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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2018

Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary by Paul, Ian
Genesis to Revelation: Revelation Participant Book: A Comprehensive Verse-By-Verse Exploration of the Bible by Hewitt, C. M.
Crumbs from the Jewish Table: Lists, Charts, and Pre'cis of the Jewish Holy Scriptures by Lisemby, Reginald K.
Un chrétien contre six juifs. by Voltaire
Un chrétien contre six juifs. by Voltaire
Justification in the Second Century by Arnold, Brian J.
Va-Yetse' (Genesis 28:10-32:3) and Haftarah (Hosea 12:13-14:10): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Tetsavveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10) and Haftarah (Ezekiel 43:10-27): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38) and Haftarah (1 Kings 7:40-50): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
The Light of God in Christmas by Dun, Ken
Jesús, el Buen Pastor y la Seguridad eterna del creyente by Pink, Arthur, Benítez, Julio C.
Testigos de la Divinidad de Jesús by Pink, Arthur, Benítez, Julio C.
Shut The "Hell-Up": The Sins of the Tongue by Lewis, Liberty
Marcas del verdadero discípulo de Cristo: En el evangelio de Juan by Benítez, Julio C., Ryle, Juan Carlos
Mos by Barbera, Domenico
The Design of Marriage: Christ and the Church by Kranz, Scott
Bible Understanding Made Easy Volume V: John'S Gospel by Norwood, Anthony L.
Samuel, Saul and David: Types in 1 Samuel by Ozanne, Charles
Fresh Eyes on Jesus' Parables: Discovering New Insights in Familiar Passages by Newton, Doug
Curious Hieroglyphick Bible by
Marginal(ized) Prospects Through Biblical Ritual and Law: Lections from the Threshold by Lee, Bernon
The End of the Psalter: Psalms 146-150 in the Masoretic Text, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Septuagint by Brodersen, Alma
Genesis 1-11: Volume 1a by Benesh, Sean
Mikkets (Genesis 41:1-44:17) and Haftarah (1 Kings 3:15-28; 4:1): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Knocking at Haven's Door by Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, John
Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18) and Haftarah (Jeremiah 34:8-22; 33:25-26): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19) and Haftarah (1 Kings 5:26-6:13): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1) and Haftarah (Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Lekh Lekha (Genesis 12:1-17:27) and Haftarah (Isaiah 40:27-41:16): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Bere'shit (Genesis 1:1-6:8) and Haftarah (Isaiah 42:5-43:10): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
KI Tissa' (Exodus 30:11-34:35) and Haftarah (1 Kings 18:1-39): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament by Hamilton, Mark W.
Sunshine and Daniel: Seeking Grace in Lost Motherhood by Upshaw, Kim Paris
Scandal - Psalm 51: Create Renew Restore by Wallington, J. T.
Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23) and Haftarah (Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-Yishlah (Genesis 32:4-36:43) and Haftarah (Obadiah 1:1-21): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Hayyei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18) and Haftarah (1 Kings 1:1-31): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Toledot (Genesis 25:19-28:9) and Haftarah (Malachi 1:1-2:7): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-Yakhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20) and Haftarah (1 Kings 7:40-50): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-Yera' (Genesis 18:1-22:24) and Haftarah (2 Kings 4:1-37): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
The Gap Fact and Out-Of-Whack Creation Scientism by Pearl, Michael
Noah (Genesis 6:9-11:32) and Haftarah (Isaiah 54:1-55:5): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-Yeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23) and Haftarah (Amos 2:6-3:8): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Coloring Women of the Bible by Rodkey, Christopher D.
Va-Yiggash (Genesis 44:18-47:27) and Haftarah (Ezekiel 37:15-28): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-Yehi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (1 Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Va-'Era' (Exodus 6:2-9:35) and Haftarah (Ezekiel 28:25-29:21): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Bo' (Exodus 10:1-13:16) and Haftarah (Jeremiah 46:13-28): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Be-Shallah (Exodus 13:17-17:16) and Haftarah (Judges 4:4-5:31): The JPS B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary by Salkin, Jeffrey K.
Exploring Biblical Backgrounds: A Reader in Historical and Literary Contexts by
Gospels Before the Book by Larsen, Matthew
Giants, Fallen Angels and the Return of the Nephilim: Ancient Secrets to Prepare for the Coming Days by Lindsay, Dennis
The Family Bible Devotional: Stories from the Bible to Help Kids and Parents Engage and Love Scripture (52 Weekly Devotions with Activities, Prayer by Wells, Sarah M.
Brain Games - Large Print Bible Word Search (Blue) by Brain Games, Publications International Ltd
The 5-Minute Bible Study for Women by Biggers, Emily
Prophetic Imagination: 40th Anniversary Edition by Brueggemann, Walter
The Coming Prince: The Marvelous Prophecy of Daniel's Seventy Weeks Concerning the Antichrist by Anderson, Robert
The Book of Jasher: The 'Book of the Upright' - Bible Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha by Jasher, Prophet, Samuel, Moses
As in All the Churches: A Close Look at the Call for Full Female Participation and Leadership in the Church by Fewkes, John a.
Il Libro del Profeta Ezechiele: Quarto Volume (Capp. 37:1-28; 48:1-35) by Belli, Andrea
Grandes Héroes de la Fe: Basado en Hebreos 11 by Pink, Arthur, Benítez, Julio C.
Jesús y la incredulidad humana by Juan Carlos Ryle, Arthur Pink, Benítez, Julio C.
Il Libro del Profeta Ezechiele: Secondo Volume (Cap. 12:1-28; 23:1-49 by Belli, Andrea
Cristianos de Segunda Clase: Discriminación Entre Cristianos, Una Realidad by Minambres Perez, Jorge Enrique
Il Libro del Profeta Ezechiele: Terzo Volume (Capp. 24:1-27; 37:1-38) by Belli, Andrea
Deuteronomy 28: A Key to Understanding by Penny, Michael
God's Eternal Scheme of Redemption: 7th Bible Reading Marathon by Holton, Gresham Royal
Yo y el Padre Uno somos: La unidad substancial entre el Padre y el Hijo by Benítez, Julio C., Juan Carlos Ryle, Arthur Pink
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary: Definitions of Ancient Hebrew Names Mentioned in Biblical Lore by Hitchcock, Roswell D.
How to Memorize the Bible: Training the Memory to Learn Holy Scripture (Hardcover) (Large Print Edition) by Evans, William
The Gospel called the Protevangelion: The Gospel of James by Wake, Archbishop
How to Enjoy the Bible: The "Word," and "The Words,", How to Study them (Hardcover) by Bullinger, E. W.
How to Enjoy the Bible: The "Word," and "The Words,", How to Study them by Bullinger, E. W.
An Introduction to the Scriptures of Israel: History and Theology by Novick, Tzvi
Biblical Greek Book 2: Nouns and Cases by Cummins, Lisa M., Cummins, James T.
The Great Doctrines of the Bible: Beliefs in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, The Church and Heaven's Angels by Evans, William
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible: The Four Gospels (Hardcover) by Young, Robert
How to Memorize the Bible: Training the Memory to Learn Holy Scripture (Large Print Edition) by Evans, William
Young's Literal Translation of the Bible: The Four Gospels by Young, Robert
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary: Definitions of Ancient Hebrew Names Mentioned in Biblical Lore (Hardcover) by Hitchcock, Roswell D.
The Coming Prince: The Marvelous Prophecy of Daniel's Seventy Weeks Concerning the Antichrist (Hardcover) by Anderson, Robert
The Great Doctrines of the Bible: Beliefs in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, The Church and Heaven's Angels (Hardcover) by Evans, William
The Book of Jasher: The 'Book of the Upright' - Bible Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha (Hardcover) by Jasher, Prophet, Samuel, Moses
The Testament of Yashua: Hebrew/English Gospels and Revelations by
Samson: A Type of Christ by Johnston, Brian
One Page Answers to Life's Difficult Questions by Elmore, Skip
Ruth: A Commentary by Hinton Sr, Damian Alexander
Two Families by Monday, Betty M., Monday, Betty
Spiritual Transformation (Large Print Edition) by Yassa, Viola
Libro del Profeta Geremia: Volume 1 (Capp. 1:1-19; 11:1-23 by Belli, Andrea
3 Questions on Every Chapter of the New Testament: Simple Bible Study Method by Roop, Ed
WARNING! It Is Happening Now! by Cook, Sharon
Ex Auditu - Volume 33 by
Ex Auditu - Volume 33 by
Law Dawg by Stephens, Eric
The Gathering Plan B, 1335 by Hogan, Efton
Hebrews: The Absolute Supremacy of Christ by Knight, Matthew a.
The UnHidden: Enoch and Jubilees by Unknown
Il Cantico Dei Cantici: Il Poema d'Amore Ispirato Dallo Spirito by Belli, Andrea
Il libro del profeta Isaia: SECONDA SEZIONE Volume 3 cap. 40:1; 54:1-17 by Belli, Andrea
Il Libro del Profeta Isaia: Seconda Sezione Volume 4 Cap. 55:1-13; 66:1-24 by Belli, Andrea
Libro Dei Proverbi: Volume 1 Cap. 1:1; 15:1-33 by Belli, Andrea
Libro Dei Proverbi: Volume 2 Cap. 8:1-36; 15:1-33 by Belli, Andrea
Libro Dei Proverbi: Volume 3 Cap. 23:1-35; 31:1-30 by Belli, Andrea
A Biblical Interpretation of Hebrews by McChesney, Philip
Efesios: Las riquezas de Su Gracia by Benítez Benítez, Julio César
Libro del Profeta Geremia: Volume 2 (Capp. 12:1-17; 23:1-40 by Belli, Andrea
Libro del Profeta Geremia: Terzo Volume 3 (Capp. 24:1-10; 37:1-21 by Belli, Andrea
Leviticus: A Call to Holiness by Dickson, Edward Leon
Il libro del profeta Isaia: PRIMA SEZIONE Volume 1 cap. 1:1-31; 19:1-25 by Belli, Andrea
Theology from Exile Volume I: The Year of Luke 2nd Edition: Commentary on the Revised Common Lectionary for an Emerging Christianity by Raven D. Min, Sea
The wonderful gift of a beautiful life with Jesus by Sanders, Mark
A Man Attested by God: The Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels by Kirk, J. R. Daniel
Gods of Ground Zero by Gallups, Carl
Epistola Di Paolo AI Romani: Giustificati Per Fede by Belli, Andrea
In HIS Presence: There is Fullness of Joy by St Clair, Dorothy
Ny'awo Esther (Mother Esther): A Commentary on the Book of Esther by Amaah, Akwetey B.
Symphony of Scriptures: An Intertextual Study of Acts 10:1-15:35 by Barta, Zsolt
Breakfast with My King: Growing a Beautiful Love for Jesus Through Morning Bible Study by Rice, Ebonee
Le Commentaire de Théodoret de Cyr sur l'Épître aux Romains by Lorrain, Agnès
Sermon Notes: Bible Pocket Notebook & Journal: Your Notes, Prayer Requests and Church Events Size: 5.0" x 8.0". Hand Lettering Noteb by Mama, Metaphysics
Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount by Augustine, St
Salvation of the Rich Man by Alexandria, Clement Of
Bible Myths And Their Parallels In Other Religions by Doane, T. W.
Vetus Testamentum in Novo: Vetus Testamentum In Novo; Volume 1 by Dittmar, Wilhelm
Vetus Testamentum in Novo: Vetus Testamentum In Novo; Volume 1 by Dittmar, Wilhelm
A Redactional Study of the Book of Isaiah 13-23 by Lee, Jongkyung
Divine Wisdom and Knowledge by Inyang, David
Atti Degli Apostoli: Secondo Volume (Capp. Atti 14:1-28; 28:1- 31 by Belli, Andrea
Atti Degli Apostoli: Primo Volume (Capp. Atti 1:1-11; 13:1- 52 by Belli, Andrea
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Woolston, John
Enoch: Scribe of the Watchers by Enoch
2 Thessalonians by
Suppressed Gospels & Epistles of the New Testament Vol. 7: " The Excluded Writings of The Time " by Authors, Various
New Testament Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance by Gordley, Matthew E.
Complete New Testament Greek: Learn to Read, Write and Understand New Testament Greek with Teach Yourself by Betts, Gavin
Know How We Got Our Bible by Hill, Charles E., Reeves, Ryan Matthew
The Biblical Accommodation Debate in Germany: Interpretation and the Enlightenment by Lee, Hoon J.
Visual Endtime Study Guide: Daniel & End of Days Bible Prophecy by Eduards, Macs
The Paulist Biblical Commentary by
Questions God Asks by Larsen, Dale, Larsen, Sandy
Unshakable Hope Bible Study Guide: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God by Lucado, Max
Job by
Finding the LION Within: A Manual of The Prophet's Journey by Clark, Carla D.
Perfect Love: An Ordinary Person's Thoughts on Christianity by Dean, Adam M.
El Libro de los Salmos I: Decodificando la Biblia by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Bible Word Search Walk Through The Bible Volume 22: Numbers #1 Extra Large Print by Pope, T. W.
Revelation & the Mark of the Beast by Simonsen, Reed R.
The Purpose of God's Creation by Geiger, Joseph K.
Monoteismo y poder: La construccion de Dios en la Biblia Hebrea by Romer, Thomas
So You Want to Be a Christian by Johnson Sr, Pastor Kent T.
Prevailing Prayer: How to Practice Prayer; Praying for Forgiveness, in Petition, with Faith in God, and in Confession by Moody, D. L.
Grab Hold Of Your Miracle: 10 Keys to Experiencing Supernatural Miracles by Edmonds, Demontae A.
Prevailing Prayer: How to Practice Prayer; Praying for Forgiveness, in Petition, with Faith in God, and in Confession (Hardcover) by Moody, D. L.
Original Commentary on Acts: The Classic Bible Commentary Concerning the New Testament Book of Acts by McGarvey, J. W.
God's Nature: A 21st Century Analysis of the Judeo-Christian God -Volume II- by Cosman, Emil
Seventh-Day Adventists and the Bible by Vick, Edward W. H.
The Genesis Column: Correlating the Creation Days of Genesis with the Geologic Column by Stallings, W. Joseph
The Genesis Column: Correlating the Creation Days of Genesis with the Geologic Column by Stallings, W. Joseph
Original Commentary on Acts: The Classic Bible Commentary Concerning the New Testament Book of Acts (Hardcover) by McGarvey, J. W.
Vetitum Fuit Pirum aAptatum: the forbidden fruit was pear shaped by Di Donna, Ciro
Foundations: Volume 1: Basics of the Christian Life by Parker, Matt
Foundations: Volume 2: Leader's Guide by Parker, Matt
Foundations: Volume 2 Reader's Guide: Basics of the Spiritual Life by Parker, Matt
Abba, Father by Ford, Gladys Goldsby
Ancient Voices, Living Faith by Williamson, Jack R.
The Testimony of the Beloved: Meditations on the Revelation of Yahweh to his People Through John by Kohn, Allison
Identity Crisis: Who Does God Say I Am? by Harkins, Keegan
Sutton-Woods Debate by Sutton, Carrol Ray, Woods, Guy N.
What in Heaven and on Earth Is Jesus Doing?: Embracing Jesus as Savior and Lord by Mann, James
Qur'anic Hermeneutics: Between Science, History, and the Bible by Galadari, Abdulla
Glimpses of God's Heart: Divinely Inspired Daily Devotions by Wellington, Gwen
The Witness of the Stars: The Twelve Star Signs of the Heavens and Their Role in the Biblical Lore, the Psalms, and God's Promise to Christians by Bullinger, E. W.
The Gospel in the Stars: Biblical Astronomy; The Heavens Above, Their Importance in the New Testament Gospels of Jesus Christ (Hardcover) by Seiss, Joseph a.
The Gospel in the Stars: Biblical Astronomy; The Heavens Above, Their Importance in the New Testament Gospels of Jesus Christ by Seiss, Joseph a.
God & the Nations (the Henry Morris Signature Collection): What the Bible Has to Say about Civilizations - Past and Present by
Imagining Jesus in His Own Culture: Creating Scenarios of the Gospel for Contemplative Prayer by Neyrey, Jerome H.
Imagining Jesus in His Own Culture: Creating Scenarios of the Gospel for Contemplative Prayer by Neyrey, Jerome H.
The Witness of the Stars: The Twelve Star Signs of the Heavens and Their Role in the Biblical Lore, the Psalms, and God's Promise to Christians (Hardc by Bullinger, E. W.
Renewing the mind by Van Der Merwe, Cobus
The Lord's Day: A Personal Statement and a Modest Proposal by Gay, David H. J.
The Spread of the Gospel: A Chronological Overview of the New Testament Church After the Ascension by Walton, Robert C.
The Prodigal of Forgiveness by Burtka, Joseph
Engaging the Story of God: Frameworks for Lay Leadership by Fringer, Rob A.
The End from the Beginning: The Origin of Western Civilization by Willis, Clayton
The False Prophet, Alias, Another Beast by Peart, Donald
Scripture and Social Justice: Catholic and Ecumenical Essays by Ahearne-Kroll, Stephen P.
Be Dressed: Battle Ready by Bardell, Eric
Churches of the New Testament by Scaggs Jr, Johnie
Atonement and the New Perspective: The God of Israel, Covenant, and the Cross by Burnhope, Stephen
Atonement and the New Perspective: The God of Israel, Covenant, and the Cross by Burnhope, Stephen
God the Son: What John's Portrait of Jesus Means and Why It Matters by Rheaume, Randy
God the Son: What John's Portrait of Jesus Means and Why It Matters by Rheaume, Randy
Sermons on Hebrews: The Absolute Supremacy of Jesus Christ by Davis, John P.
Vangelo Di Matteo: Volume 2 Cap. 12:1-50; 22:1-46 by Belli, Andrea
If There Is No Resurrection by Ozanne, Charles
In the Beginning: Revised Edition (Large Print Edition) by Howard, Arthur Barnabas
God's Love - Easter Poems by Gold, Richard I.
Jesús y la mujer by Núñez, Miguel Ángel
The Promised Messiah: Knowing Jesus by de Silva, Lilian Elizabeth
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