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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2015

The Apocalypse by Taylor, Donald R.
The Origin and Formation of the Gospel by Ra, Yoseop
God Intervenes in the Middle East by Kremers, Marion F.
The Origin and Formation of the Gospel by Ra, Yoseop
Black Bible Manuscripts: Why the Bible Isn't the White Man's Book by Carr, Firpo
Around the Wicket Gate by Spurgeon, Charles
The Teachings of Christ by Chamberlain, Robert B.
The Doctrine of Prophecy: An Investigative Report Using the 101 Classroom Experience by Farmer, Sherman D.
The Answer Book: Small-Group Guide by Ruth, Nancy
All the Books of the Bible: Jonah by Rosson, M. E.
Christianity and Cosmic Consciousness: A Commentary on the Words of Jesus by Hoen, Alexis Georg
Principles of Belief and Practices of Faith: A Guide to Successful Living Part 7 by Adams, Beresford
Christianity and Cosmic Consciousness: A Commentary on the Words of Jesus by Hoen, Alexis Georg
A Man's Guide to a Life Worth Living: Lessons from Ephesians by Sullivan, Mike, McCalister, Drake
Rhema or Logos by Woolston, John
The Doctrine of Prophecy: An Investigative Report Using the 101 Classroom Experience by Farmer, Sherman D.
Coming to Know God, Yourself and Others: Easy Read for Teenagers and New Christians by Rolle, Franklyn
Coming to Know God, Yourself and Others: Easy Read for Teenagers and New Christians by Rolle, Franklyn
Jonah's Hill by Smith, J. Roger
Men of the Bible, Some Lesser Known Characters by Milligan, George
Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God? by Torrey, R. a.
The Book of Daniel: Study Helps by Kennedy, Kurt
Messiah by Dirks, Jerald F.
Galatas: Entendiendo en Hebreo by Ben Peretz, Moreh Yojanan
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, Volume XI: Volume 11 by
The Silence of God by Anderson, Robert
Iakwbou by Eum, Terry Kwanghyun
La Trinidad Es Biblica: Estudio Biblico by Ben Peretz, Moreh Yojanan
Diaspora, fe cristiana y restauracion segun Santiago by Martinez, Aquiles E.
Experiencing Bible Science: A Resource for Preschool by Derr, Louise Barrett
Tracts by Gay, David H. J.
The Spirit VS The Flesh by Williams, Terry
All about God, Jesus, and You: Five Minute Devotions for Children by Simpson, Amy P.
Kingdom in Your Midst by Schut, Robert F.
Kingdom in Your Midst by Schut, Robert F.
Jesus the King Study Guide: Exploring the Life and Death of the Son of God by Keller, Timothy
A Jesus Breviary: for presence in the present by
Rejoicing in Christ by Reeves, Michael
Pure Heart: Restoration of the Heart Through the Beatitudes by Cole, Tom, Cole, Donna
Bound for the Promised Land by Martin, Oren
Interpreting the Prophets: Reading, Understanding and Preaching from the Worlds of the Prophets by Chalmers, Aaron
Isaiah The Prophet His Glorious Epiphanies: A Bible Commentary Chapters 1-39 by Johnson, Oliver L., Jr.
4 Minor Prophets: Amos, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah by Bethea-Jones, Karoline
The Book of Gad the Seer: Arabic Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Continuing in God's Word: Units 1-4: A one-on-one discipleship course for all believers by Bussard, James
Water in the Desert: 40 Devotions to Hydrate Your Spirit by Stahl, Sherry
Maximizing Your Talents by Bailey, Arthur
The Book of Gad the Seer: Chinese Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Daily Dynamic Encounters With God by Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
The Church of the Living God: A one-on-one discipleship course for all believers by Bussard, James
Desde ahora en adelante - Guía de estudio: Cinco compromisos a prueba de fallas en tu matrimonio by Groeschel, Craig, Groeschel, Amy
Couples of the Bible by Burke, Grace Allman
Proverbs and Ecclesiastes: A Theological Commentary on the Bible by Plantinga-Pauw, Amy
Teach Me How To Love "LOVE" by Watson Ph. D., Mildred D.
Expository Thoughts on 1 Samuel by Parker, Charles L.
All the Books of the Bible: Mark by Rosson, M. E.
Political Issues in Luke-Acts by
Coincidence or Prophesy Fulfilled?: Signs of the Times by Patrick, Kenneth Allen
Incarnation: The Person and Life of Christ by Torrance, Thomas F.
Like a Thief In the Night by North, Stafford
A Layman Considers Vanity by Lenne, Marshall a.
Child's Story of the Bible by Lathbury, Mary A.
The Book of Gad the Seer: Hindi Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
I'm Right and You're Wrong: Why we disagree about the Bible and what to do about it by Kindle, Steve
The Nowhere Bible: Utopia, Dystopia, Science Fiction by Uhlenbruch, Frauke
The Literary Coherence of the Book of Micah: Remnant, Restoration, and Promise by Cuffey, Kenneth H.
The Artistic Dimension: Literary Explorations of the Hebrew Bible by Bodner, Keith
The Exile and Beyond by Ballard, H. Wayne, Jr.
Tho He Knows: God is Warning: The Storm is Coming America Under Attack Economic Crash/Famine Tribulation/Rapture by Borden, Jaleh, Borden, Don S.
The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife by Low, Katherine
Paradigms of Being in Christ: A Study of the Epistle to the Philippians by Smit, Peter-Ben
Owning Your Land: A Study of Joshua by Housholder, Karen C.
All the Books of the Bible: Ezra by Rosson, M. E.
Making Sense Out of a World Gone Mad: A Roadmap for God's Elect Living in the Final Days of the End Times by Watchman on the Wall, Lionheart, David
Christ Is God Over All: Romans 9:5 in the Context of Romans 9-11 by Carraway, George
The Community, the Individual and the Common Good: 'To Idion' and 'to Sympheron' in the Greco-Roman World and Paul by Chang, Kei Eun
Experiencing Irony in the First Gospel: Suspense, Surprise and Curiosity by McDaniel, Karl
The Biblical Tour of Hell by Hauge, Matthew Ryan
The Theological Role of Paradox in the Gospel of Mark by Sweat, Laura C.
The Harmonized Gospel Apocalyptic Version by Ramsundar, Pallant
Understanding Revelation by Cole, Wesley
Bible Genesis Gap or The Nephilim False Teachings or Errors?: Is There Absolute Certainty in These Biblical Doctrines? by Lowrance, James M.
The Book of Gad the Seer: Urdu Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
The Book of Gad the Seer: Punjabi Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Understanding Revelation by Cole, Wesley
The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse by Ulrich, Larry L.
Bible Study Guide -- Joshua: Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking by Hunt, Josh
Alaskan Job: The Disciplined Pursuit of Greatness by Weisser, A. R.
Alaskan Job: The Disciplined Pursuit of Greatness by Weisser, A. R.
Eclogarum in Libros Historicos Veteris Testamenti Epitome: Teil 1: Der Genesiskommentar by Prokop Von Gaza
The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate by Walton, John H.
Isaiah The Prophet, The Imminent Return of Christ: A Bible Commentary Chapters 40-66 by Johnson, Oliver L., Jr.
The Book of Gad the Seer Myanmar Translation: Burmese Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Journey with Jesus Through the Message of Mark: Experience the Ministry of Jesus in a Spiritually Captivating Way by Beville, Kieran
The Book of Gad the Seer: Greek Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
The Divine in Acts and in Ancient Historiography by
The Courage to Doubt by Davidson, Robert
How to Correct the Sacra Scriptura? Textual Criticism of the Latin Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century by Linde, Cornelia
Introducing the New Testament by Wansbrough, Henry
In the Master's Steps: The Gospels in the Land by Notley, R. Steven
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: Mandating a Better Righteousness by
Antiochene Theria in the Writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Theodoret of Cyrus by Perhai, Richard J.
A Redneck's Guide To The Book Of Revelation: The Duct Tape Removed by Todd, Jeff
Weight in the Word: Prophethood -- Biblical and Quranic by Cragg
Aprendiendo El Griego del Nuevo Testamento by Walder, Ernst
Conversations with Scripture: Romans by Sidebotham, Jay
68. St. Jerome: Commentary on Isaiah; Origen: Homilies 1-9 on Isaiah by
Questions Jesus Asks: Where Divinity Meets Humanity by Wayne, Israel
The JPS Bible Commentary: Song of Songs by Fishbane, Michael
Symbolism and Belief (Routledge Revivals): Gifford Lectures by Bevan, Edwyn
Pentateuco: Genesis, Exodo, Levitico, Numeros y Deuteronomio by Ramírez, Rafael, Anderson, William
All the Places to Go . . . How Will You Know? Participant's Guide: God Has Placed Before You an Open Door. What Will You Do? by Ortberg, John
Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Latine (Hardcover) by
The Eleventh Hour by Floridia, Dennis C.
#TheSetPlace by Spearman, Meme
Evil In Our Midst: True Story About Men Becoming Prey by Eason, J. W., Sr.
My Cup Is Overflowing: I Am Drinking From My Saucer by Turner, J. J.
Praise the Lord: Psalms in the Key of my Life: Volume III by Moye, Carol Shelton
Morning Glory: Blessings and Rejoice in the Lord by Jung, Jason Jc
The Eleventh Hour by Floridia, Dennis C.
An Enduring Vision: Revelation Revealed (Revised Edition) by Cooke, Austin
The Abundant Life by Greg E. Viehman M. D.
Calling All Overcomers by Harman, James T.
An Exegetical Summary of Mark 9-16 by Blight, Richard C.
A Warrior's Faith: Navy Seal Ryan Job, a Life-Changing Firefight, and the Belief That Transformed His Life by Vera, Robert
Bread of Tears: Psalms 80:5 by Jeter, Lige E.
GIS Galore: More Than "government Issue" by Martin, James E.
All the Books of the Bible: Nehemiah by Rosson, M. E.
La Biblia Escrita en las estrellas.: Las se;ales de los cielos by Gonzalez, Esther
In The Fire: Accessing Miracle Power During A Crisis by Cipriani, Roshan
Believest Thou This by Howard, Bill
Echoes of the Word by Keck, Leander E.
Echoes of the Word by Keck, Leander E.
Life Is _____.: God's Illogical Love Will Change Your Existence by Smith, Judah
The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels by Viola, Frank, Demuth, Mary
How to Read the Bible Like a Seminary Professor: A Practical and Entertaining Exploration of the World's Most Famous Book by Yarbrough, Mark
King, Kingdom, Citizen: His Reign and Our Identity by Rosenquist, Tyler Dawn
Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions by Keller, Timothy
Free at Last by McCarson, Derrick
The Understanding of The Revelation From God's Side by Schroeder, Marcus
Reading the Bible with Giants by Parris, David Paul
Free at Last by McCarson, Derrick
Quaker Business Man: The Life of Joseph Rowntree by Vernon, Anne
Reading the Bible with Giants by Parris, David Paul
The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels (Large Print Edition) by Viola, Frank, Demuth, Mary
Studies in the Pastoral Epistles by Hanson, Anthony Tyrrell
The Cross and the Crown by Chant, Ken
God's Servants, the Prophets by Bibb, Bryan D.
Bible Basics: Challenging Traditional Beliefs with Biblical Truths by Fish, Philip
A Book For Young Pastors by Sams, Samuel I.
Society and Politics in the Acts of the Apostles by Cassidy, Richard J.
Meaning and Context in the Thanksgiving Hymns: Linguistic and Rhetorical Perspectives on a Collection of Prayers from Qumran by Hasselbalch, Trine Bjørnung
Meaning and Context in the Thanksgiving Hymns: Linguistic and Rhetorical Perspectives on a Collection of Prayers from Qumran by Hasselbalch, Trine Bjørnung
Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew by McKenzie, John L.
The Religion of the People of Israel by Kittel, R.
New Testament Introduction by Guthrie, Donald
Blessings, Miracles & Supernatural Experiences: A Biblical Perspective A Christian's Story by Persaud, Christopher H. K.
Blessings, Miracles & Supernatural Experiences: A Biblical Perspective A Christian's Story by Persaud, Christopher H. K.
Revelation: Prophetic Addresses to the Seven Churches by Cockerham, Larry W.
La Mezuza: Conociendo Nuestras Raíces Judeo-Cristianas, Vol. 3 by Alvarez M. D., Henry
Essential Greek Vocabulary: Mastering Forgetful Words In Unforgettable Ways by Jung, Jason Jc
The Influence of Buddhism on Primitive Christianity by Lillie, Arthur
Bible Study Guide -- Revelation: Good Questions Have Small Groups Talking by Hunt, Josh
James: An Introduction and Commentary by Moo, Douglas J.
Proverbs: An Eclectic Edition with Introduction and Textual Commentary by Fox, Michael V.
Studying the Parables of Jesus by Jones, Peter Rhea
I'm Better Under Pressure by Pope, Courtney a.
The Book of Gad the Seer: Zulu Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Holy Spirit Reveals: Traditions, Mysteries, Salvation, Trinity, Seals, Sanctification, Indwelling (Large Print Edition) by Beaver, J. C.
Life Is a Metaphor: Recognizing God in the Everyday by Cooper, Denise Larson
Hallelujah I'm Saved, "Now What?": Student Book by Zike, Todd
Hallelujah I'm Saved, "Now What?": Teacher Book by Zike, Todd
The Name of the Lord is...: Volume One: Pretty Awesome, Great, Glorious and Like Totally Excellent! by Olar, Stephen
The Book of Gad the Seer: Yoruba Translation by Burtzloff, Ti
Pablo el emisario: Odiado e incomprendido by Rosario-Barbosa, Pedro M.
Heavenly Poems: God's Poems of Relationships by Eason, J. W., Sr.
Recognizing the Messiah's Message: A Layman's Study of Matthew by Leath, Jeffrey
Recognizing the Messiah's Message: A Layman's Study of Matthew by Leath, Jeffrey
Unravelling Paul's Authenticated Epistles - Collected Commentaries: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans by Di Giovanni, Aldo
Exploring the New Exodus in John by Coxon, Paul S.
The Role of Jewish Feasts in John's Gospel by Wheaton, Gerry
House of Prayer or House of Pain by Dudley, Mark
Caliphate: Rise of the Islamic Nation and the Temple Mount by Smith, Joseph
Old Testament Types by Riley, William B.
A Scriptural Guide to Prayer: Everything you need to know about prayer by Hill, Charles C.
A Foundation: A Journey of the Soul by Hendrykowski, John Henry
A Guide to the New Testament by Wainwright, Arthur W.
Joseph: A Life of Providence, Injustice and Forgiveness by Bailey, Brian
The Lord's Prayer by Smith, J. Warren
The Lord's Prayer by Smith, J. Warren
Addresses on the First and Second epistles of Timothy by Ironside, H. a.
For I Desired Mercy: Biblical Reflections on Religion, Relationship, and Righteousness in Christianity by Evans, Roderick L.
Paul and the Trinity: Persons, Relations, and the Pauline Letters by Hill, Wesley
Life Is _____ Bible Study Guide: God's Illogical Love Will Change Your Existence by Smith, Judah
Unlocking the Secrets of the Feasts: The Prophecies in the Feasts of Leviticus by Norten, Michael
For Heaven's Sake - Awake, Arise and Shine: Arise, Shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you...Isaiah 60:1 by Gilpin, Gabriele
Behold Our Awesome God!: A HEART to heart Bible Study by Ulbredtch, Robin
Don't Insult the Blood: A captivating true story told through words, poetry, and inspiring verse of one man's journey to move past the obstacl by Lawrence, Joseph
The Jewish Novel in the Ancient World by Wills, Lawrence M.
The Cycle of Sin: Breaking the Cycle of Sin by Shaw, Francine E.
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