• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Australia & Oceania in 2013

Samoa - Reiseschilderungen by Genthe, Siegfried
Tahiti by Gerstacker, Friedrich
Camelman Dreaming: A Fifteen Year Journey. The Dream and the Reality Waiting to Happen! Australia's Last Great Camel Expedition. by Osborne, Russell Andrew
Backpacker unterwegs: Mein Jahr Neuseeland by Werner, Carolin
Weiter als der Horizont: Yacht gebaut und losgesegelt by Smolarek, Erich
Koalaland: Australienroman by Scheppert, Mark
Victoria Bitter: Geschichten Aus Dem Australischen Winter by Tannen, Alex
Tagebuch Einer Entdeckungsreise Nach Der Sudsee in Den Jahren 1776 Bis 1780 by Cook, James
Wonders Down Under by Estes, M. M.
Lonely Planet Australian Language & Culture by Austin, Peter, Blake, Barry, Angelo, Denise
Samoa, Bismarckarchipel und Neuguinea by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Civilisation: Twenty Places on the Edge of the World by Braunias, Steve
Six Seasons Down Under: 45 Weeks of Adventures in Sydney and Beyond by Kolberg, Sharael
Fingers Crossed Across Australia by Wise, Lorraine Joan
Die Colonie Victoria in Australien by Ohne Autor
Das Erste Jahr Der Hamburger Sudsee-Expedition in Deutsch- Neuguinea (1908-1909) by Leipold, Andreas
Reach for Paradise by Rayner, Andrew
Wildlife of Australia by Woods, Sam, Campbell, Iain
Das Erste Jahr Der Hamburger Sudsee-Expedition in Deutsch- Neuguinea (1908-1909) by Leipold, Andreas
Neukaledonien by Friess, Leo
Neuguinea Und Seine Bewohner by Finsch, Otto
Sterbende Welt - Zwölf Jahre Forscherleben auf Neuseeland: Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1924. Mit 94 Abbildungen und 2 Karten by Reischek, Andreas
The Dog Fence: A Journey Across the Heart of Australia by Woodford, James
Meine Reise Nach Den Strafkolonien by Heindl, Robert
Ethnographische Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Karolinen Archipels by Kubary, J. S.
500 Hostels: Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Islands: Backpackers & Flashpackers by Karges, Hardie
Work and Travel Neuseeland: Handbuch zur Organisation einer Working Holiday Reise by Sommer, Hannah
More to Life? Searching for Meaning Amongst the Kiwis by Camm, Jonathan
What Happens on Tour... by Murphy, Ciaran
The Traveler by Hickey, Denis
Geology of Eua, Tonga: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, No. 96 by Hoffmeister, J. Edward
Kings Cross: A biography by Nowra, Louis
Baba Didi and the Godwits Fly by Muir, Nicola
Victoria Bitter - Stories from an Australian Winter by Tannen, Alex
Salt Water Taffy or Twenty Thousand Leagues Away from the Sea by Triplett, June
Among the Islands: Adventures in the Pacific by Flannery, Tim
The New York Times: 36 Hours Asia & Oceania by
Travels of the Wonthaggi Notpu by Upton, Thomas M.
The Coast by Hammer, Chris
Easter Island Guide for Inquisitive Minds by Foerster, Brien