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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Austrian & Hungarian History in 2021

Ludwig & Sissi by Breyer, Christian W.
The Art-Revival In Austria by
Maximilian I: Tiroler Ausstellungsstrasse by Kohler, Alfred, Madersbacher, Lukas
July 1944: Deportation of the Jews of Budapest Foiled by
Vienna's 'Respectable' Antisemites: A Study of the Christian Social Movement by Carter-Sinclair, Michael
Mary Mills Patrick's Cosmopolitan Mission and the Constantinople Woman's College by Goffman, Carolyn McCue
Kulturgeschichten: der Antike in Österreich by Mölk, Katharina
More Than Mere Spectacle: Coronations and Inaugurations in the Habsburg Monarchy During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by
The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century by Veszprémi, Nóra, Rampley, Matthew, Prokopovych, Markian
Hungary: The Art of Survival by Lendvai, Paul
The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat by Lendvai, Paul
The Habsburg Empire: A Captivating Guide to the House of Austria and the Impact the Habsburgs Had on the Holy Roman Empire by History, Captivating
The Habsburg Empire: A Captivating Guide to the House of Austria and the Impact the Habsburgs Had on the Holy Roman Empire by History, Captivating
Those Who Remained by Várkonyi, Zsuzsa F.
Those Who Remained by Várkonyi, Zsuzsa F.
Fateful Years 1938-1945 by Nagy de Nagybaczon, Vilmos
Identities In-Between in East-Central Europe by
Circles of the Russian Revolution: Internal and International Consequences of the Year 1917 in Russia by
The White Terror: Antisemitic and Political Violence in Hungary, 1919-1921 by Bodó, Béla
Arthur Schnitzler Biography by Haberich, Max
The Sword Behind the Shield: A Combat History of the German Efforts to Relieve Budapest 1945 - Operation 'Konrad' I, II, III by Számvéber, Norbert
The Compromise of Return: Viennese Jews After the Holocaust by Anthony, Elizabeth
Lost Prestige: Hungary's Changing Image in Britain 1894-1918 by Jeszenszky, Géza
The Holy Roman Empire: A Short History by Stollberg-Rilinger, Barbara
Csata a béke ellen by Pozzi, Henri
The Battle Against Peace by Pozzi, Henri
The War Comes Back by Pozzi, Henri
The Operetta Empire: Music Theater in Early Twentieth-Century Vienna by Baranello, Micaela
The Politics Of Antisemitic Prejudice: The Waldheim Phenomenon In Austria by Mitten, Richard
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Hungary Between Two Empires 1526-1711 by Pálffy, Géza
Prostitution and Subjectivity in Late Medieval Germany by Page, Jamie
Mozart Life Timeline: Life Of One Of History'S Great Classical Composers: Mozart Life And Death by Pexsa, Wade
Significance Of Klemens Von Metternich: Metternich'S Theory Of European Order: Role Of Metternich In European History by Indovina, Racquel
Prince Klemens Von Metternich Significance: Build His Own Form Of European Unity: Facts Of Metternich The First European by Barkdoll, Helaine
Interesting Facts About Mozart: A Musical Genius: Mozart Life Facts by Amick, Joey
Mozart Composer Biography: History As One Of The Great Composers Of All Time: Mozart War Time by Galhardo, Craig
Juvenile Crime and Dissent in Nazi Vienna, 1938-1945 by Bukey, Evan Burr
The Austrian Dimension in German Intellectual History: From the Enlightenment to Anschluss by Luft, David S.
The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power by S. C. Abbott, John
Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity by Rummel, Erika
The Last Muslim Conquest: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe by Ágoston, Gábor
Ornament and European Modernism: From Art Practice to Art History by
History of Austria: A Captivating Guide to Austrian History by History, Captivating
The Austrian Revolution by Bauer, Otto
The Austrian Revolution by Bauer, Otto
Central Europe Revisited: Why Europe's Future Will Be Decided in the Region by Brix, Emil, Busek, Erhard
Tropics of Vienna: Colonial Utopias of the Habsburg Empire by Bach, Ulrich E.
Der Nationale Schulkampf in Böhmen: Schulvereine ALS Akteure Der Nationalen Differenzierung (1880-1918) by Zvánovec, Mikulás
Movement of the People: Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship by Taylor, Mary N.
Movement of the People: Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship by Taylor, Mary N.
Short Notes on the Economical and Political Geography of Hungary by
The Tragedy of Central Europe by
Hydropathy, or, The Cold Water Cure: as Practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria by
Joseph 2 by Bright, James Franck 1832-
Hydropathy, or, The Cold Water Cure: as Practised by Vincent Priessnitz, at Graefenberg, Silesia, Austria by
Metternich, Reorganization and Nationality, 1813-1818; a Story of Foresight and Frustration in the Rebuilding of the Austrian Empire by Haas, Arthur G.
Strictly From Hungary by Farago, Ladislas
Facts About Hungary by Kovács, Imre 1913-1980
An Experiment in International Cultural Relations: a Report of the Staff of the Commission on the Occupied Areas by
The Memoirs of Count Apponyi by
Her Majesty Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, the Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court; 1934 by
Notes From the Gallows by Fucík, Julius 1903-1943
Sketches From Slovak History by
Twilight in Vienna by Frischauer, Willi 1906-
Metternich, Reorganization and Nationality, 1813-1818; a Story of Foresight and Frustration in the Rebuilding of the Austrian Empire by Haas, Arthur G.
The Imperial Crown .. by Frischauer, Paul 1898-1977
An Experiment in International Cultural Relations: a Report of the Staff of the Commission on the Occupied Areas by
Report on the Hungarian Situation and the Rule of Law. -- by
Facts About Hungary by Kovács, Imre 1913-1980
The Dark is Light Enough: a Winter Comedy by Fry, Christopher 1907-2005
My Own Story [microform] by Toscana, Luise Von 1870-1947
Tito's Plot Against Europe; the Story of the Rajk Conspiracy by Kartun, Derek
Herzegovina; by Arbuthnot, George 1836-
The Diplomatic Mission of John Lothrop Motley to Austria 1861-1867 by Lynch, Claire 1898-1995
Vae Victis: the Life of Ludwig Von Benedek, 1804-1881 by Presland, John
The Czecho-Slovaks: an Oppressed Nationality by
Vae Victis: the Life of Ludwig Von Benedek, 1804-1881 by Presland, John
History of Modern Slovakia by Lettrich, Jozef 1905-1969
Austria in Color by Karfeld, Kurt Peter
Strictly From Hungary by Farago, Ladislas
You Are All Alone by Kovágó, József
Austria in Color by Karfeld, Kurt Peter
Bohemia an Historical Sketch by Piehler, Hermann Augustine 1888-
Bohemia an Historical Sketch by Piehler, Hermann Augustine 1888-
Hungarian Tragedy by Fryer, Peter
Dances of Hungary by Buday, György
Hungary, a Short History by
The Medieval Hungarian Historians: a Critical and Analytical Guide. -- by
Kossuth and His Generals: With a Brief History of Hungary, Select Speeches of Kossuth, Etc. by
The Brain-Washing Machine by Ruff, Lajos
Slovakia: a Political History, 1918-1950 by Mikus, Joseph A.
In Darkest Hungary by
The Monarch Who Wouldn't Go Mad by Layng, Charles 1895-
Slovakia and Its People by Oddo, Gilbert Lawrence
Kossuth, the Forgotten Leader by Konta, Alexander
The Challenge of Our Time; by Anonymous
The People's Victory in Czechoslovakia by Storm, Walter
Sketches From Slovak History by
Hungary, a Short History by
You Are All Alone by Kovágó, József
Pumping for Drainage in the San Joaquin Valley, California; B382 by Weir, Walter Wallace 1882-
The People's Victory in Czechoslovakia by Storm, Walter
Slovakia and Its People by Oddo, Gilbert Lawrence
Signs in the Storm by Nemes, Joseph
Studies on the Earliest Hungarian Historical Sources, VI-VII by
Budapest Carnivals by
Vienna, Metropolis on the Danube by Ellenberger, Hugo
Vienna, Metropolis on the Danube by Ellenberger, Hugo
The Monarch Who Wouldn't Go Mad by Layng, Charles 1895-
Studies on the Earliest Hungarian Historical Sources, VI-VII by
Tito's Plot Against Europe; the Story of the Rajk Conspiracy by Kartun, Derek
The Diplomatic Mission of John Lothrop Motley to Austria 1861-1867 by Lynch, Claire 1898-1995
The Challenge of Our Time; by Anonymous
History of Modern Slovakia by Lettrich, Jozef 1905-1969
The Imperial Crown .. by Frischauer, Paul 1898-1977
Slovakia: a Political History, 1918-1950 by Mikus, Joseph A.
The Great Historical Collection of Arms & Armour by
Report on the Hungarian Situation and the Rule of Law. -- by
Hungarian Tragedy by Fryer, Peter
Twilight in Vienna by Frischauer, Willi 1906-
Kossuth in New England: a Full Account of the Hungarian Governor's Visit to Massachusetts; With His Speeches, and the Addresses That Were Made by Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803-1882
Hungary's Fight for National Existence, or, The History of the Great Uprising Led by Francis Rakoczi II, 1703-1711 by
Furniture From Castle Herrenstein, Lower Austria, Tapestries & Fabrics: the Collection of H. I. H. Archduke Leopold Salvator by
Beethoven's Letters (1790-1826) From the Collection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl. Also His Letters to the Archduke Rudolph, Cardinal-archbishop of Olmutz, K.W., by Beethoven, Ludwig Van 1770-1827, Nohl, Ludwig 1831-1885
La Question Roumaine En Transylvanie Et En Hongrie; Avec Plusieurs Tableaux Statistiques Et Une Carte Ethnographique by
The Case of Bohemia by
The Dark is Light Enough: a Winter Comedy by Fry, Christopher 1907-2005
Dances of Hungary by Buday, György
Complete Reference Guide to Austria and Switzerland by
When I Was a Girl in Hungary by Jacobi, Elizabeth Pongracz
The Medieval Hungarian Historians: a Critical and Analytical Guide. -- by
The Resurrection of Hungary: a Parallel for Ireland by Griffith, Arthur 1872-1922
Signs in the Storm by Nemes, Joseph
The Martyrdom of an Empress: With Portraits From Photographs by
Notes From the Gallows by Fucík, Julius 1903-1943
John Hus, the Martyr of Bohemia: a Study of the Dawn of Protestantism by Schwarze, William Nathaniel 1875-1948
Her Majesty Elizabeth of Austria-Hungary, the Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court; 1934 by
The Creation of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: A Hungarian Perspective by
Studies on Early Hungarian and Pontic History by Péter, László, Macartney, C. a.
Irma's Passport: One Woman, Two World Wars, and a Legacy of Courage by Ehrlich, Catherine
Les Forces Blindes Hongroises: Durant La Second Guerre Mondiale by Martínez, Eduardo Manuel Gil
From Refugee to Consul: An American Adventure by Szablya, Helen M.
The Paradoxical Republic: Austria 1945-2020 by Rathkolb, Oliver
The Paradoxical Republic: Austria 1945-2020 by Rathkolb, Oliver
Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary: Villas, Hunts, and Soccer Games by Majtényi, György
Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary: Villas, Hunts, and Soccer Games by Majtényi, György
Siberian Prison by V. Enzmann, Ernst
Subjects, Citizens, and Others: Administering Ethnic Heterogeneity in the British and Habsburg Empires, 1867-1918 by Gammerl, Benno
Embers of Empire: Continuity and Rupture in the Habsburg Successor States After 1918 by
Suizid und Geschlecht in der Moderne by Hintermayr, Michaela Maria
Child Abuse Story: Recovery From Trauma by Coghlan, Kasandra
Child Abuse Trauma: How To Overcome by Bogie, Scott
Childhood Obssession: How To Deal With Sexual Abuse Trauma by Gonska, Charlotte
Romanians and Hungarians: Historical Premises by Sassu, C.
A Thorn in the Rosebush. The American Bartók Estate and Archives During the Cold War, 1946-67 by Leafstedt, Carl S.
The Legacies of the Romani Genocide in Europe Since 1945 by
The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia: Conflicting Agencies and Imperial Appropriations by Grandits, Hannes