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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2012

Son Rise Reflections: Devotions for Forty Days of Lent by Belew Ph. D., Dell
Run Before The Wind by Martin, Catherine
Notes on the Apocalypse by Steele, David
Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by Troward, Thomas
Why?... How Long?: Studies on Voice(s) of Lamentation Rooted in Biblical Hebrew Poetry by
Finding a Godly Mate: Danger Zones Before Marriage by Barnes, Johnny
Immersion Bible Studies: Job by Schott, Lee A.
Más Allá de la Maldición = Beyond the Curse by Spencer, Aída Besançon
Practicing Theological Interpretation: Engaging Biblical Texts for Faith and Formation by Green, Joel B.
Transforming Body & Soul: Therapeutic Wisdom in the Gospel Healing Stories by Galipeau, Steven A.
What the Bible Says about: Do You Have Questions about God and Faith, Life and Death, the Present and the Future?: The Bible Provides Reliable, C by Finley, Mark
Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies: A Guide to the Background Literature by Evans, Craig A.
Immersion Bible Studies: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon by
Die Erzählung des Hexateuch auf ihre Quellen untersucht by Smend, Rudolf
The Organization of the Church by Edwards, John Isaac
Jesus and Scripture by
Eucharistic Prayers for Concelebration by International Commission on English in the Liturgy
Letters and Revelation by
Enthusiastic Ideas: A Good Word for Each Day of the Year by Henry, Gary
Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul?: A Narrative Approach to the Problem of Pauline Christianity by Kirk, J. R. Daniel
The Days of Creation: A History of Christian Interpretation of Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 by Brown, Andrew J.
Morning and Evening Prayer by Hoagland, Victor
Esau's Blessing: How the Bible Embraces Those with Special Needs by Prouser, Ora Horn
The Apocrypha: The Lutheran Edition with Notes by Concordia Publishing House
Education or Imitation?: Bible Interpretation for Dummies Like You and Me by Allen, Curtis
Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation by Roach, William C., Geisler, Norman L.
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word by Brueggemann, Walter
Fundamental Biblical Hebrew by Steinmann, Andrew E., Bartelt, Andrew H.
Praying the Rosary by Hoagland, Victor
My Catholic Prayer Book by Hoagland, Victor
Towards a Pentecostal Eschatology: Discerning the Way Forward by R. McQueen, Larry
People's Prayer Book by Evans, Francis
People's Prayer Book by Evans, Francis
Embracing the Prophets in Contemporary Culture Participant's Workbook: Walter Brueggemann on Confronting Today's "Pharaohs" by Bruggemann, Walter
I Am Second: Real Stories. Changing Lives. by Sterrett, Dave, Bender, Doug
A Theology of the New Testament by Palmer, Timothy P.
The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
The Anatomy of the Book of Esther by Arons, Rick
The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, volume 1 by Gerhard, John, Leyser, Polycarp
The Apostle: A Life of Paul by Pollock, John
33 the Series, Volume 1 Training Guide: A Man and His Design Volume 1 by Men's Fraternity
Complete Gospel Parallels by Miller, Robert J., Dewey, Arthur J.
The Gospel Ship: Learning to Love God with All of Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength by Felipe, Juan
Transcending the Natural by Lawson, Bill R.
Transcending the Natural by Lawson, Bill R.
From Adam to Noah-The Numbers Game: Why the Genealogy Puzzles of Genesis 5 and 11 Are in the Bible by Timmons, Leonard
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation: Biblical Essays by Ellis, E. Earle
The Use of Sobriquets in the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls by Collins, Matthew A.
Paul, Grace and Freedom: Essays in Honour of John K. Riches by
Torah Revealed, Torah Fulfilled: Scriptural Laws in Formative Judaism and Earliest Christianity by Neusner, Jacob, Chilton, Bruce D., Levine, Baruch A.
The Historical Jesus?: Necessity and Limits of an Inquiry by Nodet, Etienne
From Adam to Noah-The Numbers Game: Why the Genealogy Puzzles of Genesis 5 and 11 Are in the Bible by Timmons, Leonard
The Heavenlies in Ephesians: A Lexical, Exegetical, and Conceptual Analysis by Brannon, M. Jeff
Cookies on the Lower Shelf: Putting Bible Reading Within Reach Part 1 (Genesis - Ruth) by Gillaspie, Pam
Creation in Six Days by Kern D. Min, Steve, Smith Ph. D., E. Norbert
The Keys to God's Storehouse by Manigault, Louise
The Evergreen Devotional New Testament: C.A.F.E. Edition by Green, Hollis L.
Bible Translation Magazine: All Things Bible Translation (January 2012) by Andrews, Edward D.
Christ, the Savior of Israel; An Evaluation of the Dual Covenant and "Sonderweg" Interpretations of Paul's Letters by Vanlaningham, Michael
How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens: A Guide to Christ-Focused Reading of Scripture by Williams, Michael
Comentario MacArthur del Nuevo Testamento Juan by MacArthur, John
The Promise of Messiah: A Survey of the Major Messianic Prophecies by Lorenzini, Massimo
Conozca El Futuro: Un Descubrimiento en la Profecia Biblica by McHyde, Tim
Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism by
The Architect of Eden by Catron, J. Scott
The Architect of Eden by Catron, J. Scott
Woman, Sit Down and Shut Up: Does God Believe In Women Preachers? by Thompson, Ruth
From Chaos to Clarity: The Simplest Story Ever Told by Kellis, Wayne C.
Sintesis del Nuevo Testamento by Perez-Pena, J. Arturo
THE JEFFERSON BIBLE What Thomas Jefferson Selected as THE LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH by Jefferson, Thomas
Conditional Futurism by Goetz, James
Conditional Futurism by Goetz, James
The Misunderstanding: An Introduction to Metaphors, Images and Symbols in the Old and New Testaments by Ben Ami, Dror
Where Do We Go When We Die?: If you care, read this. by Boyters, Lori
The History of Revelation by Buffenbarger, Floyd I.
The Incorruptible Seed: A History and Defense of the Holy Bible by Baer, Daniel
Teoria del Pensamiento Universal: Como Sera El Fin del Mundo? by Fowl, Artemis
Old Testament Essays by Kennett, R. H.
Teoria del Pensamiento Universal: Como Sera El Fin del Mundo? by Fowl, Artemis
Spirit and Scripture: Exploring a Pneumatic Hermeneutic by
Contemplating Christ with Luke by Pell, George
40 Questions about the End Times by Schnabel, Eckhard
The Demonic Locusts and Other Plagues: Revelation As Horror by Nelson, Joey
The Wilton Translation of the New Testament by Wilton, Clyde C.
The Wilton Translation of the New Testament by Wilton, Clyde C.
Letters to the Seven Churches by Seiss, Joseph Augustus
Origen and Scripture: The Contours of the Exegetical Life by Martens, Peter W.
Kurzgefasste Grammatik Des Neutestamentlichen Griechisch: Mit Berücksichtigung Der Ergebnisse Der Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft Und Der Koinh-Fors by Robertson, A. T.
Astounding Christian Teachings and Fascinating Faith Testimonies: The Compiled Bible Doctrine Writings of James M. Lowrance by Lowrance, James M.
Land, Credit and Crisis: Agrarian Finance in the Hebrew Bible by Guillaume, Philippe
Swim: Into the Jewish Depths of the Christian Bible by Gainey, Jonathan
Swim: Into the Jewish Depths of the Christian Bible by Gainey, Jonathan
St John and the Victorians by Wheeler, Michael
Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ by Yeakley, Flavil R., Jr.
Hermeneutik der Tora by Schipper, Bernd U.
A Pious Seductress: Studies in the Book of Judith by
Foreign Nations in the Wisdom of Ben Sira: A Jewish Sage Between Opposition and Assimilation by Marttila, Marko
Treaty of the Great King by Kline, Meredith G.
Be Still and Know by Ramsey, Arthur Michael
Exegese MT 12,9-14 - Die Heilung eines Mannes am Sabbat by Heil, Oliver
Die Auslegung der Bergpredigt im Dritten Reich by Heil, Oliver
Gramatica del Arameo Biblico by Tyler, Louis Ray
The Genesis Principles by Davis, Helen Jordan
Jesus: A Would Be King: Messianic expectations, human frailty, religious reality, and Roman rule by Littleton, Harold E., Jr.
Unexpected New Life by Marohl, Matthew J.
Monsignor Francis Meehan Seeking the Face of God: 50 Years of Prayerful Reflections by Meehan, Francis X.
The Four Gospels: The Holy Bible (NKJV) by Bible
Unexpected New Life by Marohl, Matthew J.
Monsignor Francis Meehan Seeking the Face of God: 50 Years of Prayerful Reflections by Meehan, Francis X.
The Gospel of John by Hahn, Scott, Mitch, Curtis
Wycliffe's Old Testament (I): Volume One by Wycliffe, John, Purvey, John
The One Who Reads May Run: Essays in Honour of Edgar W. Conrad by
Apocalyptic Interpretation of the Bible: Apocalypticism and Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism, the Apostle Paul, the Historical Jesus, and Thei by Oegema, Gerbern S.
An Introduction to the Catholic Epistles by Lockett, Darian
An Introduction to the Catholic Epistles by Lockett, Darian
In the Original Text It Says by Baxter, Benjamin J.
The Jefferson Bible by Jefferson, Thomas
A Path Through The Bible: Unlock the Meanings from the Whole Bible by Clark, David L.
They are men and not gods: The secret of ancient Egypt's influence in the Bible and what it means to you by Maye, Marilyn C.
Revelation Revealed by Flanagan, Richard C.
A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand: The Body of Christ in the Last Days by Zimmer, Will
Surrounded by Bitterness by King, Philip D.
Surrounded by Bitterness by King, Philip D.
The Holy Bible and the Law by Ehrlich, J. W.
Ripened on the Vine Workbook: An Interactive Workbook for Individual or Small-Group Study by Davenport, Michele
Les Conditions de La Vraie Communion Avec Dieu: Un Commentaire Sur La Premi Re Epitre de Jean by Germain, R. V. Bethy
A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand: The Body of Christ in the Last Days by Zimmer, Will
The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God by Rasell, Marc
Whole Life, Whole Bible by Parry, Helen, Billington, Antony, Killingray, Margaret
SECOND TERM A Novel of America in the Last Days by Price, John
Commentary on Jeremiah by Jerome
Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B by Wright, N. T.
Exodus by Hahn, Scott, Mitch, Curtis
The Gospel According to Mark by Hahn, Scott
The Trees Will Clap Their Hands: A Garden Theology by Huntzinger, Jon
The Trees Will Clap Their Hands: A Garden Theology by Huntzinger, Jon
The Disciple's Guide to Revelation: With a Special Message to the Sons of Jacob by Wood, Stephen
The Disciple's Guide to Revelation: With a Special Message to the Sons of Jacob by Wood, Stephen
Outlines of Great Bible Themes by Day, Jackson
Mark: The Gospel of Passion by Card, Michael
Self-designations and Group Identity in the New Testament by Trebilco, Paul
Demythologizing Jesus of Nazareth: Was Jesus a Historical or Mthical Person? by Fuller, Robert W.
Christ Minimized: A Response to Rob Bell's Love Wins by Zens, Jon H.
12 Never-Mentioned Steps to Discipleship by James Sr, David O.
Glorious Redemptive Act of the Sanctuary of God by Lefebo, Daniel
Glorious Redemptive Act of the Sanctuary of God by Lefebo, Daniel
Enchiridion by Augustine, Saint
Forming Femininity in Antiquity: Eve, Gender, and Ideologies in the Greek Life of Adam and Eve by Arbel, Vita Daphna
Handbook on Hope, Faith and Love by Augustine, Saint
My Divine Order Scripture Bible: Most Quoted and Familiar Scriptures by Cheeley, Shirley Laney
A Way of Giving by Greenbank, Sam
Traversing the Last Days: A Surveyor's Perspective on the Last Days and the Return of the King of Kings by Faulkner, Tim
Institutionalization of Authority and the Naming of Jesus by Dreyer, Yolanda
Institutionalization of Authority and the Naming of Jesus by Dreyer, Yolanda
Traversing the Last Days: A Surveyor's Perspective on the Last Days and the Return of the King of Kings by Faulkner, Tim
Which Really Came First: Creation or Evolution? by Parnell, William B. C.
Embrace: Meditations From A WORD OF TRUTH by Walker, Jd
Truth Seeking by Singh, Krishna
Line Upon Line: Papers from Heaven, Messages from Our Father to Help Us Be the Best We Can Be by Olmstead, Dewey
Origin of the Four Gospels by Tischendorf, Constantin Von
Line Upon Line: Papers from Heaven, Messages from Our Father to Help Us Be the Best We Can Be by Olmstead, Dewey
The Wisdom of Solomon: In the Revised Version with Introduction and Notes by
The Purpose of the Holy Spirit Baptism: A Secret Hidden in the Book of John Chapter 14 for Over Two Thousand Years by Rose, Desert J.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!: The Pearly Gates, Masterpieces by the Master by Todd, Cindy Losinger
Biblical Apologetics: Advancing and Defending the Gospel of Christ by McManis, Clifford B.
Biblical Apologetics: Advancing and Defending the Gospel of Christ by McManis, Clifford B.
Keeping the Faith When Things Get Tough: Peter's Letter to Jesus Believers Scattered Everywhere by Doles, Jeff
The Biblical Aspect of Isaac's Life: His Background, Character Strengths and Accomplishments, Weaknesses and Failures, Opportunities and Threats by Ozuome, Queen, Ike
The Biblical Aspect of Isaac's Life: His Background, Character Strengths and Accomplishments, Weaknesses and Failures, Opportunities and Threats by Ike, Ozuome, Queen
In Port - Meditations On The Psalms: Volume 2: Volume 2 by Vinson, Edward A.
In Port - Meditations On The Psalms: Volume 2: Volume 2 by Vinson, Edward A.
It Could Happen Tomorrow by Frazier, Gary
Traces of Light: Sermons and Bible Studies by Theissen, Gerd
Meditations on the Holy Spirit of God by Stephenson, Sheldon
John Inductive Bible Study Pt. 2: Jesus Christ Son of God by Studies, Morningstar Bible, Abeelen, Jack, Abeelen, Debbie
Jesús En El Tiempo Presente: Las Declaraciones 'yo Soy' de Cristo by Wiersbe, Warren W.
To Be or Not To Be: Is That The Question? by Williamson, Reverend Gregory L.
In-Visible Simplicity by Rollo, James Scott
Notes On The Gospel Of Mark by Driscoll, Frank
The Plan by Craft, Perry D.
The Septuagint and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria: A Study in the Narrative of the 'Letter of Aristeas' by Honigman, Sylvie
Preposterous Revelations: Visions of Apocalypse and Martyrdom in Hollywood Cinema 1980-2000 by Copier, Laura
The Prophets of God by Finkbeiner, John F.
Formula 1 Vrooooom... by Modi, Amit
The End Time Message for All Creations by Noyogiere, Minister Andi
The Deep Things of God: A Primer on the Secrets of Heaven and Earth by Tauson, M. M.
Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as Radical Enlightener by Bayer, Oswald
The Gospel of John: A Commentary by Bruner, Frederick Dale
Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible by VanderKam, James C.
Christ and Culture Revisited by Carson, D. A.
Cross Roads: The Ongoing Struggle - Volume 1 by Jackson, Brenda S.
These Are Two Covenants: Reconsidering Paul on the Mosaic Law by Gallant, Tim
Enemy in the Household by
Covenant and Grace in the Old Testament by Miller, Robert
The importance of the word "good" in the New Testament Scriptures by Jasper, Repsaj
A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse by Bliss, Sylvester
The Bible, Confession of Faith, and Common Sense: Being a Series of Dialogues Between a Presbyterian Minister and a Young Convert, on Some Prominent a by Smith, William D.
Who Is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved? by Wilson, William, Alexandrinus, Clemens
Long Live Salvation by Works: A Humanist Manifesto by Cook, Harry T.
Masking and Unmasking Ourselves: Interpreting Biblical Texts on Clothing & Identity by Cohen, Norman J.
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