• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1982

Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 6 by North, Gary
Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 4: Part 3: Tools of Dominion by North, Gary
The Biblical Mosaic: Changing Perspectives by
Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 5 by North, Gary
Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 2: Part 2: Decalogue and Dominion by North, Gary
Authority and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Exodus, Volume 1: Part 1: Representation and Dominion by North, Gary
Ben Sira's View of Women: A Literary Analysis by Trenchard, Warren C.
Semeia 24: Old Testament Interpretation from a Process Perspective by
The Manuscript History of the Psalms of Solomon by Hann, Robert
The Israeilan Heritage of Judaism by Ginsberg, H. Louis, Ginsberg, Harold Louis
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The Triadic Phrase in Matthew 28:19b by Schaberg, Jane
The Bible in American Education: From Source Book to Textbook by
Semeia 25: Julius Wellhausen and His Prolegomena to the History of Israel by
I and II Samuel by Payne, David F.
Death as Departure: The Johannine Descent-Ascent Schema by Nicholson, Godfrey C.
Exodus (DSB-OT) by Ellison
Exodus by Ellison, H. L.
Genesis by Gibson, John C. L.
Psalms: Volume 1 by F, George A.
Walking With God, Primary 1, Teacher's Manual by
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament - James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude by
I & II Samuel by Payne, David F.
41. St. Augustine, Vol. 1: The Literal Meaning of Genesis by
La Passion de Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie par Aumeric by Aumeric
Sécularisation et Religions Politiques by Sironneau, Jean-Pierre
Other Gospels by
The Kingship of Jesus: Composition and Theology in Mark 15 by Matera, Frank J.
God Has Many Names by Hick, John
Sin and Judgment in the Prophets by Miller, Patrick D., Jr., Miller, Patrick, Jr.
The Truth about Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites by Hugley, Ella
The Bible and Social Reform by
Joel and Obadiah: A Commentary by Barton, John
The Poetry of Baruch: A Reconstruction and Analysis of the Original Hebrew Text of Baruch 3:9-5:9 by Burke, David G.
Genesis, Vol. 2 (DSB-OT) by Gibson
Psalms, Volume 1: Psalms 1-72 by Gibson, John C. L.
Divine Impartiality: Paul and a Theological Axiom by Bassler, Jouette M.
A Pictorial History of Our English Bible by Beale, David
Augustine on Romans: Propositions from the Epistle to the Romans/i and /iUnfinished Commentary on the Epistles to the Romans by Landes, Paula, Saint Augustine of Hippo
The Church in the New Testament by Conner, Kevin J., Conner, K. Patrick
Super Primum (Dist 7-17) by
First & Second Samuel- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Laney, Carl
Understanding the Bible by Stott, John R. W.
Esgrima Bíblica by Vargas, Josué Valdez
Comparing Religions: A Limitative Approach: An Analysis of Akan, Para-Creole, and Ifo-Sananda Rites and Prayers by Platvoet, J. G.
Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Old Testament by Weingreen, Jacob
Grammatik Des Samaritanischen Aramäisch by Macuch, Rudolf
Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte by
Tabernacle in the Wilderness: A Study of Christ in the Tabernacle, the Offerings, and the Priesthood by Ritchie, John
The Structure and Ethos of the Wisdom Admonitions in Proverbs by Nel, Philip Johannes
Seven Pauline Letters by Ellis, Peter F.
Four Views of Christ by Jukes, Andrew
Mystical Experience and Religious Doctrine by Almond, Philip C.
He Leadeth Me by Slemming, Charles W.
Mythos im Alten Testament by Petersen, Claus
Iuvenalis - Zoticus by
Typos: The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New by Goppelt, Leonhard
The Profile Method for Classifying and Evaluating Manuscript Evidence by Wisse, Frederik
Apocalipsis: El Drama de Los Siglos by Lockyer, Herbert
How to Read the Old Testament by Charpentier, Etienne
The Prophets, Volume 1: The Assyrian Period by Koch, Klaus
Romanitas - Christianitas: Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Und Literatur Der Römischen Kaiserzeit. Johannes Straub Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 18. Oktobe by
Ezra & Nehemiah- Everyman's Bible Commentary by Laney, Carl
The Renaissance New Testament: John 13:31-20:18, Mark 14:22-16:13, Luke 22:24-24:33 by Yeager, Randolph O.
The Renaissance New Testament: John 20:19-21:25, Mark 16:14-16:20, Luke 24:33-24:53, Acts 1:1-10:34 by Yeager, Randolph O.
The Renaissance New Testament: Acts 10:34-23:36 by Yeager, Randolph O.
The Variety and Unity of the Apostolic Witness to Christ by Goppelt, Leonhard
History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age by Koester, Helmut
The Light Has Come: An Exposition of the Fourth Gospel by Newbigin, Lesslie
Diccionario del Hebreo Y Arameo Biblicos by Fohrer, Georg