des Universums, dem Omegapunkt by Sültz, Uwe H., Sültz, Renate
Uranographie Ou Contemplation Du Ciel, À La Portée de Tout Le Monde. Nouvelle Édition by Collectif
Traité de sphère. 4e édition by George, Léger-Joseph
Déclaration, instruction et usage du pantocosme ou instrument universel by Morgard, Noël-Léon
Advancing Cultural Astronomy: Studies in Honour of Clive Ruggles by
The Neo-Big Bang of Spiritual and Creative Evolution by Hannon, Edward L.
The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds by Mason, Christopher E.
NASA Missions to Mars: A Visual History of Our Quest to Explore the Red Planet by Bizony, Piers
Space Exploration by Patel, Dhara
The Sun by Owens, Brendan
Orbital Relative Motion and Terminal Rendezvous: Analytic and Numerical Methods for Spaceflight Guidance Applications by Kéchichian, Jean Albert
Astronautische Raumfahrt: Beginn Eines Neuen Zeitalters by Gerzer, Rupert
Modern Perspectives in Theoretical Physics: 80th Birthday Festschrift in Honor of K. Babu Joseph by
Special Relativity by Schwarz, John H., Schwarz, Patricia M.
Fast Solar Wind Driven by Parametric Decay Instability and Alfvén Wave Turbulence by Shoda, Munehito
Conversations About Astrophysics & Cosmology by Burton, Howard
The Sky Above: An Astronaut's Memoir of Adventure, Persistence, and Faith by Casper, John Howard
Climate, Planetary and Evolutionary Sciences: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview by
Cometary Science: Insights from 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by
Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry: From Otto Stern's Pioneering Exploits to Present-Day Feats by
Strange and Non-Strange D-Meson Production in Pp, P-Pb, and Pb-PB Collisions with Alice at the Lhc by Grosa, Fabrizio
Hayabusa2 Asteroid Sample Return Mission: Technological Innovation and Advances by Hirabayashi, Masatoshi, Tsuda, Yuichi
The End of Astronauts: Why Robots Are the Future of Exploration by Rees, Martin, Goldsmith, Donald
Look Up: Our Story with the Stars by Cruddas, Sarah
The Universe: A Biography by Murdin, Paul
Welcome to the Universe in 3D: A Visual Tour by Strauss, Michael A., Gott, J. Richard, Tyson, Neil Degrasse
Is Anybody out There?: An Assessment of the Probability of the Existence of Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations Or by Collier, W. H.
The Relativity of the Observer and the Gravity by Darmer, Karl-Herbert
Frank Wilczek: 50 Years of Theoretical Physics by
Early Greek Philosophies of Nature by Gregory, Andrew
Curiosities Of The Sky by Serviss, Garrett P.
Pleasures Of The Telescope by Serviss, Garrett P.
Governance of Emerging Space Challenges: The Benefits of a Responsible Cosmopolitan State Policy by
Introducing General Relativity by Liddle, Andrew, Hindmarsh, Mark
The Measure of the Cosmos: Deciphering the Imagery of Icelandic Myth by Halldórsson, Pétur
Black Hole Orbits: The Relativistic Effects on a Spacecraft Trajectory Around a Rotating Blackhole by Guven, Ugur
Die Relativität des Beobachters und die Gravitation by Darmer, Karl-Herbert
Dust-Gas Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks: Toward Understanding Planetesimal Formation by Tominaga, Ryosuke
Cosmology's Century: An Inside History of Our Modern Understanding of the Universe by Peebles, P. J. E.
Laika's Window: The Legacy of a Soviet Space Dog by Caswell, Kurt
Astrology: A Little Introduction to the Stars, Planets, and Signs by O'Neil, Ivy
Genesis: The Story of How Everything Began by Tonelli, Guido
The Stories of the Months and Days by Couzens, Reginald
My Personal History of The British Interplanetary Society 1933 - 1937 Liverpool by Johnson, Leslie J.
Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy (IAU S367) by
Electroweak Baryogenesis (Second Edition): An introduction by White, Graham
Historical Roots of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Steps Towards an Analogy by Gaudenzi, Rocco
The New Era of Space Stations by Ettington, Martin K.
L'astronomie by Societe Astronomique
L'astronomie by Societe Astronomique
L'astronomie by Societe Astronomique
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