• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1988

Property Rights in the Eighth-Century Prophets by Dearman, John Andrew
Semeia 43: Genre, Narrativity, and Theology by
The Bible and Bibles in America by
Speech Act Theory and Biblical Criticism by
The Coherence of the Book of Micah by Hagstrom, David Gerald
David Lion and Lamb by Mills, C. Michael, Mills, Michael
Context and Meaning in Proverbs 25-27 by Van Leeuwen, Raymond C.
Your Eyes Will Be Opened by Buchholz, Dennis D.
Gospel Fictions by Helms, Randel
Cracks in an Earthen Vessel: An Examination of the Catalogues of Hardships in the Corinthian Correspondence by Fitzgerald, John T.
Water into Wine and the Beheading of John the Baptist by Aus, Roger
Acts: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Willimon, William H.
Hosea--Micah: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Limburg, James
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament - Luke by Tiede, David L.
Moses Stuart: The Father of Biblical Science in America by Giltner, John H.
The Print's First Kiss: A Rhetorical Investigation of the Implied Reader in the Fourth Gospel by Staley, Jeffrey Lloyd
The Book of the Torah: The Narrative Integrity of the Pentateuch by Mann, Thomas W.
Christology in Context: The Earliest Christian Response to Jesus by Jonge, Marinus De
Greco-Roman Literature and the New Testament: Selected Forms and Genres by
Invention, Arrangement, and Style: Rhetorical Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter by Watson, Duane Frederick
The Confessions of Jeremiah: Their Interpretation and Role in Chapters 1-25 by O'Connor, Kathleen M.
Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel by Olyan, Saul M.
Tabernacle of Moses: The Riches of Redemption's Story as Revealed in the Tabernacle by Conner, Kevin J.
Ancient Epistolary Theorists by
Shorter Christian Prayer: Four-Week Psalter of the Loh Containing Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer with Selections for Entire Year by International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Semeia 42: Reasoning with the Foxes by
Response to the End of History: Eschatology and Situation in Luke-Acts by Carroll, John T.
Tradition History and the Psalms of Asaph by Nasuti, Harry P.
Biblical Interpretation in the Gnostic Gospel of Truth from Nag Hammadi by Williams, Jacqueline A.
Shorter Christian Prayer: Four-Week Psalter of the Loh Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer with Selections for the Entire Year by International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Prayer, Power, and the Problem of Suffering by Dowd, Sharyn E.
In an Age of Prose: A Literary Approach to Ezra-Nehemiah by Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn
The Targum Onqelos to Genesis: Volume 6 by
Temple of Solomon: The Glory of God as Displayed Through the Temple by Conner, Kevin J.
The Gospel and the Church by Loisy, Alfred Firmin
Isaiah 1-4 and the Post-Exilic Understanding of the Isaianic Tradition by Sweeney, Marvin a.
Murder and Difference: Gender, Genre, and Scholarship on Sisera's Death by Bal, Mieke
You Can Count On It: God's Design Through Numbers by Borden Phd, Eli M.
Ohalot (Zelte) by
Israel's Praise by Brueggemann, Walter
II Kings: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by Cogan, Mordechai, Tadmor, Hayim
Gods and the One God by Grant, Robert M.
Hezekiah and the Books of Kings by Provan, Iain W.
The Great Themes of Scripture: New Testament by Martos, Joseph, Rohr, Richard
Games for All Occasions: 297 Indoor and Outdoor Games by Carlson, Morry, Anderson, Ken
Introduction to Old Test Femin by Laffey, Alice L.
Hope Within History by Brueggemann, Walter
Christian Liturgy by Kilmartin, Edward J.
Gospel in Parable by Donahue, Johnr, Donahue, John
Psalms, Part 1: An Introduction to Cultic Poetry by Gerstenberger, Erhard S.
Amos, Hosea, Micah: An Archaelogical Commentary by King, Philip J.
Rebuilding with Hope: A Commentary on the Books of Haggai and Zechariah by Stuhlmueller, Carroll
Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments by
Revelation of God: A Commentary on the Books of the Song of Songs and Jonah by Knight, George A. F.
The Book of Job by Hartley, John E.
Language and Imagery of the Bible by Caird, G. B.
Early Rabbinic Writings by Maccoby, Hyam
The Cross and the Spirit by Cosgrove, Charles H.
10 Miracles of Jesus Workbook by Buckingham, Jamie
Death and Dissymmetry: The Politics of Coherence in the Book of Judges by Bal, Mieke
The Book of the Acts by Bruce, F. F.
Studien zur alttestamentlichen Vorstellung vom Plan Jahwes by Werner, Wolfgang
Society, the Sacred and Scripture in Ancient Judaism: A Sociology of Knowledge by Lightstone, Jack N.
How to Read the Psalms by Longman, Tremper, III
The NIV Harmony of the Gospels: With Explanations and Essays by Gundry, Stanley N.
The Targum Onqelos to Exodus: Volume 7 by
The Targum Onqelos to Deuteronomy: Volume 9 by
Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and Numbers: Volume 8 by
Matthew as Story: Second Edition by Kingsbury, Jack Dean
Conscience and the Reality of God: An Essay on the Experiential Foundations of Religious Knowledge by Staten, John C.
Paul and His Letters: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Krodel, Gerhard
Christian in Complete Armour Volume 2 by Gurnall, William
El Tabernáculo Y La Iglesia: Un Estudio Bíblico Que Lo Introduce a Usted a Un Nueva Dimensión Espiritual by De Almeida, Abraao
All of the Women of the Bible by Deen, Edith
The Book of Theodicy: A Translation and Commentary on the Book of Job by Saadiah, Ben Joseph Al-Fayyumi
Words and the Word: Language Poetics, and Biblical Interpretation by Prickett, Stephen
Schriften Aus Der Berliner Zeit 1800-1802 by
Triumph of Irony in the Book of Judges by Klein, Lillian R.
The Mind of the Bible-Believer by Cohen, Edmund D.
The Aramaic Version of the Bible: Contents and Context by Levine, Etan
Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary by Tenney, Merrill C., Douglas, J. D.
From Eden to Babel: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 1-11 by Gowan, Donald E.
All the Miracles of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Doctrines of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Apostles of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Men of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Parables of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
Paul's Covenant Community: Jew and Gentile in Romans by Kaylor, R. David
Story Journey: An Invitation to the Gospel as Storytelling by Boomershine, Thomas E.
Die Theologie Der Frühen Predigten Schleiermachers by Meier-Dörken, Christoph
The Eucharist in New Testament by Kodell, Jerome
Leviticus and Numbers: 8: Volume 8 by Grossfeld, Bernard
All the Women of the Bible by Lockyer, Herbert
A Coming Christ in Advent by Brown, Raymond E.
Interpreting Revelation by Tenney, Merrill C.
Roots by Boer, Martinus C. de
Johannesapokalypse und johanneischer Kreis by Taeger, Jens-W
And God Created Laughter: The Bible as Divine Comedy by Hyers, Conrad
Religion in Calabar: The Religious Life and History of a Nigerian Town by Hackett, Rosalind I. J.
Ezra-Nehemiah (1988): A Commentary by Blenkinsopp, Joseph
Nahum--Malachi: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Achtemeier, Elizabeth
God and His People: Covenant and Theology in the Old Testament by Nicholson, Ernest W.
Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times by Kee, Howard Clark, Kee, Kee, Howard Clark
Die Frühgeschichte Israels in Bekenntnis und Verkündigung des Alten Testaments by Kreuzer, Siegfried
Die Ferne Gottes: Studien Zum Jeremiabuch. Beiträge Zu Den Konfessionen Im Jeremiabuch Und Ein Versuch Zur Frage Nach Den Anfängen Der J by Pohlmann, Karl-Friedrich
Eine neue Lehre in Vollmacht by Weiss, Wolfgang
10 Bible People Like Me Workbook by Buckingham, Jamie
10 Parables of Jesus Workbook by Buckingham, Jamie
10 Miracles of Jesus by Buckingham, Jamie