• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Baltic History in 2016

The View From First Mountain: A personal view of the Democracy Transition Program after the Croatian War of Independence by Hanne, William G.
Emigracioni Politik Shqiptar Ne Vitet 1944-1955 by Laci, Leonora
Everything Is Wonderful: Memories of a Collective Farm in Estonia by Rausing, Sigrid
Vlad III Dracula: "Vlad III Dracula, Caught Between Good & Evil" & "Dissecting Dracula: Understanding the Dichotomy of Hero and Monster by Desmond, Jessie
Kronstadt, 1921 by Avrich, Paul
Idoj de la imperio. La rusoj en Baltio by Kniivilä, Kalle
Anglo-Ottoman Encounters in the Age of Revolution: The Collected Essays of Allan Cunningham, Volume 1 by
Remembering Dvinsk - Daugavpils, Latvia: Memorial Book of Dvinsk by Flior, Yudel
Hazardous Duty by Hackworth, David H.
The Art of Identity and Memory: Toward a Cultural History of the Two World Wars in Lithuania by
Trilogy of Three Romanian Jewish Communities: Bacau, Iasi and Podu Iloaiei by Kara, I.
Money, Power, and Influence in Eighteenth-Century Lithuania: The Jews on the Radziwill Estates by Teller, Adam
The Prehistory of the Crusades: Missionary War and the Baltic Crusades by Reynolds, Burnam W.
The Prehistory of the Crusades: Missionary War and the Baltic Crusades by Reynolds, Burnam W.
Circle of Amber by Reilly, Jura
Roma-Gypsy Presence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 15th - 18th centuries by Mróz, Lech
Seed in Snow by Skujenieks, Knuts
Der römische Triumph in Prinzipat und Spätantike by
Spatial Concepts of Lithuania in the Long Nineteenth Century by
The Creation of National Spaces in a Pluricultural Region: The Case of Prussian Lithuania by Safronovas, Vasilijus