• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Beading in 2017

Brick Stitch Seed Bead Earrings. Coloring Book 2: 21 Projects by Galiya
Brick Stitch Seed Bead Earrings. Book of Patterns 2: 21 Projects by Galiya
500 Bead Weaving Patterns for Bracelets by Ramon, Emilie
Your Beading Mentor by Paluzzi, Sandra
Fruit Basket with Fruit Beading Pattern Book: Seven Step-by-Step Beading Patterns to Make One Fruit-Filled Basket by Thomas, Teresa Nichole
Beading by Wild Pages Press
The Art of Tatting Jewelry: Exquisite Lace and Bead Designs by Morton, Lyn
Beaded Christmas Ornaments Volume 2 by Eakin, Jamie Cloud
Mastering Wirework Jewelry: 15 Intricate Designs to Create by Norris, Rachel
Horn of Plenty Beading Pattern Book: Seven Step-by-Step Beading Patterns to Make One Filled Cornucopia by Thomas, Teresa Nichole
Chrismons Advanced Series: Instructions for Making The Advanced Series of Chrismons by Spencer, Frances Kipps
Seed Bead Revolution by Fagan, Kristen, Oehler, Sara
How to Make Hemp Earrings: A Quick Guide on Hemp Jewelry Knotting for Earrings by McComb, Robyn, Howexpert Press
Beaded Wreaths for All Occasions Beading Pattern Book: Twelve Step-by-Step Beading Patterns to Make Wreaths for the Entire Year by Thomas, Teresa Nichole
The Art of Lithuanian Knitting: 25 Traditional Patterns and the People, Places, and History That Inspire Them by Druchunas, Donna, Hall, June L.
Christmas Collection by Harpster, Lauren