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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Australia & Oceania in 2013

Not Guilty by Gardner, Christine
The Lost White Tribes of Australia Part 1: 1656 The First Settlement of Australia by Van Zanden, Henry
Lost Kingdom: Hawaiia's Last Queen, the Sugar Kings, and Americaa's First Imperial Venture by Siler, Julia Flynn
A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53 by Clacy, Ellen
A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53 by Clacy, Ellen
Bondi Stories: The history, culture and people of Bondi Beach, Australia by
Settler Australia, 1780-1880, Volume 1: Settlement, Protest and Control by Brown, Richard
The Voyages of the Gananoque: New Zealand Immigration Ship 1860-1864 by Lansley, Belinda
Over Our Dead Bodies: Port Arthur and Australia's Fight for Gun Control by Chapman, Simon
Settler Australia, 1780-1880, Volume 2: Eureka and Democracy by Brown, Richard
Nulla Nulla: A Breath of Yesteryear by Mackaway, Cecil Roy
Pirates of Somalia: The Hijacking and Daring Rescue of MV Maersk Alabama by Fleury, John
Mr Tulsi's Store: A Fijian journey by Lal, Brij V.
Turnings: Fiji Factions by Lal, Brij V.
Maui Ocean & Beach by
Transnational Australian Cinema: Ethics in the Asian Diasporas by Khoo, Olivia, Smaill, Belinda, Yue, Audrey
The Vengeance of Kahekili: The Battle for O'ahu and the Decline of the Maui Brotherhood of Kings by Muench, M. N.
The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt During the First World War by Deane, P. E., Barrett, James W.
The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt During the First World War by Barrett, James W., Deane, P. E.
From East of Suez to the Eastern Atlantic: British Naval Policy 1964-70 by Hampshire, Edward
1835: The Founding of Melbourne & the Conquest of Australia by Boyce, James
Pacific Missionary George Brown 1835-1917: Wesleyan Methodist Church by Reeson, Margaret
Air Disaster Canberra: The plane crash that destroyed a government by Tink, Andrew
Les Colonies Françaises: Notices Illustrées. La Nouvelle-Calédonie by de Henrique L.
Les Colonies Françaises: Notices Illustrées. La Guyane by de Henrique L.
Les Colonies Françaises: Notices Illustrées. Les Wallis Futuna, Kerguelen by de Henrique L.
Education in Pacific Island States: Reflections on the Failure of 'Grand Remedies' by Levine, Victor
Civilisation: Twenty Places on the Edge of the World by Braunias, Steve
Deadly Australian Women by Saunders, Kay
Three Crooked Kings by Condon, Matthew
The Pencil Case by Cobcroft, Lorraine Ann
For the Good of Mankind: A History of the People of Bikini and their Islands by Niedenthal, Jack
Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush by Igler, David
Veils and Tin Hats - Tasmanian Nurses in the Second World War by Henning, Peter
Securing Village Life: Development in Late Colonial Papua New Guinea by Macwilliam, Scott
Dear Buckley: Australia in the early 21st century by Wallis, Paul
Black Armada: Australia and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence 1942-49 by Lockwood, Rupert
Mateship and Moneymaking: Australian Shearing: The Clash of Union Solidarity with the Spirit of Enterprise by O'Malley, Rory
Mateship and Moneymaking: Australian Shearing: The Clash of Union Solidarity with the Spirit of Enterprise by O'Malley, Rory
France in the South Pacific: Power and Politics by Fisher, Denise
Top Fellas: The Story of Melbourne's Sharpie Cult by Taylor, Tadhg
Colonie Libre de Port-Breton by de Breil de Rays, Charles
La Colonie Libre de Port-Breton. Nouvelle France En Océanie: Conférence Faite Par Le Marquis: de Rays Au Salon Des Oeuvres de Marseille: Et Compte Ren by de Breil de Rays, Charles
The Mines of South Australia, Including Also an Account of the Smelting Works in That Colony: Together with a Brief Description of the Country, and In by Austin, J. B.
1788 by Tench, Watkin
Sewing Freedom: Philip Josephs, Transnationalism & Early New Zealand Anarchism by Davidson, Jared
The Wool Clipper Glentanner: New Zealand immigration ship 1857-1861 by Lansley, Belinda
The Archaeology of Market Capitalism: A Western Australian Perspective by Nayton, Gaye
Mariners are Warned! by Horden, Marsden
Macassan History and Heritage: Journeys, Encounters and Influences by
Discovering Australia's Historical Milemarkers and Boundary Stones by Crofts, Sandra, Robert
Southwest Passage: The Yanks in the Pacific by Lardner, John
Made to Matter: White Fathers, Stolen Generations by Probyn-Rapsey, Fiona
Australian Heroines of World War One by de Vries, Susanna
Import of the Archive: U.S. Colonial Rule of the Philippines and the Making of American Archival History by Beredo, Cheryl
Revised Interesting Place Names and History of Australia: Edition 2 by Stehr, Emily
A History of Victoria by Blainey, Geoffrey
Biography of a Book: Henry Lawson's While the Billy Boils by Eggert, Paul
Girt: The Unauthorised History of Australia by Hunt, David
The History of Illawarra and Its Pioneers by McCaffrey, Frank
Tooth & Nail: The Story of the Rabbit in Australia by Coman, Brian
The Life and Work of Richard John Seddon (Premier of New Zealand, 1893 1906): With a History of the Liberal Party of New Zealand by Drummond, James
Making Change Happen: Black and White Activists talk to Kevin Cook about Aboriginal, Union and Liberation Politics by Goodall, Heather, Cook, Kevin
Riding the Sheep's Back: The Rise and Fall of John McNamara and Company by Brenan, John
Breaking Japanese Diplomatic Codes: David Sissons and D Special Section during the Second World War by
Great Australian Outback School Stories by Marsh, Bill
The Battle of Midway by Symonds, Craig L.
Broken: An Extraordinary Story of Survival by One of Australia's Forgotten Children. by Gamble, Sandi
Geology of Eua, Tonga: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, No. 96 by Hoffmeister, J. Edward
History of the Philippines: From Indios Bravos to Filipinos by Francia, Luis H.
The Forgotten Children of Maui: Filipino Myths, Tattoos, and Rituals of a Demigod by Wilcken, Lane
A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay: With an Account of New South Wales, Its Productions, Inhabitants, Etc. by Tench, Watkin
Travels in New Zealand: With Contributions to the Geography, Geology, Botany, and Natural History of That Country by Dieffenbach, Ernst
Travels in New Zealand: With Contributions to the Geography, Geology, Botany, and Natural History of That Country by Dieffenbach, Ernst
Aristocrats of the South Seas by Russell, Alexander
Australian History by Swinburne M. a., Gwendolen H.
Watriama and Co: Further Pacific Islands Portraits by Laracy, Hugh
Angus & Robertson and the British Trade in Australian Books, 1930-1970: The Getting of Bookselling Wisdom by Ensor, Jason D.
The ADB's Story by
Peter McLeavey: The Life and Times of a New Zealand Art Dealer by Trevelyan, Jill
Big Coal: Australia's Dirtiest Habit by Burton, Bob, Pearse, Guy, McKnight, David
Kings Cross: A biography by Nowra, Louis
Interesting Place Names and History of New Zealand by Stehr, Emily
Wreck of the Neva: The Horrifying Fate of a Convict Ship and the Irish Women Aboard by McCarthy, Cal, Todd, Kevin
A Wicked Deception by Tanner, Margaret
The Cambridge History of Australia 2 Hardback Volume Set by
Tupaia (Large Print Edition) by Druett, Joan
How to Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Protests, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making from Across Australia by McIntyre, Iain
Wheeling Matilda: The Story of Australian Cycling by Fitzpatrick, Jim
Australia in the World Crisis, 1929 1933 by Copland, Douglas
Investment in Australian Economic Development, 1861 1900 by Butlin, N. G.
Hali'a Aloha no Kalapana: Fond Memories of Kalapana by Carr, Maile Waipa, Kekaula, Nalani
Rivers to the Sea by Teasdale, Sara
Salt of the Sea: Red Saunders, the Chronicle of a Genial Outcast by Sinbad
Beneath Land and Sea by Forsee, Aylesa
The Sea Anthology Including One Hundred Original Sonnets of the Sea by Bartlett, Alice Hunt
Mare Nostrum: Our Sea by Jordan, Charlotte Brewster, Ibanez, Vicente Blasco
Adventures by Sea of Edward Coxere: A Relation of the Several Adventures by Sea with the Dangers, Difficulties and Hardships I Met for Several Years by Coxere, Edward
The Aquarian Pioneers: Adventure and Romance on the High Sea by Nyland, Theo
Revolt at Sea: A Narration of Many Mutinies by Anthony, Irvin
Sea Lanes: Man's Conquest of the Ocean by Stevers, Martin D., Pendlebury, Jonas
Whaling and Old Salem: A Chronicle of the Sea by Hough, Henry Beetle, Robotti, Frances Diane
Eastward the Sea by Haywood, Charles F.
Crossroads of the Java Sea by De Leeuw, Hendrik
Famous Sea Rescues: S.O.S. to the Rescue by Baarslag, Karl
The Pacific by Freeman, Donald B.
Voyage of HMS Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the Years 1824 1825: Captain the Right Hon. Lord Byron, Commander by Byron, George Anson
The Menehune of Polynesia and Other Mythical Little People of Oceania (Facsimile Reprint) by Luomala, Katharine
Australian Railways by Bromby, Robin
In Sickness and in Health: Brother's Pride and Bahia.: Two Ships. Two Fates. One Arrival Date. Lyttelton Heads, 1863. by Lansley, Belinda
White Shadows in the South Seas by O'Brien, Frederick
The Lancashire Witch: New Zealand Immigration Ship 1856-1867 by Lansley, Belinda
The Indian Ocean in World History by Alpers, Edward A.
Across Great Divides - True Stories of Life at Sydney Cove by Boyer, Susan E.
The Aranda's Pepa: An introduction to Carl Strehlow's Masterpiece Die Aranda- und Loritja-Stämme in Zentral-Australien (1907-1920) by Kenny, Anna
Transcending the Culture-Nature Divide in Cultural Heritage: Views from the Asia-Pacific region by
Life on the Margins by Faulkner, Patrick
Prehistoric Marine Resource Use in the Indo-Pacific Regions by
Work, Class, and Power in the Borderlands of the Early American Pacific: The Labors of Empire by Lampe, Evan
Mironesia Tastes Tourism Photo Album by Ashman, Mike
Pacific Histories: Ocean, Land, People by Armitage, David, Bashford, Alison
Lost in Shangri-La: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II (Large Print Edition) by Zuckoff, Mitchell
A Boy's Short Life: The Story of Warren Braedon/Louis Johnson by Mickler, Steve, Haebich, Anna
Australia 1943: The Liberation of New Guinea by
The Dennis Doherty Story: the inspiration for the Sound and Light Show of Norfolk Island by Allen, June
Soldiers in Different Armies by Inglis-Powell, Brenda
Soldiers in Different Armies by Inglis-Powell, Brenda