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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2015

Religion Or Relationship by Powell, Douglas
Believe by Clifford, J. B.
The Feast: A 7-Week Easter Study for Families by Gamble, Cheri L.
Attractive Life by Krayer, Bill
1-3 John by Heil, John Paul
Enarrationes in Psalmos 110-118 by Augustinus
1-3 John by Heil, John Paul
Bible Study Guide -- Community of Beloved Disciples: Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking by Hunt, Josh
San Mateo: Comentario Devocional by Talbot, Patricio
God's People A Holy People: All God desires is a people He can call His own by Forsythe, Raymond Dean
The Lord Jesus Christ's Greatest Enemy: The Story of Ehud by Keever, Roger C.
God's Faithfulnesss Our Hope: Genesis 24-33 by Oesch, Jackie
God's Forgiveness Our Freedom: Genesis 37-50 by Oesch, Jackie
God's Call Our Deliverance Part I: Exodus 1-12 by Oesch, Jackie
God's Call Our Deliverance Part II: Stories from Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy by Oesch, Jackie
Breakfast With Solomon Volume 2 by Stieglitz, Gil
The Day I was Crucified: As Told by Christ Himself by Edwards, Gene
Heaven, How I Got Here: The Story of the Thief on the Cross by Smith, Colin S.
Feeling Is The Secret by Goddard, Neville
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation by Carson, D. A.
Woman in Heaven gives Birth: 7:36AM Jerusalem Time on the 23rd of September 2017 by Gumm, Barry
God Is Oh So Good by Ferrall, Greg
The EU Trilogy: Commemorative Edition of The Danny Carter Series (The Group, The Debate, The Verdict) by Lowther, James Lewis
Countdown to Eternity: A Concise Account of Revelation's Events Leading Up to the Second Coming by Zinn, Jay M.
Narrative Theology and the Hermeneutical Virtues: Humility, Patience, Prudence by Goodson, Jacob L.
Our Human World: Evolution from Diversity to Unity by Cosijns, Lucien
Our Human World: Evolution from Diversity to Unity by Cosijns, Lucien
Voices of the Patriarchs: The Wisdom of Adam: Adam summons the clan leaders to hear his timeless wisdom and truths about God by Bredbenner, Hal
A Prophet Prepares: Theater in the Book of Ezekiel by Keen, Jesse
The Eight Dispensations by Seals, Prophetess Tina
Jouissance: A Cixousian Encounter with the Song of Songs by Klangwisan, Yael Cameron
Paul's Message and Ministry in Covenant Perspective by Hafemann, Scott J.
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary by Sheen, Fulton J.
Paul's Message and Ministry in Covenant Perspective by Hafemann, Scott J.
Characters of the Passion by Sheen, Fulton J.
Seven Words of Jesus and Mary by Sheen, Fulton J.
Characters of the Passion by Sheen, Fulton J.
The 3 Visible Advents of Jesus by Schrock, Earl
Daniel: Fifteen Different Translations Compared to the King James Version: Volume One: Chapters 1 thru 6 by Piekarz, Cindy
Is There Theology in the Hebrew Bible? by Schmid, Konrad
Christ Our Saviour by White, E. G.
Genesis Bible Study Part 1, Chapters 1-11 Adam to Noah by Dalton, Kathleen
A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ: Based On the Broadus Harmony by Robertson, A. T., Broadus, John Albert
The Forgotten Bible Reading Method: How To Read And Understand The Bible In 5 Simple Steps by Davies, Wayne
The Great Chasm: How to Stop Our Wealth from Separating Us from the Poor and God by Engdahl, Derek W.
Divorced, Remarried Branded?: Are These Limited In God's Work? by Cain, Gladine Burke
Foundational Truths For Every Believer: A one-on-one discipleship course for all believers by Bussard, James
Proverbs 31 Woman by King, Tracy
Embracing Faith: Inspirational Readings of Encouragement and Reflection by McGuire, Michael E.
Rewards are Eternal: Rewards cannot be Limited to the Millennial Kingdom by Cauley, Marty a.
Run to Him: Press into His Presence, Respond to His Lead by Orr, Katie, Williams, Lara
Vulgata-Studies Vol. I: Beitraege zum I. Vulgata-Kongress des Vulgata Vereins Chur in Bukarest (2013) by
What is Structural Exegesis? by Patte, Daniel
The Way of the Cross by Houselander, Caryll
No dejen de orar by Quiñones, Luis A.
The Unknown God by Carabine, Deirdre
The Power of Prophetic Prayer: Release Your Destiny by Bridges, Kynan
The Way of the Cross by Houselander, Caryll
Jesus of Nazareth: What He Wanted, Who He Was by Lohfink, Gerhard
Harvest, Favor and Increase Now!: Seven (7) Undeniable Laws by Lawrence, Debbie-Ann
Harvest, Favor and Increase Now!: Seven (7) Undeniable Laws by Lawrence, Debbie-Ann
Light of the World: A 30-Day Devotional on the Light of Christ and His Love for You by Galindo, Steven
Principles of Belief and Practices of Faith: A Guide to Successful Living, Vol.II by Adams, Beresford
Authenticity and Authority of the Bible by Chant, Ken
God's Amazing Everlasting Love: "A Biblical Study on the Mercy, Forgiveness and Love of God." by Johnson, Heather Hope
Atonement by Woodall, Chris
The Indestructible Book by Brown, David L.
Power of the spoken word.: Change your words; change a life; change a situation by Smith, Yvette D.
Atonement by Woodall, Chris
Within the Love of God: Essays on the Doctrine of God (UK) by Clarke, Anthony
A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Kubo, Sakae
Christian Fasting: Biblical and Evangelical Perspectives by Mathews, S. H.
No Fear, No Guilt, No Boundaries: The Process of Becoming One by Todd, Timothy L.
Getting Started Right: Handbook for Serious Christians by Keith, Gene
Personal Friendships of Jesus by Miller, J. R.
Money in the Kingdom of God: Six Essential Attitudes for Followers of Christ by Vogt, Susan V.
The Debate Over Jewish Achievement: Exploring the Nature and Nurture of Human Accomplishment by Pease, Steven L.
The Debate Over Jewish Achievement: Exploring the Nature and Nurtue of Jewish Achievement by Pease, Steven L.
The Sternness of Christ's Teaching and its Relation to the Law of Forgiveness by Bethune-Baker, J. F.
The Tribulation Saints: The 7 Churches of Revelation by Waters, Ronnie
Elijah and the Secret of His Power by Meyer, F. B.
Because of Love, He Came... by Wetmore, William H.
Marriage and Life after Death: A Model of Regenerative Inculturation by Onyekwe, Anthony
Marriage and Life after Death: A Model of Regenerative Inculturation by Onyekwe, Anthony
Because of Love, He Came... by Wetmore, William H.
All the Books of the Bible: Epistle of James by Rosson, M. E.
Ezekiel by Cooke, G. a.
The Second and Third Epistles of John: History and Background by Lieu, Judith
Paul and Jesus: Collected Essays by Wedderburn, Alexander J. M.
Faith and Obedience in Romans: A Study in Romans 1-4 by Davies, Glenn
The Pauline Writings by Porter, Stanley E., Evans, Craig A.
Synoptic Gospels by
The Quest for Q by Catchpole, David
Grammatical Insights Into the New Testament by Turner, Nigel
The Succession to the Throne of David by Rost, Leonhard
The Folktale in the Old Testament by Gunkel, Hermann
F. J. A. Hort: Eminent Victorian by Patrick, Graham
Theology as Hermeneutics: Rudolf Bultmann's Interpretation of the History of Jesus by Painter, John
Alexander Geddes 1737-1802: Pioneer of Biblical Criticism by Fuller, Reginald C.
Jeremiah's Poems of Lament by Baumgartner, Walter
Essays and Studies in New Testament Textual Criticism by Elliott, J. K.
The Background of the Gospels: Judaism in the Period Between the Old and New Testaments by Fairweather, William
The New Testament and Gnosis by Logan, Alastair, Wedderburn, Alexander J. M.
Exclusive Inclusivity: Identity Conflicts Between the Exiles and the People Who Remained (6th-5th Centuries Bce) by Rom-Shiloni, Dalit
Chronicles I and II by Curtis, Edward L., Madsen, Albert Alonzo
Amos and Hosea by Harper, William R.
The Spirit and the Letter: A Tradition and a Reversal by
The Last Shall Be First: The Rhetoric of Reversal in Luke by York, John
Matthew's Inclusive Story: A Study in the Narrative Rhetoric of the First Gospel by Howell, David B.
Matthew's Missionary Discourse: A Literary-Critical Analysis by Weaver, Dorothy, Weaver, Dorothy Jean
Narrative Asides in Luke-Acts by Sheeley, Steven
Narrative and Novella in Samuel: Studies by Hugo Gressmann and Other Scholars 1906-1923 by Gressmann, Hugo
Non-Retaliation in Early Jewish and New Testament Texts: Ethical Themes in Social Contexts by Zerbe, Gordon
Text-Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew by Dawson, David Allan
Job by Driver, Samuel R., Gray, George Buchanan
Revealed Histories: Techniques for Ancient Jewish and Christian Historiography by Hall, Robert
Cosmos, Chaos and the Kosher Mentality by Bryan, David
Human Agents of Cosmic Power in Hellenistic Judaism and the Synoptic Tradition by Mills, Mary E.
Eschatology and the Covenant: A Comparison of 4 Ezra and Romans 1-11 by Longenecker, Bruce
Power and Politics in Palestine: The Jews and the Governing of Their Land, 100 BC-AD 70 by McLaren, James S.
Jesus, Paul and Torah: Collected Essays by Räisänen, Heikki
Jesus and God in Paul's Eschatology by Kreitzer, Larry Joseph
Identifying Paul's Opponents: The Question of Method in 2 Corinthians by Sumney, Jerry
The Story of Christ in the Ethics of Paul: An Analysis of the Function of the Hymnic Material in the Pauline Corpus by Fowl, Stephen E.
Reflections of Glory: Paul's Polemical Use of the Moses-Doxa Tradition in 2 Corinthians 3.1-18 by Belleville, Linda
Synoptic Studies: The Ampleforth Conferences of 1982 and 1983 by Tuckett, Christopher M.
Matthew's Community: The Evidence of His Special Sayings Material by Brooks, Stephenson
Watchwords: Mark 13 in Markan Eschatology by Geddert, Timothy
The Theme of Recompense in Matthew's Gospel by Charette, Blaine
The Passion According to Luke: The Special Material of Luke 22 by Soards, Marion L.
The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint: Volume 2, Text and Notes by
The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint: Volume 1, Introduction and Translation with a Parallel Version from the Hebrew by
Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church by Bauckham, Richard
The Barren Temple and the Withered Tree: A Redaction-Critical Analysis of the Cursing of the Fig-Tree Pericope in Mark's Gospel and Its Relation to th by Telford, William
Born Again: Our New Life in Christ by Chu, Titus
Paul and the Scriptures of Israel by
Abraham in Galatians: Epistolary and Rhetorical Contexts by Hansen, G. Walter
The Hymns of Luke's Infancy Narratives: Their Origin, Meaning and Significance by Farris, Stephen
Paul, Antioch and Jerusalem: A Study in Relationships and Authority in Earliest Christianity by Taylor, Nicholas
Becoming Christian: Essays on 1 Peter and the Making of Christian Identity by Horrell, David G.
Kenotic Politics: The Reconfiguration of Power in Jesus' Political PRAXIS by Moore, Mark E.
James and the Q Sayings of Jesus by Hartin, Patrick
The Goal of Our Instruction: The Structure of Theology and Ethics in the Pastoral Epistles by Towner, Philip
Jeremiah in Matthew's Gospel: The Rejected Prophet Motif in Matthean Redaction by Knowles, Michael
Apocalyptic and the New Testament: Essays in Honor of J. Louis Martyn by
Mark's Audience: The Literary and Social Setting of Mark 4.11-12 by Beavis, Mary Ann
Paul's Letter to the Colossians by Melanchthon, Philipp
The Structure of Matthew's Gospel: A Study in Literary Design by Bauer, David
Discourse Analysis and Other Topics in Biblical Greek by
The Word Hesed in the Hebrew Bible by Clark, Gordon R.
The Commandments In The New Testament Gospels: Wwj-Tut-D? What Would Jesus Tell Us to Do? by Baldridge, Bea
Maturing in Christ: A Lifetime Journey by Silvey, Bev, Silvey, Murl
Maturing in Christ: A Lifetime Journey by Silvey, Murl, Silvey, Bev
Understanding the Spirit of God by Hancherick, Ken
Realizing Significance by Perry, James
The Decree to Restore Jerusalem: Limited Black Edition by Leaver, Ryan J.
The Commandments In The New Testament Gospels: Wwj-Tut-D? What Would Jesus Tell Us to Do? by Baldridge, Bea
Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian Contexts by
Guidebook for the Truthfulness of the Bible: A combination of Scientific and Prophetic Evidence for the Christian Faith & IT'S ALL ABOUT THE EVIDENCE by Lowther, James
A Work Through Me: A Simple Man's Devotional by Todd, Jeff
Sessions with Psalms: Prayers for All Seasons by Porterfield, Eric, Porterfield, Alicia Davis
Christlich-Eschatologische Tendenzen in der Vulgata-Übersetzung des Buches Kohelet (1 - 3.15) by Von Heese, Paul Aleksander
The Harp of Prophecy: Early Christian Interpretation of the Psalms by
El Cielo, El Infierno y La Vida Despues de La Muerte (6 Semanas de Estudio) / Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death (6 Week Study) by Arthur, Kay, Vereen, Bob, Vereen, Diane
The Enoch Bible: Volume 1 by Shaver, Derek A.
Portentous End Time Prophecies by McNab, Luke a.
Who Is Jesus? by Gilbert, Greg
Orthodox Christian Bible Commentary: 1 Corinthians by Youssef, Metropolitan
The Secret Gospel of Mark by Conner, Robert
The Short & Sweet of Gospel Mime: Let's get to the point and get it done Now by Stokes, Rosalind D.
Kata Markon by Eum, Terry Kwanghyun
The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century by Kok, Michael J.
Handkonkordanz Zum Griechischen Neuen Testament [Pocket Concordance to the Greek New Testament] (Hardcover) by Schmoller, Alfred
Epístolas Universales Y Apocalipsis: Juan 1, 2 Y 3, Santiago, Pedro 1 Y 2, Judas, Apocalipsis by Teixeira, Lucas, Anderson, William
Marxist Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Second Edition by Boer, Roland
God's Big Picture: An Overview of God's Developing Story by Sprankle, Timothy D., Bateman IV, Herbert W., Peer, Aaron C.
Bible Study Guide -- Pathway to Freedom / 10 Commandments by Hunt, Josh
End of the World: Book of Daniel Prophecy by Zephaniah, David
Repentance at Qumran: The Penitential Framework of Religious Experience in the Dead Sea Scrolls by Jason, Mark A.
Rethinking Early Christian Identity: Affect, Violence, and Belonging by
A Redneck's Guide To He Brews! by Todd, Jeff
Jesus, Politics, and Society by Cassidy, Richard J.
Cleansed Lepers, Cleansed Hearts: Purity and Healing in Luke-Acts by Shellberg, Pamela
Progressive Revelation: God's disclosure of truth about His coming kingdom by Korver, Bill F.
2 Corinthians: A Handbook on the Greek Text by Long, Fredrick J.
Joy in Luke-Acts: The Intersection of Rhetoric, Narrative, and Emotion by Wenkel, David H.
Marie-Julie Jahenny la stigmatisée bretonne by De La Franquerie, Marquis
40 Days Through Genesis: Discover the Story That Started It All by Rhodes, Ron
The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition's Return by Lake, Michael
After Acts: Exploring the Lives and Legends of the Apostles by Litfin, Bryan
Exalting Jesus in Song of Songs by Akin, Daniel L.
In the Words of Jesus by
Meditation: The Joyful Art of Persistence by Goddard, Neville
Stop Throwin' Shade BW by Spearman, Meme
Women and Discipleship by Spearman, Meme
Coming Back to God When You Feel Empty: Whispers of Restoration From the Book of Ruth by Marlow, Tanya
The Revelation of Jesus Christ by Mullis, Gene
The Book of Enoch [The Collector's Edition]: The Collector's Edition of the Book of the Prophet Enoch by Charles, R. H.
Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity by Miller, Richard C.
Forgotten Gospel: The Original Message of a Conquering King by Bryan, Matthew
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