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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2006

Voyages with John: Charting the Fourth Gospel by Kysar, Robert D.
The World Before Adam or Geological Footprints of Jehovah - The Links Between Religion and Geology by Beanland, A.
God of Our Mothers: Face to Face with Powerful Women of the Old Testament by Ritley, M. R.
The Lamb & the Beasts by Binz, Stephen J.
Psalms: A Spiritual Commentary by Pennington, M. Basil
Women, Ideology and Violence by Anderson, Cheryl
Romance, She Wrote by Lacocque, André
Translating Truth: The Case for Essentially Literal Bible Translation by Grudem, Wayne, Poythress, Vern S., Collins, C. John
The Complete Personalized Promise Bible on Financial Increase: Every Scripture Promise of Provision, from Genesis to Revelation, Personalized and Writ by Riddle, James
Matthew 1:1-11:1 - Concordia Commentary by Jeffrey a Gibbs
Introduction to the Gothic Language by Lambdin, Thomas O.
Ruth and Esther: For Such a Time as This by Zondervan
7 Biblical Truths You Won't Hear in Church: But Might Change Your Life by Rich, David A.
Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment by McManus, Erwin Raphael
God's People in God's Land: Family, Land and Property in the Old Testament by Wright, Christopher J. H.
Luke: Historian and Theologian by Marshall, I. Howard
Men and Movements in the Primitive Church: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity by Bruce, Frederick Fyvie
The Old Testament World by Rogerson, John, Davies, Philip R.
La Sagrada Escritura: Alimentados Por La Palabrad by Ralph, Margaret Nutting
Abingdon's Books of the Bible Games by
Exodus by Zondervan
The Faith of Jesus: The Jesus of History and the Stages of Faith by Kropf, Richard W.
The Faith of Jesus: The Jesus of History and the Stages of Faith by Kropf, Richard W.
A Catholic Baby's First Prayer Book by Fincher, Kathy
The Common Gospel: The Ultimate Testament to Jesus the Messiah by Mebane, R. M.
Companions in Christ Leader's Guide: A Small-Group Experience in Spiritual Formation by Thompson, Marjorie J., Grana, Janice T., Bryant, Stephen D.
Rose Book of Bible and Christian History Time Lines: More Than 6000 Years at a Glance by
The Story of the Bible by Wansbrough, Henry
Basic Bible Foundations: A Literacy Textbook and Study Guide of Old Testament Events by Plummer, Minnie Knox
From the Pulpit to the Palm-Branch: A Memorial to C.H. Spurgeon by
Early Patristic Readings of Romans by
Christianity Besieged by Powell, Roger E.
Christianity Besieged by Powell, Roger E.
Notes on Galatians by Machen, J. Gresham
Out of the Storm, Into a Safe Haven by Leatherman, Dorinda
Variations on a Theme by Williamson, H. G. M.
Understanding the Future by Mendola, John
The Hexateuch: An Agnostic's Review of the Books Genesis through Joshua by Raymond, F. David, Sr.
Fundamentos - Guía del Maestro Vol. 1: Un Recurso de Discipulado de Iglesia Con Propósito by Warren, Kay, Holladay, Tom
St. Mary Magdalene: The Gnostic Tradition of the Holy Bride by Malachi, Tau
Fundamentos - Gu a del Maestro Vol. 2: Un Recurso de Discipulado de Iglesia Con Prop Sito by Warren, Rick
Fundamentos - Guía del alumno: Un recurso de discipulado de iglesia con propósito by Holladay, Tom, Warren, Kay
Jon Courson's Application Commentary: Volume 1, Old Testament, (Genesis-Job) by Courson, Jon
Reclaiming Her Story by Berquist, Jon L.
Idolatry and Authority by Phua, Richard Liong Seng
Faith It Don't Fake It by Osborne, Bridget
Jesus on Trial: A Study of the Gospels, Second Edition by Sloyan, Gerard S.
Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul by Malina, Bruce J., Pilch, John J.
Images of God by Larsen, Sandy, Larsen, Dale
The Lost Books of the Bible by
The School of God: Pedagogy and Rhetoric in Calvin's Interpretation of Deuteronomy by Blacketer, Raymond A.
The Apocalypse of Saint John by Bock, Emil
The Three Years: The Life of Christ Between Baptism and Ascension by Bock, Emil
Saint Paul: Life, Epistles and Teaching by Bock, Emil
Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus by Chancey, Mark A.
Incarnation and Covenant in the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel (John 1:1-18) by Paroschi, Wilson
The Pharisees Amongst Us: How the anti-gay campaign unmasks the religious perpetrators of the campaign to be modern-day Pharisees by Brannum-Harris, Rod
Secrets of the Vine: Breaking Through to Abundance by Wilkinson, Bruce
Covenantal Legacy: Old Principles on New Basis by Gobira, Elza De Assis
Horses and Chariots of Fire: A Biblical Study of the Created Celestial Spirit Beings by Kalmbach, Otto W.
Jonah: God Is...: ...Love by Jonah
Josiah's Reform and Jeremiah's Scroll: Historical Calamity and Prophetic Response by Leuchter, Mark
The Road to Forgiveness by Eichman, Nancy
The 23rd Psalm: The Lord, Our Shepherd by Ryan, Juanita
Definitive Chirurgische Erstversorgung by Holzgreve, Alfred, Willital, Günter H.
Das Testament Salomos: Die Älteste Christliche Dämonologie, Kommentiert Und in Deutscher Erstübersetzung by Busch, Peter
Nachgelassene Schriften: 1919-1936 by
Text - Verstehen: Grammatik Und Darüber Hinaus by
A Rabbi Looks at Jesus' Parables by Stern, Frank
In the Company of Jesus: Finding Unconventional Wisdom and Unexpected Hope by Donahue, Bill
The Word Into Life, Year B: A Guide for Group Reflection on Sunday Scripture by A. Redemptorist Pastoral Publication
Yeshua by Levy, Yitzhak Ben Aaron
Yeshua by Levy, Yitzhak Ben Aaron
The Magdalene Question by Ketter, Peter
Samuel David Luzzatto, Prolegomena to a Grammar of the Hebrew Language by Luzzatto, Samuel David, Rubin, Aaron
Paul and the Roman House Churches by Finger, Reta H.
Toward Understanding the Bible by Yoder, Perry
The Rapture: Fact or Fiction by Walker, Ronn
Paul and the Roman House Churches by Finger, Reta H.
Interpreting the Psalms: Issues and Approaches by
Toward Understanding the Bible by Yoder, Perry
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by Piper, John
SCM Studyguide: Christian Ethics by Messer, Neil
Hebrew Vocabularies by
Johannine Grammar by Abbott, Edwin A.
Pocket Guide to World Religions by Corduan, Winfried
Who's Paddling Your Canoe by Mikus, Barbara
Whose Bible Is It?: A Short History of the Scriptures by Pelikan, Jaroslav
Saint Gerard with Prayers and Devotions: Florentine Lives by Etling, Mark
Nuzi, Women's Rights and Hurrian Ethnicity and Other Academic Essays by Kim, H. C., Kim, Heerak Christian
Our Weaknesses God's Power by Acocello, Barbara
Nuzi, Women's Rights and Hurrian Ethnicity and Other Academic Essays by Kim, H. C., Kim, Heerak Christian
Serving With Joy by Grunlan, Stephen
Outlander: 1983-1985 by Staver, Frederick
Joshua by Barber, Cyril J.
Voracious Children: Who Eats Whom in Children's Literature by Daniel, Carolyn
Religious Vows, the Sermon on the Mount, and Christian Living by Thurston, Bonnie B.
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture by
Called to Be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day by Robinson, Anthony B., Wall, Robert W.
Codex Purpureus Petropolitanus by Cronin, H. S.
Paul and the Torah by Gaston, Lloyd
In Man We Trust by Brueggemann, Walter
Called To Be God's People by Eschelbach, Michael a., Giese, Curtis P.
The Book of Jubilees; The Little Genesis, the Apocalypse of Moses by Lumpkin, Joseph B.
La Crisis En La Familia de Hoy by Yrion, Josué
Eating Your Way Through Luke's Gospel by Karris, Robert J.
Bob Jones University's Errors on Bible Preservation by Waite, D. A.
Kingdom Prologue by Kline, Meredith G.
The Quaker Bible Reader by
Lo, I Tell You a Mystery: Cross, Resurrection, and Paraenesis in the Rhetoric of 1 Corinthians by Ackerman, David A.
Lo, I Tell You a Mystery: Cross, Resurrection, and Paraenesis in the Rhetoric of 1 Corinthians by Ackerman, David A.
To Broaden the Way: A Confucian-Jewish Dialogue by Patt-Shamir, Galia
Paul and the Popular Philosophers by Malherbe, Abraham J.
Kingdom Prologue by Kline, Meredith G.
The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness by Scott, Steven K.
Jesus Has A Cousin by Randle, Sabrina C.
The Divine Outline by Mendola, John
Eschatology by Pohle, Joseph
Bible Questionnaire by Burke, Linton
The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture: How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church by Hipps, Shane
The Word Order of the Gospel of Luke by Shing Chung Kwong, Ivan
Commenting and Commentaries by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
In Ora's Words: Overview of the Old Testament by Moon, Ora D.
The Chronicles Part II: 1st and 2nd Samuel and Job by Burns, Marie S.
In Ora's Words: Overview of the Old Testament by Moon, Ora D.
The Common Tradition of the Synoptic Gospels in the Text of the Revised Version by Abbott, Edwin A., Rushbrooke, W. G.
Letters That Paul Did Not Write by Collins, Raymond F.
A Study of the A.D. 70 Doctrine by
Hebrews - Revelation: 13 by
The Christ Literalist: Complete Quotes from the World's Most Renowned Revolutionary by Meza, Lou
The Oatman Arizona Holy Land Tour by Russell, James
The Liberation of Christmas by Horsley, Richard A.
Stop Hitting Snooze by Mihailoff, Alex J.
The Gospel of Saint Luke in Anglo-Saxon by
Into the Bible Every Day by Moss, James D.
He Kaine Diatheke by
Introduction to the Canonical Books of the Old Testament by Cornill, Carl
A List of Proper Names Occurring in the Old Testament with Their Interpretations by *, *.
The Newly-Recovered Gospel of St. Peter by Harris, J. Rendel
The True Gospel Revealed Anew From Jesus by Padgett, James E.
The Key To The Bible by Waton, Harry
The Christ Ideal: A Study Of The Spiritual Teachings Of Jesus by Dresser, Horatio W.
Mysteries Unveiled: The Hoary Past Comes Forward With Astonishing Messages For The Prophetic Future by Redding, William A.
The Emphatic Diaglott: Containing The Greek Text Of What Is Commonly Styled The New Testament Part 2 by Wilson, Benjamin
The Commentary Of Origen On St. John's Gospel by Brooke, A. E.
The Way of Wisdom by Silf, Margaret
Baby Bible by Toulmin, Sarah
The Emphatic Diaglott: Containing The Greek Text Of What Is Commonly Styled The New Testament by Wilson, Benjamin
In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life by Wolff, Margaret
Jesus: The Image of Humanity: Luke's Account by Grün, Anselm
The Ark of Millions of Years Volume Two: 2012 and the Harvest of the End Times by Clark, E. J., Agnew, Alexander Ph.
The Ark of Millions of Years Volume Two: 2012 and the Harvest of the End Times by Clark, E. J., Agnew, Alexander
71-200 Fgg by
Names of Jesus by
The Life of the Apostle Paul: 200 Key Facts at a Glance by
Ezekiel and the Ethics of Exile by Mein, Andrew
At the Feet of Jesus by Jenkins, Pam
History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr. E. Earle Ellis on His Eightieth Birthday by
Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins by Friesen, Steven J.
Bible Prophecies of the End Times: "There will be No More Delay" Revelation 10:6 by Ford, Edward C., Sr.
Mis Ojos Fijos en El: My Eyes Fix Upon Him by Alvarez, Frank
The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary: The Sexual Mystery at the Heart of the Christian Tradition by LeLoup, Jean-Yves
The Judgment: Its Events & Their Order by Andrews, J. N.
Charts of Christian Ethics by Mitchell, Craig Vincent
The Lost Books of the Old Testament by Lumpkin, Joseph B.
Prince of Preachers: The Apostle Paul by Gericke, Paul
God Comforts Israel by Bass, Debra Moody
Honor Your Father and Mother: A Biblical Perspective on What Parental Honor Really Means in Modern Times by Robbins, Andrew G.
Light Places by Rees, Andrew
Die Adoptivkinder Abrahams: Eine exegetische Spurensuche zur Vorgeschichte des Proselytentums = Die Adoptivkinder Abrahams by Enger, Philipp
Never Say Never by Swift, Catherine G.
The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Volumes 1-3 by
The Synoptic Gospels: Bible Studies for the Contemporary Church by Johnson, John F.
Seeing God in Diversity: Exodus and Acts by Bauer-Levesque, Angela, Magill, Elizabeth
The Bible in Western Culture: The Student's Guide by Dyas, Dee, Hughes, Esther
The Power of the Lamb by Ewing, Ward B.
An Overview of The Book Of Revelation by Lunsford, Jack
Longing to Pray: How the Psalms Teach Us to Talk with God by Kalas, J. Ellsworth
The Branches of the Gospel of John: The Reception of the Fourth Gospel in the Early Church by Keefer, Kyle
Bible Stories for Little Children by Sophia Institute Press
The New Interpreter's(r) Bible Old Testament Survey by
The Lost Sayings of Jesus: Teachings from Ancient Christian, Jewish, Gnostic and Islamic Sources by
The Evidence for Jesus by France, R. T.
Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism by Frymer-Kensky, Tikva
The Lost Sayings of Jesus: Teachings from Ancient Christian, Jewish, Gnostic and Islamic Sources by
Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? by Dever, William G.
John 1-11 MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Volume 11 by MacArthur, John
Feeding on the Word, Participants Book, Vol. 2: Companions in Christ by Hinson, E. Glenn
Has God Said?: Scripture, the Word of God, and the Crisis of Theological Authority by Morrison, John Douglas
Has God Said?: Scripture, the Word of God, and the Crisis of Theological Authority by Morrison, John Douglas
Sex in the Bible: A New Consideration by Ellens, J. Harold
The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis by Kass, Leon R.
Letting Them Go: Prepare Your Heart, Prepare Your Child for Leaving Home by Veerman, Dave
Leading with Love by Strauch, Alexander
Romans and Galatians by Ironside, H. a.
Embracing the Journey, Participants Book, Vol. 1: Companions in Christ by Job, Rueben P., Thompson, Marjorie J.
Authority From God by Clark, Randy
Twelve Extraordinary Women Workbook: How God Shaped Women of the Bible and What He Wants to Do with You by MacArthur, John F.
Understanding the Bible from A to Z: People, Places, and Facts to Make the Bible Come Alive by Rhodes, Ron
Charts of World Religions by House, H. Wayne
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