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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 2018

The Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians: Church Commentaries On The New Testament by Sadler, Michael Ferrebee
The First Epistle of Peter: A Commentary by Kenyon, Don J.
Bibel. Bible: Deutsch - Englisch Paralleltext. German - English Parallel Text by Kushnir, Ivan
What Does God Say About That?: (Bible Doctrines for a Christian Worldview) by Snyder, J. F.
Marginal Improvement: Commentary on 2 Corinthians by Brodie, Benjamin W.
The Ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification: Evidence of the authenticity of the Gospel of the Essenes and plagiarism of the New Testament by Joan, Johanne T. G.
The Five Judgments: A Study Guide by Gillespie, Earl
Shifting Shadows: An Anthology of Essays About the Christ by Shaw, B. Neil
Shifting Shadows: An Anthology of Essays About the Christ by Shaw, B. Neil
Romans: The Plan and the Law by Matchett, Steven M.
Guerra Espiritual contra los Principados del Pecado: Serie de Ensenanzas sobre la Guerra Espiritual by Montoya, Pedro
Grandmomma'S Unsolicited Advice by Ridenour, Lyndall Stokes
Grandmomma'S Unsolicited Advice by Ridenour, Lyndall Stokes
Conversion: New Testament Volume 17: Acts Part 4 by Greiner, Ruth B., International, Bible Visuals
Universal Salvation: God's Fulfillment of the Restitution of All by Marshall, Ross S.
Growing in Godliness: 40 Encouraging Devotions by Maxey, Sheryl
Figures Who Shape Scriptures, Scriptures That Shape Figures: Essays in Honour of Benjamin G. Wright III by
There Once Was a Prophet from Judah: Biblical Limericks for Fun and Prophet by Carter, Jeff
There Once Was a Prophet from Judah: Biblical Limericks for Fun and Prophet by Carter, Jeff
Self-Talk: Change your mind, change your life by Hall, Sally H.
Commentaries of a Netzarim Teacher Revised Edition by Trinkman, Michael
The Story of Paul - the early years. by Galpin, Trevor
The Holy Spirit and the Old Testament: The actions of the Spirit in our lives by Detzler, Wayne Alan
Learning Not to Fear the Old Testament by Wagner, Bo
Eden to Evil: NEW Updated Edition: Exposing the Truth of Our Origins and Creation by Burney, Gerry
Satan's Greatest Weapon Part III: The Deception of Ignorance by Moore, Thomas a., Moore, Liz Moye
God's Love Wins All: All of Rob Bell's Questions Answered! by Marshall, Ross S.
Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance by deSilva, David A.
Great Lent and Me (Large Print Edition) by Kamel, Bishoy
Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation: The Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis by Levy, Ian Christopher
Peace of Mind Bible Word Search: The Hymns: Over 150 Large-Print Puzzles to Enjoy! (Large Print Edition) by Peters, Linda
Courageous Women of the Bible: Leaving Behind Fear and Insecurity for a Life of Confidence and Freedom by Murphy, Latan Roland
Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets by Nogalski, James D.
Afro-Cuban Religious Experience: Cultural Reflections in Narrative by Matibag, Eugenio
The Bible Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK
The Fourth Cup: Unveiling the Mystery of the Last Supper and the Cross by Hahn, Scott
Peace of Mind Bible Word Search: Old & New Testaments: Over 150 Large-Print Puzzles to Enjoy! (Large Print Edition) by Peters, Linda
A Biblical Interpetation of Galatians & Ephesians: Victory in Spiritual Warfare by McChesney, Philip
Good Girls, Bad Girls of the Bible by Phillips, Kathy
Through The Eyes of Matthew by Phillips, Kathy
Philippians by Phillips, Kathy
Revelation: The Unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ by Phillips, Kathy
Chasing Jonah: A Mission 119 Guide to Jonah by Smelley, Hutson
Creation Matters by Kiefer, Dale
End Times Dawning: Get Ready! by Ashburn, Steve
The Falling Away: Spiritual Departure or Physical Rapture?: A Second Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:3 by Woods, Andy
Born Again: God's Ultimate Design For the Purpose of Man by Jaegers, Henry C.
Restoring Truth Series: Book One: The Elijah Calling & Book Two: Elijah vs Antichrist by Mentell, Ken
The Best Christmas Ever by Phillips, Kathy
Confronting the Corinthians by Phillips, Kathy
Ephesians by Phillips, Kathy
Aid to Bible Study Volume 2 by Green, Edwin a.
Aid to Bible Study Volume 2 by Green, Edwin a.
Aid to Bible Study by Green, Edwin a.
Aid to Bible Study by Green, Edwin a.
1 Kings, Chapters 1 - 6: A Reflective Bible Study guide by Trusty, Peggi
1 Kings, Chapters 7 - 11: A Reflective Bible Study guide by Trusty, Peggi
1 Kings, Chapters 12 - 17: A Reflective Bible study guide by Trusty, Peggi
1 Kings, Chapters 18 - 22: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
2 Kings, Chapters 1 - 7: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
2 Kings, Chapters 13 - 18: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
2 Kings, Chapters 19 - 25: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
Forgiveness by Walker, Doreatha
The Deity of The Lord Jesus Christ: The Godman by Hale, Gail Erwin
Biblia Gigantes De Fe: Guias de estudio biblico by Taiwo, James
Narrative Desire and the Book of Ruth by Powell, Stephanie Day
Paraclete the Advocate by Mills, Lonnie D.
Memory and the Jesus Tradition by Kirk, Alan
The Earliest Perceptions of Jesus in Context: Essays in Honor of John Nolland by
Systematic Theology by Thompson, Gideon Andrew
Anthropology and New Testament Theology by
The Temple Revealed in the Garden: Priests and Kings by Dye, Dinah
The Five Scrolls: Texts @ Contexts by
Saint Thomas the Apostle: New Testament, Apocrypha, and Historical Traditions by Thomaskutty, Johnson
Revelation 12-22 (Itc) by Leithart, Peter J.
Revelation 1-11 (Itc) by Leithart, Peter J.
Ezra-Nehemiah by Redditt, Paul L.
Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives by
Deceived by Morrow, H. G.
WHEN IT IS TIME The Zechariah Connection: Un-wrapping The Clocks by Chisholm, F. T.
Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives by
1 Chronicles, Chapters 15 - 23: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
Hermeneutics: Updated Third Edition by Dungan, David Roberts
1,2,3 John: A Bible Study of Love by Webster, Matthew
Clarity Dispelling Confusion: S.W.Lynd on the Abrahamic Covenant by Gay, David H. J.
1 Chronicles, Chapters 7 - 14: A Reflective Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
The ephesians letter: The Storehouse Book! by Walls, Muncia
All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge: Christian Conviction in a Controversial Culture: Paul's Letter to the Colossians by Catchpoole, Alan D.
All the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge: Christian Conviction in a Controversial Culture: Paul's Letter to the Colossians by Catchpoole, Alan D.
Interrupting Silence by Brueggemann, Walter
Colossians: A New Testament Commentary by Yandian, Bob
The Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers: Learning to Interpret Scripture from the Prophets and Apostles by Chou, Abner
Finding God in the Margins: The Book of Ruth by Custis James, Carolyn
Mary: The Hidden One by Hahnenberg, Edward J.
The Sermons of Martin Luther: Lenker Edition by Jackson, Gregory L.
The Winds of Megiddo: Before Armageddon by Duke, George C.
Life, Blood and Love: They flow together by Brook, Clive
The Restoring Truth Series: Book One: The Elijah Calling & Book Two: Elijah vs Antichrist by Mentell, Ken
Our Walk with Yeshua: Seek and Find Refreshment in Your Daily Walk with Him by Honingh, Robin
Judas ¿Traidor o Instrumento de Dios? by Pérez, Mauricio I.
God's Armor Against Satan's Weapons by Hiegel, Thomas L.
A Life on God'S Terms: Responding to God'S Love in Loving Abandon by Jensen, Twila
Dark Sayings: Essays for the Eyes of the Heart by Bull, Michael
Comentarios a Juan by Darby, J. N.
The Beauty of Nature as Seen Through the Word The Sermons of Reverend Hugh Macmillan, 1833-1903 Volume II - Including the Lord's Prayer Essay Compilat by Hansen, Diana
The Revelation of Yahushua the Messiah: 2018 Update by Bob, Watchman
Jesucristo El Verdadero Sumo Sacerdote: Hebreos: Luz Sobre El Antiguo Testamento by Johnson, Ernesto
Y dos mil años después...: La Entrevista Inédita by Hernández R., Carlos G.
Rugged Obedience by Grossman, Fred
The Letter to the Colossians by McKnight, Scot
Ezekiel by Odell, Margaret S.
Unlocking God's Power: God Wants to Help You and Faith is the Key by Ward, Thomas H.
Living Beautifully: Practical Proverbs for Women by Halydier, Dara
King of Kings: A Study in Matthew's Gospel by Hunt, Darrin
Pray On! by Foster, Gay a.
Sé íntegro: Por una mejor relación entre el carácter y la unción by Hidalgo, Ilder
El Poder Del Pensamiento Profundo by Adekanmi, Timothy Adewole
In Christ According to Philippians by D, Larry B. Patton Th
Philemon and Jude: Robertson's Notes by Robertson, John
A Myriad of Miracles: Nothing Shall be Impossible by Pinkard, P. Lanette
Letters to Titus and Philemon: A letter to a Son and a Friend by Walls, Muncia
The Gospel According to Paul: Embracing the Good News at the Heart of Paul's Teachings by MacArthur, John F.
The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion by Wright, N. T.
Apostle Peter Speaks from Heaven: A Divine Revelation by Payne, Matthew Robert
Paul: A Biography by Wright, N. T.
Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters by Wright, N. T.
A Pelican Book: Hermeneutics: Facts and Interpretation in the Age of Information by Caputo, John D.
Joseph: A Gateway to the Lord by Peters, Merrell M.
Joseph: A Gateway to the Lord by Peters, Merrell M.
Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World by Moo, Jonathan A., Moo, Douglas J.
Recueil de Proclamations Prophétiques Et d'Adoration(rppa) Vol.II by Atsam-J
Saskatchewan Je t'Aime by Yeshoua-B
Triompher de la Souffrance by Essissima-L
Prières Pour Gouverner Au Canada Volume 2 by Yeshoua-B
Prières Pour Gouverner En Colombie-Britannique Volume 1 by Yeshoua -B
Prières d'Une Saskatchewanaise Pour Son Ranch by Yeshoua-B
Prières d'Une Reine Pour Ses Territoires Volume 1 by Yeshoua-B
Lumière Sur La Vierge Marie Mère de Jésus de Nazareth by Peg-P
Abbé Rancé: de la Sainteté Et Des Devoirs de la Vie Monastique, Tome I by Michels-J
Secouée par la maladie - mais secourue par le tout-puissant by Andreasson-Å
Laissons la colombe en liberté by Andreasson-S
La nudité du serpent by Dessy-P
L'Universalité Du Salut Chez Luc by Enogo-A
Commentaires Sur Le Livre Des Pseaumes- Tome 2 by Calvin-J
Better News for the Hebrews: A Commentary on Hebrews by Dunaway, Wayne
The Best Friend 2 by Marchan, Maria
Sign of the times: The bible is full-filling by Flower, The, Ward, D. Mae
1 & 2 Thessaloniciens (the MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 & 2 Thessalonicians) by MacArthur, John
God Spoke: Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide with Divine Discourse by Strandness, Math
The Gospels: An Astronomical Guide by Midyet, Barry W.
Biblical Doctrine of Reconciliation by Denney, James
The Meaning of Repentance by Chamberlain, William Douglas
Luke the Historian in Light of Research by Robertson, Archibald Thomas
Finney Lives On by Edman, V. Raymond
Hidden Treasures in the Greek Text: Uncovering the Riches of GOD's Word by Christodoulou, Pastor Sophocles
A Warrior Inside: A Study of Ephesians by Walton, Jim
The Annotated Book of Genesis by Thomas, Benny
Saving: the Erring, the Church, Our Families, Ourselves: A Study of Church Discipline by Rader, Donnie V.
Basic Crisis Guide for Pastors, Leaders, and Ministers by James, Pastor James O., III
The Prophet And His Times by Edwards, Henry
Romans: Salvation for All by Binz, Stephen J.
The Best Friend 2 by Marchan, Maria
1 Timothée (the MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 1 Timothy) by MacArthur, John
2 Timothée (the MacArthur New Testament Commentary - 2 Timothy) by MacArthur, John
Surviving the Apocalypse: A Verse-By-Verse Study of the Book of Revelation by Kocourek, Paul
Becoming Jesus: The Making of a Prophet by Berens, Michael John
La Sainte Bible: Ancien Testament: Traduction Française Faite Sur l'Hébreu. T4 (Éd.1900) by Sans Auteur
Recueil de proclamations prophétiques et d'adoration(rppa) vol.i by Ella-J
Le temps de la Bible by Bordreuil-P
La Sortie d'Egypte by Drai-R
Le retour de jésus-christ by Madingar-J
2 Samuel, Chapters 7 - 12: A Reflective Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
2 Samuel, Chapters 13 - 18 by Trusty, Peggi
2 Samuel, Chapters 19 - 24: A Reflective Bible Study Guide by Trusty, Peggi
New Testament Christianity, Vol. 1 by
New Testament Christianity, Vol. 2 by
New Testament Christianity, Vol. 3 by
Jews, Arabs and Bible Prophecy: 2018 Update - edited by Mark Whittaker by Whittaker, Harry
Divine Rhymes by Calvert, Alfred L.
Four Gospels by Albertson, Bernard Lee
The Book of Psalms by Sternhold, Thomas, Hopkins, John
Notes Explicatives Et Pratiques Sur Les Deux Épîtres de Saint Paul Aux Corinthiens by Barnes, Albert
Le Nouveau Testament Expliqué Et Médité, À l'Usage Des Pères Et Des Mères de Famille: Des Instituteurs Et Des Catéchumènes Partie 1. Évangile Selon Sa by Aeschimann, Jules
La Bible pour rire by Lavrate, Edmond
Thèse. Notion Des Sacrifices Dans l'Ancien Testament. Université de France. Academie de Paris by Seston, Édouard
L'Apocalypse En Français Au Xiiie Siècle. Reproduction Phototypique by DeLisle, Léopold
Avis Importans Et Nécessaires Aux Personnes Qui Lisent Les Traductions Françoises: Des Saintes Écritures Et Particulièrement Celle Du Nouveau Testamen by Le Tellier, Michel
Etudes Bibliques by Godet, Frédéric
La Sainte Bible. Tome 2 by Juste, Louis
La Sainte Bible. Tome 1 by Juste, Louis
La Sainte Bible. Tome 3 by Juste, Louis
Épîtres by de Lamartine, Alphonse
Journal of Biblical Literature 137.1 (2018) by
The Catholic Epistles and Apostolic Tradition: A New Perspective on James to Jude by
Path of the Prophets: The Ethics-Driven Life by Schwartz, Barry L.
Adam's Blunder: The highest expression of humanity is not to please God, but to agree with Him by Schultz, Graeme
Manual de Hebreo Bíblico: Una guía para curios@s by Ochoa Ruiz, Hemir Ángel
Karl Barth and the Study of the Religious Enlightenment: Encountering the Task of History by Jimenez, Michael
Cantique Des Cantiques. Dix-Sept Dessins de George Barbier Sur Le Cantique Des Cantiques: Traduction Française de 1316 by Barbier, George
Testimonies of a Good God: The True Story of an Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary God by Van Der Merwe, Byron
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