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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bilingual Education in 2015

The Secret Garden: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Traditional Character Edition by Hodgson Burnett, Frances
Multilingualism by Stavans, Anat, Hoffmann, Charlotte
Frankreichs Sprachen by Kremnitz, Georg
French Sentences Vol.3: English & French by Salazar, Robert, Cossard, Monique
French Sentences Vol.3: English to French by Salazar, Robert, Cossard, Monique
French Sentences Vol.3: French to English by Salazar, Robert, Cossard, Monique
Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance: Herausforderungen und Potentiale individueller und gesellschaftlicher Mehrsprachigkeit by
Methodisch-didaktische Prinzipien und organisatorische Konzepte fuer Hebraeisch an Hochschulen by Lirer, Ganna
Förderung der literalen Entwicklung bei Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund im Elementarbereich am Beispiel von Märchen by Broders, Maria
Bilingual Figurative Language Processing by
Bilingual Figurative Language Processing by
Preparing Teachers to Work with English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms by
Preparing Teachers to Work with English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms by
Children's Literature and Learner Empowerment: Children and Teenagers in English Language Education by Bland, Janice
Multilingual Education by
Spanish Sentences Vol.2: English & Spanish by Bowen, J. Donald, Silva-Fuenzalida, Ismael, Stockwell, Robert P.
Spanish Sentences Vol.2: English to Spanish by Bowen, J. Donald, Silva-Fuenzalida, Ismael, Stockwell, Robert P.
Spanish Sentences Vol.2: Spanish to English by Bowen, J. Donald, Silva-Fuenzalida, Ismael, Stockwell, Robert P.
La Familia Geométrica The Geometric Family: El Niño Cuadrado Va a la Escuela Square Boy Goes to School by Munguia, Rosa Iveth
Stereotypen und Vorurteile. Entstehung und Umgang in der Sonderpädagogik by Middendorf, Nadja
Advances and Current Trends in Language Teacher Identity Research by
Grammar Growth in Child Second Language German: Investigating DP Development in an Immersion Setting by Schöneberger, Christiane
Language, Literacy and Diversity: Moving Words by
Learn English, Be Happy by Seifert, T. S.
Nonnative English Speaker Teachers' Stories: Reflections on Teaching by Sze, Paul, Lee, Icy
Improve Your English Using English Idioms: A full thirty lesson course with examples, questions & answers. PLUS: An easy to understand methodology by Bradeley, Stephen W.
Language Varieties Between Norms and Attitudes: South Slavic Perspectives- Proceedings from the 2013 CALS Conference by
Die Rolle des L2-Inputs in bilingualen Kindergaerten by Weitz, Martina
First Language versus Foreign Language: Fluency, Errors and Revision Processes in Foreign Language Academic Writing by Breuer, Esther Odilia
Dichos: Proverbs and Sayings from the Spanish Including Rhymes, Riddles, Beliefs and a Bibliography by Aranda, Charles
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly-Haired Company: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Traditional Character Edition by Doyle, Arthur Conan
The Country of the Blind: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Traditional Character Edition by Wells, H. G.
The Sixty Year Dream: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Simplified Chinese Edition by Irving, Washington
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Simplified Chinese Edition by Doyle, Arthur Conan
Second Language Students in English-Medium Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers in International Schools by Sears, Coreen
Second Language Students in English-Medium Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers in International Schools by Sears, Coreen
International Perspectives on Teacher Research by
International Perspectives on Teacher Research by
Primary School English-Language Education in Asia: From Policy to Practice by
Lindi un Lilli by Miller, D.
Illegal Alphabets and Adult Biliteracy: Latino Migrants Crossing the Linguistic Border, Expanded Edition by Kalmar, Tomás Mario
Illegal Alphabets and Adult Biliteracy: Latino Migrants Crossing the Linguistic Border, Expanded Edition by Kalmar, Tomás Mario
German Sentences Vol.1: English to German by Benedick, Hildegard
German Sentences Vol.1: German to English by Benedick, Hildegard
German Sentences Vol.1: English & German by Benedick, Hildegard
Building Bilingual Education Systems by Mehisto, Peeter, Genesee, Fred
The Hungry Owl/El Búho Hambriento by Vela, A. M., Vela, Mary Esparza-
The Abandoned Dog/El Perro Abandonado by Vela, Mary Esparza, Vela, A. M.
The Selfish Giant.Le Géant Égoïste. Oscar Wilde. Bilingual French/English Fairy Tale: Dual Language Picture Book by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana
Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions by
Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions by
Unterrichtskonzept Gentechnik. Hör-Seh-Verstehen im DaF-Unterricht by Yang, Yunshuo
La vida de la familia: Easy English/Spanish Reader by Kenyon, Dolores M.
El cuerpo humano: Easy English/Spanish Reader by Kenyon, Dolores M.
Comidas y bebidas: Easy English/Spanish Reader by Kenyon, Dolores M.
A Book For Every Teacher: Teaching English Language Learners by Li, Nan
A Book For Every Teacher: Teaching English Language Learners (HC) by Li, Nan
Methodenkoffer Deutsch. Oder wie es Lernenden möglich wird, Texte zu verstehen by Götschi, Ruth
Formative Language Assessment for English Learners (Ebook): A Four-Step Process by Castro, Mariana, Cook, H. Gary, Boals, Timothy
Die Sprache und ihre Wissenschaft zwischen Tradition und Innovation / Language and its Study between Tradition and Innovation: Akten des 45. Linguisti by
Englischunterricht auf der Primarstufe: Neue Forschungen - weitere Entwicklungen by
Foreign Language Learning as Intercultural Experience: The Subjective Dimension by
Hide It In Your Heart: Deuteronomy 6 by Lilburn, Ahava
Hide It In Your Heart: Deuteronomy 6 by Lilburn, Ahava
English as an Additional Language in the Early Years: Linking Theory to Practice by Mistry, Malini, Sood, Krishan
Lugares de vacaciones en los Estados Unidos: Easy English/Spanish Reader by Kenyon, Dolores M.
Adult Language Education and Migration: Challenging Agendas in Policy and Practice by
Adult Language Education and Migration: Challenging Agendas in Policy and Practice by
60 Division Worksheets with 5-Digit Dividends, 2-Digit Divisors: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Division Worksheets with 5-Digit Dividends, 3-Digit Divisors: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Division Worksheets with 5-Digit Dividends, 4-Digit Divisors: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Division Worksheets with 5-Digit Dividends, 5-Digit Divisors: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
German Sentences Vol.2: English & German by Brown, Samuel A.
German Sentences Vol.2: English to German by Brown, Samuel A.
German Sentences Vol.2: German to English by Brown, Samuel A.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Der seltsame Fall von Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde. Zweisprachig / bilingual: English /German by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Mexico: Coloring Book & Geography Study, Libro de Clorear y un Estudio de los Estados de Mexico by Hornor, Tap, Hornor, Katie
The Educational Potential of Texts of Culture in Teaching English to Senior Secondary School Students by Aleksandrowska, Olga
Linguistik und Kulturwissenschaft: Zu ihrem Verhaeltnis aus der Perspektive des Faches Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und anderer Disziplinen by
Eine unbekannte Sprache lesen oder Von der Entdeckung des Nissart durch Interkomprehension by Wagner, Stefanie
English Language Learners - THIS is how they learn: Teachers Guide for ELL's by Muniz-Steimle, Tina
German Picture Dictionary Vol.1: English to German by Marcel, Nik
German Picture Dictionary Vol.1: German to English by Marcel, Nik
Assessing Multilingual Children: Disentangling Bilingualism from Language Impairment by
Little Brother has the Hiccups/Hermanito Tiene el Hipo by Vela, A. M., Esparza-Vela, Mary
The Clean Little Pig/El Cochinito Limpio by Esparza-Vela, Mary, Vela, A. M.
Deutsch kontrastiv aus italienischer Sicht: Phraseologie, Temporalitaet und Pragmatik by
Productive Foreign Language Skills for an Intercultural World: A Guide (not only) for Teachers by
The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
English Language Learners and the New Standards: Developing Language, Content Knowledge, and Analytical Practices in the Classroom by Heritage, Margaret, Walqui, Aída, Linquanti, Robert
International Perspectives on ELT Classroom Interaction by Jenks, Christopher J., Seedhouse, Paul
International Perspectives on ELT Classroom Interaction by Jenks, Christopher J., Seedhouse, Paul
Processing Instruction: Theory, Research, and Commentary by
Kulturbegegnung und Literatur der Migration in "Abengs Entscheidung" von Philomène Atyame by Gnipep-Oo, Yannick
Time in Cherokee: iyuwanilvhi by Lawrence, Oliver S.
L2 Pragmatic Development in Study Abroad Contexts by Ren, Wei
French Picture Dictionary Vol.1: English to French by Marcel, Nik
French Picture Dictionary Vol.1: French to English by Marcel, Nik
George's Terrifying Temores! Los Fears Fantásticos de Jorge!: Language Learning in Spanish and English, El Aprendizaje de la lengua en español e inglé by Grosheim, Shannon
English Learners in American Classrooms: 101 Questions, 101 Answers by Krashen, Stephen, Crawford, James
Pierre & Jean by de Maupassant, Guy
Multilingualism and Very Young Learners: An Analysis of Pragmatic Awareness and Language Attitudes by Portolés Falomir, Laura
Cultivating Knowledge, Building Language (Ebook): Literacy Instruction for English Learners in Elementary School by Duke, Nell K., Lesaux, Nonie K., Harris, Julie Russ
The Neurolinguistics of Bilingualism: An Introduction by Fabbro, Franco
Argumentative Strategien in deutschen und italienischen wissenschaftlichen Artikeln: Am Beispiel der Soziologie und der Sprachwissenschaft by Roncoroni, Tiziana
Spanish Picture Dictionary Vol.1: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Spanish Picture Dictionary Vol.1: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Form-Meaning Connections in Second Language Acquisition by
Secondary School English Education in Asia: From policy to practice by
Kritischer Umgang mit inkorrektem Sprachgebrauch in der Werbesprache. Förderung des Sprachbewusstseins im DaF-Unterricht by Seifferth, Margaretha
Leseförderung in einem mehrsprachigen Umfeld. Der Zusammenhang von Leseleistung, sozioökonomischem Status und Migration by Engel, Eric
SCORE Teacher's Manual: September - November by Hubler Ed D., Michael Stephen, Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
SCORE Teachers Manual: March - May by Hubler Ed D., Michael S., Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
SCORE Teacher's Manual: June - August by Hubler Ed D., Michael S., Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
SCORE Teacher's Manual: August - October by Hubler Ed D., Michael S., Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
SCORE Teacher's Manual: November - January by Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
SCORE Teacher's Manual: May - July by Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
SCORE Teacher's Manual: December - February by Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael Stephen
SCORE Teacher's Manual: February - April by Hubler Ed D., Michael S., Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
General Education and Language Teaching Methodology: The Gdańsk School of ELT by
On the Dynamics of Early Multilingualism: A Psycholinguistic Study by Hofer, Barbara
La belleza de ser mujer: Un conjunto de poemas by Ochoa, Rosie
The Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education by García, Ofelia, Wright, Wayne E., Boun, Sovicheth
Animales Salvajes Unidad Temática by Kohn, Dwayne Douglas
Selbsttätigkeit und Selbständigkeit im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Wie effektiv ist ein Fremdsprachenunterricht, der die Selbsttätigkeit der Lernenden fo by Braunstorfer, Sandra
The T-RRIBLE by Paquet, J. N.
Amazing Analogies Book 1: Adults Learning English by
Io non parlo l'Italiano. I don't speak Italian. by Albarella, Matteo
The mini T-RRIBLE by Paquet, J. N.
Fairy Tales. Hans Christian Andersen. Hekiatner. Bilingual Armenian English Book: Adapted Dual Language Tales for Kids. by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana
Crianza De Ayer, Crianza De Hoy: Es La Tecnologia El Padre Sustituto? by Love, S. E., Jimenez, Julieanne
Expressions idiomatiques en langue fe'efe'e (nufi) by Tchamna, Rodrigue
Urukwavu Charlie n'imbuto: Charlie Rabbit and the Seeds by Davis, Mandie
New Fairy Tales for Small Children: Full Color Bilingual Edition: English-French by Ségur, Comtesse de
Amazing Analogies Book 2: Adults Learning English by
Konzepte aus der Sprachlehrforschung - Impulse fuer die Praxis: Festschrift fuer Karin Kleppin by
Urban Schools and English Language Education in Late Modern China: A Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography by Perez-Milans, Miguel
Bilingual Education and Language Policy in the Global South by
Improving Testing For English Language Learners by Kopriva, Rebecca
The Ultimate ESL Game Book: Mini-Games and Activities for Young Language Learners by Kaplan, Dimitriy
French Phrases Vol.1: English & French by Marcel, Nik
French Phrases Vol.1: English to French by Marcel, Nik
French Phrases Vol.1: French to English by Marcel, Nik
A Teachers Guide to Working with Unaccompanied Alien Children by Briceno, Masiel
Der gestiefelte Kater. Kot v sapogah. Charles Perrault. Zweisprachig in Deutsch und Russisch: Dual Language Illustrated Children's Book (German and Ru by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana, Perrault, Charles
Multilingualism by Hoffmann, Charlotte, Stavans, Anat
ESL in the Middle: Lessons Guide for Teaching Intermediate English Volume One by Lerner MS, Stephanie M.
Students' Perspectives on English-only Instruction: A Study of Three Junior Secondary Schools in Southeastern Nigeria by Amaechi, Ed D. Jerome E.
Fremde Sprachen lehren und lernen: Aktuelle Fragen und Forschungsaufgaben by
Accelerating and Extending Literacy for Diverse Students by
Accelerating and Extending Literacy for Diverse Students by
mi américa: una guía de transición para los nuevos estudiantes by Velez, Aida, Velez, Ilse, Temple, Heather
The Magical Globe: Book One: The Gift by Alexander, Sloane
Uebersetzung als Kulturvermittlung: Translatorisches Handeln. Neue Strategien. Didaktische Innovation by
CLIL Revisited: Eine kritische Analyse zum gegenwaertigen Stand des bilingualen Sachfachunterrichts by
International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca: Pedagogical Insights by
International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca: Pedagogical Insights by
C'est Mon Ami Invisible by Thomas, James R.
Fostering Communications with Young Children: Signing Fundamentals by Hubler, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael Stephen
Multilingual Encounters in Europe's Institutional Spaces by
A Christmas Carol: Full Color Bilingual Edition: English-French by Dickens, Charles
Andersen's Fairy Tales. Die Märchen von Andersen. Bilingual English - German Book: Dual Language Picture Book for Kids (English and German Edition) by Mikaelian, Emilia, Andersen, Hans Christian
La maestra de espanol: The Spanish Teacher by Kenyon, Dolores, Littlefield, R. Lael
French Phrases Vol.2: English & French by Marcel, Nik
French Phrases Vol.2: English to French by Marcel, Nik
French Phrases Vol.2: French to English by Marcel, Nik
Inglés para niños 1: Actividades de inglés para Educación Infantil by Álimon, Gemma
Mind The Gap In Your English: (Students Book) by Bradeley Bsc, Stephen W.
Catrina's day of the dead: El dia de muertos de Catrina by Morales Marin, Adriana
The Multilingual Challenge: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives by
Local Languaging, Literacy and Multilingualism in a West African Society by Juffermans, Kasper
Fables In An Old Style: A Book for Children In English and Spanish by Ross, Sylvia
Learning English Through Life in Korea by Monkarsh, Joel
Sleep Tight, Little Wolf - Solodkykh sniv, malen'kyy vovchyk. Bilingual children's book (English - Ukrainian) by Renz, Ulrich
Dormi bene, piccolo lupo - Solodkykh sniv, malen'kyy vovchyk. Libro per bambini bilinguale (italiano - ucraino) by Renz, Ulrich
Amur k'nir p'vok'rik gayluk - Dors bien, petit loup. Bilingual Children's Book (Armenian - French) by Renz, Ulrich
Fairy Tales by Grimm, Wilhelm
Gramática Essencial da Língua Inglesa by Junior, Gentil Saraiva
Schlaf gut, kleiner Wolf - Dzili nebisa, patara mgelo. Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch (Deutsch - Georgisch) by Renz, Ulrich
Interacciones / Wechselwirkungen: Reflexiones en torno a la Traducción e Interpretación del/al alemán / Ueberlegungen zur Translationswissenschaft im by
New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms by
Old Havana Cookbook: Cuban Recipes in Spanish and English by
Creativity in Language Teaching: Perspectives from Research and Practice by
The Teaching of Reading in Spanish to the Bilingual Student: La Enseñanza de la Lectura en Español Para El Estudiante Bilingüe by
Linguistics for L2 Teachers by Andrews, Larry
Dorme bem, lobinho - Nam jayyidan ayyuha adh-dhaib as-sagir. Livro infantil bilingue (português - árabe) by Renz, Ulrich
Gesprochene Sprache in der philologischen Sprachausbildung: Theoretische Grundlagen - Empirische Befunde - Exemplarische Anwendungen by Thien, Magdalena
Language and Learning in a Post-Colonial Context: A Critical Ethnographic Study in Schools in Haiti by Jean-Pierre, Marky
Sleep Tight, Little Wolf - Amur k'nir p'vok'rik gayluk. Bilingual children's book (English - Armenian) by Renz, Ulrich
The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing by
Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching Professionals in the 21st Century by
Sov godt, lille ulv - Dors bien, petit loup. Tosproged børnebog (dansk - fransk) by Renz, Ulrich
Dorme bem, lobinho - Dors bien, petit loup. Livro infantil bilingue (português - francês) by Renz, Ulrich
Sleep Tight, Little Wolf - Dormu bone, lupeto. Bilingual children's book (English - Esperanto) by
Fables In An Old Style, Book Two: Book Two by Ross, Sylvia
Que duermas bien, pequeño lobo - Dormu bone, lupeto. Libro infantil bilingüe (español - esperanto) by
Sov godt, lille ulv - Schlaf gut, kleiner Wolf. Tospråklig barnebok (norsk - tysk) by Renz, Ulrich
Multiliteracies in World Language Education by
Dors bien, petit loup - Suaviter dormi, lupe parve. Livre bilingue pour enfants (français - latin) by
Dors bien, petit loup - Jal ja, kkoma neugdaeya. Livre bilingue pour enfants (français - coréen) by Renz, Ulrich
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