• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Austrian & Hungarian History in 2019

A Nation Adrift: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyő by Fenyő, Miksa
The Friendly Gestapo Man: and other tales of my life by Biener, Erwin
Voices of the Churches, Voices of the Nationalities: Competing Loyalties in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament (1867 - 1918) by Eppel, Marius, Dăncilă-Ineoan, Andreea, Iudean, Ovidiu-Emil
Békéért könyörögök Magyarországon a budapesti módszertől. Szerző: Hajime Jozuka, MD. by Jozuka M. D., Szerzo Hajime
Austria Made in Hollywood by Vansant, Jacqueline
Matera, 1945-1960: The History of a 'National Disgrace' by McGauley, Patrick
Austrian Studies 26: Austria in Transit: Displacement and the Nation-State by
Schematismus Der K. K. Landwehr Und Der K. K. Gendarmerie Der Im Reichsrathe Vertretenen Königreiche Une Länder ...... by
Schematismus Der K. K. Landwehr Und Der K. K. Gendarmerie Der Im Reichsrathe Vertretenen Königreiche Une Länder ...... by
Schematismus Der K. K. Landwehr Und Der K. K. Gendarmerie Der Im Reichsrathe Vertretenen Königreiche Une Länder ...... by
Schematismus Der K. K. Landwehr Und Der K. K. Gendarmerie Der Im Reichsrathe Vertretenen Königreiche Une Länder ...... by
Die braune Zeit: Geschichten aus Grieskirchen by Birago, Arthur
Jewish Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity, Zionism and Women's Equality by Inbari, Motti
Hungary in the Eighteenth Century by Marczali, Henry
The resurrection of Hungary: A parallel for Ireland by Griffith, Arthur
L'Assedio Di Vienna: Gli ottomani alle porte d'Europa e l'intervento polacco by Mori, Lorenzo
The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia: The History of the Central European Nation from Its Founding to Its Breakup by Charles River
The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia: The History of the Central European Nation from Its Founding to Its Breakup by Charles River
Country Jumper in Austria by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
The Battle of Vienna (1683): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Conflict between the Ottoman Turkish Empire and Holy Roman Empire by Charles River
The Battle of Vienna (1683): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Conflict between the Ottoman Turkish Empire and Holy Roman Empire by Charles River
Visio monachi de Eynsham. Die Vision des Moenchs von Eynsham. Die kartaeusische Redaktion des Spaetmittelalters (Fassung E): Einleitung und Edition by
The Biggest Hole in the Iron Curtain: The Batizy Story by Batizy, Levente
Circles of the Russian Revolution: Internal and International Consequences of the Year 1917 in Russia by
The Skin of Water: An Hungarian-Jewish World War II Saga by Johnston, Gs
Bittersweet Freedom: What Would You Be Willing To Sacrifice To Live In Freedom? Would It Be Worth The Price? by Bognar Bean, Judith
Bittersweet Freedom: What Would You Be Willing To Sacrifice To Live In Freedom? Would It Be Worth The Price? by Bognar Bean, Judith
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Movimento Sociale Italiano (1946-1995). La Llama del Renacimiento. Massimo Magliaro by Mila, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Hungría y su Fascismo (1918-1945) by Mila, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Manual de Historia de la Falange Española (1927-1983) by Milá, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Adrien Arcand y el Fascismo Canadiense by Mila, Ernesto
Comical Modernity: Popular Humour and the Transformation of Urban Space in Late Nineteenth Century Vienna by Hakkarainen, Heidi
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Michele Rallo. El Fascismo Rumano (1919-1945) by Mila, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Doctrinarios de la Revolución Alemana. Edmond Vermeil by Mila, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: EL Carlismo en la II República y sus relaciones con Falange by Mila, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: La Música Alternativa Italiana (1965-1983) 1a. Parte. by Mila, Ernesto
Resist, Endure, Escape: Growing Up in Nazi and Communist Hungary by Darvas, Susan F.
A history of Austro-Hungary from the earliest time to the year 1889 by Leger, Louis
The Invisible Jewish Budapest: Metropolitan Culture at the Fin de Siècle by Gluck, Mary
Chrysalis I: Metamorphosis of Odium by Borovský, Jozef
Chrysalis I: Metamorphosis of Odium by Borovský, Jozef
Trieste 1719: Quando gli Asburgo scoprirono il mare by Vidiz, Edda
Identities In-Between in East-Central Europe by
Hungarian Women's Activism in the Wake of the First World War: From Rights to Revanche by Szapor, Judith
Die Sieger schreiben Geschichte: Mediale Inszenierungen von Johannes Bernhardt und der deutschen Intervention im Spanischen Buergerkrieg by Blume, Clara
Entangled Entertainers: Jews and Popular Culture in Fin-De-Siècle Vienna by Hödl, Klaus
Passionate Spirit: The Life of Alma Mahler by Haste, Cate
The Time of the Gypsies by Stewart, Michael
The Names Heard Long Ago: How the Golden Age of Hungarian Soccer Shaped the Modern Game by Wilson, Jonathan
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Sir Oswald Mosley y el Fascismo Británico by Mila, Ernesto
Der Österreichische Werbefilm: Die Genese Eines Genres Von Seinen Anfängen Bis 1938 by Moser, Karin
Die Dominikaner in Friesach (1217-2014): Zur Geschichte des ersten Predigerklosters im deutschsprachigen Raum by Tschiggerl, Karl Maximilian
Passage to Byzantium: The Romanov-Habsburg Feud that Led to World War I by Ledford Lawson, Maggie
The War of the Spanish Succession: The History of the Conflict Between the Bourbons and Habsburgs that Engulfed Europe by Charles River
The War of the Spanish Succession: The History of the Conflict Between the Bourbons and Habsburgs that Engulfed Europe by Charles River
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1815 by Ingrao, Charles W.
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1815 by Ingrao, Charles W.
Chrysalis II: Carpathian Liberty by Borovský, Jozef
Chrysalis II: Carpathian Liberty by Borovský, Jozef
Vienna. Portrait of a City by Hirsch, Andreas J., Koetzle, Hans-Michael, Brandstätter, Christian
The Idea of Central Europe: Geopolitics, Culture and Regional Identity by Dhand, Otilia
L'Autriche juive by Trocase, François
Metternich: Strategist and Visionary by Siemann, Wolfram
The Monumental Nation: Magyar Nationalism and Symbolic Politics in Fin-De-Siècle Hungary by Varga, Bálint
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Documentos del Neofascismo (1952-1972) by Mila, Ernesto
Making Peace in an Age of War: Emperor Ferdinand III (1608-1657) by Hengerer, Mark
Nationalism Revisited: Austrian Social Closure from Romanticism to the Digital Age by Karner, Christian
Budapest Hungary: Coffee Table Photography Travel Picture Book Album Of A Hungarian Country And City In Central Europe Large Size Photos Cover by Boman, Amelia
Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians by Kellner, Leon, Paula Arnold, Madame
Hungary Since 1945 by Von Klimó, Árpád
Das Tierknochenmaterial aus der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage Friebritz-Süd (Niederösterreich): Eine Fallstudie zur Trennung von Ur- und Hausr by Pucher, Erich
Juvenile Crime and Dissent in Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945 by Bukey, Evan Burr