• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1981

Semitic Interference in Marcan Syntax by Maloney, Elliott C.
Semeia 19: The Book of Job and Ricoeur's Hermeneutics by
The Letter of Peter to Phillip by Meyer, Marvin W.
Daniel by Russell, D. S.
Leviticus (DSB) by Knight
Semeia 21: Anthropological Perspectives on Old Testament Prophecy by
Genesis, Vol. 1 (DSB-OT) by Gibson
Daniel by Russell, D. S.
Genesis: Volume 1 by Gibson, John C. L.
Leviticus by F, George A.
An Introduction to the Parables of Jesus by Stein, Robert H.
Seven Lasting Words by Seitz, Christopher R.
The Teaching of Addai by Howard, George, Labubna
Streitschriften by Francke, August Hermann
The Diatribe and Paul's Letter to the Romans by Stowers, Stanley Kent
Loaves and Fishes: The Function of the Feeding Stories in the Gospel of Mark by Fowler, Robert M.
The Life of Our Lord by Dickens, Charles
The Apocalypse of Elijah by
Narrative Art and Poetry in the Books of Samuel: Volume 1: King David by Fokkelman, Jan P.
New Testament Greek Workbook: An Inductive Study of the Complete Text of the Gospel of John by Walther, James Arthur
The Word of Truth: A Summary of Christian Doctrine Based on Biblical Revelation by Moody, Dale
The Mark of Cain: Volume 20 by Mellinkoff, Ruth
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume IV: Volume 4 by
Los Santos de la Tribulacion y Las Siete Iglesias del Apocalipsis by Waters, Ronnie D.
Fundamentalism by Barr, James
Böhmische Brüder - Chinesische Religionen by
Jesus the Jew by Vermes, Geza
Israelitische und jüdische Geschichte by Wellhausen, Julius
The Authority of Scripture: A Study of the Reformation and Post-Reformation Understanding of the Bible by Unknown, Reid, John Kelman Sutherla
The Parental Figures and the Representation of God by Vergote, Antoine, Tamayo, Alvaro
Text-Critical Methodology and the Pre-Caesarean Text: Codex W in the Gospel of Mark by Hurtado, Larry W.
Melchizedek and Melchiresa by Kobelski, Paul J.
Jensen's Survey of the New Testament by Jensen, Irving L.
Toharot (Reinheiten) by
Studien zu alttestamentlichen Texten und Themen (1966-1972) by Fohrer, Georg
Interpreting the Old Testament: A Practical Guide by Harrington, Daniel J.
Old Testament Archaeologist by Lance, H. Darrell
An Index to the Revised Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich Greek Lexicon by Alsop, John R.
Traditions in Transformation: Turning Points in Biblical Faith by
Reseña Crítica de Una Introducción Al Antiguo Testamento by Archer, Gleason
Revelation--For a New Age: The Aquarian Age by Elder, Dorothy
Aurelio de Santos Otero: Die Handschriftliche Überlieferung Der Altslavischen Apokryphen. Band II by Santos Otero, Aurelio de
Testaments of Love: A Study of Love in the Bible by Morris, Leon
Hosea & Amos- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Cohen, Gary, Vandermey, H. Ronald
The Words and Works of Jesus Christ: A Study of the Life of Christ by Pentecost, J. Dwight
Die Erscheinungen Der Jahre 1975 Und 1976 by
Psalm 119: An Exposition by Bridges, Charles
Sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians by Calvin, John
Christian in Complete Armour by Gurnall, William
Profiting from the Word by Pink, Arthur W.
Talking with Christ: Book 3 by
Beginning a New Life by
Developing Your Faith by
Knowing Jesus Christ, Book 1 by
Growing as a Christian, Book 4 by
Wisdom Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, and Esther by Murphy, Roland E.
Judges by Soggin, J. Alberto
Exhaustive Outline of the Entire Bible by Anacker, Christopher a.
Super Primum (Dist 1-6) by
Die Kennzeichen Der Kirche: Eine Studie Zu Ihrer Einheit, Heiligkeit, Katholizität Und Apostolizität by Steinacker, Peter
Five Biblical Portraits by Wiesel, Elie
The Renaissance New Testament: John 7:1-10:42, Mark 9:9-10:1, Luke 9:37-15: by Yeager, Randolph O.
The Renaissance New Testament: John 11:1-13:30, Mark 10:2-14:21, Luke 16:1-22:24 by Yeager, Randolph O.
Expository Studies in Job: Behind Suffering by Stedman, Ray C.
A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ by Pentecost, J. Dwight
Das Matthäus-Evangelium Im Mittelägyptischen Dialekt Des Koptischen (Codex Scheide) by