• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2011

Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life by Brown, John
The Christian View of the Old Testament by Eiselen, Frederick Carl
Science, Scripture, and Homosexuality by Bellis, Alice Ogden, Hufford, Terry L.
Beyond 400 by
Marking Thought and Talk in New Testament Greek by Sim, Margaret G.
Empire in the New Testament by
The Wedding of the Lamb by Papandrea, James L.
Finding A Woman's Place by
Luke-Acts and Empire by
You Belong to Christ by Tucker, J. Brian
Kingdom of Power, Power of Kingdom by Starner, Rob
Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture by Woods, Julie
In the End, God . . . by Robinson, John a. T.
The Wedding of the Lamb by Papandrea, James L.
Jeremiah 48 as Christian Scripture by Woods, Julie
Luke-Acts and Empire by
You Belong to Christ by Tucker, J. Brian
Immersion Bible Studies: Matthew by Kalas, J. Ellsworth
The Joshua Delusion? by Earl, Douglas S.
Politics, Religion and the Song of Songs in Seventeenth-Century England by Clarke, E.
Essays on Revelation by
Paul's Conundrum by Downey, Amy Karen
Practical Proverbs for Older Students by Halydier, Dara
The Story of the Bodmer Papyri by Robinson, James M.
The Literary Construction of the Other in the Acts of the Apostles by Smith, Mitzi J.
Baptism and Resurrection by Wedderburn, Alexander J. M.
The Story of the Bodmer Papyri by Robinson, James M.
Abraham: One God, Three Wives, Five Religions by Worthington, Frances
Teaching the Bible: The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy by Segovia, Fernando F., Tolbert, Mary Ann
Gentilesjewschristians: Polemics and Apologetics in the Greco-Roman Era by Conzelmann, Hans
Immersion Bible Studies: John by Miller, Carol J.
New Testament Theology by Isaak, Jon
Empowered Believers by Haya-Prats, Gonzalo
Todavía Remueve Piedras - Serie Favoritos: Todo El Mundo Necesita Un Milagro by Lucado, Max
The Joshua Delusion? by Earl, Douglas S.
Immersion Bible Studies: Mark by Powery, Emerson B.
The New Perspective on Paul by Yinger, Kent L.
In the End, God . . . by Robinson, John a. T.
The Case for Mark Composed in Performance by Wire, Antoinette
Marking Thought and Talk in New Testament Greek by Sim, Margaret G.
Women of the Gospels: Friends and Disciples of Jesus by Binz, Stephen J.
Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth by Bernis, Jonathan
Women of the Torah: Matriarchs and Heroes of Israel by Binz, Stephen J.
Beyond 400 by
The Literary Construction of the Other in the Acts of the Apostles by Smith, Mitzi J.
Paul's Conundrum by Downey, Amy Karen
Empire in the New Testament by
Empowered Believers by Haya-Prats, Gonzalo
The Case for Mark Composed in Performance by Wire, Antoinette
From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology by Steinmann, Andrew
Isaiah 40-55 - Concordia Commentary by R Reed Lessing
Immersion Bible Studies: Luke by Various
Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture by Childs, Brevard S.
Jewish and Christian Scriptures: The Function of 'Canonical' and 'Non-Canonical' Religious Texts by
Finding A Woman's Place by
Kingdom of Power, Power of Kingdom by Starner, Rob
New Testament Theology by Isaak, Jon
Preparedness Peace USA: Six Sessions to a Basic Foundation for a Lifestyle of Disaster Preparedness by Boland, Kynada
Preparedness Peace GODRN: Six Sessions to a Basic Foundation for a Lifestyle of Disaster Preparedness by Boland, Kynada
Essays on Revelation by
Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God by Copan, Paul
Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis by Runge, Steven E.
The New Perspective on Paul by Yinger, Kent L.
Reading Revelation Responsibly by Gorman, Michael J.
The Mega Church by Heward-Mills, Dag
Reading Revelation Responsibly by Gorman, Michael J.
Are You Going to Heaven?*: Being a Good Person . . ..Will Not. . . Buy You a Ticket to Heaven by Grandma Pam
The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus' Indictment of the Religious Leaders by Martinez, Roberto
Faith and the Faith by Cogdill, Roy E.
Commentary on Galatians by Luther, Martin
Llamado a liderar: 26 lecciones de liderazgo de la vida del Apóstol Pablo = The Book on Leadership by MacArthur, John F.
The Question of John the Baptist and Jesus' Indictment of the Religious Leaders by Martinez, Roberto
The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text & Canon by Patzia, Arthur G.
Luke: The Gospel of Amazement by Card, Michael
The Revelation and the History of Christendom: Prophecy Fulfilled to the End of Our Time by McGowan, Victor
Michael and Christ by Hannah, Darrell D.
Consuming Youth: Leading Teens Through Consumer Culture by Berard, John, Penner, James, Bartlett, Rick
Why They Must Go: A Biblical Mandate for Seventh-Day Adventist Christian Education by McCoy, Terrell
The Third 200 Questions Answered By Dr. D. A. Waite by Waite, D. a.
The Spirit of Prophecy: A Groundbreaking New Analysis of the Bible's End-Times Prophecies by Knezacek, Daniel
No Other Gospel: 31 Reasons from Galatians Why Justification by Faith Alone Is the Only Gospel by Moody, Josh
Unbroken: A Memoir by Elliott, Tracy
Psalms in Ordinary Voices: A Reinterpretation of the 150 Psalms by Men, Women, and Children by
God Revealed in John by Sim, John
How to Correct the Sacra Scriptura? Textual Criticism of the Latin Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century by Linde, Cornelia
Constructing Relationships, Constructing Faces; Hypertextuality and Ethopoeia in the New Testament Writings by Adamczewski, Bartosz
Don't Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day by
GOD Revealed in John by Sim, John
Soul Mapping by Sutton, Pastor Kenneth
Divine Evil?: The Moral Character of the God of Abraham by
Googling God's Will: Why Keep Searching for It When It's Not Lost? by Griffin, Winn
A Faith Built on Sand by Sanders, Phil
A Redneck's Guide: To Being A Christian by Todd, Jeff
Mártires Y Perseguidores: Historia de la Iglesia Desde El Sufrimiento Y La Persecución (Siglos I-X) by Ropero, Alfonso
Ministry by Teenagers: Developing Leaders from Within by Smith, David R., McKee, Jonathan
Historia del pensamiento cristiano by Gonzalez, Justo L.
En Cuanto al Shabbat by Harris, Don C.
College Adventure Handbook Softcover by KirKendall, Joe P., Stennett, Rob
On Sabbath by Harris, Don C.
He Still Moves Stones: Everyone Needs a Miracle by Lucado, Max
The Great House of God: A Home for Your Heart (the Promise of the Lord's Prayer) by Lucado, Max
Comentario Swindoll del Nuevo Testamento: Santiago, 1 Y 2 Pedro by Swindoll, Charles R.
The Once and Future Bible by Jenks, Gregory C.
The Once and Future Bible by Jenks, Gregory C.
When?: When Will the Rapture Take Place? by Beshore, F. Kenton, Keller, R. William
When?: When Will the Rapture Take Place? by Keller, R. William, Beshore, F. Kenton
Bringing The Apocrypha Out of the Closet by Bates, John W.
Men of Whom the World Was Not Worthy by Zuber
Water in the Gospel of John: Finding Christ Through Water by Baek, Andy
Water in the Gospel of John: Finding Christ Through Water by Baek, Andy
Jesus "The Way, The Truth and The Life" by Bish, Thd Dr Ronald
The Supernatural: What the Bible Has to Say by Carvalho, Eugene
Chronological Journey Through the Old Testament; from Creation Through the United Kingdom; Student Edition; volume 1 by Hunt, Joanna Nelson
Biblical Greek: A Simplified Approach to the Language of the New Testament by Vogan, Charles
Seeking Wisdom from God: A Quest for Truth by Walker, Thomas H.
Seeking Wisdom from God: A Quest for Truth by Walker, Thomas H.
Thinking Through Job by Mott, L. a.
Baptism in the Spirit by Atkinson, William P.
Baptism in the Spirit by Atkinson, William P.
Ein weiser Reisebegleiter - Der Engel bei Tobit by Graé, Ann-Christin
Do not be afraid; The First Farewell Discourse in John's Gospel (Jn 14) by Beutler, Johannes
The Plan Of God, The Power Of The Church, And The Devil's Demise by Shelton, Mitchell
The Next Step...Ordained by Deity: Exposing God's Power in Your Spiritual Journey by Dempsey, Nancy
Das Gotisch-Lateinische Bibelfragment Der Universitätsbibliothek Zu Gießen by Glaue, Paul, Helm, Karl
Die Oden Salomos by Staerk, W., Ungnad, A.
Christian Conceptions of Jewish Books: The Pfefferkorn Affair by Shamir, Avner
The Earliest Advocates of the English Bible: The Texts of the Medieval Debate by
From Fear to Love: Transforming Revelation by Brubaker, David
Christian Conceptions of Jewish Books: The Pfefferkorn Affair by Shamir, Avner
Rebekah's Confidence by Hoskins, Sharon
God's Timetable by Stramara, Daniel F., Jr.
God's Timetable by Stramara, Daniel F., Jr.
Psalm 119: 18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law by Enous, Aaron-Jason
The King James Bible After 400 Years: Literary, Linguistic, and Cultural Influences by
The Faith of Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Biography of an American President by Brown, Mary Beth
The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel by Sommer, Benjamin D.
They Went Out from Us: The Identity of the Opponents in First John by Streett, Daniel R.
The Book of Jubilees by Charles, Robert Henry, Charles, R. H.
Snatched Into Paradise (2 Cor 12:1-10): Paul's Heavenly Journey in the Context of Early Christian Experience by Wallace, James Buchanan
Marriage in the Book of Tobit by Miller, Geoffrey David
The Seed Principle by Johnson, Aubrey
The Book of Jubilees by Nyland, A.
The Bible in Politics, Second Edition: How to Read the Bible Politically by Bauckham, Richard
Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food by TerKeurst, Lysa
"Bad to the Bone" by Bearden, Billy C.
Finding Contentment by
Diagrams and Symbols Illustrating (Depicting) Verses from the Holy Bible Using Mathematical Equation to Computer Generate The Diagrams/Symbols and Col by Rajanayagam, Davy Peter
Spoken: A Collection of Sermons by Miller, Patrick Jameson
Antiguo Testamento by Aguirre, Manuel A.
Nuevo Testamento by Aguirre, Manuel A.
Antiguo Testamento by Aguirre, Manuel A.
Nuevo Testamento by Aguirre, Manuel A.
The Gospel of God: Romans by Sproul, R. C.
Gift of Forgiveness by Gibson, Eva
The Christian and the Sword: An Anabaptist Manifesto of 1577 by Walpot, Peter
Getting to Know the Bible by Lorenzini, Massimo
The Shining One: 100 Things You Only Thought Were in the Bible by Smith, Jeffry L.
A Recipe for Peace by Craun, Janie
40 Treasured Bible Verses: A Devotional by Howell, James C.
The Training of the Twelve by Bruce, A. B.
Timeless Truths from a Faithful Shepherd by Kreloff, Steven A.
Foundation for Healing by Eckart, Annette M.
Little Pope Peep and the sheared sheep: Here are the questions, the evidence and the arguments. You are the jury. by Horner, J. L.
The Second Coming of Christ (Illustrated Edition) by Larkin, Clarence
When God's Spirit Moves Bible Study Participant's Guide: Six Sessions on the Life-Changing Power of the Holy Spirit by Cymbala, Jim
The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way by Horton, Michael
This Bud's for You by Bennett, Georgann
The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules by James, Carolyn Custis
All the Books of the Bible-Volume 30: The Book of Joel by Rosson, M. E.
The Prism of Metaphor: The Gospel Refracted by Pearson, Lennart
The Shaphan Group by Kavanagh, Preston
The Shaphan Group by Kavanagh, Preston
All the Books of the Bible: Volume 36-The Book of Habakkuk by Rosson, M. E.
No One Has Hired Us: Bible Truths for the Unemployed by Bradfield, B. Wayne
The Creative Suffering of the Triune God: An Evolutionary Theology by Schaab, Gloria
Feasting on the Word: Year A, Volume 3: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary by
Tell It Well: To Do and To Teach as Jesus Did by Rye, Tara
The Whole Gospel according to the Universal Theater of God's Kingdom by McCallum, Lynn C., Huber, Catherine Whittier
Jesus: Is He the Messiah of Israel? by Keehus, Magnus N.
Topics for Today's Living by Tharpe, Beverly
Dust or Dew by Smith, Janet
Dust or Dew by Smith, Janet
The Whole Gospel according to the Universal Theater of God's Kingdom by Huber, Catherine Whittier, McCallum, Lynn C.
Topics for Today's Living by Tharpe, Beverly
Jesus: Is He the Messiah of Israel? by Keehus, Magnus N.
The $25-Million Answer: How Nostradamus Told Where to Look by Tippett, Robert
Die Vertauschung des Erstgeburtssegens in der Genesis by Hensel, Benedikt
Lutheran Perspectives on Biblical Interpretation by
The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus) 2 Volume Set by
Come Boldly to the Throne: Child of the King by Holton, Betty J.
The Liturgical Gospels by Frere, W. H.
Holiness and Community in 2 Cor 6: 14-7:1 by Adewuya, J. Ayodeji
Lo Sobrenatural: Lo que la Bíblia Tiene que Decir by Carvalho, Eugene
Profiles of the Patriarchs, Volume 3 by Barber, Cyril J.
New Testament Writers and the Old Testament by
The Death of Jesus by Green, Joel B.
Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia by Berman, Phyllis, Waskow, Arthur O.
An Anchor for the Soul: Help for the Present, Hope for the Future by Pritchard, Ray
Once & Future Faith by Funk, Robert W., Armstrong, Karen, Spong, John Shelby
Profiles of the Patriarchs, Volume 3 by Barber, Cyril J.
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