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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2018

Think on These Things by Streets, Ernest
Great Cloud of Witnesses Speak: Interviews with Martha, Lazarus, Thomas, and Timothy by Nthoba, Paul, Payne, Matthew Robert
Delighting in the Names of God: 8 Weeks to a Deeper Prayer Life by Larkin, Rachel
The Rapture and Left Behind Lies: God's Warning: A Case In Point by Blackwell, Pansy
O King! Live Forever: A Study Of Daniel - Part 1 by McRay, Ron
Manna for the Morning, Book #1: Genesis - Exodus by Shepherd, Preston, Heinlein, Ed, Shepherd, Sandie
Love, Hope & Faith - Large Print Edition: Reflections from the books of Philippians, Philemon and Jude by Young, D. G.
Something to Boast About: Uncovering and Meeting Every Person's Greatest Need of the Heart by Brown, Mike
Notes on Titus by Burch, Glen
The Mystery of Godliness by Burch, Glen
Isaiah 53: Who Is the Suffering Servant? by Aston, Frederick Alfred
The Manual on the Gospel of John by Penny, Michael
God's Grace for the Church: Exposition of Ephesians by Murphy, Martin
Without Regrets: A Study of Ecclesiastes by Burchfiel, Kristi
Light On the Dark Side of God by Campbell, M. M.
Christian Essentials, Volume II: The Appendices: A Survival Guide to the Biblical Christian Faith by Brown, John Lee
A Revelation from God: A Look into Our Future by Clark, Prophetess Ruby
A Revelation from God: A Look into Our Future by Clark, Prophetess Ruby
Christian Essentials, Volume I: The Bible Story: A Survival Guide to the Biblical Christian Faith by Brown, John Lee
Members of One Another: How to Thrive in the Body of Christ by Archer, Jeff
Models of Premillennialism by Mathewson, David L., Chung, Sung Wook
Close Encounters With Jesus by Nichols, Bill
The Lord Cares for Me: Stories and Thoughts about Psalm 23 by Sellnow, David
Models of Premillennialism by Mathewson, David L., Chung, Sung Wook
El Triunfo del Crucificado: La Historia de la Salvación En El Nuevo Testamento by Sauer, Erich
"Be Not Faithless But Believing," Jesus (John 20: 27, 28, 29): The Mystery of God Revealed by Alvarado, Cheryl
Through It All - Trust: A Bible Study Companion to Rock Solid Trust by Grounds, Virginia
Lifting As We Climb: Teacher's Guide: Effective Bible Study Lessons by Smith, Will
The Foundation of Everything: Genesis by Horton, Kevin
The Foundation of Everything: Genesis by Horton, Kevin
Some Christian Stuff for Your Brief Stay on Planet Earth by C. C. Forche
Segredos e Mistérios da Arca Perdida: Uma Aventura Bíblica by Hoffer, James
Glad Tidings of Great Joy: Good News of an Enduring Hope by Lemke, Stan
The Wonders of Bible Chronology: The Events, Lives and Prophecies in the Old and New Testaments by Mauro, Philip
Faith Based Alcohol, Drug and Domestic Violence/ Parenting Treatment Program by Landry, Pastor Joanne
One God and One Lord: Part 2: Discussions on the Doctrine of the Godhead by Baer, Daniel
Glad Tidings of Great Joy: Good News of an Enduring Hope by Lemke, Stan
In the Fire: More than a devotional, it is to experiencie the fire of the spirit that changes the heart: (Translation of the book Reflexiones del fueg by Aquino, Simon
The Words of Jesus Christ (kjv): What Jesus Said from Matthew to Revelation by Yeager, Michael H.
L'Ancien Testament expliqué (illustré) by Bernard, Eric
Legitimate Application Requires Doctrine: Commentary on James & Jude by Brodie, Benjamin W.
Trophies of Grace: Life Lessons from Romans 4 and 5 by Loyd, Bj
Z: The Final Generation: Biblical Prophecy Reveals the Date of Christ's Return by Page, Arnold V.
Z: Answers for the Final Generation: Is the Bible True After All? A New Look at the Evidence before Christ Returns. by Page, Arnold V.
Being Joseph: The Brother Who Restored a Family and Nurtured a Nation by Murray, Archie
Jesus? Life as Boy & Man With his Unaltered Spiritual Philosophy and Modern Applications by Smith Jr, Russell Wilmer
Salvemos al planeta by Yera, Caridad
Reflexiones del Fuego by Aquino, Simon
Homélies pour l'année C (Edition 2019) by Fernandez Sma, Tiburtius
How to Pray and Never Run Out of Words: Praying the Scriptures by Prudhomme, Marty
Introduction to the Holy Bible by Kabunga, MR Leonard Ntume
Ou-Testamententiese Ondersoek by Christian University, Team Impact
Hearing the Heart of Heaven: Developing a Personal Prophetic Culture by Hilder, Anthony
Walking in the Spirit: Making the Throne Room Our Livingroom, the Secret to Spiritual Transformation by Padgett, David
Genesis, Science, and the Beginning: Evaluating Interpretations of Genesis One on the Age of the Earth by
Genesis, Science, and the Beginning: Evaluating Interpretations of Genesis One on the Age of the Earth by
Biblical Poetry and the Art of Close Reading by
A Private Commentary on the Bible: John's Gospel by Quiggle, James D.
Know Your Faith: Fuel: What You Need to Know to Grow and to Keep Growing by Layne, Glenn Edward
Stories from His Heart to Ours Volume 3: A Study Guide for the Parables of Jesus by Ward Foster, Gay a.
The Proverbs 31 Man by Ingino, Steven
Audacity of Speaking in Tongues: A Manual for Tongue Speaking by Kyekyeku, Oppong
Preparation of the Coming King by Brent, Pastor Regina C.
Strategies for Successfully Teaching Kids' Bible Studies: Go In Prepared and Confident; Come Out Smiling! by Aiello, Steve
An Introduction to Gospel-Centered Discipleship by Wesley, Bruce, Arrington, Yancey, Lehtinen, Ryan
A Father Offers His Son: The True and Greater Sacrifice Revealed Through Abraham and Isaac by Lapierre, Scott
Come What May, He's Always God by Ford, Gladys Goldsby
Saint Thomas's Guide to Faith by Auger, Leslie
He Calls Me Loved: A Study of Isaiah by Goehmann, Heidi
Not the Hero: The Story of Elijah by Layne, Glenn Edward
The Jesus Lens: Bringing the Bible's Story into Focus by Spinks, Leroy
King David and Other Kings: Life Lessons for Today by Kanyali, Rich
The Book of Acts: The Continuing Acts of Christ, Through the Apostles, Inspired by the Holy Spirit by Oneal, D. Min Paula Massie
Translating Nephesh in the Psalms into Chinese: An Exercise in Intergenerational and Literary Bible Translation by Yu, Hui Er
God's Girls Brand New Life by Nolette, Katie-Beth
Samson the Modern-Day America: Is America Doomed? by Williams, Stephen R.
Do You Know Him by Larry
Universal Mission: The Climax of Matthew's Post-Resurrection Account: An Exegetical Analysis of Matthew 28 by Agbara, Benjamin Ogechi
You, Me, and God: A Reflection on Intimate Relationships by Bateman, David
The Meaning of Discipleship: Walking in the Way of Christ and the Apostles Part 2, Book 9 by Briggs, Peter
Ephesians: Sitting, Striding, Striving by Smallman, Bill
Tratado de Shabbath: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Tratado de Eruvin: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
333 Miracles Devotional Workbook by Babbage, Lisa Noel
The Way to Life: 3 Minutes a Day to Understand the Gospel of John by Hogsed, Tom
Joshua and Judges in History: What Happened, and How Does It Impact Your Life?: Student Workbook by Dalman, Rodger, Project, The Bible Studies
Delighting in a Life of Triumph: A Study on the Life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) by Davis, Stacy, Harris, Brenda
Ten Ways the Holy Spirit Changes Me: Third edition by Detzler, Wayne a.
Destination Guide by Delanyo, Atisu
Translating Nephesh in the Psalms into Chinese: An Exercise in Intergenerational and Literary Bible Translation by Yu, Hui Er
Bare Feet, Chicken Beaks and Blackberry Pie by Powell Shrigley, Marti J.
Welcoming the Holy Spirit Into Your Heart & Soul: Guide to an Eight Week Study of the Holy Spirit in Scripture by Vraniak, Christina, Vraniak, Damian
2 Peter and Jude by Tamfu, Dieudonné
The Book of Esther: Salvation from Genocide by Mayerstein MDIV, Mark A.
Hasmonean Realities behind Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles by Finkelstein, Israel
Dare to Believe: Looking with Intention into the mirror of God's Word by Schaefer, Marjie
Prayerbook of Christ: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christological Interpretation of the Psalms by Pribbenow, Brad
When Comes The Storm by Arensen, Cam
Slow Lane: The Beautiful Art of Slowing Down by Wilkinson, Monica
Even Better Than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible's Story Changes Everything about Your Story by Guthrie, Nancy
Light Up the Day: Bible Readings for Every Day of the Year by Bolton, Margaret
Hasmonean Realities behind Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles by Finkelstein, Israel
2 Peter and Jude by Tamfu, Dieudonné
Miraculous Identity Study Guide by Breitman, Linda
For Those of Us Who Love the Psalms: Psalms 1-41 by Palmer Jr, Johnny a.
Holy Bible. Kutsal Kitap: English - Turkish Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Who Was Jesus, Really? Book One by Taiwo, James
Remnant, Part 4: The End of Time Revealed in Israel's Annual Festivals by Davis, Anne Kimball
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism, Volume 13 by
Manuel Biblique Ou Cours d'Écriture Sainte À l'Usage Des Séminaires. Tome II: Ancien Testament. Livres Historiques, Sapientiaux, Prophétiques by Vigouroux, Fulcran
Tratado de Taanit: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
The Apocalyptic Timeline in the Book of Revelation: Volume 2: Trumpets by Johnson, Andronicus, Lee, Caleb, Stephen, Azaria
Tratado de Pesajim: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Tratados de Yoma & Shekalim: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Tratados de Sukká & Rosh Hashaná: El Talmud a la Luz del Nuevo Testamento by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Dimension: Ekklesia by Aquino, Simon, Silva, David
Holy Bible. Agía Grafí: English - Greek Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Holy Bible. Agía Grafí: English - Greek Parallel Text. Parállilo Anglikó-Ellinikó Sóma Keiménon by Kushnir, Ivan
Trompeta de Dios by Hernandez, Isabel
Bible. Bibelen: English - Norwegian Parallel Text. Engelsk - Norsk Parallellkorpus by Kushnir, Ivan
Bible. Biblia: English - Romanian Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Bible. Biblia: English - Romanian Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
# 5: Book of Revelation: Chronological Order of Judgments: Understanding End Time Bible Prophecy by John, David J.
Efecto Parlante: El estado fantasmagórico de una iglesia sin cuerpo by Aquino Muñoz, Simon
Beloved, Be Loved! by Glaub, Garry
Set My Heart On Fire: Experience The Power Of The Holy Spirit by Martin, Catherine
Holy Bible. Károli Bible: English - Hungarian Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Holy Bible. Agía Grafí: English - Greek Parallel Text. Parállilo Anglikó-Ellinikó Sóma Keiménon by Kushnir, Ivan
Bible. Biblia: English - Romanian Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Prophetic Ministry Empowered: Keys to a Successful Prophetic Ministry by The Prophets, Mt Carmel School of, Flowers, Prop R. a.
Ka Baibala Hemolele: The Holy Bible by
Nobody Wrote This Book: The Philosophy, Theology, and Science of Creation and Evolution by Dill, Steven Eugene
Christian Study Guide for 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates: Healthy Eating for Healthy Living with God's Food by Neal, Susan U.
No More Sea by Fellows, Robert
Bible. Bibelen: English - Norwegian Parallel Text. Engelsk - Norsk Parallellkorpus by Kushnir, Ivan
The Resurrection of the Dead and the Rapture: The Season According to a Literal Reading of the Prophets by Brennan, David
Holy Bible. Károli Bible: English - Hungarian Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
The Train of Warning Signs Before the End Times Launch: Taking the Prophets Literally to Produce Very Specific Events by Brennan, David
# 1: The End Times Beginning Phase: Understanding End Time Bible Prophecy Series by Brennan, David
# 3: Heavenly Signs & Cosmic Disturbances: Understanding End Time Bible Prophecy by Brennan, David J.
Ultimate Guide to Jesus: A Visual Retelling of the Life of Jesus by Holman Bible Publishers
Comparte la Palabra: Doctrina, Carácter y Ministerio: Un Curriculo de Enseñanza Oral by Olson, Kevin J.
Commentary on the Revelation of John by Ladd, George Eldon
Bible. Bibelen: English - Norwegian Parallel Text. Engelsk - Norsk Parallellkorpus by Kushnir, Ivan
Holy Bible. Kutsal Kitap: English - Turkish Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Parables: Portraits of God's Kingdom in Matthew, Mark, and Luke by Barry, John D.
Colossians & Philemon for You: Rooting You in Christian Confidence by Meynell, Mark
The Sermon on the Mount by Gore, Charles
Aceite Para Tu Lampara by Hernandez, Isabel
Know Your Faith: Overdrive: What You Need to Know to Grow and Keep Growing in Your Faith by Layne, Glenn Edward
Studies in the Book of Revelation: Theology in Pictures by Stevenson, John T.
The Sermon on the Mount by Gore, Charles
El Libro de los Salmos I: Decodificando la Biblia by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
Holy Bible. Kutsal Kitap: English - Turkish Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
Was Codex Sinaiticus Written In 1840! by Moorman, Jack a.
The Greatest Lie on Earth (Expanded Edition): Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe by Hendrie, Edward
Truth Be Told Volume 4: Time: Your Journey... by Mountcastle, David W., Sr.
A Private Commentary on the Bible: Colossians by Quiggle, James D.
Powerful Scriptures For The Troubled Hearts: Bible Verses for Praying your way out of trouble by Primmer, Nancy C.
The Letters to the Seven Churches by Knapp, Elizabeth T.
Anagaion: A Three-Part Discipleship Journey / Japanese by Woods, Tony R.
Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition by Legaspi, Michael C.
Raymond E. Brown and the Catholic Biblical Renewal by Senior, Donald
The Crucified Jesus Is No Stranger: Revised Edition by Moore, Sebastian
The Way of Christ by Whitaker, Daniel C.
My Favorite Bible Quotations by Laperchia, Alex
de Esdras at by Hullinger, Jerry M.
A Reencarna by Varak, Florent
Meditations along the Highway to Heaven by Joseph, Jimmie
Feast of Tabernacles: The Feasts of YHWH by Arbaugh, Gary a.
Heavenly Prompts by Joseph, Jimmie
Jonah: The Pursuing Love and Grace of God by Barba, Effie Darlene
Since the Beginning: Interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 Through the Ages by
When Grace Walks in: Passionately Pursued, Incredibly Loved by Thacker, Stacey
The Last Hour: An Israeli Insider Looks at the End Times by Tsarfati, Amir
Journal of Gospels and Acts Research: Volume 2 by Beavis, Mary Ann, Moloney, Francis
The Great Shift: Encountering God in Biblical Times by Kugel, James L.
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Imitation Leather, Tan/Brown, Indexed, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Script by
Psalms, Volume 2: 2 by Grant, Jamie A., Tucker Jr, W. Dennis
Job: The Largest Collection of False Doctrine in the Bible by Dawson, Samuel G.
A Chave Para Entender a Bíblia: O Novo Testamento by Pawson, David
Phoebe: A Story by Gooder, Paula
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Indexed, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Scripture by
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Black, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Scripture by
The Tao of Solomon: Unlocking the Perennial Wisdom of Ecclesiastes by Shapiro, Rami
The Faithful - Bible Study Book: Heroes of the Old Testament by Shirer, Priscilla, Moore, Beth, Minter, Kelly
Eternity Is Now in Session Participant's Guide: A Radical Rediscovery of What Jesus Really Taught about Salvation, Eternity, and Getting to the Good P by Moon, Gary, Ortberg, John
The Life of Jesus: Harmonized Gospels: Reader's Edition by Simmons, Brian
Messy People - Women's Bible Study Participant Workbook: Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes by Cowart, Jennifer
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Imitation Leather, Tan/Brown, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Scripture by
Old Testament Theology by House, Paul R.
The First Testament: A New Translation by Goldingay, John
1 Peter by
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Hardcover, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Scripture by
NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Burgundy, Comfort Print: Follow God's Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds Throughout Scripture by
The Gospel of the 40 Days: From the Resurrection to Ascension by Reed, Gordon Kenworthy
Women of the Bible: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups by Syswerda, Jean E.
Out of the Whirlwind - The Experience of Job and a Final Message for the Modern Church by Watson, Jim
Bible Giants of Faith by Taiwo, James
Noah's Flood: Local or Worldwide? by Penny, Sylvia
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