• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1978

Persvnliche Frvmmigkeit Und Offizielle Religion by Albertz, Rainer
Mary in the New Testament by
Exegesis by
Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Horner, Tom M.
Gospel and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary (Revised) by Brown, Raymond Edward
Concise Bible History: A Clear and Readable Account of the History of Salvatio N by Catholic Book Publishing Corp
The Community of the Beloved Disciple by Brown, Raymond E.
Untersuchungen Zu Den Psalmenkatenen by
Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses by
The Miracles of Jesus by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
The Book of Job: Commentary, New Translation and Special Studies by Gordis, Robert
Hermeneutics: The Handwritten Manuscripts by Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E., Duke, James
A Study of Angels by Myers, Edward P.
Rechtfertigung Und Zukünftiges Heil: Untersuchungen Zu Römer 5,1-11 by Wolter, Michael
Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ by Hoehner, Harold W.
Agende - Anselm Von Canterbury by
The Name of Jesus: The Names of Jesus Used by Early Christians and the Development of the Jesus Prayer Volume 44 by Hausherr, Irénée
Canaanite Myths and Legends by Gibson, John C.
Eschatologie und Jenseitserwartung im hellenistischen Diasporajudentum by Fischer, Ulrich
Neutestamentliche Studien für Rudolf Bultmann by
The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to Their Literature and Religious Ideas by Sandmel, Samuel
Flesh and Spirit by Barclay, William
Job- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Zuck, Roy B.
Geschichte der urchristlichen Literatur by Vielhauer, Philipp
The Epistles of John by Marshall, I. Howard
The Reader's Bible, a Narrative: Selections from the King James Version by Frye, Roland Mushat
Autoridad Espiritual by Nee, Watchman
Prophet Against Prophet: The Role of the Micaiah Narrative (1 Kings 22) in the Development of Early Prophetic Tradition by DeVries, Simon
Behold Your God: Studies on the Attributes of God by Alexander, Myrna
Dionysius von Alexandrien by Bienert, Wolfgang A.
New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate by Hasel, Gerhard
Turning to God by Barclay, William
Communicating the Gospel: The Laird Lectures by Barclay, William
The Predicament of the Prosperous by Rasmussen, Larry L., Birch, Bruce C.
Adult Christ at Christmas: Essays on the Three Biblical Christmas Stories - Matthew 2 and Luke 2 by Brown, Raymond Edward
Interpretation and Dionysos by McGinty, Park
William Barclay's Daily Study Bible Index by Barclay, William
Sermons on the Song of Songs, Volume 1: Volume 14 by Gilbert of Hoyland
The Gospel According to St. John, Second Edition: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text by Barrett, C. Kingsley
Werden und Wesen des 107. Psalms by Beyerlin, Walter
The Renaissance New Testament: Matthew 19-29 by Yeager, Randolph O.
The Problem of War in the Old Testament by Craigie, Peter C.
Super Secundum (Dist 1-5) by
El Pentateuco by Hoff, Pablo