• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Baskets in 2018

Cherokee Double Weave Basketry by Cottrell, Vivian
Basket Work of all Kinds - With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams by Hasluck, Paul N.
Alaska Indian Basketry by MacDowell, Lloyd W.
Basket Designs of the Indians of NorthWestern California: 1905 by Kroeber, A. L.
Basket Designs of the Mission Indians of California: 1922 by Kroeber, A. L.
Basket Making: 1902 by Morse, T. Vernette
Cane Basket Work: A Practical Manual of Weaving Useful and Fancy Baskets by Firth, Annie
How To Make Baskets: 1901 by Blanchan, Neltje, White, Mary
How To Make Indian and Other Baskets: 1903 by James, George Warton
Indian Basketry: 1903 by James, George Wharton
Indian Basket Weaving: 1903 by Navajo School of Indian Basketry
Knitted Baskets: 42 Hip, Happy, and Handmade Projects to Keep Your World Organized by Heidbreder, Nola, Pietz, Linda
The Basket Maker: 1909 by Turner, Luther Weston
Inexpensive Basketry: 1912 by Martin, William S.
Practical and Artistic Basketry: 1904 by Rollins Tinsley, Laura
Raffia Basketry As An Art: 1921 by Porter Ashley, Mildred, Porter Ashley, Gertrude
The Priscilla Basketry Book: A Collection of Baskets and Other Articles with Lessons for Working and Directions for Dyeing and Staining by Fitzgerald, Sallie G.
The Pine-Needle Basket Book: from the Originator of Pine-Needle Basketry by McAfee, M. J.
Pine Needle Basketry: A Complete Book of Instructions for Making Pine Needle Baskets by Loehr Millikin, Linna
The Basketry Book: Twelve Lessons in Reed Weaving by Miles Blanchard, Mary
Pomo Indian Basketry: Volume 7 by Barrett, S. a.
Mat and Basket Weaving of the Ancient Hawaiians: Compared with the Basketry of the Other Pacific Islanders by Brigham, William T.
Poetry and Symbolism of Indian Basketry: 1913 by Wharton James, George
Practical Basketry: 1916 by Gill, Anna A.
The Ancient Basket Makers of Southeastern Utah: 1902 by Pepper, George H.
Practical Basket Making: 1916 by Wharton James, George
Selbstbewusstsein - Selbstvertrauen - Persönlichkeit: Stärken finden und massiv steigern 
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und mentales Wachstum - &#8 by Kruse, Bruno
Our Hands Remember: Recovering Sanikiluaq Basket Sewing by Lawrence, Margaret
M by Nerdmediasw
Libro Da Colorare Italiano - Croato. Imparare Il Croato Per Bambini. Colorare E Imparare in Modo Creativo by Nerdmediait
Malebog Dansk - Tyrkisk I L by Nerdmediada
Fargeleggingsbok Norsk - Serbisk I L by Nerdmediano
M by Nerdmediasw
Colorful Animals English - Danish Coloring Book. Learn Danish for Kids. Creative painting and learning. by Nerdmediaen
Un Colorato Mondo Di Animali - Italiano-Finlandese - Libro Da Colorare. Imparare Il Finlandese Per Bambini. Colorare E Imparare in Modo Creativo. by Nerdmediait
Colorful Animals English - Italian Coloring Book. Learn Italian for Kids. Creative Painting and Learning. by Nerdmediaen
Willow: A Guide to Growing and Harvesting - Plus 20 Beautiful Woven Projects by Crisp, Jenny
A Collection of Favorite Recipes from the Cottage Girls: A love of cooking and the craft of basketry by Patterson, Patti, Marvin, Suzanne, Cosgrove, Kathy