• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1986

Semeia 36: Early Christian Apocalypticism: Genre and Social Setting by
The Mystery of the Kingdom of God by Marcus, Joel
Galatians: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Cousar, Charles B.
Hermeneutical Procedure & Theological Method in Origen's Exegesis by Torjesen, Karen Jo
First and Second Kings by Auld, A. Graeme
Women and the Word: The Gender of God in the New Testament and the Spirituality of Women by Schneiders, Sandra M.
Hebrew Prophets by Newsome Jr, James D.
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament - John by
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament - 1, 2, 3 John by
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament - Acts by Krodel, Gerhard
God and Rhetoric of Sexuality by Trible, Phyllis
I & II Kings by Auld, A. Graeme
Jeremiah & Lamentations (DSB-OT) Vol 2 by Davidson
Kingship According to the Deuteronomistic History by Gerbrandt, Gerald Eddie
The Evidence for Jesus by Dunn, James D. G.
Early Biblical Interpretation by Greer, Rowan A., Kugel, James L.
Jeremiah Volume 2, and Lamentations by Davidson, Robert
Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon by Davidson, Robert
Isaiah: Volume 2 by Sawyer, John F. a.
Romans: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Achtemeier, Paul J.
Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels by Ehrman, Bart D.
Genesis 37 - 50: Continental Commentaries by
Konkordanz Zu Den Pseudoklementinen, Teil 1: Lateinisches Wortregister by Strecker, Georg
Annales Libri XI-XVI by Cornelius Tacitus
The New Testament in Its Social Environment by Balch, David L., Stambaugh, John
Genesis 12 - 36: Continental Commentaries by
Textual Criticism by
Augustine on Prayer by Hand, Thomas A.
Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon (DSB-OT) by Davidson
Sing, O Barren One: A Study in Comparative Midrash by Callaway, Mary
Isaiah, Volume 2: Chapters 33-66 by John F. a., Sawyer
Genesis: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Brueggemann, Walter
Hopeful Imagination by Brueggemann, Walter
The Apostle Paul: An Introduction to His Writings and Teaching by Soards, Marion J.
Saint Joseph New Testament-Nab by Catholic Book Publishing Corp
Great Women of the Bible by Winkler, Jude
Hermeneutical Inquiry: Volume 1: The Interpretation of Texts by Klemm, David E.
Hermeneutical Inquiry: Volume 2: The Interpretation of Existence by
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume V: Volume 5 by
Outside the Old Testament by De Jonge, Marinus
Prophecy and Canon: A Contribution to the Study of Jewish Origins by Blenkinsopp, Joseph
Untersuchungen zur allegorischen Rede der Propheten Amos und Jesaja by Bjorndalen, Anders J.
Die Herrschaft des Gekreuzigten by Ehler, Bernhard
Die Katholischen Briefe by
New International Bible Commentary: (Zondervan's Understand the Bible Reference Series) by Bruce, F. F.
La dorada claridad: (el conflicto espiritual de Job) by Rosario, Anibal J.
Women, Authority & the Bible by
Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination by White, John
A Harmony of the Gospels: New American Standard Edition by Thomas, Robert L.
Give Me an Answer That Satisfies My Heart and My Mind: Answers to Your Toughest Questions by Knechtle, Cliffe
Interpreting the Psalms by Miller, Patrick D.
Die sahidischen Handschriften der Evangelien by
Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Volume 20 by MacArthur, John
Anti-Judaism in Early Christianity: Paul and the Gospels by
Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction by Ferguson, Duncan S.
The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels by
The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics Volume 3 by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
Jeremiah: Believers Church Bible Commentary by Martens, Elmer a.
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible: A Fresh Look at What Scripture Teaches by Adams, Jay E.
Jesus: Lord & Savior by Bruce, F. F.
Cómo Preparar Mensajes Bíblicos = How to Prepare Bible Messages by Braga, James
Kleine Schriften Zum Alten Testament by Kutsch, Ernst
Der Kreuzigungsbericht des Markusevangeliums Mk 15,20b-41 by Schreiber, Johannes
Die Großen Katholischen Briefe by
These Things Are Written: An Introduction to the Religious Ideas of the Bible by Efird, James M.
Don't Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees: The Adventures of an American Surgeon in Nepal by Hale, Thomas
Jahwist und Priesterschrift in Exodus 3-14 by Kohata, Fujiko
The Passion as Story: The Plot of Mark by
The Old Testament Short Story: Explorations Into Narrative Spirituality by William, Riley, McCarthy, Carmel
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39 by Oswalt, John N.
Der zehnte Osterfestbrief des Athanasius von Alexandrien by Lorenz, Rudolf
A General Introduction to the Bible by Nix, William E., Geisler, Norman L.
Some Mistakes of Moses by Ingersoll, Robert G.
The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Self-Image by Adams, Jay E.
Exodus and Revolution by Walzer, Michael
Survey of Israel's History Hardcover by Wood, Leon J.
Studien Zum Text Und Zur Ethik Des Neuen Testaments: Festschrift Zum 80. Geburtstag Von Heinrich Greeven by
Von Den Wandlungen Gottes: Beiträge Zur Systematischen Theologie by Ratschow, Carl H.
Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon by Carson, D. A., Woodbridge, John
A Stylometric Study of the New Testament by Kenny, Anthony
The Great Reversal: Ethics and the New Testament by Verhey, Allen
Proverbs by Aitken, Kenneth T.
How We Got the Bible by Lightfoot, Neil R.
The Traditional Prayer in the Psalms / Literarische Studien zur Josephsgeschichte by Aejmelaeus, Anneli, Schmidt, Ludwig
A Structural Analysis of the Sermon on the Mount by Kodjak, Andreij
Proverbs by Aitken, Kenneth T.
Outlines of Bible Study: An Easy-To-Follow Guide to Greater Bible Knowledge by
Crucified Christ in Holy Week: Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives by Brown, Raymond Edward
Romans: A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles by Lipscomb, David
Respuestas honestas a preguntas honestas by Filipinas, Intervarsity
Erasmus' Annotations on the New Testament: From Philologist to Theologian by Rummel, Erika
Baxter's Explore the Book by Baxter, J. Sidlow
The Rejection of the Humble Messianic King: A Study of the Composition of Matthew 11-12 by Verseput, Donald