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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1994

Theology in Exodus by Gowan, Donald E.
Cloud of Witnesses by Baker, Gordon Pratt
Semeia 68: Honor and Shame in the World of the Bible by
The Babylonian Esther Midrash: A Critical Commentary, Volume 1 by
Kings Without Privilege by Auld, A. Graeme
Family 1739 in Acts by Geer, Thomas C.
Voices from Amsterdam by
Leadership and Discipleship: A Study of Luke 22:24-30 by Nelson, Peter K.
At Odds with God: Adult Bible Study and Sermon Resource by Garrison, Peter C.
Paul the Letter-Writer: His World, His Options, His Skills by Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome
Isaiah and Prophetic Traditions in the Book of Revelation by Fekkes III, Jan
Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs by Washington, Harold C.
Seminario Teologico Practico by Acosta, Aquiles
Semeia 66: Ethics and Politics in the Hebrew Bible by
Ephesians by Best, Ernest
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of the Johannine Epistles by Sherman, Grace E., Tuggy, John C.
A Rachel Rosary: Intercessory Prayer for Victims of Post-Abortion Syndrome by Kupferman, Larry
Tracing the Threads: Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha by
A Once-And-Coming Spirit at Pentecost: Essays on the Liturgical Readings Between Easter and Pentecost by Brown, Raymond E.
Exodus: A Teacher's Guide by Zielenziger, Ruth
Rekognitionen in Rufins Übersetzung by
St. Joseph Catholic Handbook: Principal Beliefs, Popular Prayers, Major Practices by Donaghy, Thomas J.
An Introduction to New Testament Christology by Brown, Raymond E.
The Gospel According to Jesus by Mitchell, Stephen
Minute Meditations from the Popes: Minute Meditations for Every Day Taken from the Words of Popes from the Twentieth Century by Winkler, Jude
Comm on Epistle to Romans by Hodge, Charles
The Scandal of the Gospels: Jesus, Story, and Offense by McCracken, David
Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-Christology in Trinitarian Perspective by del Colle, Ralph
The Book of Job by Mitchell, Stephen
Translating for King James by
Biblical Interpretation and Christian Ethics by J. I. H., McDonald, McDonald, J. I. H., McDonald, James I. H.
Jesus According to Paul by Furnish, Victor Paul, Rayner
Bede: On the Tabernacle by Bede
The Targums of Ruth and Chronicles: Volume 19 by Beattie, Derek R. G., McIvor, J. Stanley
Jesus the Prophet: His Vision of the Kingdom on Earth by Kaylor, R. David
Faith of Israel by Rowley, H. H.
Altes Testament Und Judentum Im Frühwerk Rudolf Bultmanns by Valerio, Karolina De
Übersetzung als Vollendung der Auslegung by Rösel, Martin
Gemeindepädagogik by Grethlein, Christian
Daniel: A Commentary on the Book of Daniel by
Milestones to Maturity by Zondervan
Biblical Hermeneutics by Maier, Gerhard
The Message of Acts by Stott, John
Documents for the Study of the Gospels: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Dungan, David L.
The Tempter's Voice: Language and the Fall in Medieval Literature by Jager, Eric
When Brothers Dwell Together: The Preeminence of Younger Siblings in the Hebrew Bible by Greenspahn, Frederick E.
The speeches in Acts by Soards, Marion L.
Conversion in the New Testament by Witherup, Ronald D.
Biblical Authority or Biblical Tyranny? by Countryman, L. William
Politics and Theopolitics in the Bible and Postbiblical Literature by
Revelation by Court, John M.
Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Commentary by Stuhlmacher, Peter
Jonah and Lamentations by Salters, R. B.
Using Scripture in Pastoral Counseling by Wimberly, Edward P.
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus: The Mystery of Christ's Baptism by Cantalamessa, Raniero
The War Is Real by Allen, Vaughn
The War Is Real by Allen, Vaughn
Nelson's Quick Reference Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary: Nelson's Quick Reference Series by Wiersbe, Warren W.
Post Structural Ism and the New Testament by Moore, Stephen D.
Prophet, Son, Messiah by Broadhead, Edwin K.
The Gospel of Thomas and Jesus by Patterson, Stephen J.
Schleiermacher als Kirchengeschichtler by Boekels, Joachim
Die Erzeltern Israels: Feministisch-Theologische Studien Zu Genesis 12-36 by Fischer, Irmtraud
Schriftgelehrte Prophetie in Jes 56-66: Eine Untersuchung Zu Den Literarischen Bezügen in Den Letzten Elf Kapiteln Des Jesajabuches by Lau, Wolfgang
Psalms: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Mays, James Luther
Ezekiel: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Volume 17 by Cooper, Lamar Eugene
Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race by Blyden, Edward Wilmot
Thirty-One Secrets of an Unforgettable Woman by Murdoch, Mike
Tyranny of the Urgent by Hummel, Charles E.
New Bible Commentary: Volume 2 by
A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume I: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy by Albertz, Rainer
Feminist Companion to Exodus to Deuteronomy by
Feminist Companion to Samuel-Kings by
Paul the Apostle to America: Cultural Trends and Pauline Scholarship by Jewett, Robert
God Has Spoken: Revelation and the Bible by Packer, J. I.
The Life of Moses: The Yahwist as Historian in Exodus-Numbers by Seters, John Van
The Gospel of Jesus: The Pastoral Relevance of the Synoptic Problem by Farmer, William R.
Isaiah's Vision and the Family of God by Darr, Katheryn Pfisterer
King David & His Songs: A Story of the Psalms by Windeatt
The Book of Acts in Its Graeco-Roman Setting by Gill, David W. J., Gempf, Conrad
Parables As Subversive Speech by Herzog, William R.
Heil den Gerechten - Unheil den Sündern! by Koenen, Klaus
Le Songe Et La Parole: Etude Sur Le Rêve Et Sa Fonction Dans l'Ancien Israël by Husser, Jean-Marie
Mose in den Chronikbüchern by Dörrfuß, Ernst Michael
Studien zum Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk by Würthwein, Ernst
Targums Neofiti 1 and Pseudo-Jonathan: Exodus: Volume 2 by Maher, Michael, McNamara, Martin
Paul's Narrative Thought World by Witherington, Ben, III
A Guide through the New Testament by Sinclair, Celia B.
Romans 9-16 MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Volume 16 by MacArthur, John
Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community by Saldarini, Anthony J.
Reincarnation in the New Testament by Pryse, James M.
Creative Bible Lessons from the Life of Christ: 12 Ready-To-Use Bible Lessons for Your Youth Group by Fields, Doug
The Theology of the Pastoral Letters by Young, Frances
Priorities: Tyranny of the Urgent by Hummel, Charles
Commitment: My Heart--Christ's Home by Munger, Robert Boyd
Studies in Biblical Law by Brin, Gershon
Basic Bible Commentary Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther by Whitehead, Brady
Basic Bible Commentary Acts by Sargent, James E.
Basic Bible Commentary First and Second Chronicles by Wolcott, Leonard
Basic Bible Commentary Romans by Jewett, Robert
Basic Bible Commentary Exodus and Leviticus by Schoville, Keith N.
Basic Bible Commentary Numbers and Deuteronomy by Deming, Lynne
Basic Bible Commentary First and Second Kings by Hinton, Linda B.
Basic Bible Commentary Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi by Hinton, Linda B.
Basic Bible Commentary Luke by Hutchinson, Orion N.
Basic Bible Commentary First and Second Corinthians by Madsen, Norman P.
Basic Bible Commentary James, First and Second Peter, First, Second and Third John and Jude by Johnson, Earl S.
Basic Bible Commentary Joshua, Judges and Ruth by Ferguson, Barbara P.
Basic Bible Commentary John by Madsen, Norman P.
Other Followers of Jesus by Williams, Joel
Basic Bible Commentary Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah and Jonah by Sargent, James E.
Basic Bible Commentary Hebrews by Wolcott, Leonard
Basic Bible Commentary Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon by Johnson, Frank
Basic Bible Commentary First and Second Timothy, Titus and Philemon by Sargent, James E.
Biblical Christian Ethics by Jones, David Clyde
Basic Bible Commentary Mark by Weaver, Walter
Basic Bible Commentary Jeremiah and Lamentations by Hinton, Linda B.
Basic Bible Commentary Job by Weeks, Gregory M.
Basic Bible Commentary Ezekiel and Daniel by Hinton, Linda B.
Basic Bible Commentary Matthew by Luccock, Robert E.
Basic Bible Commentary Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians by Blair, Edward P.
Vom Leiden zur Lehre by Witte, Markus
Text and Transmission by Tertel, Hans J.
Ein Versiegeltes Buch: Der Naturbegriff in Der Theologie J. G. Hamanns (1730-1788) by Veldhuis, Henri
Diccionario Teologico Beacon by
Basic Bible Commentary Genesis by Hinton, Linda B.
Basic Bible Commentary First and Second Samuel by Johnson, Frank
Basic Bible Commentary Psalms by Mobberley, David
Basic Bible Commentary Isaiah by Deming, Lynne
Basic Bible Commentary Galatians and Ephesians by Johnson, Earl S.
Basic Bible Commentary Revelation by Conn, Robert
Revolution: The Story of the Early Church - The First Seventeen Years by Edwards, Gene
Reform and Counterreform by
Sister Aimee: The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson by Epstein, Daniel Mark
Complete Word Study Old Testament: KJV Edition by Baker, Warren Patrick
America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations by Federer, William J.
A Parsing Guide to the Greek New Testament by Han, Nathan E.
Economic Empowerment Through the Church: A Blueprint for Progressive Community Development by Reed, Gregory J.
Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative by Berlin, Adele
I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood: Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11 by
Einleitung, Prologe Und Epiloge, Fragmente Zu Hiob 1,1 - 8,22 by
Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, Vol. 2 by Hodson, Geoffrey
Porphyry's Against the Christians by
Exploring Scriptural Sources by Milavec, Aaron
Pearls: Scriptures to Live by by
Christian Liberty: A New Testament Perspective by Dunn, James D. G.
The Gospel of St. John: And Its Relation to the Other Gospels (Cw 112) by Steiner, Rudolf
Theomatics II: God's Best-Kept Secret Revealed by Washburn, Del
New Testament Theology by Caird, George Bradford
Ritual and Remembrance by
Aufsätze Zum Alten Testament: Aus Vier Jahrzehnten by Donner, Herbert
Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship by Borg, Marcus
Christians and the New Creation: Genesis Motifs in the New Testament by Minear, Paul Sevier
The Final Superstition by Daleiden, Joseph L.
The Aramaic Bible by
Umkehr Und Sünde Im Hebräerbrief by Löhr, Hermut
Galatians: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Volume 30 by George, Timothy
Names of Christ by Horton, T. C., Hurlburt, Charles E.
The Navigator Bible Studies Handbook by
A Woman Rides the Beast by Hunt, Dave
Intertextuality and the Reading of Midrash by Boyarin, Daniel
31 Facts about Wisdom by Murdoch, Mike
Daniel: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Volume 18 by Miller, Stephen
Traditional Techniques in Classical Hebrew Verse by Watson, Wilfred G. E.
2 Thessalonians by Menken, Maarten J. J.
Lifecycles Volume 1: Jewish Women on Biblical Themes in Contemporary Life by
Lifecycles Volume 2: Jewish Women on Biblical Themes in Contemporary Life by
Song of Songs: Continental Commentaries by Keel, Othmar
From Eve to Esther: Rabbinic Reconstructions of Biblical Women by Bronner, Leila Leah
The Apocalypse: A Reading of the Revelation of John by Talbert, Charles H.
The First Christians in Their Social Worlds: Social-Scientific Approaches to New Testament Interpretation by Esler, Philip F.
The Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History by Shearer, Cyndy, Shearer, Rob
The Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament: Coded with Strong's Concordance Numbers by Wigram, George V.
Studien Zum Buch Tobit by Rabenau, Merten
All about the Holy Spirit by Lockyer, Herbert
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon by Briggs, C., Brown, Francis, Driver, S.
EXPLORANDO EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO (Spanish: Exploring the New Testament) by Blaney, Harvey, Hanson, Carl, Earle, Ralph
All the Teachings of Jesus: An Extensive Study of the Life Giving Words of the Great Teacher by Lockyer, Herbert
Created in God's Image by Anthony a. Hoekema
The Bible and the Future by Hoekema, Anthony A.
Saved by Grace by Hoekema, Anthony A.
Modern Trinitarian Perspectives by Thompson, John
Modern Trinitarian Perspectives by Thompson, John
Mystery Religions and the New Testament by Sheldon, Henry C.
Born of a Woman by Spong, John Shelby
Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art, and Tarot by Noble, Vicki
Ephesians by Kitchen, Martin, Kitchen, Canon Martin
John's Gospel by Stibbe, Mark W. G., Stibbe, Revd Mark W. G.
John's Gospel by Stibbe, Revd Mark W. G., Stibbe, Mark W. G.
Eleanor Roosevelt: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Edens, John A., Edwns, John A.
Women and Government: New Ways to Political Power by
The Books of Nature and Scripture: Recent Essays on Natural Philosophy, Theology and Biblical Criticism in the Netherlands of Spinoza's Time and the B by
Commentary on Romans by Kasemann, Ernst
Prologue and Gospel by Harris, Elizabeth
Mary Magdalene and Many Others by Burns, Paul
A Social Reading of the Old Testament by Brueggemann, Walter
New Testament Foundations Chrs by
New Testament by
Matthew in History by Luz, Ulrich
Joshua by Curtis, Adrian H.
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