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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1997

Het Urantia Boek: de Mysteries Van God, Het Universum, de Wereldgeschiedenis, Jezus En Onszelf Onthullen by
Notes on the Greek Text of Leviticus by Wevers, John William
El Sermon del Monte by Fox, Emmet
Remember the Former Things: The Recollection of Previous Texts in Second Isaiah by Willey, Patricia Tull
Novel Histories: The Fiction of Biblical Criticism by Boer, Roland
Can a 'History of Israel' Be Written? by
Have You Met Jesus?: Eight Studies on the Life and Times of Jesus by Click, E. Dale
Praying On The Journey With Christ: A Commitment To Encounter Christ Through The Gospel Of John by Bansemer, Richard F.
Semeia 78: Reading the Bible as Women: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, and Latin America by
El Cristo de Los Milagros by Ávila, Yiye
Ethnic Myths and Pentateuchal Foundations: A New Approach to the Formation of the Pentateuch by Mullen, E. Theodore, Mullen, E., Jr.
Rashbam's Commentary on Exodus: An Annotated Translation by Lockshin, Martin I.
Job: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Janzen, J. Gerald
Preaching Luke's Gospel by Jensen, Richard a.
Freedom Beyond Forgiveness by Bolin, Thomas M.
Critical Readings of John 6 by
Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern by Bock, Darrell L.
Graeco-Roman Context of Early Christian Literature by Garrison, Roman
Herod the Fox: Audience Criticism and Lukan Characterization by Darr, John
Jesus at Thirty: A Psychological and Historical Portrait by
Esther: A Commentary by Levenson, Jon D.
Every Living Thing: Daily Use of Animals in Ancient Israel by Borowski, Oded
Homilien zum Hexaemeron by Basilius Caesariensis
Atonement in the Light of Nature and Revelation by Waggoner, Joseph Harvey, Waggoner, J. H.
The Book of Ben Sira in Hebrew: A Text Edition of All Extant Hebrew Manuscripts and a Synopsis of All Parallel Hebrew Ben Sira Texts by Beentjes, Pancratius C.
Paul and the Gentiles by Donaldson, Terence L.
St. Joseph Daily Prayer Book: Prayers, Readings, and Devotions for the Year Including, Morning and Evening Prayers from Liturgy of the Hours by Catholic Book Publishing Corp
Pauline Theology, Volume IV: Looking Back, Pressing on by
The Echoes of Many Texts: Reflections on Jewish and Christian Traditions: Essays in Honor of Lou H. Silberman by
The Text of 1 Corinthians in the Writings of Origen by Hannah, Darrell D.
El Profeta Elías by Ávila, Yiye
Revelation Through First-Century Glasses by West, W. B.
My Pocket Prayer Book by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Another Time, Another Place, Another Man by Dake, Finis J.
The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Go by Johnson, Luke Timothy
Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny by Jeffrey, Grant R.
The Message of Isaiah by Webb, Barry G.
The Zion Traditions and the Aims of Jesus by Tan, Kim Huat
Der Mosesegen im Deuteronomium by Beyerle, Stefan
Skepsis Oder Furcht Gottes? by Fischer, Alexander A.
Jesus the Messiah: A Survey of the Life of Christ by Stein, Robert
Crossing the Tiber by Ray, Stephen K.
Opening the Bible by Ferlo, Roger
New Horizons in Hermeneutics: The Theory and Practice of Transforming Biblical Reading by Thiselton, Anthony C.
Matthew's Emmanuel by Kupp, David D.
Two Old English Apocrypha and their Manuscript Source by
Theological Interpretation of Scripture by
The Postmodern Bible by Bible &. Culture Collective
Chronicler as Historian by
Peace, Violence and the New Testament by Desjardins, Michell
Land, Center and Diaspora by Gafni, Isaiah
Tres Meses En La Escuela del ESP Ritu: Estudio Sobre Hechos by Gonzalez, Justo L.
A Discourse Analysis of Philippians by Reed, Jeffrey
New Testament Backgrounds by
Story as a Way of Knowing by Bradt, Kevin M.
In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah by Antonelli, Judith S.
Ruth (1997) by Nielsen, Kirsten
Ruth (1997): A Commentary by Nielsen, Kirsten
Reading the Old Testament, Revised and Expanded: Method in Biblical Study by Barton, John
Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis by Ross, Allen P.
Persia and the Bible by Yamauchi, Edwin M.
Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: From St. John Bosco\'s Biographical Memoirs by Bosco, John
Helping Children Survive Divorce: What to Expect; How to Help by Hart, Archibald D.
Jesus' Walking on the Sea by Madden, Patrick J.
Die Weltlichkeit Des Glaubens in Der Alten Kirche: Festschrift Für Ulrich Wickert Zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag by
Jesus and the Victory of God: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 2 by
Nelson's Quick Reference Vine's Dictionary of Bible Words: Nelson's Quick Reference Series by Vine, W. E.
Streams in the Desert: 366 Daily Devotional Readings by Cowman, L. B. E., Reimann, Jim
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation by
The Book of Revelation: Apocalypse & Empire by Thompson, Leonard L.
Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation by
Masterlife Book Set: A Biblical Process for Growing Disciples by Willis, Avery T.
Noyau et enjeux de l'eschatologie paulinienne: De l'apocalyptique juive et de l'eschatologie hellénistique dans quelques argumentations de l'Apôtre Pa by Matand Bulembat, Jean-Bosco
Thru the Bible Vol. 30: The Prophets (Nahum/Habakkuk): 30 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 44: The Epistles (1 Corinthians): 44 by McGee, J. Vernon
Seeing the Bible Differently: How a Course in Miracles Views the Bible by Watson, Allen
A Preface to Mark: Notes on the Gospel in Its Literary and Cultural Settings by Bryan, Christopher
A Rereading of Romans: Justice, Jews, and Gentiles by Stowers, Stanley K.
The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions by Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
New Testament Interpretation and Methods by
Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present by
A Search for the Origins of Judaism: From Joshua to the Mishnah by Nodet, Etienne
All God'S Children by McKenzie, Steven L.
The Unholy in Holy Scripture: The Dark Side of the Bible by Ludemann, Gerd
A Short Dictionary of the Psalms by Prevost, Jean-Pierre
Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God: God's End-Time Plans for His Church and Planet Earth by Hamon, Bill
The Gospel of Matthew: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series by Senior, Donald
Sermons on Galatians by Boston, Thomas, Calvin, John
Theme of the Pentateuch by Clines, David J. a.
Illustrated Family Bible: Understanding the Greatest Story Ever Told by Costecalde, Claude-Bernard
Creation and Fall Temptation: Two Biblical Studies by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
The 3 Most Important Things In Your Life by Murdock, Mike
The Grief of God: Images of the Suffering of Jesus in Late Medieval England by Ross, Ellen M.
Revelation by Garrow, Rev A. J. P., Garrow, A. J. P.
Ancient Israel: Its Life and Instructions by De Vaux, Roland
Introducing the Bible: The New Testament by Clark, Douglas R., Brunt, John C.
Paul's Gift from Philippi: Conventions of Gift Exchange and Christian Giving by Peterman, Gerald W., G. W., Peterman, Peterman, G. W.
Revelation by González, Justo L., González, Catherine Gunsalus
Liturgical Spirituality by Pfatteicher, Philip H.
Put on the Armour of God by Yoder Neufeld, Thomas
Studying the Torah: A Guide to in-Depth Interpretation by Bonchek, Avigdor
Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches by Osiek, Carolyn A., Balch, David L.
Faces of David by Noll, K. L.
Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: The Unknown Years by Hengel, Martin
How to Read the Prophets by Prevost, Jean-Pierre
Hebrews: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Long, Thomas G.
Life of Adam and Eve and Related Literature by Tromp, Johannes, De Jonge, Marinus
The Book of Psalms by Jewish Publication Society
Reading the New Testament by Court, John
Reading the New Testament by Court, John
Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry by Freedman, David Noel, Cross, Frank Moore
The Gospel of John in the Sixteenth Century: The Johannine Exegesis of Wolfgang Musculus by Farmer, Craig S.
The Canon of the New Testament Its Origin, Development, and Significance by Metzger, Bruce M.
Jesus as Healer by Remus, Harold
Jesus as Healer by Harold, Remus, Remus, Harold
Bread in the Wilderness by Merton, Thomas
The Apocalypse in England: Revelation Unravelling, 1700-1834 by Burdon, C.
Thru the Bible Vol. 12: History of Israel (1 and 2 Samuel): 12 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 32: The Prophets (Zechariah): 32 by McGee, J. Vernon
Mark's Gospel by Painter, John
Mark's Gospel by Painter, John
Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture by Young, Frances
Living Wisely in a Foolish World by House, H. Wayne
Other Side of Death: What the Bible Teaches about Heaven and Hell by Baxter, J. Sidlow
The Historical Books by
Families in Ancient Israel by Collins, John J., Perdue, Leo G., Blenkinsopp, Joseph
Scripture and Memory by West, Fritz
The Books of Esther: Structure, Genre and Textual Integrity by Dorothy, Charles V.
No Other Gods by Gnuse, Robert Karl
Like a Tree Planted: An Exploration of the Psalms and Parables Through Metaphor by Green, Barbara
Introducing the Bible 25th Anniversary Edition by Barclay, William
Bible and Colonialism: A Moral Critique by Prior, Michael
Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story by Hanson Phd, Kenneth
Embassy of Onesimus by Callahan, Allen Dwight
Thru the Bible Vol. 10: History of Israel (Joshua/Judges): 10 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 19: Poetry (Psalms 90-150): 19 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 18: Poetry (Psalms 42-89): 18 by McGee, J. Vernon
The Feasts of the Lord by Rosenthal, Marvin, Howard, Kevin
Thru the Bible Vol. 31: The Prophets (Zephaniah/Haggai): 31 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 24: The Prophets (Jeremiah/Lamentations): 24 by McGee, J. Vernon
The Jesus Quest: The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth by Witherington, Ben, III
A Cronologia Bíblica: Livro de Estudo para ser utilizado junto com a sua Bíblia by Lima, Jair Da Silva
The Holy Spirit by Moule, C. F. D.
Abraham-Genesis 12 -23 by Wallace, Ronald
Isaac and Jacob-Genesis 24-36 by Wallace, Ronald
Readings in 2 Kings: An Interpretation Arranged for Personal and Group Bible Studies by Wallace, Ronald
When Men Think Private Thoughts: Exploring the Issues That Captivate the Minds of Men by MacDonald, Gordon
Thru the Bible Vol. 15: History of Israel (Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther): 15 by McGee, J. Vernon
Three Gospels by Price, Reynolds
Whose Historical Jesus? by
The Kings - Isaiah and Kings - Jeremiah Recensions by Person, Raymond F.
En Manos de la Gracia = In the Grip of Grace by Lucado, Max
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament by Wallace, Daniel B.
Strangers and Pilgrims by McGaughey, Douglas R.
Canons in Conflict: Negotiating Texts in True and False Prophecy by Brenneman, James E.
Señor, ¿En Qué Puedo Servirte? by Witt, Marcos
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: Ephesians by Perkins, Pheme
McOb Vol 4 Prophets by Mills, Watson E., Wilson, Richard F.
Ten Commandments & Human Rights by Harrelson, Walter
The Cross in Corinth by Pickett, Raymond
Pilgrimage Pattern in Exodus by Smith, Mark S.
Biblical Ethics by Matson, T. B.
McOb Vol 7 Acts and Paul by
Hosea, Joel, and Amos by Birch, Bruce C.
The Gospel in Brief by Tolstoy, Leo
An Introduction to the Gospels by Reddish, Mitchell G.
The Minister's Topical Bible by Stewart, Derwin B.
Vine's You Can Learn New Testament Greek! by Vine, W. E.
The Jesus I Never Knew Study Guide by Yancey, Philip
Das Buch Kohelet: Studien Zur Struktur, Geschichte, Rezeption Und Theologie by
The Vision of His Glory by Lotz, Anne Graham, Thomas Nelson Publishers
Images of the Church by Driver, John
Theozentrik und Bekenntnis by Wider, David
Disciplining Hermeneutics: Interpretation in Christian Perspective by
Jesus and the Spirit: A Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and the First Christians as Reflected in the New Testamen by Dunn, James D. G.
Secrets of the Journey, Volume 1 by Murdoch, Mike
Secrets of the Journey, Volume 3 by Murdoch, Mike
Israel's Wisdom Literature by Bergant, Dianne
Elia im Neuen Testament by Öhler, Markus
Engaging the New Testament (Paper Edition): An Interdisciplinary Introduction by Pregeant, Russell
Structuration des grands ensembles bibliques et intertextualité à l'époque perse by Gosse, Bernard
Studies in Doctrine: Understanding Doctrine, Understanding the Trinity, Understanding Jesus, Justification by Faith by McGrath, Alister E.
The Road from Damascus: The Impact of Paul's Conversion on His Life, Thought, and Ministry by
La Gran Casa de Dios = The Great House of God by Lucado, Max
The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine by
Exodus: The Egyptian Evidence by
Hebrew Verse Structure by O'Connor, Michael Patrick
Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms by Keel, Othmar
The Exodus Story in the Wisdom of Solomon by Cheon, Samuel
Can a 'History of Israel' Be Written? by
Mary Magdalene: Beyond the Myth by de Boer, Esther
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: Galatians by Williams, Sam K.
Community of the Wise by Wall, Robert W.
Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition by
Asherah by Binger, Tilde
The Origin of Biblical Traditions: Hebrew Legends in Babylonia and Israel by Clay, Albert T.
So Great Salvation: What It Means to Believe in Jesus Christ by Ryrie, Charles C.
Women in the Church's Ministry: A Test Case for Biblical Hermeneutics by France, R. T.
The Apocalypse in England: Revelation Unravelling, 1700-1834 by Burdon, C.
The Apocalypse in England: Revelation Unravelling, 1700-1834 by Burdon, C.
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