• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Austrian & Hungarian History in 2024

Economic and Social Policies in Austria from the Perspective of Hungary, 1945-2020 by Bődy, Pál
Carri armati e mezzi italiani al servizio ungherese by Mujzer, Péter
100 Jahre Wagenburg in Schonbrunn: Die Geschichte Des Wiener Marstallmuseums by Doberl, Mario
Italian tanks trucks and weapons in Hungarian service by Mujzer, Péter
Die Produktion Besonderer Arbeitskräfte: Auseinandersetzungen Um Den Häuslichen Dienst in Österreich (1880-1938) by Richter, Jessica
Kelta Falu Győr Határában (a Celtic Village Near Győr): A Mindennapi Élet Színtere És Régészeti Leletei a Késő Vaskor Időszakából by Tankó, Károly
Isotope Analysis on the Great Hungarian Plain: An Exploration of Mobility and Subsistence Strategies from the Neolithic to the Copper Age by Giblin, Julia
How to Move to Hungary: A Step-by-Step Guide by Jones, William
The Logic of Hungarian Political Development (1990-2022): Historical Political Perspectives by Csizmadia, Ervin
Exploring Hungary: A Traveler's Guide by Jones, William
America in Italian Culture: The Rise of a New Model of Modernity, 1861-1943 by Bonsaver, Guido
Musik ALS Arbeit: Der Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Musikerverband ALS Gestalter Des Musikbetriebs in Der Spaten Habsburgermonarchie (1872-1914) by Trumpi, Fritz
When Israel is King by Tharaud, Jerome, Tharaud, Jean
Austrian Studies Vol. 31: Austrian Travel Writing by
The Rise and Fall of Communist Yugoslavism: Soft Nation-Building in Yugoslavia by Ivesic, Tomaz
Genocide Revealed by Veljic, Aleksandar
Medizinische Einrichtungen Auf Ansichtspostkarten: Der Dreiklang Von Kur - Wasser - Literatur by Mannsberger, Eva Maria, Skopec, Manfred, Praschinger, Andrea
Mortal Secrets: Freud, Vienna, and the Discovery of the Modern Mind by Tallis, Frank
Hungary: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Austria: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Hungarian 39/40 M. Csaba & 40/43 M. Zrínyi by Mujzer, Péter
Demokratie Ohne Demokraten?: Die Demokratieverstandnisse in Den Politischen Parteien Der Ersten Republik Osterreich 1918-1933/34 by Rebhan, Hanno
Sociology of Corruption: Patterns of Illegal Association in Hungary by Jancsics, David
Vom Umgang Mit Nationaler Vielfalt: Eine Geschichte Der Nicht-Territorialen Autonomie in Europa by Kuzmany, Börries
Together by Douglas, Norman
Embodied Histories: New Womanhood in Vienna, 1894-1934 by Motyl, Katya
Embodied Histories: New Womanhood in Vienna, 1894-1934 by Motyl, Katya
The Operetta Empire: Music Theater in Early Twentieth-Century Vienna by Baranello, Micaela
The Habsburgs: An Enthralling Overview of One of The Most Important Dynasties in European History by Wellman, Billy
The Past is not Past: Confronting the Twentieth Century in the Hungarian-Austrian Borderlands by Schubert, Frank N.
Vanishing Vienna: Modernism, Philosemitism, and Jews in a Postwar City by Tanzer, Frances
Ahogy A Folyok Osszefolynak by Mamah, Daniel
Ahogy A Folyok Osszefolynak by Mamah, Daniel
As the Rivers Merge by Mamah, Daniel
Jüdische Konvertiten in Wien - Die Schottenpfarre: Historischer Kontext Und Matriken 1868-1914 by Staudacher, Anna L.
Der Wiener Prater: Ein Ort Für Alle by
The Habsburgs: An Enthralling Overview of One of The Most Important Dynasties in European History by Wellman, Billy
The Hungarian Avant-Garde and Socialism: The Art of the Second Public Sphere by Cseh-Varga, Katalin
The Science of State Power in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1880 by Török, Borbala Zsuzsanna
The Battle of Itter Castle, 1945 by Wynn, Stephen
Zwischen Krisenbewaltigung Und Stillstand. Die Ara Faymann: Osterreich 2008 Bis 2016. Band 2: 2013 Bis 2016 by Kriechbaumer, Robert
Hungary as a Sport Superpower: Football from Horthy to Kádár (1924-1960) by Venuti, Lorenzo
The Piano Player of Budapest: A True Story of Survival, Hope, and Music by de Bastion, Roxanne
Modern Hungarian Culture and the Classics by Hajdu, Péter
The Moral and Market Economies of Bread: Regulation and Reform in Vienna, 1775-1885 by Albrecht, Jonas
Liberale Öffentlichkeit, Kultur Und Säkularisiertes Judentum Nach 1848: Heinrich Friedjung Und Die Konstitutionelle Linke in Der Habsburger Monarchie by Vivanco, Pablo H.
Austria: Majestic Reverberation: A Tour Through Legends and Landscapes by Fatos, Ermal
Pál Teleki (1879-1941): The Life of a Controversial Hungarian Politician by Ablonczy, Balázs
Jewishness and Beyond: Jewish Conversions in Hungary 1825-1914 by Konrád, Miklós
Jewishness and Beyond: Jewish Conversions in Hungary 1825-1914 by Konrád, Miklós
Hungarian Mythology: Gods, Spirits, Heroes, & Legends by Shepherd, Samuel
Habsburg Kartieren: Schriftbildliche Entwürfe Von Herrschaft Im 16. Und 17. Jahrhundert by
Contemporary Hungarian Society: Social Changes in Hungary from Late State Socialism by Valuch, Tibor
From Borderland to Burgenland: Science, Geopolitics, Identity, and the Making of a Region by Jankó, Ferenc
Das Wiener Hetzamphitheater (1755-1796): Ein Theater Im Hinterhof Der Moralischen Anstalt by Krych, David
Count d'Esterhazy and the Esterhaz-Kaposvar Hungarian Colony in Western Canada by Nagy, Joseph G.
Count d'Esterhazy and the Esterhaz-Kaposvar Hungarian Colony in Western Canada by Nagy, Joseph G.
The Relations Between Serbia and Austria-Hungary in the 20th Century by Corovic, Vladimir
Vienna: How the City of Ideas Created the Modern World by Cockett, Richard
The Habsburg Garrison Complex in Trebinje: A Lost World by Carmichael, Cathie
Henryk Grossman Works, Volume 4: Writings on Economic and Social History by Grossman, Henryk
Recontextualizing Medieval Heritage and Identity in Contemporary Austria by Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra
Hungarian army at the Barbarossa campaign in 1941 by Mujzer, Péter
L'esercito ungherese alla campagna "Barbarossa" by Mujzer, Péter
The Third and Fourth Coalitions by Ygua, Ruben
No Jews Live Here by Lorinc, John
Shimmering Details, Volume I: A Memoir by Nádas, Péter
Shimmering Details, Volume II: A Memoir by Nádas, Péter
The Anthems of East-Central Europe: Reflections on the History of a National Symbol by Kiss, Csaba G.
Tyrol and Its People by Holland, Clive
The battle of Waterloo by Ygua, Ruben
Visitationsprotokolle Im Kontext Fruhneuzeitlicher Konfessionalisierungsprozesse: Die Bischofliche Visitation Des Jahres 1582 in Pfarren Im Wiener Uml by Kroll, Nicole
The Sovietization of Rural Hungary, 1945-1980: Subjugation in the Name of Equality by