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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1999

Genesis 49 in Its Literary and Historical Context by De Hoop, Raymond, Hoop, Raymond de
Is He Coming Soon? by Piper, Dean J.
Isaiah 34-35 by Miscall, Peter D.
Praying by the Book: The Scripturalization of Prayer in Second Temple Judaism by Newman, Judith H.
Proverbs: A Commentary by Clifford, Richard J.
I Esdras: From Origin to Translation by Talshir, Zipora
Sacra Pagina: Second Corinthians: Volume 8 by Lambrecht, Jan
Comentario de la Biblia Matthew Henry by Henry, Matthew
Romans by Stevenson, Martha M., Ross, Art
Missiological Implications of Epistemological Shifts: Affirming Truth in a Modern/Postmodern World by Hiebert, Paul G.
Haven't We Met Before?: A Closer Look at Biblical Friends: A Study Series by Barlow-Williams, Katheryn
Bible Stories Food And Fun!: Worship Activities For Children by Howe, Michele
Oral Biblical Criticism: The Influence of the Principles of Orality on the Literary Structure of Paul's Epistle to the Philip by Davis, Casey W.
Nuevo Diccionario de la Biblia by Lockward, Alfonso
The Meal Scenes in Luke-Acts: An Audience-Oriented Approach by Heil, John Paul
A Psychological Interpretation of Ruth by Kluger-Nash, Nomi
The Greek and Hebrew Bible: Collected Essays on the Septuagint by Tov, Emanuel
The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter: Nag-Hammadi-Codex Vii,3 by
Theology, History, and Archaeology in the Chronicler's Account of Hezekiah by Vaughn, Andrew G.
Mary the Mother of God by Hoagland, Victor
A Semantic and Structural Analysis of Philemon by Banker, John
Canon and Mission by Beeby, H. Dan
Preaching the Miracles, Series III, Cycle B by Lentz, Harold H.
Reading Biblical Narrative: A Practical Guide by P. Fokkelman, Jan
The Historical Jesus Quest: A Foundational Anthology by
How to Study the Word: Taking the Bible from the Pages to the Heart by Lawson, Terry
Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the Late Period by Burkes, Shannon
Men and Women in the Fourth Gospel: Gender and Johannine Characterization by Conway, Colleen M.
Torah-TK by
The Art of Anthropology: Essays and Diagrams by Gell, Alfred
Bible Healing Study Course by Hagin, Kenneth E.
An Alphabet of Barclay by Barclay, William
One Bible, Many Voices: Different Approaches to Biblical Studies by Gillingham, Susan E.
The Covenanted Self by Brueggemann, Walter
Images of the Spirit by Kline, Meredith G.
Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth by Ryrie, Charles C.
Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel by Casey, Maurice
Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore by Dundes, Alan
Josephus's Interpretation of the Bible: Volume 27 by Feldman, Louis H.
The Jesus Legend by Wells, George Albert
Symbols of the Revelation by Dearmore, Robert B.
Mastering World Religions by Colledge, Ray
Joshua: The Power of God's Promise by Baker, Donald
Marriage: God's Design for Intimacy by Reapsome, Martha, Reapsome, James W.
Miracles: Signs of God's Glory by Connelly, Douglas
James: Faith That Works by Le Peau, Andrew T., Le Peau, Phyllis J.
Revelation: The Triumph of God by Stevens, R. Paul
Fruit of the Spirit by Offner, Hazel
Pleasing God by Kuhatschek, Jack
Christian Character by Scazzero, Peter, Sterk, Andrea
Abraham Ibn Esras Kommentare Zu Den Büchern Kohelet, Ester Und Rut by Ibn-'ezra, Avraham Ben-Me'ir
Von Gott und den Göttern by Herrmann, Wolfram
MARY Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus by Gaventa, Beverly Roberts
Purpose and Cause in Pauline Exegesis: Romans 1.16 and 4.25 and a New Approach to the Letters by Dabourne, Wendy
Rhetoric and Galatians: Assessing an Approach to Paul's Epistle by Kern, Philip H.
Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation by Bond, Helen K.
Priest and Bishop by Brown, Raymond Edward
Biblical Form Criticism in Its Context by Buss, Martin J.
Elia Und Die Monolatrie: Ein Beitrag Zur Religionsgeschichtlichen Rückfrage Nach Dem Vorschriftprophetischen Jahwe-Glauben by Beck, Martin
Bede: A Biblical Miscellany by Bede
Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos: The Coming Great Food Shortages in America by Marrs, Texe
Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism by Sugirtharajah, R. S.
Paul's Paradigmatic I: Personal Example as Literary Strategy by Dodd, Brian
The Origins of Christianity: An Exploration by Nodet, Etienne, Taylor, Justin
Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus by Horsley, Richard A.
New Testament Christology by Matera, Frank J.
The New Testament Today by
NIV Compact Bible Commentary by Sailhamer, John H.
The Complete Book of Bible Trivia by Lang, J. Stephen
Standing on the Rock: Upholding Biblical Authority in a Secular Age by Boice, James Montgomery
Journey Through the Bible; Volume 16 Revelation (Student) by Mulholland, M. Robert, Jr.
The Old Testament and the Significance of Jesus: Embracing Change - Maintaining Christian Identity by Holmgren, Fredrick
Das Heiligkeitsgesetz Leviticus 17-26: Ursprüngliche Gestalt, Tradition Und Theologie by Grünwaldt, Klaus
Weisheit im Wandel by Marböck, Johannes
Patristica: Ausgewählte Aufsätze Zur Alten Kirche by Loofs, Friedrich
Authority and Interpretation of the Bible: An Historical Approach by Rogers, Jack, McKim, Donald K.
Ezra: Leader of Moral Restoration by
A Handbook for Basic Biblical Exegesis by Thorpe, Samuel R.
Kings and Prophets: Monarchic Power, Inspired Leadership, and Sacred Text in Biblical Narrative by Grottanelli, Cristiano, Grottanelli, Chistiano, Grottanelli, C.
Eschatology by Charles, R. H.
Biblical Hermeneutics, First Edition by Terry, Milton Spenser
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond by
Jesus ALS Lebensspender by Labahn, Michael
A New Vision for Israel: The Teachings of Jesus in National Context by McKnight, Scot
The Strong and the Weak: Romans 14.1-15.13 in Context by Reasoner, Mark
Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the Bible by
Pauline Images in Fiction and Film by Kreitzer, Larry Joseph
Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the Bible by
Epistle to the Romans: A Commentary by Conner, Kevin J.
His Thoughts Said, His Father Said by Carmichael, Amy
Joyful Noise: The New Testament Revisited by
The Birth of Christianity: Discovering What Happened in the Years Immediately After the Execution of Jesus by Crossan, John Dominic
Cruden's Compact Concordance by Cruden, Alexander
Nave's Compact Topical Bible by Nave, Orville J.
Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary by Bryant, T. Alton
Daniel by Redditt, Paul
Revelation of St. John by Kuyper, Abraham
Design for Living: Lessons on Holiness from the Sermon on the Mount by Pentecost, J. Dwight
The Lost Gospel Q: The Original Sayings of Jesus by
Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church by Ray, Stephen K.
New Jerusalem Bible-NJB-Standard by Wansbrough, Henry
Friedrich Lücke (1791-1855): Tl 1: Neutestamentliche Hermeneutik Und Exegese Imzusammenhang Mit Seinem Leben Und Werk. Tl 2: Dokumente Und Briefe. by Christophersen, Alf
Theologie ALS Christliche Philosophie by Schneider, Ulrich
Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition by Hoffmeier, James K.
Builders and Fools: Leadership the Bible Way by Tidball, Derek
Beside Still Waters: Words of Comfort for the Soul by Spurgeon, Charles H.
13 Crucial Questions Jesus Wants to Ask You by Carter, Tom
Daniel by Longman III, Tremper
Weltdeutungen im Widerstreit by Colpe, Carsten
Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period by Longenecker, Richard N.
The Kingdom of Our Father: Who Is God the Father? by Petrisko, Thomas W.
Idol Food in Corinth by Dodd, Brian
Birth of Christianity by Crossan, John Dominic
JTTB - Matthew Student Volume 9 Revised by Dunn, Van Bogard
Who Is Jesus? Why Is He Important?: An Invitation to the New Testament by Harrington, Sj Daniel
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries: 1 Peter by Boring, M. Eugene
Berit Olam: Ezra and Nehemiah by Davies, Gordon F.
A Feminist Companion to Ruth and Esther by
Journey Through the Bible Volume 6, Job-Song of Solomon Student by Farmer, Kathleen
The Great Deception: And What Jesus Really Said and Did by Ludemann, Gerd
Julian of Norwich: And the Mystical Body Politic of Christ by Bauerschmidt, Frederick Christian
New Readings in John: Literary and Theological Perspectives. Essays from the Scandinavian Conference on the Fourth Gospel by
Mystery and Prophecy of the Great Pyramid by Knight, Charles S.
Millennium Myth by Wright
Truth about God by Hauerwas, Stanley, Willimon, William H.
First and Second Kings (Wbc) by Fretheim, Terence E.
Una Revelación Divina del Cielo by Lowery, T. L., Baxter, Mary K.
The Assignment Vol. 1: The Dream & The Destiny by Murdock, Mike
The Assignment Vol 4: The Pain & The Passion by Murdock, Mike
Mythos im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt by
To Love with All Your Heart by Sciacca, Fran
God's Open Arms: Studies on Grace by Lucado, Max
Apocalyptic Bodies: The Biblical End of the World in Text and Image by Pippin, Tina
Apocalyptic Bodies: The Biblical End of the World in Text and Image by Pippin, Tina
Joy at the End of the Tether by Wilson, Douglas
Revelation 1-11 MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Volume 32 by MacArthur, John
Insights from the Secret Teachings of Jesus: The Gospel of Thomas by Amundsen, Christian D.
James by Bauckham, Richard
Under the Influence: The Shocking True Story of Angie Taylor by Fisher, Julia
Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms by Grenz, Stanley J., Guretzki, David, Nordling, Cherith Fee
The Concept of Biblical Theology by
Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's Sign-Acts: Rhetorical Nonverbal Communication by Friebel, Kelvin G.
Elisha and the End of Prophetism by Bergen, Wesley J.
Texts Reading Texts, Sacred and Secular: Two Postmodern Perspectives by Jack, Alison
Return to Babel by
Job by Wharton, James a.
From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew by Chisholm, Robert B., Jr.
Parables of Jesus by Barclay, William
Jesus in the Drama of Salvation Toward a Biblical Doctrine of Redemption by Schwager, Raymund
Let's Study Mark by Ferguson, Sinclair B.
JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh-TK: Oldest Complete Hebrew Text and the Renowned JPS Translation by
The Sermon on the Mount Inspiring the Moral Imagination by Allison, Dale
Life Principles from the Women of the Bible by Shepherd, Richard, Barber, Wayne, Rasnake, Eddie
Listening to the Text: Oral Patterning in Paul's Letters by Harvey, John D.
The Poets' Book of Psalms by
Lexicogrammar of Adjectives: A Systemic Functional Approach to Lexis by Tucker, Gordon H.
Paul, Judaism, and Judgment According to Deeds by Yinger, Kent L.
Understanding Spiritual Gifts by
Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender by
The Book of Job by
Eusebius of Caesarea's Commentary on Isaiah: Christian Exegesis in the Age of Constantine by Hollerich, Michael J.
The New Complete Works of Josephus by
Nehemiah: Man of Radical Obedience by
Zion, City of Our God by
A Guide to Contemporary Hermeneutics by McKim, Donald K.
Jesus the Miracle Worker: A Historical and Theological Study by Twelftree, Graham H.
The Uncommon Minister, Volume 1 by Murdoch, Mike
Introduction / Einführung. A[lpha] - D[elta] by Hoffmann, Paul, Hieke, Thomas, Bauer, Ulrich
History of Photography: A Bibliography of Books, Volume 4 by Roosens, Laurent, Salu, Luc
Every Woman in the Bible: Everything in the Bible Series by Richards, Sue W., Richards, Lawrence O.
Polycarp John Vol 12: The Harris Fragments and Their Challenge to the Literary Traditions by Weidmann, Frederick W.
Polycarp and John: The Harris Fragments and Their Challenge to the Literary Traditions by Weidmann, Frederick W.
A Poetics of Jonah by Craig, Kenneth M.
Transformation of Torah from Scribal Advice to Law by Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Anne
Pivot Patterns in the Former Prophets by Klaus, Nathan
In Quest of Jesus: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Tatum, W. Barnes
Reading the Bible and the Confessions by Rogers, Jack
Who is Jesus?: Answers to Your Questions about the Historical Jesus by Watts, Richard G., Crossan, John Dominic
Jesus the Meek King by Good, Deirdre J.
In the Shadow of Sinai: Stories of Travel and Biblical Research by Lewis, Agnes Smith
A History of the Synoptic Problem: The Canon, the Text, the Composition, and the Interpretation of the Gospels by Dungan, David Laird
Discourse Analysis and the New Testament: Approaches and Results by
Reading Law by Watts, James W.
Pain, Perplexity, and Promotion: A Prophetic Interpretation of the Book of Job by Sorge, Bob
Society & the Promise to David by Schniedewind, William M.
The Perfect 10: The Blessings of Following God's Commandments in a Postmodern World by Moriarty, Michael G.
Revelation Unveiled by LaHaye, Tim
Esther by Jobes, Karen H.
Mark: Follow Me by Hoover, James
Alterity and Identity in Israel: The Ger in the Old Testament by Ramírez Kidd, José E.
Being Versus Word in Paul Tillich's Theology / Sein Versus Wort in Paul Tillichs Theologie: Proceedings of the VII. International Paul-Tillich-Symposi by
Der Ausdruck von Wahrheit und Freiheit by Guth, Rupert
The New Complete Works of Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
The Theology of the First Letter to the Corinthians by Furnish, Victor Paul
The Theology of the First Letter to the Corinthians by Furnish, Victor Paul
Deconstruction, Feminist Theology, and the Problem of Difference: Subverting the Race/Gender Divide Volume 1999 by Armour, Ellen T.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible by Ulrich, Eugene C.
Die Septuaginta-Hapaxlegomena im Buch Jesus Sirach by Wagner, Christian
The Hebrew Prophets: Visionaries of the Ancient World by Na, Na
The Gospel of St. John: The Story of the Son of God by Na, Na
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